» BENGALI LITERATURE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 1800-1825 i^ (m- HISTORY OP BENGALI LITERATURE IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY X800-1825 'SuL.^SUX i5U ' K^Tm A7d- BY SUSHIL KUMAR DE, M.A. PRGMCIIAND ROYCHAND RESEARCH STUDENT, POST-ORADUATE LBCTL'BKR, CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY, AND HON. MBBARIAN, BANGIYA SAIIITYA PARISHAT, PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OK CALCUTTA 1919 I u- PRINTED BY ATUtCHANDRA BHATTACHARYYA AT THK CALCUTTA TNIVERSITY PRF.S8, SENATK HOCBE, rALCTTTTi ^ TO MY FATHER 537.',! 5 i i i PKEPACE With the object of drawiiio' the attention of scholars to the comparatively uncultivated field of Benassages are taken will, it is hoped, be an ample apology for their length and frequency. AVhen the history will come down to more recent times the quotations will naturally become fewer : for one may then depend on the reader's means of accjuaintance with the literature of his time. In these quotations I have carefully j)reserved the spelling and punctuation, of the original texts with which in all cases I have minutely compared and verified them. It will be also noticed that 1 have refrained from giving any ti^ansla- tion of these Bengali extracts for the simple reason that no translation could have adequately eonreyed the spirit of the original, and that the real importance of these writers lie not so much in their matter as in their form and method of expression, which mere translation can never reprotluce. As to chronology and classification, it is better to make a preliminary remark. Controlling dates and names, ; xir PREFACE j although necessary and useful if kept within bounds, are intended merely as artificerf of classification, for a better understanding of the general drift. There can be no hard-and-fast limits as encompassing an epoch, and history must unfold itself without any preconceived notion of artificial dates and eras. It is for this reason that in the present volume, the activity of the European writers has been traced for a certain unity of treatment down to the fifties, although after 18^5 their influence was on the wane, and other movements were becoming prominent. On the other hand, I have thought it simpler to defer an enquiry into the first glimmerings of the struggle between Anglicism and Orientalism and the history of English education in its bearing on Bengali literature as well as the account of the rise of the Reforming Young Bengal under the leadership of David Hare, Derozio and others to the beginning of a separate volume, instead of dealing with them piecemeal at the end of the present essay. Some of the works of Raja Ram Mohan Ray and his colleagues belong chronologically to this period, but from the standpoint of literary history, they embody a subsidiary movement which comes into relief a little later, and are, therefore, deliberately reserved for later treatment. With- out therefore disturbing in the least the true historical perspective, I have never attempted to force an account of any movement, literary or otherwise, into strict chronolo- gical shackles, but I have sometimes boldly looked forward while at others paused for a profitable retrospect, always bearing in mind that the natural course of events seldom takes as smooth and orderly development as we may desire. With regard to transliteration of Bengali words, I have generally followed, with the exceptions noted below, the international method agreed upon by Orientalists for Sanscrit. In some cases where the name of a olaoe or a. 1 1 PREFACE XV pei"son has (jot a standarised s|)ellin<:j (as in ('hinsiirah, Howrah, and Bnrdwan), I have tliought it fit to retain it; but in all other cases, the transliteration is done in the mode indicated with the only exception of iisinp: cha for 5. The words are, however, always rendered, not phonetically, but according to the recognised spelling, although widest possible divergence exists between the historical spelling and the actual pronunciation of Bengali words. I have, therefore, always rendered ^ by 3/(', whether occuring singly or in compound letter, «l by na distinguishing them rtspec- tively, although they are not so distinguished in pronun- ciation, from ^ ( /'7) and 5? (wrr). Similarly the three consonants 1, ^, and >f are distinguished by different signs {h, .? and .«) although they not often thus discriminated in pronunciation. The same remark applies to compound letters : I have rendered, as in Sanscrit, ^ bv ksa, ® by jfia, and so forth. Partly on account of this divergence between spelling and pronunciation, which makes it impossible to apply Sanscritic transliteration in toto to the case of the living vernacular, I have been forced to make one or two important execptiuns. T have not distinguished between A (t'fl) and ^ {he), for this distinction is hardly recognised in Bengali, either i>i spelling or pronunciation ; I have therefore used ha indiscrininiately for them. The final ^ (a) presents some difhculty, for very often it is passed over in pronunciation. "We write ^l^'f*! (Nila-darpana) but we read it as ^?iw«fei^ (Nil-darpan). In these cases, I have generally dropped the "^ (o). This, on the whole, is not a verv' satisfactory method ; but in the absence of a better one, I have tentatively followed it here, leaving the whole question, which is indeed one of great practical importance, to the consideration of expert scholars. In the task of collecting materials for the present volume, I hava met with considerable difficulties known xvi PREFACE only to workers in the same field. Although not more than a century has elapsed, the publications passed in review have already become very scarce and have seldom been satisfactorily reprinted ; and in search of them, I bad to ransack many libraries, great and small, departmental, public, and private, in Calcutta and outside, to which I could get access. Much of these interesting publications of the early nineteenth century is unhappily lost; much, unless we hasten to the rescue, is fast vanishing ; while much, again, is scattered all over the countrv finding its way ultimately among many heterogenous collections, public and private. No complete history can ever be hoped for, till all these old publications and files, more or less complete, of old news-papers have been disentombed. There is not a single news-paper office in Calcutta — and Calcutta is a fair example of the country in this matter — that possesses a complete file of its own issue : not a single library, public or private, which contains even the more important Bengali publications of the first half of the century. However interesting and useful stray extracts or stray passages from these papers or publications may be, it is utterly impossible to write the history of this or any- other period of the countrv'^s progress, political, social, or literary, as fully as could be done if these and other things had been carefully preserved or collected together. But in view of the fact that even what is now extant may in the course of a few years be irretrievablv lost, it is time that we must seriously think of constructing a general view of the period out of the materials which still remain to us. The writer of this thesis, however, has been successful in having access to most of the important publications he has dealt with. For the privilege of reading and examining laro'e number of books passed in review — only a trifling percentage of those mentioned was inaccessible to him [ PREFACE xvii and it was necessary to examine many that proved to be unworthy of mention — I have to .thank the authorities of many libraries in or near Calcutta. 1 had expected to find a good collection of Bengali publications preserved in the Serampore College Library, but besides a few relics of the venerable old Carev, various missionar\- tracts, a nice collection of books pertaining to the history of the missiouarv movements in India, and a few old tiles of the Fr/e/i4 ()/' /ndiii a,nd other Christian papers, I could dis- cover nothinij else of an\' interest. Throuj>h the kind interest of a friend, who was residing in England at the time when this book was in hand and who at my request transcribed books and details for him, I had access, though not to the extent I had desired, to the benefit of the collection in the Librai\ of the British Museum and of the India OtUce, with regard to both of which I had also invaluable helj) from Blumhardt's descriptive Cata- logues. But my chief indebtedness is to the Library of the Board of Examiners, late Fort AVilliam College, from whioh all the Bengali publications of that College had been procured for me by the authorities of the Imperial Library of Calcutta. My thanks are also due in this connexion to the late Mr. W. E. Madge, formerly Super- intendent of the Reading Room in this Library and to Mr. Sureudrauath Kumar, his successor to the same office, for their interest in my work and for uniform courtesy and kindness shown to me during the time I studied there. I must also thank the authorities of the Bangiya Sahitya Parisat for permitting me to make ample use of its tine collection of Bengali books and manuscripts. My special thanks in this respect are due to Babu Basantaranjan Ray, keeper of these manuscripts, for kindly giving me all facilities for using them and also for placing at my dis- l)osal his expert knowledge in this matter. He never xviii PREFACE grudged to render me help whenever I required it and also very kindly undertook to compare and verify the quotations cited from these manuscripts in the Appendix to this volume. I should also take this opportunity of associating this insignificant work with the honoured name of the late lamented Principal Ramendrasundar Tribedi, who was, in more than a metaphorical sense, the life and soul of the Sahitya Parisat. His recent and untimely death is mourned all over Bengal and there is no need for prolix panegyrics in the case of one who is so widely known by his life and work ; but I cannot remain satisfied without giving voice to my sense of indebtedness and esteem for one to whom I am grateful in many ways and without expressing my personal regret that I could not show him these pages, in which he took so much interest, in print. To the ripe and varied scholarship of Mahamahopadhyay Haraprasad Shastri^ I am deeply indebted in divers ways, for I was always allowed to draw liberally upon it ; and his contagious enthusiasm for Bena^ali languagre and liter- ature has been a source of unfailing inspiration to me. Among other friends and scholars who kindly helped me in various ways, my thanks are specially due to my friend and colleague Professor Rameshchandra Mazumdar M.A., Ph.D. for steady encouragement, for valuable suggestions and for procuring me some rare books from the Library of the Bengal Asiatic Society. I may be allowed to note here that Dr. Mazumdar first drew my attention to the only extant copy in that Library of Manoel de Assump9ao's Crepar Xa>trer OrWihed, one of the earliest printed books written by a Portuguese missionary. To another friend and colleague, Professor Sunitikumar Chatterji M.A., I am indebted for help in various ways and- specially for getting me a copy of Father Guerin's edition of the work referred to above from Father Wauters of Dharmatalla PREFACE xix Church, ami I must thank Professor Narayauchandra Bauerjee M,A. of the University for a copy of Gnpfn- ratnoddhar which I could not get here and which he pro- cured for me very promptly from Benares. My friend, Babu Mohitlal Mazumdar, very kindly and carefully i)re- pared an index to this volume, which, for shortness of time, could not be printed in this volume. I must also acknowled'jre oblifjations to the Staff of the Calcutta Uni- versity Press for prompt assistance and unfailing courtesy in getting these pages in print in a remarkably short time. To them and to all others who have helped me by lending books, by giving facilities for research and in other ways, it is a pleasure to return my heartiest thanks. I cannot conclude without availing myself here of the privilege of expressing my deep sense of obligation to Sir Asutosh Mukhopadhyaya who has been at the holm of this University for many years past and would be, let us hope, for many years to come. It is not necessary to dwell upon his undoubted titles to our gratitude, esteem and love, or upon the roll of his varied services, not yet closed, in the cause of University education in Bengal : for every one, connected with the University or standing outside, is well aware of his long and unstinted devotion to the interests of the country and of the high sense of duty which impels him to scorn delights and live labori- ous days, not for riches or honours, place or power nor even for such fame as grows on mortal soil. But I may be permitted to refer in this connexion to his brilliant and fruitful efforts which have at last obtained academic recog- nition for the neglected vernacular languages and liter- atures of India and to acknowledge the magniticent in- ducement, now made possible by him, for the scientific study of those languages and litemtures. It is his in- spiration which dispelled all my doubts about the necessity XX PREFACE of a work like this and it is his generous eneoura»^ement which has made possible its publication. I am fully aware that this essay is not free from errors and defects. In a field where workers are few and en- couragement, until quite recently, very little, one has to work under considerable difficulties and disadvantages and nothing would be more welcome than sympathy and co-operation. With the progress of investigation in the held, new facts are bound to come to light every day ; and even of the facts that have already been known we can never pretend that he has taken them all into con- sideration. All suggestions for im})rovement and correction therefore would be thankfully received. There are a few obvious misprints and mistakes which, in spite of my best efforts, the necessity of quick publication could not avoid and for which I crave the indulgence of the generous reader. The exceedingly short time within which the book had to be rushed through the press did not allow me in all cases to verify the references given in the footnotes and in some eases the books, though easily procurable at the time of writing this essay, had now become difficult of access and for these I had to depend entirely upon the notes I had previously made. These shortcomings, how- ever, let me trust, are not material. In conclusion I can only hope that the volume contains enough to justify its publication in the present form. Senate House SUSHIL KUMAR DE. Calcutta, Jul I) 17, 1919. CONTENTS Division of Subjoof Introductory Hetrospeot, 17(50-1 = 00 ... Kiirliest European Writers ("arev and orlrilnipur Mission (.'arey and Fort "William Collofj^e Pundits and Munsis of Fort AVilliani ('olloge Earliest. I?eni»;ali Journalism loiter ]*>uropean Writers ... (jeneral Cliaraeteristics ... Interre<:^nnm in Poetr}- from 1700 Knbiwalas Love-Lyries and Devotional Songs ^liscellaneous Writers in the Old Stvie Appendix I. OKI r}en<'-ali Prose A})pendix II. 15t'ni,rali Bihle Appendix III. Gilclirist's Oriental Fal)ulist Appendix IX. I'arly Christian Periodicals Appendix A'. \v,\\\y (christian Tracts Biblio^Taphy... Pa• held, it held not on terms of military eoncjuest but as a j^rant from a superior Mohammedan power. There was, no doubt, a fiction involved in all these proceedinEjs — a masqueraile as Clive chose to describe it — yet the English at this time held ejround in Bengal chiefly as trader and secondarily as revenue-collector under the Mogul Emperor. The term " British Empire in India " obtained currency from its first bold use in 1772 by Warren Hastings, who for the first time disclosed a deeper sense of the respon- sibilities of empire ; but the possession of the sovereign rights by the Nawab was still recognised, and the long debate,' vehemently carried on, in the Court and on the Council Board, on the question of sovereignty in Bengal, would go to show how little the English trading company at this time was conscious of any conquest of the country by its military power, and how greatly it was conscious of the instability of its own footing. But though Plassey cannot be directly credited to have brought into being the British empire in Bengal, yet the great empire of the Mogul and its subahdiir-ship in Bengal were gradually breaking down. The period between 1757 and 1765 witnessed also the down-fall of the Frencii commercial settlements which left Bengal open to the English. In spite of Cornraeroialiam aa a these and other opjiortunities, it dominating factor in i i i • the Company's policy. tooK nearly halt a eentury, however, for the Briti.Kh rule to establisli itself firmly in Bengal. One of the chief reasons for this was tliat, during these years, commercialism was the dominating factor in the policy of the Directors of the Company ; and it was by slow degrees that they dejjarted from their original commercial position. About ' Finninger, op. cit, p. xiv-xxi : p. cclvi-cclvii. 10 BENGALI LITERATURE the time of Clive's second mission, no doubt, a schism arose in the Court of Directors which heralded a fundamental change in the character of the Company. One party was for trade alone, the other supported Clive in his proposal to accept the DewanT and thus incur the responsibility of government. In 1761, the Court wrote to its agents in India, declaring that trade was to be combined with " warfare, fortification, military prudence, and political government."* But this military precaution was urged chiefly for the protection of trade and, although the break-up of the Mohammedan rule was beginning to offer vast opportunities to the trader to become a soldier and a politician, the Court always insisted upon au attitude of non-intervention and jseremptorily disapproved, on more than one occasion, the intention of its agents for territorial acquisition when such a step did not also extend their sales and profits.'' It was by slow degrees, therefore, that the company of calculating shop-keepers turned into earnest empire-builders. Gradually they began to acquire Slow iiu,i gradual zemindary rights, monopolise revenue, acquisition of power. assumc civil control, and step by step exclude the Mohammedan Government by destroying its financial and military supremacy. This long process of gradually exhausting and appropriating the functions of tlie existing govern- ment, whieli, however, meant, as it did, half a century of misery to the i)eople, first began with the grant of the districts of Burdwan, Midnapur, and Chittagong in 1700. The necessities of revenue administration compelled the C(mipany to build u|) a system of internal government ' Quoted in F. P. Robinson, The Trade of the East India Company, p 67. * Esp. Letter to Bengal, Marcli 16, 1768, quoted in Auber, Rise and Progress etc. vol. ii, p. 185. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 11 and consolidate its military power; but it was not till the grant of the DewanT in 17(»') that it began to obtain a complete control over finance, over the administration of civil justice, and over the entire Accession to the military defence of the country. ^®^*°'- The accession to the DewanT, which, however, was declined by the Directors on a former occasion, imposed upon the British traders the duties of administration. They began to exercise every prerogative of the sovereign save that of criminal justice.' But even then, though real masters of the country, they preferred to wear the mask of double government. By this device, to all the abuses of the ancient system of government were superadded all the evils of a new system of divided authority. The State of Bengal under people grew uncertain as to where tho Double Ltovciu- * ' _ raent. his obedience was due.- The Nawab, though theoretically left in his full glory as subahdar, was, in the language of Clive, " a shadow " and " a name," and was deprived of every independent military and financial support of his executive. The Hon'ble Company, on the other hand, though actual sovereigns, pretended to be nothing more than mere passive receivers of profits and revenues, and tho shadow of the Nawab was a convenient covering for all their acts of exaction and oppression. The country was placed under extensive misrule. Tho individual British adventurer, in the service of tho Company, brought up, since the days of Clive, in the tradition of aggression, dethronement, spolia- tion, and extortion, considered high-handed proceedings as his time-honoured privilege, grown out of the anomalous way in which the British power came into being. These ' Field, Regulations of tho Bengal Code, Introd., p. i. * VereUt, op. cit. App. p. 122. 12 BENGALI LITERATURE servants of the Company, abroad with a nominal salary, were comin;overnnient alike."' The consequences were too evidently exemplified in the ruin of the entire inland trade and manufacture, in the decline of airriculture under oppressive systems of land-settlements, in the diminution of the specie, and in the s^eneral distress of the poor. The reputation of the KiiLjlish was so bad in Bengal that no sooner did a Euroi)ean come into one of the villages " than all the shops were immediately locked up and all the peoi)le for their own safety ran away.'"- " The sources of tyranny and oi)pression " said Clive in his memorable letter to the Directors, " which have been opened by the European agents acting under the authority of the Com- pany's servants and the numberless black agents and sub-agents, acting also under them, will, I fear, be a lasting reproach to the English name in this country."^ Ill 1772, the Select Committee express themselves bound " to lay oi)en to the view of the Directors a series of transactions too notoriously known to be suj>j>ressed, and too affecting to their interest, to the character and to the existence of the C«>mpany in Bengal, to escape unnoticed aud uncensured ; transactions which seem to demonstrate that every spring of their government was smeared with corruption : that j^'-inciples of rapacity and o[)j)ression universally prevailed, and that every spark of sentiment and jiublic spirit was lost and extinguished in the unbounded lust of unmerited wealth."' Even ■ R. C. Dutt, Economic History, p 27 and pp. 30-31. • Memoirs of a Oentlemnn tcho reaitled for several years in the EnM Indies, quoted in RobinHon, op. cit., p 70. ' Clivf's Letter to the Directors, dated Sip. :iUtli, 1765 (Third Report, App. p. 3i>l et. seq.) ♦ Third Report, 1772, App. No. 86. 14 BENGA.L1 LITEHATURE Hastings' declared as early as 176:2 that " the country people are habituated to entertain the most unfavourable notion of our government" and Verelst - asked in 1772 " How could we inake the sordid interests of the trader consistent with that unbiased integrity which must reconcile the natives to a new dominion ? " Nothing would be a more apt and incising description of the miserable state of the country than the celebrated simile of the author of the Seir Mutaqfierin^ in whiul) he compares it to the predicament of an untenanted house infested by robbers but having no master to protect it. The Anglo-Indian society, itself degraded, made light of such unrighteous proceedings : and tne private morals of the Company's servants Were no better The private morals u • IT ^ ^- u ^.■ of the Company's ser- tiiau their pubJic conduct. Hastmgs vants no better than ^^^ gjj. pj^jjj YY2.nQ\% lived in open their public conduct. ^ ' adultery ; and extravagant rumours were afloat with respect to the latter's card-winnings. The morals of the majority of the Company's servants are truthfully, if grossly, portrayed in the weekly Hicky's Gazette ^, published a hundred years ago ; and it is well- known that this notorious paper, itself conducted by one of "the most objectionable rowdy that ever landed in Calcutta," was ruined by incurring Hastings' displeasure for making public the strictly private arrangement by which the'wife of the German adverturer and portrait-painter had become the wife of the great Governor-Cjeneral. Sunday was not only given np to horse-racing, card-gambling, and ' Hasting's Letter, dated Ap. 25, 1762 quoted in R. C. Dutt, oj>. cit., p. 22. ' Verelst, op. cit., p. 62. • Seir Mutaqherin, iii. 185. * Bustcod, Echoes from Old Calcutla. 1S88, gives many specimens ; see p 171 et. seq. (ch. vii.) ; see also pp.109- 170 on the social life of the Anglo-Indians. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 15 niasqueraJes : but " Sunday afternoons " we are told " as well as the early mornini^ before the sun was too h\^h in the heavens, were frequently taken advanta^je of to erpetually tiattering accounts of their affairs in India.-' Notwith- standing a knowledge of the pecuniary embarrassments of the C^oinpany, the inailequacy of the revenues, and the exhaustion of the treasury, the Directors were com|)elled, bv the glorious promises so eoMtiiJentlv ni ide of unboimded ' In 1793, was pnblished a hook entitled "Thonghts on Duollini;" by R "writer in tlic Mon'lilc Coiiip,-in\ 's Service " with a view to a.scrrlain its orij;in ami cfTi'ct on xoeit-ty. (ScUtn-Karr, Sclrrfinn from Ciilrnttn Gazettt: ii, .'>(54). See also (inntl .Old l>ays <>/ Kon'hlc John Company, ch. zxiii and x\\. On the profanation uf Sunday, sec the Letter of the UirectorH (17!»M) anti thi- proclamation of the (J -G. Nov. '.», I71W, <{uotcd op. cit. ii, p. 3G-37. * Mill, oj>. ri7, iii. 432. Mill records that "the inflated conception! of the nation at larc^e mnltipliod the ])urchaaer8 of India stock : and it rote a* high as 263 per cent." 16 BENGALI LITERATURE treasures from India, to take to the desperate course of declaring from time to time impossible dividends, which had to be kept up by corrupt means and severe exactions but which involved the affairs of the Company in further financial difficulties. This had the effect of subordinating the Court of Proprietors more and more to the influence of the stock-brokers. The extraordinary disclosure of mis- government, the difficiency of the Company's funds, its actual state of indebtedness, and the violent allegations of corrupt conduct which the Directors and their agents mutually threw upon one another raised some ferment in England and ultimately led to legislative interference. From 1774, the affairs of the Company frequently received the attentions of the Parliament, and the efforts of Sir Philip Francis succeeded in carrying the judg- ment of the Company's internal administration from the Court of the Directors to the bar of public opinion in England. But this intervention of the Parh'ament was due more to partisan animosity than to " any statesman-like desire to provide India with a better form of government." From Cornwallis's time, however, the administration of India was placed not, as hitherto had been done, in the hands of one of the Company's servants on the ground of local experience but in those of an English nobleman of elevated rank, unfettered by all local ties : yet it must be admitted that there was hardly existing any definite rule of administration except that which descended to it from its commercial institutions, nor any rule of policy but that which the accident of the day supplied. * The administration yet remained to be organised and the poli- tical })0wer to be consolidated. Verelst,'^ at the end of 1769, had already called attention to the feebleness and ' Marshman, History of India, vol, ii p. 4. - Verelst, op. cit. App. p. 124. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPKCT 17 want of system in the ^ovcrnnu-nt at Fort W illiani : and the case of Hastinfjfs rcr-si/.s Francis, revealed by the state- papers, is a memorable testimony to the weakness of the central s^overnment, so stron^^ly denounced by the author of the Seir Mvfaqlieriu.'^ The beginning of the nineteenth centmy saw a disappearance of some of these evils, no doubt, yet in other respects, it witnessed no material improvement. The inevitable conviction, referred to by Francis as a state of " delirium '^ which took hoUl of almost every English official in those days was that the Dewani lands were an inexhaustible estate for the i)rofits of the Company: and that every conceivable method should be brought to bear upon the object of making India pay ; this was declared in the official language as " keeping up the revenue ". Effi- ciency of government was judged by the standard of net gain, "by the coarse and ready method of calculating, in pies and gundas, the increase and decrease of the revenue." -' IT we study the schemes of reform, formu- lated from time to ti ne, we find that they were framed not so much in the interest of the people as in the interest of the commercial rulers of Bengal, to which everything else was sacrificed. Indeed the Hon'ble Company, at home and in India, had reached that depth of opposition Its opposition to tQ li^ijt and freedom which justifies light aiul freedom - even Burke's extremest passages. Ignorance was the talisman on which their power over the people and the safety of their possessions in India were supi)Osed to depend ; and to dispel this popular ignorance by diffusing knowledge and education, by introducing missionaries and schoolmasters, by permitting freedom <>f public criticism was fantastically considered ' Scir\Mtitaqherin, vol. iii, p. 185 et seq. ^ Finuingor, op. cit. p. ccxv. 18 BENGALI LITERATURE to be " the most absurd and suicida] measure that could be devised." It was not unlil Wellesley's time that it was thought " god-like bounty to bestow expansion of intellect".^ But even then no hoallhy public criticism was allowed or suffeied upon the act of the government, although it must be admitted that the Press, which dates its birth in India since 1780, had hardl}' yet risen from the low level of a vile, scurrilous, and abusive print. The ferlrampur Missionaries could not land or settle anywhere in Bengal except under the protection of the Danish flag, and when they had set up there a printing press or planned the first vernacular newspaper, they were afraid of govern- ment interference, and had to obtain special permission from Lord Wellesley. Even later, the cases of William Duane of the Indian World and of the notorious James Silk Buckingham of the Calcnita Journal, who were both arrested and deported to England in the most high-handed manner, would be enough to indicate the impatient and un- compromising attitude of the government towards fearless independence and plain-speaking. From time to time, however, attempts were made to liberalise the Company's rule ; but each measure taken was too slow and too late to save it from the nemesis of 1857 and the extinction in 1858. The effect of these political changes and of this administrative policy on the social and Effect of these poll- economic condition of Bengal was tical clmnpes on tl.e ^^ ^^^^^ far-renching. ^ Thirty Bocial and eoononuc • ' in j condition of Bpiif^ai. years had passed in vacillation between the Company as the Dewan and the Nawilb as the Na/.im during wh'.ch, as wo have seen, the country suffered from endless disorders and ' Wellesley, Address to the Students of the Fort William College, (in Roebuck's AnnaU of Fort Willunn College, p. 493). INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 1& abuses of political govern mpiil. (Jras])iiiij and mercenary spirit made the so-called {guardians of the people inaccessible to the plainest dictates of reason, justice, and policy and infused in them a total contempt for public welfare. The evils of an alien rule were af^gravated by a deep ignorance of the manners and customs of the people and by a singular want of identifica- Efifects of an alien ^^^^^ ^^,jj,^ ^j^pj^. interests,— two articles rule. ' which, as Ghulam Husain rightly com- ments,' are the principles of all union and attachment, of all regulation and settlement between the governors and the governed. During these years, the Mohammedan government itself was coming to an inglorious end. The situation of Mir Jii'far was deplorable from the Dissolution of tlie first. Old, indolent, voluptuous, en- Mohammedan covern- i ^ -.i • 11 • ^ mont ; its effect. dowed With many mcurable vices, he made a very jioor figure-head ; and with an exhausted treasury, on the one hand, and vast engagements to discharge, on the other, he was driven to severest exactions. While his cruelties made him detestable, negligence, disorder, and weakness of his government exposed him t<» contempt. Mir Ksisim was a more capable monarch, and Vansittart^ pays a well-deserved tribute to his administration. Careful as he was of giving offence to the English, he could not help coming into conflict with them; for, as Vansittart says, " scarce a day passed but occasion was taken from the most trifling pretences to trample on his Government, to seize his officers and to insult them with threats and invectives." The executive power and control over criminal justice were still left in the hands of the.Nawab, whose sovereign ' ^> !»■ ilutitqher in, in. 161. * Vansittart, op. cit. iii. 381. 20 BENGALI LITERATURE authority was acknowledo^ed ; yet the Mohammedan irovernment, under the dual system, had too much reason to complain of their want of influence in the country which was " torn to pieces by a set of rascals, who in Calcutta walked in rags, but when they were sent out on gomastah- ships, lorded it over the country, imprisoning the ryots and merchants, and writing and talking in the most insolent and domineering manner to the fouzdars and officers."^ And this was not confined to a particular spot. " It would amaze you," writes Mr. Senior, Chief at Kasimbazar, ''the number of complaints that daily come before me of the extravagancies committed by our agents and gomastahs all over the country .^^^ Although the Company had now become actually possessed of more than one half of tjbe Nawab's revenue, yet the latter was continually harrassed by oppressive exactions and became " no more than a banker for the Company's servants who could draw u})on him [meaning presents] as often and to as great an amount as they pleased."^ Naturally the Nawab had to fall back upon the old method of raising from the zemindars what he had himself to render to his new masters; and the tradition of the royal oppression of zemindars, handed down from the days of Murshid Kul! Khan, of which vivid pictures will be found in the pages of the Riazoo-s-Salatin or the Seir Mutaqherm, was revived in the last days of the Mohammedan government in Bengal. The situation is vividly, if too sweepingly, narrated ' Letter of Mr. Gray, President at Maldah, dated January, 1764, quoted in Verelst, op. cit. iii p. 49 ; see also the Nawab's Letter, quoted in Vansittart, op. cit. iii. 38L * Letter of Mr. Senior, Cliicf at Kasimbazar, quoted in Verelst, op. cit. p. 49. » Clive's speech, dated March 30,1772, in Almon's Debo/es, X. 14 ; see also Mill, op. cit. iii 354 et seq. In 1767, Lord Clive's own income was calculated to be at least i;96,OUU. INTRODL'CTORV KKTROSPECT 21 tluis l)v Verelst: " The violence ot* Meer Cassim in accu- mulating^- treasure and the relaxation of Government in the hands of Meer Jaftier ecjually contributed to confound all order, and by removinjjj every idea of right, sanctified in some sort the depredations of the hunf anti(|uarian or statistical essays, represent the iijovernmeiit as havinj^j attained the last staij^e of oppressiveness and barbarism. It is needless to comment on the condition ol" the ryot and the cidtivator under this system. Condition of the ryot i,j ^ country subject to disorder and and the cultivntor. * . . revolution, infinite varieties prevailed, as Hunter points out, in the administration of the separate districts. Some districts were (uider the immediate jurisdic- tion of the subahdar ; while in others the hereditary zemindar preserved the appearance of ])ower, althouj^h the jealousy of the subahdar and an increased taxation left to him little more than a nominal authority. Tiie country laboured under the disorders of unbounded despotism. To add to this, a great national disaster occurred in the terrible Famine of 1709-70 which cut off ten to twelve millions of human beings. Even before 1700, high prices had given indication of an approaching famine but the tax was collected as rigorously as ever.'^ The Great Famine of The sufferino- of the people was 1769-70. ^^ ' ' heightened so much by the acts of the Company's agents and sub-agents that the Court of Directors indignantly condemned their method of " proiitting by universal distress/'^ Hastings, writing » Fifth Report, p. 4. et t-eq. Also see Sixth Report of 1782, A pp. i ; Colebrooke's Supplement to the Digest of Bengal Regulations, pp. I7i-HK). • IJunter, Annnh of Rural Bengal, p. 20-21 ; alio pp. 39y-kH. • Firniinger, op. ctt. p. cxcix : See also Letter to Benjjal dated Angast, 28, 1771, quoted in Anher, op. cit. pp. 354-.'5. It is difficult to ■ay how far the famine was due tn nn intt-ntionul " mrnering " of the grain or similar nnsernpnloas cominsrcial transactions ; but this was the widely prevalent complaint, and Stavorinun (vol I. p. 853) ascrilx^s the famine partly to the " monopoly which the Knglish had made of the rice." U BENGALI LITERATURE ill 177:i, sets down the loss of population "at least of one-third of the inhabitants of the province " ; and even twenty years later, Cornwallis oflieiall}'^ described one-third of Bengal left as a jungle, inhabited only by wild beasts. The Eno'lish knew very little about the country at that time and did less for its inha1)itants. Even state-charity was srudo-ed and land-tax was as rigorous as ever. Hastings points out in 177£ that " notwithstanding the loss of at least one-third of the inhabitants of the pro- vince, and the consequent decrease of the cultivation, the nett collections of the year 1771 exceeded even those of 1768." In 1771, one-third of the eulturable land was returned in the public accounts as Its effects on the land- '« deserted " : in 1776, the entries in lord and the tenant . this column exceeded to one-hair of the whole district, four acres lying waste to every seven. But the Company increased its demands from less than £100,000 sterling in lin to close on £llrZ,000 in 1776. » One-third of the generation of peasants had been swept away and a whole generation of once rich families had been reduced to indi^i'ence. The revenue-farmers who had been unable to realise the tax were stripped of their office, shorn of their lands, and thrown ultimately into prison. The zemindars who had hitherto lived like semi-independent chiefs, fared worse 2 : and Sir William Hunter rightly remarks that "from the year 1770, the ruin of the two-thirds of the old aristocracy of Lower Bengal dates." The great Famine also deeply affected the relation of the tenant to the landlord and of the landlords to one another. Nearly one-third of Bengal fell out of tillage : 1 Hunter, op. cit. p. 63-64. * Hunter {op. cit. p. 56 ff.) cites the well-known cnses of the Maharnja of Burdwan, the Rnja of Nadia, and Rani Ranwari of Rajshahi. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 25 and the scarcity of the cultivator*:, at a time when there was more land than men to till it, «:jave the ryot the advan- tage over the zemindar, who was now compelled to court the |>easant and make him temptini^ offers. This not only led to the ji^rowth of the two classes of resident and non-resident ryots and to a constant friction between them but it also added to the general misery by fostering violent feuds and quarrels among landed proprietors who had eagerly begun to bid against one another for the hus- bandman. These armed feuds between the landlords very greatly disturbed the repose of the districts* and it is no wonder that the zemindars are described in contem- porary records as " continual disturbers of the peace of the province". From the time of this Famine also, robbery and dacoity became disastrously prevalent. Large tracts of land around every village grew into thick jungles which fostered not only wild beasts yJlTl^AZ^fL '■''^' but gave umbrage to terrible gangs of bery and dacoity. » -^ » o robbers. Besides the numerous and prosperous classes like the thugH, who practised robbery as a hereditary calling, and the bands of cashiered soldiers who turned vagrants, there were thousands of people who were driven by destitution to the desperate course of plundering, and from 1771 the suppression of these lawless sects, who sometimes roved about the country in armies many thousands strong,-' was a matter of serious consideration to the Council. Organised outrages took place within an ear-shot from the seat of government. Long records how * HuQtor, O'p. c»t., pp. 60-61, p. 85. • See a graphic account of the effects of dacoity in the Ilcgulation of 1772 (35th Keg.), quoted in Colobrooke's &ui>^len\ent to the Digest p. 1-13. Also sec UuDter, op, cit. pp. 69 et. seq. 4 26 BENGALI LITERATURE in 17S0 a very terrible ease o£ robbery, aeeompanieJ by incendiarism and violence, occurred in Insecurity of life Calcutta in wliich about 15,000 houses ana property. were burnt down and nearly ~()0 people were killed.' Dacoity an i robbery, with ail its incidental terrors, prevailed in Bengal for more than three (juarters of a century,- and left the life and property of the peoi)le absolutely insecure. The ancient police system, whether it consisted of the system of the village watchman, or of the nngdees,ov of the thanadars, as we find in the Bengal of 1760, was in a dis- organised state when the English came into power, and was quite insujfl&cient for the preservation The Police system. <• ,i , • or the peace or tor the apprehension of thieves and gang-robbers. There was collusion with the criminals not only on the part of the petty zemindars, as the earl}^ administrators of Bengal tell us, but also on the part of these regularly constituted keepers of the public peace. ^ To meet the disorders of the country, the Fauj- dari system was established in 1774 : but it is well-known ' Long, Calcutta in Olden Time, p. 37. See also Busteed, op. cit. p. 157; Good Old Days, c\\. -x-vui; Seton-Karr, op. cit. ii, 213-14, 233; Forrest, Selections from State Papers ; Warren Uastir,gs, ii. 289. ' Kaye {Administration of the East India Company, III. ii and iii) gives an account of Thuggee and Dacoity in later years. Even as late as 1810, we find Lord Minto (Minute, dat(Ml Nov. 24, 1810) -n-riting, "A monstrous and disorganised state of society existed under the eye of the supreme British authorities and almost at the very seat of the Government The people are perishing almost in our sight : every week's delay is a doom of slaughter and torture against the defenceless inhabitants of very populous countries." • The greater zemindars had always a lar_i;e number of troops at their disposal and sometimes the village watchman n- is enrolled on the establishment of the zemindars. They were employed not only in their original capacity but also in the collection of the revenue. Exten- sive duties similarly were expected from tke Faujdar. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 27 how vij^orously the system was criticised by the opposition metnbersof the Council and condemned as opi)ressive by the author of the Seir Mutaqherin.^ It was candidly admitted by the Resolution of April 6, 1780, that the establishment of faujdars and thanadfirs " has by experience been found not to produce the fjood effects intended by the institution". On the old division of authority between the Nazim and the Dewan, the executive power including criminal adminis- tration was allotted to the Niizim while the Dewan possess- ed the civil jurisdiction. The establis ment of two courts of justice, the Dewanl and the Faujdari 'Adrdat, which were controlled by the superior Sadar DewilnT and Nizumat 'Adillats at the Presidency of Fort The system of crimi- UiHiani, was made by the Regulation-s nal and civil justice. . of the Committee of Circuit- chielly on the basis on this old distinction. One of the effects of the Regulations referred to was to transfer the Courts of Appeal from Murshidabad to Calcutta and to give the Collector the right to preside over local civil courts and keep vigilance over the local criminal courts ; yet the crimi- nal jurisdiction of the Nawab was not taken away nor were miscarriages of justice and long-felt abuses removed by these Regulations. The establishment, for the Mayor's Court, of the Suiireme Court in Calcutta, to which Francis was so stoutly opposed, brought, again, in its train a number of notorious evils, and one need hardlv recall Macaulav's account of the high-hauded proceedings of this Court. It was not until 171)0 that the superintendence of criminal justice throughout the province was accepted by the English,^ and judicial administratioa was not placed ' Seir Mutaijherin, iii. p. I7fi-179. Sec Fifth Report, pp. 43 et. Hoq. * Colebrooko, op. cit. 1-1-4; also quoted and discnssed in Firminger. •p. cit. pp. ccxxi et Bcq • Cornwallis's Minute, December 3, 1790 ; also Ref^alation V and IX of 1793. Also Fifth Rfport, pp. 29-42 : Scton.Karr, CornualU$, pp. 88-9*. 28 BENGALI LITERATURE upon a sound footing until many years elapsed. Even in 1793, the preamble to the several Regulations of that year show that there must have been much confusion, abuse of justice, delay in procedure, and uncertainty of jurisdiction in civil and criminal courts. The reforms cf Corn wal lis were not only in the right direction in these respects but they also struck a note of sympathy with the poor suffering ryot. But the ruin of the zemindars, begun by Mir Kasim and hastened by the ijara settlement, was finally completed by Reforms of 1793. i i - j " i; t'oq the celebrated measure ot 1/90, which, thouo-h it did credit to the benevolent intentions of Cornwallis proved at least for the time being disastrous to many an ancient aristocratic family of Bengal. It would be out of place to discuss here this measure in all its bearings,' but it must be admitted that it was not only insufficient in affording protection to the ryot against the rack-renting power of the zemindar but it also became the means of unseftling many old zemindaries. It created a class of landlords destitute for the most part of public spirit and higher culture. The principle of the permanent-e of assessment, co-operating with splendid ferti- lity of the Ganges valley, afforded, no doubt, a haj^py prospect of peaceful multiplication of the people and spread of civilisation, yet the wealthy ancient aristocracy, which for a long time constituted the main support of society and the great patron of arts and literature,* was slowly breaking down under the stringent rules which put up their large estates to public auction at the mercy of the highest bidder. The class of up-start zemindars who stepped into their ' See on this question, Field, o;j. ci( ; Harrington's .ina/ysis ; Seton- Karr, Cornwallis, ch. ii ; Fifth Report, p. 12 et. seq ; Mill, op. cit. bk. vi ch: 6-6 ; R. C. Dutt, op. cit^ ch. v, et(b INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 29 place could not be expected to possess the same inherited tradition of culture and refinement as marked the ancient aristocracy of the land. Side by side with these, there was created another class of landlords by the very measure itself; for under the new law, the mere collector of the revenue was, in many cases, invested with every proprietory right in the land. Before passinij from this cursory account of the dissolu- tion of the Mohammedan government and the ruin of the zemindars, it would not be out of place to refer to the depraved moral inHuence of the Moral depravity of [Mohammedan court upon the courts of tlie period. * the noblemen and also upon the society in general. The vivid pages of t\\Q Seir Mutaqherni has already made familiar to us the depth of luxury, debauchery, and moral depravity of the period, and GhulSm llusain in one place offers a few bitter remarks on the ethicality of Murshi- dabad. ' " It must be observed " he says " that in those days ^loorshoodabad wore very much the appearance of one of Loth's towns ; and it is still pretty much the same to-day. Nay, the wealthy and powerful, having set apart sums of money for these sorts of amours, used to show the way and to entrap and seduce the unwary, the poor, and the feeble; and as the proverb says — so m the ktuy, so becomes his people, — these amours got into fashion." It is no wonder, therefore, that this atmosphere of luxury and moral degeneration did not fail to vitiate the general moral tone of society, especially of the upper classes. Public opinion was so low that very many forms of shameless vice, often accompanied by cruelty and violence, attracted little condemnation and received less punishment. It reminds one of the days of Charles II and his courtiers. It ' Seir Mutaqherin, iii. p. 85. 30 BENGALI LITERATURE is needless to recapitulate details : but it may be noted that hardly any of the worthies of this period, whether Hindu or Musalman, could ever show, both in their public and private life, a perfectly clean record. One can easily understand from this the degenerate tone in the writings of the period, which sprang up chiefly round the courts of these rajas or zemindars who were the dispensers of the daily bread of the poets. Even the work of the devout Ram-prasad or of the illiterate Kabiwalas was not entirely free from this almost universal taint. Next to the zemindars, came the class of learned Brahmans, the other important factor of the social fabric, who suffered no less from these political and social changes. Even in this period of anarchy and oppression, the priestly class, however fallen or cried down in modern times, was recognised as the head of society, as the spiritual guide and enlightener of the race. Whatever damaging influence their mueh-too-decried exclusiveness might have produced, it cannot be denied that as a class they hardly ever fell below this high expectation. The occupation of the Brahmans, although on the decline, had not yet lost its ancient lustre and dig^nitv and The humiliation of ^j ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ g^ill who the Brahmans. ^ were, as of yore, capable of fear- less acts of self-sacrifice for the good of the community. The Brahmans were not only the educators of the nation but also its lawgivers, its judges, and at times its acknow- ledged head and dictator in social matters. Althoujjh literature was not their profession, their sphere of usefulness consisted in their interest in mental and spiritual culture. But a change of the deepest kind was coming over the s[)irit of this ancient and honoured class. After the political storm of the century had blown over, the Brahmans found themselves utterly neglected, nay, humiliated and INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 81 ruiut'tl. They hatl not only lost the patrona<^o at court and of the ^reat landed aristocracv, who always revered their learning and piety, hut they also found themselves losing, toi^ether with their ancient prestiij*, the free charitable i^ifts of landed property to which they mainly looked np for their support. A rejLfulation was i)assed in 1708 for eiupiiry into the validity of vario^is existin;]^ L'tk/ieraJ grants : and as a direct result of this, many of these presum d charitable grants were cancelled. This dealt a severe blow to the poor Bralinians, who thus shorn of their land and their ^lory, became more and more dependent than ever for their living; on the j;ifts of the lower classes to whose tastes and superstitions they were now compelled to pander. 'J'he most enliun(lit.s that none of them could enlijjjhten Sir William .Jones on the sul)ject of ancient Sanscrit drama. 82 BENGALI LITERATURE Thisi decline of the society and the intellect of Bengal is almost synchronous with and, no Inherent causes of doubt, was facilitated by thedecav social decline; tlie Caste system. of Mohammedan rule and the pre- valence of the Company's misrule ; but the process, slow enough to be almost imperceptible, was, however, not due to this circumstance alone. The political and social causes no doubt hastened the decadence already afoot : but it would be hastv and un- philosophical to attribute everything to such extraneous causes. There was something wrong in the social struc- ture itself to account for this decadence. A little re- Hection will show that the Hindu society carried within itself the germs of its own decay. However beneficial the institution of caste mi^^^ht have been to the ancient society, of which it formed the universal and natural basis, it cannot be doubted that its exclusiveness, in course of time, gave rise to a monopoly, which, like the monopoly of the mediaeval monks of Europe, proved injurious to intellec- tual progress beyond a certain stage. Within the small j)rivileged hereditary class to which the spread of know- ledge was confined, the arts and sciences, no doubt, were carried to a pitch of perfection, but competition, thus artificially limited, naturally gave no scope to favourable variations in intellectual development. The intellectual capacity of the individual or the class was increased at the cost of general ignorance and inferiority of the race. The system made life easy and smooth and comparatively free from that struggle and unrest which is the inexorable condition of all progress. This state of things, leading as it did to decadence, could not continue long, and under the infiuence of ^Mohammedanism and its doctrine of equality, a fresh impetus was given to progress by relaxing the restrictions of the caste system. From about the beginning INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 33 of the l()th century, we have a succession of reh'j^ions and social reformers, Raniananda, Kabir, Nilnak, and Chaitanya, all of whom protested aj^-ainst caste Mohaimnedan and and preached universal brotherhood. It was tiiis impulse which i^ave an early impetus to the vernacular literatures of India ; for these reformers, unlike the learned Sanscritists, preached to the people in the laui^uafi^e of the people, and their teachini^s were embodied in voluminous works which enriched the vernacular literatures. But, althoufjh the rii^onr of the caste system was for a time overcome and a healthy feelinj]^ for ecjuality was abroad, the evils of the time- honoured institution, firmly rooted throu<;h centuries into the social fabric, could not be eradicated in a day. They continued to do their work and hastened the decadence whieh, in spite of the attempts of these relii^ious reformers, had become inevitable; and the anti-caste influence of the British contact and of European literature onlv intensified the chanjjje alreadv set on foot by the Baisiia ba and other movemente. British influence on »ui ^. i „* it • „ a- i i- ii i? i. jj Althouf^n at tins critical time, the East India Comj)auy in Enf]jlanuand in India, sunk to the lowest depth of philistinism, aj)prehendcd the spread of knowled<;e and western ideas fatal to the British rule, yet it was fortunate that there were self-sacrificinir missionaries and schoolmasters ready for the woik, and a few far-sij^hted statesmen who, notwilhstandino- the narrow policy of the j^overnment at home, th.oufrht it "god- like bounty to bestow expansion of intellect." The empire in India had been, moreover, foumlcd at a tiire when the tide was turniiiLC, when Europe was in the throesof a <>Teat Revolution, whieh, considered politically, j-ocially, and intellectually, is one of the {greatest in mcdern in'story. The wave of liberalism which was to jiass through Europe 34 BENGALI LITERATURE could not be expected to leave untouched the shores of the newly-acquired emj)ire in India. One of the chief causes why the e^ils of caste system could not be eradicated in a day was tlie protective spirit of the Hindu religion in social matters. Notwithstanding that historians of civilisation like Protective influence Buckle^ deny to religion any influence of religion in social n rr- i i- • ■ i ' i matters. ^^ all, Hindu rejigion lias alwavs governed Hindu society, and it is through the institution of caste that this influence has been remarkably felt. However much Hinduism has been marked by intellectual toleration and adaptability to its environment, its sway, in social matters at least, has always been despDtic. Not only the individual but also the social life of the people has been moulded by their religion for evil or for good. The entire existence of a Hindu may be said without exaggeration to bj a round of religious duties; and in social matters, hedged in by minute rules and restrictions, the various classes of the community have had little room for expansion and progress beyond a certain stage. But this domination of religion over sociaty became more and more stringent with the decay of Hindu civilisation during the later Its effect^ under the Pau,anik and the Mohammedan Mohammedan rule. periods. Hence arose some of the absurd restrictions and retrogressive customs which the efforts of a succession of religions reformers from Kabir and Chaitanya down to Ram ^lohan Ray have not been able completely to remove. That the Hinduism of the 18th and the early 19th century had been a strange compound of the sublime and the ridiculous is thus easily ' History of Civilisation in England, Vol. I, Ch. V INTRODrCTORY RETROSPECT 'J.'j iatelli^ible. With the fall of the Brahmans ami <4eneral decadence of social and intellectual life Religious life at the in the Country, there was also a partial befri lining of the 19th , , p ,i i- • ir i century decadence of the reli«i:ious .ite and ideals of the people, imperceptibly making its headway from the Mohammedan times. It does not concern us here as to how much of this was due to decadent Buildhism or decadent Bai-nabisni, or how far the aborijjjinal ethnical element in Lower Benojal reacted upon it. The mass of superstitions had always existed and still everywhere exists : but from this time onwards, there was a deliberate rejection of the spiritual side of the old faith and a corresponvlin>;- identitication with the semi- aborii»inal superstitions of the masses, Public oi)inion on relijufious matters was low, althou*»-h the reli^'iosity of tiie jjeople cannot be denied ; and the undoubted belief in the absolvint^ efficacy of superstitious rites calmed the imay^ina- tion and allayed the terrors of conscience. Empty rituals, depraved practices, an I even horrid ceremonies like hook- swiniTfino^, human sacrifice, and infanticide partially justify the unsparinu^ abuse of our relii^ion by the missionaries. But what the missionaries could not dellrr^*''^ ^"' °"^ l)ereeive in their proselytisiui,^ zeal was that the reli^^ious life of the Hindu had never been (juite extinct. There ha">™ Of ™°'0 tl"'" h'^lf a -not wholly, by the ccutury, during which there was no man who had been strong enoufjh to seize the unclaimed sceptre. The only pretenders were the Kabiwalas, but the}^ neyer rose to that level of artistic merit and sustained literav}- composition which would haye enabled them to strike a commanding figure on the empty stage. Who would think of placing Haru Thakur or Ram Basu side by side with Bharat-chandra some of whom were or Ram-prasad ? These Kabiwalas men of undoubted i pj. i i • i ii p i_\ • p powers. '^^'^ l>ehmd them tew things or permanent literary yalue; for although some of them Avere men of undoubted poetic power, they never cultivated literature for its own sake, but composed their songs chiefly to please their Their place in new pati'ons iu society — the upstart literature not verv „ • i ai ^l^ ^ . ^jgt, ' zemindars, the wealthy speculators, or the illiterate mass Avhose chief amusement consisted of these songs, pmac/ialis, or jafras. The Kabi literature, therefore, is one of a very composite character, and side by side with the higher flights, we have interspersed not a little amount of flat colloquial verbiage which no stretch of literary charity INTRODUCTORY RKTROSPKCT $9 would ever call poetic in thf tfue sense of the term. The literary ideal was not, as can he expected, very hi^h, and its tone not alwavs commendable : \et one thini' most remarkable about these son<;s, which puts them in sharp contrast with the literature which Bharat-chandra set in fashion, was its eoini)arative freedom from the stamp of ornateness or erudite classicality as well as from the vitiated moral tone which defaces the writiu'rs of nianv a <;reat poet of this period. Yet in spite of these and other merits, none of the Kabiwalas had reached that standard of literary excellence which would have enabled them to emulate the more substantial writings of the older poets although they contributed some truly beautiful pieces to the literature of national songs. Fallen on evil days, their genius seems never to have received its fullest scope, and besides keeping our literature back from absolute death during the ])eriod of interregnum, their work seems to possess historically no other permanent value. They act as a link keeping up the continuity Bat they did their of ^,^^^. Hterary historv and, though best, duriiii; this lonj? •' . » « period of barrenness, by themselves affording an interesting to keep it back from r ^ i i- i. ^ xi 11 1 1 absolute deatli. "t^'ti 01 study, they belong through their literary filiation and inherited artistic tradition to the age precediiig our era. By the beginning of the 19th century, however, the old order was changing, yielding place to new. A new literature, a new spirit, and a new order of society were gradually taking the place of the time-honoured institutions which had hold their sway over the country for centuries. We often find in literary history that Effect of the revolu. ^^jtl, ^Q^^, j^^ revolution, politi- tionftry chan^jes whicli ' ' the British occnpation cal, social or rcligious, literature of Bengal brought . r 1 • ^ •..- ■, about. receives a tresh impetus. >> e need hardly recall tiie example of the 40 BENGALI LITERATURE French Revolution from which dates a period of literary activity which lias culminated in the rich literary after- fi^rowths of modern Europe. But the popular opinion, loa<^ and actually entertained, that the British occupation of Bengal by itself sufficiently accounted for and directly caused the disappearance of ancient literature as distinguished from modern, is a delusion which the revived study of the literature itself would, in a great measure, help to check and correct. However great and far- The British 'conquest', ,. . iv , ,i d -i.- i as generally supposed, reachiug its eftect was, the British never swept off the old ^eonquest' no more swept awav ancient literature and replac- ^ "^ ' ed it with the new : Bengal and its literature and replaced it merely helped a .. .^, , , . i it .1 x- process of decadence it With something else than the Nor- in literature already ^-^^n Couciuest of England directly afoot. ^ . ^ ■^ caused the disappearance of Anglo- saxon England and its literature. Modern evolutionary theory hardly leaves any room for such absolute political or literary cataclysms ; and a little consideration will show that the British occupation of Bengal, like the Norman one of England, only helped and turned to good a process of decadence in literature, which had independently begun, which was going on rapidly, and which, if the political revolution had not dealt a death-blow to the exhausted literature would have landed it independ- ently in absolute barrenness and stagnation. In order to appreciate what effect British occupation of Bengal |)roduced upon Bengali literature, we must realise in what state it actually had been when the new start was made. It was, as we have stated, a period of great confusion. The political and social disturbances, no doubt, as the apologist of Bengali literature often points out, were affecting men's minds, and the physical and mental fatigue consequent thereupon is responsible to a great extent for this lamented paucity of literary productions ; INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 11 but if we look to the literature itself we shall see thai a process of inherent cUeay and dissolntion had already begun in it which indicated rapid decline, and which, if un- checked, mi being formed. The courts of Rajii Krsnachandra of Nadiya and of Rajil State of Benpali Rjlj-ballabh of Dacca were notable not literature on the eve 1 p ^i • 1 ^i • 11 of the inth century. o"')' *^'* *"^"" '"^^ry, their splendour, and their intrigues, but al.so for their patronage of arts and literature. But this court-influence, as it would he natural to ex)>ect in this age, was not an unmixed good. Poetry, which had hitherto consisted of simple tales of village-life or of devotional poems of rare beauty and fervour, had now to appeal exclusively to the upjier classes of society whose tast« and temper it natur- ally reflected. As on the one hand, it gained in refinement and splendour, so on the other, it lost all its pristine simplicity, and was marked with a stamp of ornatcness and eru'lite classicality which found favour with these courts. What had been fervid and spontaneous became fantastic and elaborate : and with these new poets, some of 6 42 BENGALI LITERATURE whom were good scholars, intellect, and fancy predominated over sentiment and passion, ingenuity took the place of feeling, and poetry lost its true accent. On the one hand, arose around the court of Krsiiachandra the artificial school of Bharat-chandra, whose poetry, more fanciful than delicate, more exquisite than passionate, first turned the tide in favour of ornate and artificial standards of verse- making : on the other hand, under The existing schools tlie patronage of the rival court of of Bengah literature ^ ^^ by their excesses gave Raja Raj-ballabh, flourished a more uuiiiistakable proof of . . decadeuce and fore- serious, though less poetical, group of shadowed the close of ^^-^^^.^ ^^^ g^j^-j^j^ ^^ tendency the literary age. •' to ornate diction and luxuriant stvle and the same weakness for frigid conceits but whose profundity, allegorical fancy, didactic taste, and consequent monotony present a striking contrast to the more voluptuous and attractive school at Nadiya. Both these schools, by their excesses, marked the close of the literary age. In spite of the exquisite quality of his phrase and his numbers, that exalt him to a place all his own, Bharat-chandra was a far greater artist than a true poet. He was a sure and impeccable master of his own craft, yet we must confess here, as everywhere, a fall of the true poetic spirit, the neap of inspiration, the preference of what catches the eye to what touches the heart. Bharat-chandra is not very The school at Nadiya n • • i of which Bharat-chan- otteu original : yet when he imitates, expoZt. '''' ''"''"'^ he ^oe« "ot choose the best models but only tries to improve upon the very second-rate works of later artificial Kavya poets like Magha aud orihar.sa, or even worse things from a class of degenerate Mohammedan tales of dubious taste and excellence. Poetry is increasingly regarded as a means of the display of elaborate conceits till INTRODITTORY RETROSPECT 48 at leng^th nothing remains but artfulness and verbal jui^glery. The consummate eleij^ance of these uritinf^s is undoubted but the poet seldom transports. Lifeless des- criptions, pompous similes, learned ili^ressions — a style which cannot be summed up otherwise than by the term ' tlorid " — these mark the makeshifts by which the lack of genuine poetic emotion is sought to be made up. Pathos or tra was too narrow and limited to afford tlio fullest scope for development and profrrcss. Conservative tjiste. Q^e of the remarkable tendencies of later Hindu culture j^enerally and of all ancient vernacular literature in particular was, that they carried the suppression of individuality too far : and that the consequence has been to exalt authority and dis- courao^e oriirinality. Of course, nothinij; can be more ob- jectionable than the obtrusive self-assertiveness of modern times, yet it must be admitted that it nevertheless furthers intellectual proi^ress by relaxing^ the severity of effete conventionalities and allowinc; ambition freer scope and wider soarin^-re*j:ion. But this limitation of subject and this conservative taste were Monotony of form. coupled with a further limitation of ancient j>oetry in its form, its staple of stereotyped verses, beyond which it could never stray but which was apt to become dull, monotonous, and sinoj- song, esi)eeially because of its sectional pauses. Rut the greatest ilrawback, which would of itself indicate the poverty of the literature in its certain aspects, was the eomj)Iete absence of prose as a vehicle Absence of prose. ,,f literary expression. It is tiue that in all literature, as the immortal jest of Moliere imi)Iies, prose always comes after poetry ; yet in ancient Bengali literature we have practically very little fjood j)rose at all, however late.' In critically examininjj tl.e literary history of Rtiifjal in the pre-British era, it is impossible to mistake the siornitioance of these facts : namely, thar its poetry, though vigorously starteiona, p\>. 441-451. But sco Good Old DaifB, vol. i, p. 893 et acq. 52 BENGALI LITERATURE Raj-narayaii Basu^s delif^htful little sketch of that time. Sometimes, to eke out this half-diction, gesture-language was used, somewhat in the manner in which Gulliver spoke to the Lilliputians. The state of Bengali education, if not in a worse, was at least in no better plight. The state of Bengali edu- ^^ss of Bengali manuscripts recently cation. " _ ^ _ '' unearthed by patient investigations of modern scholars was mostly unknown, and the literature of the time, possessing hardly any printed books, consisted chiefly of a handful of works, Manasa, Dharmamarigal, Mahabharat of Kasidas, Ramilyan of Krttibas, Chandi of Kabi-karikan, Annadamarigal of Bharat-chandra, and probably the songs of Ram-prasad. The only works which were read in the Path-salas, we learn on the authority of the biographer of Ram-kamal Sen', were Gurudaksina and the rules of arithmetic by Subharikar. There were neither good schools nor were there proper elementary text- books for purposes of instruction ; and even a decade later, this was one of the initial difficulties which the School Society felt in carrying out its worthy object of Bengali education. Such was the state of Bengali learning at this time that we learn from a writer in the Friend of India- " If they can ivrife at all, each character, to say nothing of orthography, is made in so irregular and indistinct a man- ner, that comparatively few of them could read what is written by another : and some of them can scarcely wade through that has been written by themselves, after any lapse of time. If they have learnt to recul, they can ' Pearychand Mitra, Life of Bamkonud Sen (1880), p. 7. * vol. ii, p.392, qnoted in Cal Rev. vol. xiii, 1850. p. 132. Sec also Quarterly Friend of India, vol. iv. p. 1.52. This remark ia confirmed by what ForBter says in tlie Introduction to liis Vocnbulary with rpgard to the uncertainty of Bengali spelling and Bengali script. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 53 seldom road (ive words (ogcther, without stoppinif to make out the syllables, and often scarcely two, even when the writinp: is lejj^ible. The ease is precisely the same with the knowledo^e of Jiffnrex." These observations, however, eomin«j[, as they do perhaps, from a missionary, whose personal knowleds:e of the country and its inhabitants miiijht not perhaits have extended beyond narrow limits, must be taken subject to this reservation that althouj^h this miixht be the picture of the jjfeneral state of kuowledeople came to this island for instruction, now we must ^et it from abroad, if we want it". For, under this state of things, it is obvious that no impetus coming from within, if imjirovement is to be effected, it Improvement comes ^^ ^^.^^^ Outside. When we trom Without. picture to ourselves adventurers, ne'er- do-wells, plain townsfolk and country-folk, peaceful home- stayers in the remote villages and commercial banians in the crowded cities, and later on, well-to-do English gentle- men pushing their way up the river, laying out broad plantations and sultanising over the whole neighbourhood, we can hardly expect any manifestation of the literary genius in such an environment. With the mental and physical absorption incident upon social and political disorders in the country, with no metropolis to furnish the needed contact of mind with mind, with repressive material needs causing large drain upon one's j)hysical energy, and above all, with the decay of artistic impulses and literary tradi- tions, it is no wonder that the nation produced little literature and developed little culture of importance. The impulse at length came from outside. We cannot but acknowledge with feelings of mingled shame and grateful- ness that the first and earliest efforts European workers, . . . civilians and mis- Ht ameleoratmg our condition were sonaries, in the field. ^^ade by a handful of i.hilanthropic Europeans, both civilians and missionaries, who in their ' Smith, op. cit., p. 202. INTRODUCTORY RETROSPECT 55 lil)eval views niove«l far ahoa'l of their a^c. In spite of the Cornwallis Code and the public {)oliey Relation between the . . in European ami the ot exclusion, the rul-r and the ruled U.M.guli community , j . ^ y ■ ^^^^^ ^^^-^ in those days. '^ '^ and fello\v-feelin«i,'. With the assump- tion of the responsibilities of political government, the riding classes began to take greater interest in the lives of the |)eople committed to their care. In vain do we seek in modern Bengal philanthropists of the type of Colvin, Palmer, Carey, Marshman, and David Hare, whose memory is still gratefully cherished by the Bengali-speaking race.' No doubt, the Company's servants hitherto had never re- garded India as tiieir home but they iiail been alwa3's sojourners in a far country whose only ambition was to obtain riclies as soon as possible and return home as gentlemen of leisure. This was one of the underlying causes of the constant disputes between the Company and its self-seeking agents ; and it is no wonder that throughout the 18th century constant complaints of corruption, peculation, and general dishonesty of the agents are to be found in the Letter- Books of the Company. But with stability of British rule, when commercialism was declining as a dominating factor in the Company's policy, and with the realisation of greater administrative responsibility, this order of things was gradually changing. Two oljvious reasons naturally strengthened the ties which Iwund these foreigners to this country. The first is that in those days of weary and perilous voyage round the Cape, mtMi who came out to India and had a taste for the ea.sy going (sometimes reck- less) life of pleasure and profit in the tropics, ha r other movements. ^^ merely literary. To treat Bengali Literature in the 19th century as a series of isolated phenomenon is to give a wrong historical perspective, for here, as everywhere, literary thought and INTRODrCTORV HHTROSPKCT 59 contemporary events are two inseparable aspects of national history. It is trne that durini; the period between ISOO and I8i >, with which more specially the present enqnirv is eoncernel, these teulencies did not come into such bold relief as in the period immediately followin<^ upon it, ytt for the understandin;^^ of the ^'eneral drift, the historian t>f literature must from the bei^innini^ keep in view tliL' relation of literature to the political and social history of the time ; and this, apart from all reference to the theory of the insensible mouldinsf of the literary mind and art by the consiilerations of race, time, or circumstance, will sutHcienth' make clear the necessity of devotin" tedious pi^res to a i»;eneral description of the state of this country at the outset of our literary history. The immediate effect of the political and social vicissitudes of the second half of the eiijhteenth century was depreciatiiiij in the extreme. The old Bcn^^ali literature, which had been subsidiiiij i;raduiilly into decrepitude and decay, i)ractically disappeared. The Kabiwalas, the few isolated writers in the old style, the authors of Paih'hali, and the host of inferior imitators of Bhfirat- chandra had no doubt kept up the continuity of literary history and maintained, even with Absence of literary declining; jiowers, the ancient trend ventures in the first r ii i * i r r \i ,. l period of our history: »* thought and feelin-. But It was how to bo cxpUiiiuil. ^„ aj,'e not conspicuous for the appreciation of hi;^h ideas nor for any great enthusiasm for literary ventures. The decadence, iuspite of these belated efforts of an inferior, if not an insigniticant, band of writers, was rapidly hastened and the necessity of an e.vternal stimulus, which alone could have given a new lease of life to the declining literature, was urgently felt. Such an external stinmlns was not forthcoming until sometime had elapsed and trancjuillity fO BENGALI LITERATURE bad been attained, until the rich and plentiful literature of the West, which under the peculiar circumstances was alone capableof furnishing the needed impetus, had been made accessible to the literary men of Bengal. Tn the meantime, the alien rulers of Bengal, brought uj) in I he habits of unchecked power and in the ignorance and passion of an adventurous life, cared little for culture or literature. The general people of the country, among whom literary traditions and aspirations had been all but extinct or had not found scope for free play, were apathetic to literary culture and devoted their attentions, in this troublesome time, to the more urgent and engrossing material necessities of life. The first Necessity of a re- ^^^^,. therefore, that had to be taken, generation or the freneral inteiiec-tuul before literary venture could be life in the countiv ., , ^ ^ ^•n> • p before n renewal of possible, was towards ditfusion ot literature conld ho knowledge, spread of education, and made possible. _ ' ' promotion of literary tendencies. The first half of the 10th century, therefore, was entirely taken up in the realisation of these objects. It was necessary to prepare text-books, to translate standard works from foreign languages, to reprint older classics from inaccessible manuscripts, and in this way generally to furnish a leaven for elevating the decaying intellectual life of the country. This was the work chiefly of the foreign writers in Bengali and their colleagues, the Pundits of the Fort "Willi. m College, Importance of the ^^,|,^ }xeY(i pioneers in various dciiart- work ot the Knropean '■ '■ writers in this respect, ments of vernacular writing and who wrote, not with any personal literary ambition but with the more modest yet useful object of promoting general education. To their efforts, therefore, we chiefly owe, in a very practical sense, if not the regeneration of our literature, at least the regeneration of IXTRODITTORV KETROSPECT 61 intellectual aotivitios in the country. It is not in the least de£;ree correct to say, as it has been often enthnsiasti- cally said, that it is the missionary, especially Dr. Carey, who ereated modern Benj^ali Literature. The crt-ation of modern literary Bengali covers a period of more than half a century from Carey's time and literary styK , in the strict sense of the term, was not attained until a generation later when a band of youthful Bengali writers had come into the field, ecpiipped in all the wealth of the new knowledge. It is true, indeed. Impetus pivcn to the ^|j^^ j-j^^ missionaries gave an impetus spread of iMiuc.it ion " * ar.rl ponernl culture. to vernacular writing when it was generally neglected. But at the same time it must be borne in mind that we cannot fasten the parentage of modern Bengali upon the missionaries only, much less upon Dr. Carey alone, and that literature was never the sole object of the ICuropean writers but etlueation or evangelisation. If their work fostered literature, it was not due to any definite intention on their part to do so, but it was an incidental result of what they had done for the revival of education in Bengal. A national literature, whether ancient or modern, is the outcome of a long process of development and even Carey himself had realised very early that, in spite of the efforts of the foreigners, the best way of building up such a literature would be indueing the children of the soil themselves to take to earnest literary work. The missionary, even if he is a talented man like Carey, did hardly jiroduee anything strictly deserving the name of literaF tlio British rule in Bengal, in the ber:;innini^ of the IVHh eentnry, that the early European settlers eanie i'l louch with Brniiali lani^uawe and literature. Before this, there is no trace ot systematic effort in this direction, althoui^h several works have been discovered which belont,^ to a jieriod earlier than 1800. Of these works, it is not easy, however, to determine with certainty what Anulo- Bengali Mritin*; can claim the distinction of beinir the first publication 1)V a Euroi)ean writer. Grierson in two papers in the Jonriiul aud Proceed i/if/s of the Asiatic Society of Early publications by Jj,, ,3] , " j.^lj, ^j,^^, (l,^ go-called r^nropean writers. '^ ' Bengali rendering of the Lord's Prayer in C'hamberlayne's 5y//(/y(', published in 1710, is perhaps the earliest extant attempt at Bengali composition l)y a European writer. This ^i/lloge is a collection of translations of the Lord's Pi-a\erinto various languagee, prepared by John Chaniberlaynf and David \N'ilkins. This work actually contains a plate jiurporting to represent Early isolated attom- ^ translation in Bengali which is head- pl8. " ed "Bengaliea." But it has been shown ' Journal of the Aniatic Society of Bengal, vol. xlii, 1803, p. 42ff. and Proceedings of the same Society, ISO.'j. p. 89. Tlio plate is piven in the Proctedingg. See also tJrierson, Linyuigtic Survey, vol. v, pt. i. )». 23. The charac'ors are hardly Bengali. 9 (iti BENGALI LITEHATUKE that this unintelli^j:il)l(.' jarj^on is not Bengali at all : and Wilkins himself confesses in the pre- So-CHlled Bengali vi-r- f »Aii ijii.ivii„ siou of Lord's Prayer ^^ce to that woik that he had been in Chamberlayne's unable to obtain a Beno-ali renderinor Sylloge. . "^ * (which language he thought to be all but extinct !) but that he had written a Malay version in the so-called Bengali character, (jrierson also mentions' that in the Orientalisch-nnd-occifhtifalischer Sprachmeisfer comi)iJed bv Johann Friedrich Fritz (Leipzig, 1748); (he Bengali alphabet given as a specimen is said to have been taken from the Aurcnck S:eb. apparently a life of a Aurangzeb, by Georg Jacob Kehr. Aurncck Szel. p r • But or this latter book no trace remains. Leaving aside these isolated and tentative efforts, real attempt at sustained Bengali composition did not begin till the time when the Portuguese, before the Enirlish, had beijun to establish themselves in Bengal. The Portuguese, by 1530, had settled The Portuguese in j,^ ^^^^^^. .^^ ^^^ ^j^j^ country and Ueiigal. • ' ' carried on an extensive trade in the chiei sea-])orts. The nun-ber of people claiming themselves to be of Portuguese descent was in the 17th century very larixe and Portuguese language had established itself as the lingua franca of the country.- Among these Portuguese adventurers and pirates, howtner, we (;an never expect any serious attempt at literary composition : but the Portuguese missionaries seem to have done some work in this direction. Bernier,'^ about 1C60, si)eaks of "Portugal fathers and missionaries" in Bengal and savs that in Bengal there are ' Gricrson, Linguistic Snncy. loc. cit. - Tlie Portuguese language lias bequeathed a large number of expressions to the vernacular tongue. » Travels, p. 27. EARLIEST ETKOPEAN WHITEHS 07 to bo t'oiind not less than eiu;lit or nine thousand tiitnilies of "Franfjjiiis, l^ortiiij^als". huleeil there is fiioui^h evitU'nce to show that Roman Catholic Mission, some of Portiijjuese oiij^in, had at tliis time its centre in Uunian Catholic and many paits of" Ben^jjal and that it had rortuiruese Missionn- i ' i i v. ■• •. ,• 1,1 lies. extended it> activity iiom Jialasore and .lln>;li to Chittagon;^ and Dacca.' Ironi the records left by these missionaries it seems that these Catholic missionaries, like their Protestant or Dissentinji^ successors in the next centurv, did not neglect to mix with the j>eojile of Ben<^al and learn their lanii^uage. In I ()8-"5, Father Marcos Antonio Satucci S.J., the superior of the ^lission a!nun<4' these Bengali converts between UwD and JtiS 1 writes thus: "The fathers have not failed in their Translation-work in 1. . .1 1 1 ... 1 ii > jjgjj jj duty : tliey nave learned the language well, have composed vocabularies, a grammar, a c nfessiouary and prayers: they have ti-anslated the Christian dnctrine etc., nothing of which existed till now."'-' Ilosten mentions another earh- allusion to translational woik undertaken in Rental in a letter of Ei-ancis Fernandez, dated Siripnr, a town of ''Bengalla"^ January 17, 1599, where it is stated that ' Father Hostcn S. J. of the St. Xavier's College, Calcutta, has been giving interesting accounts of tiiese niis.sioiis and missionaries in the Journal of the Asiatic Sortelii of Hcinjal (Feb. 11*11) ami lieiuinl Past und I'regent. * O Chroninta de Tissunry, Cum. vol. ii, 18<)7, p. 12, (juoted by llosteu in Bengnl Past and Pintcnt, vol. i.x, pt. i. Tiiis Ciiiirch still exists. It was twice burnt down and rel)niU. Its records, I am given to under- stand, have all perished in tlie lire. * Siripnr, we learn from an article {Portiiguc»e i>i India) in Cnl. Rev. vol. v., 1K4(>. is situated 18 miles south of Sonergang in Dacca and was in the With centnrv an extensive Portuguese settlement. It is modern firipur. See .TMlTndrnmohan R«i\ , IHi'tkar Itihufn vol. i. p. 839. 68 BENGALI LITERATURE Fernandez composed a small treatise explaining summarily tile j)oints of the Christian relij^ion and a small catechism in the form of a dialosjue. Father Dominic De Souza translated both these works into the "Benc^alla'' tonijue.' In Let Ires Edijiantes el Cur tenses,'- Father Barbier, as early as 1723, mentions that he prepared a little catechism in Bensi^ali. From these and otlier references, it is not iiazardous to conclude that these Portu<^uese missionaries, like Carey and Marshman of a later age, though on a modest scale, must have created and left behind them an interesting bodv of Portuguese-Bengali literature. Of this Portuguese-Bengali literature, little trace remains. Of the few extant writings of a distinctly Portuguese origin, three works, all jiurported to be written or edited by Manoel da Assump9a6, Rector of Missio de Santa Nicolao de Tolentino deserve mention. All these works are supposed to have been written at Nagori, Bhawal, near Dacca. It has alreadv been men- tioned that the I'ortuguese missionaries had a centre at Dacca, where the existence of a church has been mentioned by Pere Barbier in the Lett res Ed if antes. Tavernier, ^ Bengal Past and Present, Jaly to December, 1910, p. 220, quoting Ewtrait de Lettres du P. Xicolan Pimento ...Anvers, Trognese, 1601. Nii'holas Pinienta was a .Jesuit missionary of Goa (Visitenr de la Coinp.Tgnie de Jesus en I'lnde I'iin 1.598). He sent these two mis- sionaries, Francois Fernandez and Dominic (or Dominique) Sosa, to Bengal, from whose letters to Pimenta we get some account of contemporary Bengal and the Portuguese Missions at Siripur and elsewhere. See Peirre Du Jarric. Uii'toire des hides O.ientah's 1610, chap xxix ; also .\xx to xxxiii. Also see Nicalao Pimenta, Relatio Historica de rebus in India Orientali. Anno. MDCl. See Beveridge, BakarL/anj, p. 29 and otlicr references. ' Lettre de Pere Barbier, Missionaire do la Compagnie de Jesus, La Mission de Carnate, January lo, 1723, in Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Nouvelle Ed. Memoires de Indes. tome xiii, 1781, p. 278. KAllLIEST i:ri{()l'KAX W Kl'lKKS OH about 10:^0, states that Dacca lias :i "olnnvli of the Au<;ustiniaiis, a vt-iy ^taloly |iilt';"' at DiK-ia ' Hostel), ill his papers on Koinan C'athohc ^lissions and Missionaries, gives interestins: aceounts, from oriijinal records, of this Mis.MO de S. Nicolao Tolentino, iienr IJhawal, Dacca. - Maiioel thi Asstinip(;ao, a native of Kvora and an Aiitjiistiiiian f'ri;ii- of the ('oii^rega(;a6 av^"""'' "^^ *'^'"""''" '^=^ I'''''^^ Oriental, was the Keetor of this Mission. Of his life and labours, nothin<]j definite is known : hut he seems to have been a zealons missionary and com- His two works i" . „ i * i i i Vi i j3pj ,jjjj posed two books and edited one m lieny-ali with the object of affordinj^ facilities to the missionaries in their lien-< (lir'ni/il /'"•■>' "n'l Prcseu', vol. ix.pt. i p. 42) that he has been itifornied fliat MSS of these works are now in the Public Library of Evora. * Quoted in no:o (4) above. P'ather Lopes'.t authorities, in addition to Barbosa Machado and Ossinper, arc . Catalogo dos Manus- criptos da Bibliothecn I'lthlicn Ehnreime ordenado pelo Bibliothecario Joaqnim Ileliodoro da Cunha Rivara, t. i p. 34.'j ; Silva, Diccionnrio Bibliogin}>hicu Porltignez t. v. p. 367 ; Honifacio Moral, Revista La Ciuiad de Dio<>, t. 37. pp. 4.33-34. Unfortunntoly these books are not available here. 7U BENGALI LITE RATI' RE Manot'l da Assump(;ao). A little worm-eaten and partly mutilated copy of this work' e.xi.sts in the Librar\- of the Asiatic Society of Beiig-al. The runninj^ title is: Ci-fjjdr X.i.rlft'r Orlfi,h/ied or Cathe- Crepar Xaxu-cr Orth, ^-^^^^^^ ^j^^ Dnalr'uia CJiristad. The hhed or Cdthfciaino da Doutriiia Christaa copv ill the Asiatic Society is want- ing in the title-page; but an interest- ing certificate of publication in Portuguese is inserted at the beuinnin": from which we learn that it was com- pleted on August "ZS, 1734. It is dated from a place named Ba( )1, - which appear? to be Bhawal from a reference at page 2 of the book itself, where Nagori also is mentioned. It might have been, as Father Lopes suggests on the authority of Barbosa Machado,^ printed at Lisbon by P^rancisco da Silva (Sylva) in 1743 : but unfortunately the loss of the title-page deprives us of the most certain means of corroborating this suggestion. 4 ' An account of this work on the basis of this copy was read hy nie at the Bangi3'a Silhitya Parisat on Sept. 21, 1916: the paper is published in the Pnfrikd (vol. 23, p. 179) of the same Society, wliicli see for detailed information. * The Preface, as we have it now, is in places worm-eaten. This is what can be deciphered : Certifico eu Fr. Manoel da Assumpc^au, Reitor da Mis(.«(i)o de S. Nicolao Tolentino e (ac)tor dcste coniper.dio ; (e)star o( ) compendio treshidado ao pe (da) letra assim o iJ.-ng.vlla como o (Po). rtuguez : e certifico niais ser es( ) Uoatrina (|Uo os uaturaes mais/ tendeni, o entre todas a mais, (pu)rificada de erros, em fe de que/ esta Certidad, e se necessario/ a juro f» Verho Sncerdoti^ Bn (vn)]. aos. 28 de Agosto de 1734. Fr. Manoel da Assumpijad. ^ Bibliofheca Lusitana Histoiica Critica e Chronologica, t. iii, p. 183, col. 11. ♦ Biirnell (.1 Tentative List of Portuguese Book^ atid Manuscripts 1880) also gives 1743 and Lisbon as the date and place of publication, fs. V. Manoel da Assump(;a(5) his authoiities being Barbosa-Machado and Ossinger {Bibliothcm August itiiaua, p. 84). Ossinger gives the title as : Cathecismus doctrinae Christianae per modnni dialogi. KAKLIKST El'KOPEAN WIUTKHS 71 The book is composed in both l'ortiii;iiesi> ami neiiL,'ah, the former version a|)i)earin<;' on the rtetos and the latter on the versos of the pa^es. The whole is in Honuin character (Beni;ali characters haviiif the whole Christian doctrine in the foini of a dialo«;ue between a durii and A'/.//" (Sisya) or Contents and divi- i, . i l^• • i i i n sion of the work. Preceptor and Diseiple, based on the sliiiht eonceit of an iniairinarv travel to Bhawal. There are interspersed lhroui»hout short stories ti> illustrate moral principles. The contents of the work will be apparen^r from the followin*; account of the division of the work and headnotc of each chapter. The whole is divided into two books, entitled Puthi I and TI. Pul/ii I. (pj). 2-313). Xo(col.. )oner ortho, cbonf; Prothoijhie prothoiiiiie bu/han. Tazel I. (pp. ~18) — Xidhi crucer orthobhed. C^'J^u of the Cross). II. (jip. 10-.S2sc|) Pitar Paron ebonij talian ortho. (Our Fatiier and explanation thereof). ITT. (pp. ? r!). 371-372 incl. and all after p. 3S0. KARLIEST EUROPEAN WUITKUS 73 an historian of Hoiiijali litnatun', lius in its bi-ini; the first iinportaut ami sustain-nl Benreface, Nearly two-thirds of the original is ex^ punged as being apocryphal and objectionable while three new dialogues are added, also a list of solar and lunar eclipses calculated for Bengal from XHXCy to l(K)4. The scope and contents of the work will be sufficiently explained by its title : Catechisme suivi , de trois dialogues et do la lirite des Eclipses de soleil et de luue calcaleea pour la Bangale a partir do 183U juscju'en l'jU-1 iuclusivcment. Nouvelle edition, revue et corri,'ee. f ItiJ "tP: 3i1 ^'fc^t "J^J^ 'Itil 513^ 3t^«l T\^H Jlf?^ i8. nt-tft f^flinra i\^\ TSf fr*t mn%^ ^rffT ?t^ I T\^ i»r-3i It is interesting to note that Father Gurrin himself was an assiduoan student of Astronomy and published after his return to England a work on Indian Astronomy in 18-17. ' For other specimens, see my paper in the Uniig'njn ^ahitya l'ari';at Patrthl. ( 1323, vol. 23, p. ITJt)- lU 74. BENGALI LITERATUKE Hail Mart/. Piouain -Maria / Crepae pninit ; / Tomate raliuciir assen : / Dhormi tomi / Xocol xtrir Speciiiu'iis of iis loquei' nioidh / Dhormo plio / Tomar liinguage and styl(>. udore / Jesus. / Xidlia ^Nliuia / Poromexorcr Mata / Xadlio amora papir oaron / Eqlioue, ar / Amardiuner mirtur cale. / Amen Jesus. The second extract is a storv illustratiiiii: the efficacy of the Cross in wardin*^ off the powers of evil : Gi.rn: Boro Axehorzio eotha cohila: emot hre : ar ooho ; xidhi crux corile Bhuter cumoti ni dur zae ? X/'rio. Hoe : bhuter cumoti dur zae, ebong Bhule o polae. Ehi xonar proman xono. Eq rahoal merir assilo ; taiiare Bhute bazi dia cohilo : tui zodi aniar nojihor hoite chahix, ami tore cneq dhan dilam : Kacolae cohilo; bhaln, tomar dax lioibo tomi amave dhon diljTi. Bhute cohilo. tabe amar t^i^olam hoile : tor uohit nolle dhormo <]^i)are zaite; ebons^ xidhi Crux ar codaehitio coribi na, emot zc core xe luiar cjolam ; ehi j;miir a<;l;na i»"iie!o. Toijhoii Padri xidhi finix coiilen : choiii;' imuili xidlia lioilo. Tahai- par ar Crux corileii ra(|li(>aler upore ; el)onij: (.rux eoria Blinte polaia ^-iielo. l{a(|hoalo o ealax lioilo, ealax hoia faliar xoool oporad contVssor oorilo ; Nirniol dhormo o bliocfl rupi^ loilo, ohoiiii' pnnorhar pailo, 7.0 crepa haraiassilo pap caria. The secoinl important work of Manoel da Assumprao which deserves mention as beini)^ perhaps the first fjrammar and diotionary in tlie Beni;ab' lan2;ua«re i octtbiilni'iii cm • i'ti i i' i / ' ti' ,,. „ j; D , IS entitled f ocihntdno em Idiomu gttez : first Bengali HnninUn i' Portugiw: ' t/ ir>//i\/.i eui grammar and liiction- i i- i i )uv, iTw. ihi .V partes, pnbhshed at Tjislion in 17-I'"). This book is not easily avail- able here but it is mentioned in the Cataloijne of the British Musfum, and (Jrierson, in his Liiijfuixtic Siirrej/ - has iven a compendium of Ueiii^ali «xramnnr : the -e-t of the hook bein<;; divided into two pa'ts, vi/.., vocabulary, Hen*;aIi-l'ortnmiese, pp. l7-'J()t) and l*ortii'j:ne«e-Beni;>ili, ])p. 307-577. Fiikc ih." last mentioned work, CnlheciHiiio, it is" written throiio-hout in Uomau character, the wonlb artu^ntse pronunciation ' The full title ia this : Vocal»nlari<» em Idioma Bcn^alin t> PortiiiTHoz, tlividirlo em iliiU" purtts, (li>ilii'ailo an Kxcellent e Kover t»oiihor I). V. Mitfuol de Tavora, Arcebiapo d' Kvora do Coiictdlio de sua Maifcatndo Foy dolii,'0»oin do Pndre Fr. Manoul dn AsHinnpavam Koligios'> KremitH do Si»nt«» AuoHtinliu dik C'oii^rrrKa^nu da India Oiiontal, l.ish a, \lVi. A facsimiio of tliis titlo pa^'e i« ffivon in Haniraia Silmnyik Siihitya by Kedari.ilth Mujumdar, vol. i. 1!»17 p. 17. ' vol. V. pt i. p. 23 76 BENGALI LITERATURE Besides these two ori<2jinal works, a third is also said to be associated with the name of ^Nlanoel. The existence of this book was first made known by Father Thirso Lopes of Valladolid, S])ain, in his note contributed to Father Hosten's pa))er in the Bengal Don Antonio's Catc. p^^^f ^^^^^^f p^.^^^^^f (..p] j,. f. i, p. 41). chitm in Bengali, viA.i ^ i ' i / Tho note runs thus : " A Catechism of the Christian Doctrine in the form of a dialogue. It was printed in 8vo. at Lisbon in 1743 by Francisco da Silva. The contents are : A discussion about the Law between a Christian Catholic Roman, and a Bramene or Master of the Gentoos. It shows in the BeuG^alla tonpjue the falsity of the Gentoo sect and the infallible truth of our holy Roman Catholic faith, in which alone is the way of salvation and the knowledo^e of God's true Law. Composed by the son of the King of Busna, Don Antonio,' that great Christian Catechist, who converted so many Gentoos, it was translated into Portuguese by Father Frey Manoel da Assump(^a6, a native of the city of Evora, and a member of the Indian Congregation of the Hermits of St. Augustine, actually Rector of the Bengalla Mission, his object being to facilitate to the Missionaries their dis- cussions in the said tongue with tiic Bramenes and Gentoos. It is a dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Gentoo Bramene. Written in two columns, Bengala and Portuguese." * Hosten, in the Bengal Paxf and Present, loc. cit., gives an account of this semi-legendary figure from O ChroniMn de Tiasunry, vol. ii. 1867, lip. 57-58. In the year 1663. a son of the King of Bii.^n.i was taken prisoner by the Mogt5s and lod to Arracad, when one of the Fathers, Manoel do Rozario, ransomed him and converted hini to Rom.in Catholic Christianity. .After his conversion, he was called Don Antonio de llozario, after St. Anthony who is said to have appeared to him in a dream. EARLIEST EFROPEAX WRITERS 77 From the ahove aciponnt, if will be seen that altlion<»li there is evidence enouji-h to show that the Roman Catholie missionaries at ont' timf were verv aftive in this eonntrv, cpt-eially in Ea'^tern Ben-aH, and Hindnstliaiii. He probnbly died in 178(i at the aG:e of fifty eiuht. Th-' date of publi- cation of his books is unknown. Xao-endra Nath Basu •lives ]7(io a* the d ite of jiublicition of Prn'Hnoflaramala ; - but this seems to be hardly .-•orreet, for Beuto must have composed this work, after he wos appointed Cate- chist, i.e. after 17()() (aceordincj to Hyde) or af<-er 1708-6P (aecordin^• to CareyV So far as we can trace, these are the earliest names on the list of foreii'^'n benefactors to the ^'ernacnlar Literature of Ben<2:al. But we do not find any serious and definitely important achievement in the field, until we come to the illustrious name of Nathaniel Brasscy Halhed.-' Since !77r2 the East India (Company had actually taken upun itself the entire responsibilities of administra- tion ; and this made it almost a necessity for its civil servants to study the- vernacular of the country which they had no>v lieu^un to orovern.^ About this time, Halhed, ' For t'lirtlier details, see? my paper in tlic Prnfibhu (Dacca). Mil<>;li, 1322 B..S. l{eferencos to Boiuo will be fiinn(i in Carnc. Lircs of Eminent Mi-inionnries (London, 1S33) in tlie article on Kicrnander ; also see Jnhn Zachniiah Kieniander (Hap. Miss. Prc\sa, Cal. 1S77)- - Riifacoia. Art.. Heneali Lantruac-e and Literature. ^ The name is not Nathaniel Prassy Halhed, as piven in Dinesh Chandra Sen. Hi.-1-1830). ... 7 . a civilian and applied himsidf \vi(h L^i-cit assi luity lo t!»e sUi ly of tlu^ licnL»'ali langua^o. lie is said t) have attain;! so much proKcicncy in the lans^iM^i-', bjlh in its eollorjuial and literary asjiects, that he had ha -n ktio vii t;) disjjfuise hiin-^idf in native dress and pa-s as a Bunj^jili in an assenil)ly of iicni^aiis.- Nathaniel Brass 'V Hilhcl wis horn on May I't, 17.')!. at Westmi ister. His father, William llalhed, descciidt-d from an old Oxfordshire family, wis for eiii^hteen years a Director of the Hank of England. Vonn*:^ Halhed was ' ■■ We also learn that Nntiianiel Brassey llalhed Ksq. eitlior liiinseif or in collaboration witli Itiiliaril lUinsloy Slu'ridaii liaiishittMl tho Kpistlos of Aristifnetti.s into Kntjlish inotrc in 1771 " {(irntlemiin'K .\[iguzine, Ix.xxii. pt. 2. 1S12 p. 132) - Rev. Janie.s Lonij, .-l l)e^criptivc Untiiloyiti: nf llrn.jiih li niKs, ISo.j, p. 2i); Cidciitta Review, 1.S50, p. I'.il: Hood Old Dnijn of Hmi'ble Coiniuinii vol. i, p. 235. But tliis story of Ilallied's jjroliciency in Bengali soonis to b>> (lonbtfnl : in the Friend of India (Aiij;. 1H3.S) wo read this, not of him, bnt of his nephew Nathaniel John Ilalhed (17H7-IH3S), a Judge of the Dewani ' Adalat. John Halhed, we are informed, had such command over the lini^ua're tliat he is said to li.ave joined a j'tti-a party at Burdwan and passed there for a Uen.rali. See also II G. Sanyal, ll'jminiscjiicen and Anerdoteii, vol. ii, p. J). John Halhed, in Sandal's work as well as in the Bengal Obititury (p. '2(H) i.i said to have been a son of the praniniari.an llidhed, wliieh is clearly a nii.stake : for, X. B, Il.'ilhi-d the ^'rammarian who married (before 17H4) Helemi Rebaut, a daughter of 'he Dutch (Jovernor of Chinsurii, divd witliuiit any issue. See Impey's Memoirs by his son. p. 3(j() footnot". Also Di'fionnry o/ Nationnl Bioijr.iphy, .Xrt. Il.ilhed. That Halhed possessed a high degree of proficiency in thr> lanirnuge and brought the Hcientific study of R'^ngali within easy reach is undoubted and justifies Golebrooke's hiiin o\i\ozy (Asintir Re, vol vii, l7-*n, p, 221'): and to this is due the attribution r)f all sorts of apocryphal stories to his credit. For Nathaniel John Halhed, see Raniehunder Doss, Oenerai litginter of Hon. f. /. Co.'s Civil Servant" on the Benjal Entablighinent. Cal. 1844, p. 155. 80 BENGALI LITERATI KE educated at Harrow under Suiniici-, and tlicMo Ix'^an his friendship with Richard Brinsley Sheridan, in conjunction with wlioni lie subsequently i)rt)duced a verse-translation of Aristaenetus.' In 17(58 he passed on to Christ Church, Oxford- wiiere he made ihe acquaintance of Wilhani (afterwards Sir William) Jones, also a Harrow boy, who led him to study some of the OritMital lansj-uaijes. Ilavinor been jilted by Miss Linley in favoui of Sheridan, he left Euii^Iand, havin*^ obtained a writership in the E. \. Com- pany's Service. In India he attracted the notice of Warren Hastings at whose suggestion he translated what is known as the Gentoo Code between K74-G (First Edition 1776; Second Edition 1777). He returned to England in 1785 and the subsequent historv of his life Iihs little attraction for us. He was returned to Parliament in 1791 for Symington, Hampshire, whieh he represented till 179.J. From tliis time he became associated wiili the teachings of the fanatic prophet Richard Brothers, attracted possibly by their resemblance to oriental mysticism with which he was familiar. In 1809 .he obtained an appoint- ment in the East India House. He died in London, February 18, 1830, and was buried at Petersham, Surrey. •• ' See GenHeman'f> Magazine, 1812. pt. 2. p. i;52 ; al»o Literanj Anecdote" of the lSt}i Ce»titr\i, p. ]2-i-.'5. ■■' Ahiinui (Jjdiitensrs ; .Matiic. July lo, 1768, aged 17. ^ For further particulars, see Asiatic Jouriial, 1836, pp. H')')-7l ; TIte World, June 18, 1790; Teignmouth, Memoirs of Sir Williim Jones, ISOt, j)p. 7.3, 431 find other references; GcDtlewdii's Mayuziue, 1830 (pt. i, i)p. 471-3), 1808 (pt. ii, p. 922), 1812 (p. 132); Annual Register; Moore, Memoirs of Sheridmi, 1825; Impey's Memoirs hy liis son, pp. 35."i et .seq ; AHiboni', Dictionary of Britisli and American Authors. 1895, vol. i ; Biogiaphical Dictionary of Liriny Authors, 1810 ; Dictionary of Xationnl Hiinjiaphy (in two last mentioned works a list of iladied's works is given) ; Nicliols, Literary Anecdotes, vol. ii, p. 431. EARLIEST EUROPEAN WRITERS 81 In 1778* Ilalhed compiled ami printed in Eiii^lisli a Grammar of the Bengitl Ijongnnge,^ f, e ,v -D one of the earliest and for some time Ommmnr of the Bin- gal Language, 1778. the best introduction to the sc.entific study of the liin»>uage.^ At tl.is time we had no printiniif press possessinp: a set of Benj^ali punches, and the art of priritin;jj unknown, we had hardly a:iy printed literaturt' before this History of its printirp j^te. The historv of the priutintr of by Sir Charles Wilkiiis. . ' . this work, which was done in a press ai " Hoogly in Bengal" marks an era in the historv of Bengali literature. It is chiefly to the exertions of the ever memorable Caxton of Bengal, Charles (afterwards Sir Charles) Wilkins, a Beniial Civilian and oriental scholar, that we are indebted for the beautiful types which he had himself prepared and in which art he had instructed the Bengali mechanics, thus in- troducing, as he did, the art of printing into this country. It is impossible to exaggerate the services thus rendered by this philanthropic Englishman, not only to the cause of vernactdar literature but also to the general culture of ' The date is not 1784 as given in the Bengal Obituary, p. 337 Smith, Life of Carey, repeats tho mistake (Sew Eil. 1912, p. 159). • A Gram-mr of the Bengal L'lnguige by Nntl.finiel BrMssoy Haihod. Printed nt Hoofrly in Benpnl. MDCCLXXVIII (177S). Tile book is very scarce but copies \nny be fonnd in the Cnlcntta Imperial Library, Baii).'iya 84hitya I'ari^nt Libinry ami SrirAmpiir Cullege Library. * The first Bengali grammar and dictionary, so far as it can be traced, was, as we have seen, in Portnpuese. A curions request app->ars in tho Cil''ntta (Imetle, .\pril 2.3, 17S9, beseeching "any ppiitlemaii" to undertake for public benefit tho composition of a Bengali Oramrn'ir (Seton-Karr, Sclectionn from C-l. Onzette, ii. 45)7) It seems that liy that time Halhed's Grammar had alreidy become ■carce and the necessity for a. fresh grammar was keenly felt. 11 82 BENGALI LITERATURE the people, for it is undoubted tliat without this useful art of printiuo- the oeneral education of the people under modern conditions is almost impossible. Charles AVilkins was born at Frome, Somerset, in ITHO, son of ^Vaker Wiikins of that tuwn. s:.. rhnrles AVilkins. He Came to n.n^^l in 17 70 in the 1750-1836. service of the East India Ccmpitny as a writer and became superintendent of the Company's Factories at Maldah. "About 17 78", he wr.tes lii^ "curiosity was excited by the example of his friend Halhed" to commence the study of Sanscrit and Persian ; the vernaculars he had previously studied. He left India fnnal state of imperfection to which new inventions are constanily exposal. Tiie alvice and even the solicitation of the Governor-General prevailed upon upon Mr. "Wilkms, a j^entleman wlio lias been some years in the India Company's Civil Service in Ben^nl, to undertake a set of lienii;ali types. He did ami his success has exceeded every expectation. In a country so remote from European artists, he has been obli<^ed to charge himself with all the various occupations of the Metallurgist, the Engraver, the Founder, and the Printer. To the merit of invention he was compelled to add the application of personal labour. With a rapi- dity unknown in Europe, he surmounted all obstacles which necessarily clog the first rudiments of a difficult art as well as the disadvantages of solitary experiment ; and has thus singly on the first effort exhibited his work in a state of perfection wliich in every part of the world has appeared to require the united improvements of different projectors and the gradual jjolish of succes- sive ages."* It must be remembered that these labours of "Wilkins did not eud merely in the temporary and isolated bene- fit of printing a grammar but had Tlie Bienificanco and p , . i . • importance of Wilkins' tar deeper and more wide-reaclimg Talure." ^^"'^"'' '"'" ^^''^^^ fo^' ^^'''ll^ins had taken care that his work shoidd produce lasting results. He had taught the art with great care to his Bengali assistant, one Panchilnan, a blacksmith by casre, ' Preface pp. ixiii-iv. See also the letter of Georfre Perrv to Mr. Nicola, the printer, dated Calcutta. October I 1783, qnotod in tlie Bionmphicnl TUctimwry of Living Authom, 1810. p. .SS.'i. This prepg cnnnot be traced but Marsbrnan (flistory of Srrnmpore Migsioti. vol. i) sajs that it was set ap by one Mr. Andrews, a bookseller. EARLIEST EUROPEAN \VRirEUS 83 whom l.ttfi- on ))roviilL'nce bnaii^hf to SnrriniiHir in soar* h of work, just at tlie time wlion Carey and liis collea- gues were in dos|.air for a fount of Sanscrit and verna- cular t\ pes. Panchuna:) antl his associates, to whom he liad Colli nuinicateil liis art, succeciled in course of time in ^omesiicaiini;- it in Bengal.' llcilhed's (jiamiiidr jjossesses a peculiar interest for us as being one of tlie earlit-st efforts Halhcd'8 Gnimmnr; t^, g,„^^^. ^\^^. language in a seieiii iHc ita lutoiest and vuluo. ' way. llalhed himself is perfectly conscious of the dilficulties of such a study and says in the Preface (p. xix) " The path which I have attempted to clear was never before trodden. It was nece.^SHry that 1 should make my own choice of the course to be pursued and of the landmarks to be set U|) for the izuidance of future travellers".- Hut barring this anticpiariaii interest, it can hardly bo expeeted to possess any other value to us. It was obviously written for the benelit of the Europeans who WMuttd to study the foreitrn verruicidar ; ^ and as such it was bound to be written entirely from their standpoint. Of course it is well to study the spirit with which foieiiiiiers ' See Mcnxnir Ilchitwe to the the Tranntation of the Snrred Scrip, (urea into the Lnmnages of the East at Serampore by J. Maishuiuu, 18i6; alsu Marshmuii, Ui:it. oj Serampore ilimiion, vol. i. * Tlie carious motto pn-fixcd to tlie book says : -sj'jfsi^^a f <.^J!i ^c^ T5»^: ^ : ^«i; n Cnrer ni knoTvle'ifTfi f<> Inivo dorivrd niiu-ii lnl|i in %vritinjr liiri Bcnjt/i «Jn»Fi»ii »r ( jSOl ) fio-n llnlhed's work ; him- I'rofire to (^ney't Qrammir (1st Kd. 18 M ) ; see hIso E. Carey, Life of Carey, p. 247. • Oil ttie titlc-pat'e w<' r< nd : 86 BENGALI LITERATURE approach our language, but as a pioneer work and as one intendi^l for mere beginners, uninitiated into the language, its value is greatly diminis-hed. Even a cursory glance at the contents will show that the arrangement and division of the subject-matter is made chiefly on the plan of En^-lish grammars, beginning with the Elements (Chap. I), proceeding with Substan- tives (Chap. II), Pronouns (Chap. Ill), Verbs (Chap. IV), Words denoting Attributes and Relations (Chap. V), Numerals (Chap. VI) and ending with a brief dit.cus- sion of Syntax (Chap. VII), Orthography and Ver- sification (Cliap. VIII).' The rules laid down are more or less general and elementary ; but some attempt is made to arrive at broad underlying principles, al- Ihou'^h in a somewhat tentative and impressionist fashion. The arrangement is as co r.preheusive as possi- ble but the author is scrupulously minute in his insertion of examples to every rule and is rather prolix in his observations upon the general grammar. One merit of tlie b )(>k consists, however, in the fact that Halhed was fullv alive to the intimate relation of Bengali to Smscrit, ''of which languige" he says "I hive tiiought necessary to include within my d^^sign such of the orammatied principles as mi^ht throw a direct or even a C)ll.iteral liglit on those of the B.-ngalese I wished to obviate the recurrence of such erroenous opi'iions as may have b:'en fonurd by t'»e few Eur.)- peans who have hitlierto stulied the B.,'ngalese ; none ' l!ut it is curious to note that ^ is included in the list of consonants. The orthosfrnphy sefms to have been yot unsettled and ttio border line between colloquial and literary la pruatre seems to have been crossed very often, possibly owinp to the difficulty of a fore gner, however studious, in enteiing into the genius of an alien tongue. EARLIEST ErUOPEAN WRITERS 87 (>r them liavo (raocl its (•oiiii('ctii)ns will) Sanscrit, and therefore I coiu-Uule their systems imperfect" (Preface, |). xi\ et seq.). Of course adhi-rence to Sanscrit is in- (lisp^Misable in writini^ a lionLjah' «4ranimar hut llalhtd's work more or less i)resents Bonijali as derived exidusivrly fr.)ui its parent, S.mserit. He remarks at some leni^ih on th • fxceedinq-lv i-oirunt state of thi> dialect of the time' and says that " a grammar of the pure Ben- |j;il diale!t cannot be expected to convey a ihoioutj;h idei of the modern jargon of the kingdom. Tlie many political revolutions it has sustained have <;TPa'ly impaired tlie simplicity of the langiiaiic, and a long communieation with the men of different religions, Countries and manners, has rendered foreign words iu some degree familiar to a Bengal ear. The Mahome- tans have for the most pait introduced such terms as relate to the functions of their own religion or the exercise of their own laws anick pedantigniB-" 8S DENG.VLl LITERATUP.E aUempfs, valuable even to the pn-pent day, to stu'ly the vernacular sc'i.niifically, but if we leave aside this aiitii^ua- riati an.l st-ientifie interest, it can hardly be ex) ected to come within liler.inre proper. To the historian of iiteia- t re, how ver, it is vtlnable, as most of these pion< er wo'ks rrj, fo" affordinpj one of the earliest links in (he revivtd study of the hui^u'iire itself. AVe piss over other specimens of early piintincr whi" h OtWr popcimens of the cxiiTt-ncies of nduiinistrntivu early jrintiiiK. chanor«s and t e esbddi^hment of the impev CodeinRen- Supreme Coiirt ( 1 7 74) brouirht into giili by J. Duncan. '■ ^ ^ ,,. ^ , . existence. Amonir these a'e to be B neali by II. P. found the Impey Code in BtnijMli,' which was translated hy Jonnihan Duncan, afterwards Governor of liombay, and printed at the"Companv's Pre«s" in 1785, and the fumons Cornw all's Code of 171»3 - which was translat d by II. P. Forster, "a merchant on the Benijal Estiblishment ", of whom we shill have occasion to speak hereafter. It was likewise printed at the Government Press but from an improved fount. ^ We read of two other early publications in the Catalogue of Benfjali "Works in the British Museum * ' Regulatiovfi for the Administrntion of Juftice. iv the Cour' rf tht DfM'nrtre Adnu^nt, pni!sed in Cnuucil, the 5th July, 17S5. iriih a Be7ii,ali Travs'ntion l)v Jonathan Duncan, Calcutta, 1785. pp. 215, 31. • Thp titlo-paee pays: ^^f? ^'t^ ^«f5 C^^ltilcT TTS^f-U?^ T'^ C^W^Ccni ios'a Pt^?! lt'<^ 'SiTa I ^t?1 ^="r^ ?fl43 C^^fT??! ^t715i:^5 ^0 C^)^.7,U^ 'SitSSR* ^JtfTs IK^\ i***^ I Second Edirion in 1820. ' " It is to tlii.s f(.nnt, ih.nf Cr\roy alludes, and it contirurd to be the standard of typoL'rapby till it wns superseded bj the ppialler and iif*;te- foint at Rerampore " Marslnnan, Life and Times of Cany, Marsh- man nnd Wnrd. 1 R.")^, vol. i.. p. 71- ♦ Blurahardt, Catalogue of Bengali Books in the British Museum, p. 8. EARLIEST El' ROPE AN WRITERS SO viz., ((/) Bengal translation (by N. B. Edmonstone) of Regulations, etc., by Regulations for the administration N. B. Edmonstone. of Justice in the Fouzdarv Criminal Courts in Bengal, Bei)ar and Orissa, passed by the Governor- (jeneral in Council on the 3rd December, 1 790, Calcutta, 1791; (/y) Bengal Translation (by X. B. Edmonstone) of the Regulations for the guidance of the Magistrates passed by the Governor-General in Council in the Revenue Department on the ISth May, 1792, with supplementary enactments, Calcutta, 179.2. The next important work in our survey is Forster'.s Forster's Vocahuianj, Joca/jiilart/, the tirst dictionary of the the first Bengali- i i 'a -ii i i. • c English dictionary, language, and it will detain us for a 1799-1802. moment, as it was indeed a work of merit and for a long time considered to be the most authoritative and standard publication on the subject.' Henry Pitts Forster, born- in 1701, of whose early Henry Pitts Forster. ^'f© little seems to be known, 1761-1815. entered Bengal Service of the Com- pany on August 7, 1783, and rose to be the Collector of Tipperah in 1793 and Registrar of the Dewani * Adalat of the 2t Parganas in 179-i. In 1803-Oi, he was employed at the Calcutta Mint of which he rose to be the ' Carey based his famous Dictionary of th* Bengali Language (1815- 1825), the source of all dictionaries of later times, on Forster's Vocabu' lary. The Grst Btn^ali dictionary is, of course, Manoel dn Assump- 9a«5'3 Vocabulario in Portuguese, which has been already mentioned. * The Dictionary of National Biography gives the hypothetical date of 1766 with a query. But it appears from the obituary notices in the Calcutta (iovcrnmcnt Gazette of 1815 (Sep. 14) and in the Calcutta Monthly Journal for September, 1815 (p. 285) that Forster was aged 54 at the time of his death. In tliat cose, his birth-date would be 1761, which is here adopted. 12 90 BENGALI LITERATURE Master.^ He died in India on September 10, 18L5.2 Besides Vocabulary, Forster also wrote an Essai/ on the Principles of Samcrit Grammar (1810). The first part of the Vocahulary was published in 1799 : while the second part appear- rocaftulary ; its scope ed in 1802.^ The full title of the work, which will sufficiently explain its scope, is : " A Vocahulary in two parts, English ami Bengalee and vice versa by H. P. ' It appears from Dodwell and Miles, Bengal Civil Servants, 1839, (pp. 182-8 : snpp. list, pp. 600-1) that from 1798 to 1803 as well as 1812 to 181.5, Forster was out of employ. See also Bengal Almanac and A^mual Directory, 1815, p. 9. - He died probably in Calcutta, but his burial place cannot be traced. No mention either in the Bengal Obituary or in De Rozai-io's Monumental Register. For further particulars of his life, see references quoted above ; also Dictionary of National Biography ; AUibone, Dictio- nary of British and American Authors. Marshman, {Life and Times of Carey etc., 1859, vol. i , p. 71) spells the name as Foster, which form is not correct. ^ The date of publication given in Ram-gati Nyayaratna, Bangabhasa 0 Sahitya Bisuyah Prastab, 3rd Ed., p. 192, is 1801 which is clearly erroneous. The date given in Dinesh Chandi-a Sen, History of Bertgali Language and Literature, 1911, p. 868 (where the book is described as " Bengali Dictionary by Forater, a Civilian and Sanskrit Scholar") is 1719 which seems to be an obvious mistake or misprint for 1799. The account given in this latter work is mainly based on Rev. J. Long's Catalogue, but Long's book was compiled not till 1855 and contains more than one inaccurate statement. See also the notification in the Calcutta Gazette, dated August 26, 1802, in which " Mr. Forster has the pleasure to acquaint the subscribers of his Bengalee Vocabulary, that the second part is entirely printed off, and will be ready for delivery all. in the present month of August and as he has more than doubled the size of the work beyond m hat he engaged, he hopes this will be admitted as a sufficient excuse for the delay in the publication." (Seton-Karr, Selections from Calcutta Gazette, vol. iii, p. 5G1). It is clear that the work was published in two instalments in 1799 and 1802, EARLIEST EUROPEAN WRITERS 91 Forster, Senior Merchant on the Bencjal EstabHsh- nient."' It is evident from the leiii^thy preface to this work as well as to that of Halhed that these early works weri undertaken not on literary but also on political grounds. Bengali at this time, onuially as well as popu- larly, was an unrecognised vernacular, and Forster rightly insists upon the absurdity and inconvenience of continuing the use of Persian in courts of law (see Preface to f ocaLu- luri/). It was thus due to the efforts of Halhed and Forster, seconded among Europeans by Carey and the oririimpur missionaries and among Bengalis by Ram Mohan Ray and his friends, that Bengali not only became the olHcial language of the Presidency but it now ranks as one of the most prolific literary languages of India. One of the greatest dilliculty, however, under which all compilers in this period had to labour and to which Forster himself, as his preface shows, was fully alive, was the exceedingly corrupt state of the language in its current 'dialect' form. There was no standard literature, or if there had been one it was long forjjotten or was not so widelv known as to ensure fixity of forms and expressions.- This corruption. ' Printed at Calcutta from tho Press of Ferris and Co., 1799. Dedicated to Thomas (iraham Esqr., dated December 15, 1799. A copy of this work will bo conveniently found in tho Calcutta Imperial Library. ' .\.s the various quotations by way of illustration in Ilalhod's Granunnr shows, he was not aware of the existence of more tlian half a dozen old Benf::ali works. He takes his passages mostly from }lah.a,hKaT(it (from wliicli he gives a lenpthy (piotation at pp. 37-42), BJamaijnn and tho various works of Bharat-chandra, still in vogue, especially his B'uhjaf.\indnT . Printing there was hardly any and books mostly in manus:ripts were not easily procurable. It is also notable that Halhed confines hinmelf exclusively to examples taken from Poetry and there is not a single prose quotation in his works. " I might observe " he writes, " that Bengali is at present in tho same state with Greece before the time of Thucydides when Poetry waj the 1)2 BENGALI LITERATURE however, was confined principally to revenue and judicial terms, and the more common and daily shiftinj^ collo(piial expressions. But the f]freatest difficulty was felt in orthofi^raphy which was in a hopelessly chaotic state, in these ante-printing days. " There uever having been " says Forster, " a native Bengalee grammarian nor indeed any author of note who might be considered as a standard, the orthography has consequently never been fixed j and being current over an extensive country and among an illiterate peo])le, almost every word has been and continues in one district or other to be variously spelt, and not infrequently so disguised as to render it difficult to recognise it, when met in its genuine form in Songskrit. In such eases, I have not scrupled to adoi)t Songskrit orthography, unless I found the majority of the people whom I consulted, concur in any particular vitiated mode of spelling it." In spite of these difficulties, however, Forster succeeded in compiling one of the most valuable and painstaking lexicon of the language ever published, and the eulogy of Marshman that Forster was the "most eminent Bengali scholar till the appearance of Dr. Carey'" is fully justified. The year in which Forster's Vocahnlari/ was published saw another memorable but at that time an apparently unimportant event — the landing of a band of missionaries on the banks of the Gausses and the The advent of tl.e g^arting of a mission at Srirampur. missionaries. » f A year later, the Fort William College only stjle to which authors applied themselves aud studied prose was utterly unknown ". The biographer of Dr. Carey relates how (Smith, ip. cit. p. 202) when Carey visited Nadlyii, not many years ago the illustrious centre of Bengali literature, " he could not discover more than 40 separate works, all in manuscripts, as the whole literature of 30,000,000 of people up to that time ". ' Marshman, Life and Times of Carey etc., vol. i., p. 71. EARLIEST EUROPEAN WRITERS 93 was esitablished at Calcutta tor iini)artin^ know led ;;l' of the vernaculars to yountr civilians. \N'ith this Mission as its centre and the Fort William College as its public forum, Bengali language entered upon a new i)ha.se of development, hitherto undreamt of. For?ter was, no doubt, followed bv a band of earnest civilian workers, of whom the names of J. F. Kllerton' and Sir Craves C. Haughton are the most well-known, yet with the missionaries in the Held, who, for years to come, had made education of the people and cultivation of the vernacular their own peculiar province, earlier work was eclipsed^ and a fresh impetus was given to the vernacular literature. The experimental stage was not yet over, but what was desultory, spasmodic, and slipshod became regular, un- broken, and svstematic: and for several vears till the foundation of the Hindu College and the emergence of a new band of writers, the history of Bengali literature is closely bound up with the labours Srirumpur Mission, of the missionaries and school-masters, and especially of the brotherhood at Srirampur, associated with the names of Carey, Marshman and Waril whose devotion, earnestness and philanthropic l)urpose cannot be too highly spoken of. ' Ellciton wrote his works before 1800 niiil, therefore, strictly spciikintr belongs to this chapter. Hut Ellcrton's Bible-trnnshitions were not published nntii probably 181',): so nn account of him will bo found in the next chapter under the Bible-translations of the Sruanipnr missionaries. CHAPTER IV William Cakey and Srirampur jSIissiox. Of the missionary movements which gave an early impetus to Bengali language and literature, the foremost place has been given to the frater- SrTrampur Mission. . pip ca- nity of the famous Srirampur Mission, which was started by Carey, ]Marshman and Ward but of which the moving spirit was William Carey. William Carey, the son of a weaver and himself a village shoe-maker till the age of twenty- (^61-1834) ^''^^"' eight, was born on August 17, 1761 in the village of .Paulesbury, situated in the very midland of England, in the heart of the district which not only produced Birth and early life. i i • i i r. bhabespeare and cherished Cowper but wdiich also fostered Wyelif and Hooker, Fox and Bunyan. But village-life in those days was far from being elysian and the destiny of the cottager, with poverty and sore toil staring him in the face, was cheer- less enough. Buried in an obscure village, the eldest of a family of five children, young Carey seenied to be born to such a lot, the Ensjlish labourer's lot of five shillin:oose, was feeble when compared with the hate of the An^'Io-Intlian for the Interloper. Partly from his training-, pirtly froai the first cirenmstanees of the con- ijuest, the Ani^lo-Indian otUeial regarded India as his property, his pecnlinm. An interloper was therefore in his eves little better than a thief, a man who undersold him, interrupted his protits, and impaired his exclusive autho- rity over the population. With the instinct which eomes of self-defence he saw that the Missionary was the most danirerous of interlonors." Neither the character of the early founders of the British Empire as a body nor that of the clerji:y before the Sririimpur mission was such as to inspire respect for their religion ; and of the clergy as a class, the Governor-General officially wrote to the Court of Directors as late as I7U5: "Our cler«ry in Henijal, with Some exceptions, are not respectable characters." Althousjh Carey and his fellow-missionary were allowed to enter Calcutta (November 1 I, 17'.)-J) without opposition, indeed without notice (so obscure tliey were), yet under the existini^ conditions of thinijs he had to preach his reli'^ion for several years almost like Attempts ut settle- ^ ^Y\\d in constant fear of beinjr ineiit. ^ deiwrted to Enj^land. Quite destitute in Calcutta, he had no definite plan for the future. Th'' congres^ration at home were too jioor to Sfive Ilia a'i\' a^ista'K'e, norc)ulil tlii'V inlluenee the autho- rities in KuLjlan'l to allow him to settle down peieefully as a missionary, for tlie latter would in.stantly refuse to listen to a handful of eoun»ry no-bodies the chief anionic whom was a shoe-maker. Alter several fruitless attempts to settle down, ('arey at last su'^eeeded in obtainiui' the situation of an assistant in ciiar o of the i)eoi)le was ever present in his mind. As soon as he could settle down, he applied himself to the study of Bengali, which, his biographer tells us, the indefatigable scholar had already begun during the voyage, and of which the first indication is given by an entry in his journal two months after he had landed. "This Carey^ cffortB to Jay" he writes "finished the correction study Bengali. •' of the first chapter of Genesis, which Munshi savs is rendered into verv good Bengali."* The Munsi or Bengali teacher referred to was one Ram Basu who not only taught the language to Carey but also had been of much help to the poor missionary during the years of uncertainty and struggle at the outset of his career. The greatest difficulty, however, which puzzled him, as a foreigner, in learning the language relates to the unsettled state of its forms and expressions, of its grammar and orthography ; and a vast difference seemed to him to exist between the literary language and its corrupt colloquial and dialectal forms. Thus he speaks with a naivete characteristic of himself in a letter, dated October '2, 1795 : "The language spoken by the natives of this part, though Bengali, is so different from the language itself (?) that I can preacii an horn- wit h tolerable freedom so as that all who speak the language or can read or write, understand me perfectly: yet the poor labouring people can understand me little. "'-' ' Smith, op, rit. p. Gl ; Eustace Carey, Memoirs of William Carey, p. 119. - E. Carey, op. cit. p. 242 ; Smith, op. cit. p. 72. CAREY AND SRIKAMPIK MISSION 101 Indoeil, a foreiL^ner always tiiuls it liard work to obtain in a year the endless variety of its idiom and the niceties of pronunciation: but Carey certainly was very far from riixht when he savs further that althoui;h the lauijuafre is ricli, beautiful, and expressive, it has t^ot scarcely a \a.v-^e vocabidary in use about religion and kindred subjects.' The whole trend of ancient or pre-British Ben<]fali litera- ture which is reliu:ious in subject will j)rove the inappro- priateness of this hasty statement. The half-pity inf; and half-contemptuous tone in which Carey and his mission- ary eolleai^ues speak of our forefathers as so many 'hea- thens', or semi-barbarians- no doubt raises our sUiile today, but they in all sincerity, born of reli^jious enthu- siasm, really thoufjjht in this way. It is true indeed that there was a partial decadence of reliur was a kind of Almlia — *a city of refuge'; and the persecuted missionaries ' For a sketch of Brnnadon's life, see W. IT. n.nrey, Oriental Chriatian Biography, vol. i, pp. 170-72. • Smith, op. cit. p. 88. lot BENGALI LITERATURE could surely do no better than seek its protection for the purposes of their mission. In selecting this city instead of any other, they did what was best under the circumstances. " Had we stayed at Mudnabutty or its vicinity " Carey wrote "it is a great wonder we could have set u[) our press ; Government would have suspected us, though without reason to do so and would, in all probability, have pre- vented us from printing ; the difficulty of procuring proper materials would also have been almost insuperable."' Srirampur is situated in one of the richest and most densely peopled tracts in Bengal, very close to the metro- polis ; and it was here that the earliest European factories in Bengal were established, the Danes planting themselves at .Srirampur, the French at Chandan-nagar, the Dutch at Chinsurah, the English at Hugli, and the Portuguese at Band el. Two of the missionaries speedily fell victims to the climate. Marshman and Ward, Carey leaves North ^^,^ are indissolubly linked Ben • • • ^ ii (■i7G'J-i.s-'3) \> ard, thougli mierior in uitellec- tual equipment, was a man of great ])ractical ability and sound common-sense. He was born at Derby on October :iO, 1709.^ The son of a builder, he had received some education and had been apprenticed to a printer. He rose to the position of the editor of the Deihy Mercury and afterwards of a newspaper in Hull. It was at Hull five years before he came out to India, Carey had met Ward and said to him " If the Lord bless us, we shall want a person of 3'our business to enable us to print the Scriptures : I hope you will come after us.^' He joined the (/hurch in 1796 and came out to India in 1799 at the invitation of Dr. Carey. His work like that of Marshman, from 1800, was connected, if not identified, with that of the Mission at ferirjlmpur. Ward, however, had very little connexion with Bengali literature- except indirectly, much less than Carey and ]Marshman, to whom, as to no other missionary or foreign writer, the country owes a deep debt of obligation for furlhering the cause of education and indi recti v of modern Benii:ali prose. ' For moro details, see Wist, of Scrampore Mission. Also Samuel Stcnnctt, Memoirs of the Life of William Ward (1825); Bengal Ohiluarij, pp. 343-45; Diet, of Natioml Biogr. -. Memoir of Ward, Philadelphia; Simpson's Life prefixed to Ward on Hindus ; W. H. Carey, Orient. Christ. Biogi-aph. vol. ii. ])]i. l-G ct. scq. ^ Ward, says Caroy, could speak Bengali a little (B. Carey, op. c!t. p. 424). Ward, however, wrote some tracts in Bengali wliicli will be noticed hereafter. CAREY AND ^lURAMlH il MISSION 107 One of the earliest works that the ^lission aeeonii>lisheJ was the priiitiiio- of the New Testa- Print ins: of tlie .„ , • i> r 1- 1 - ion 1 Bengali Bible, ISOl. '"'^"^ '" Hfll-all Oil leb./, 1,^01 after a labour of nine months' and of the OKI Testanu-nt between ISO.i ami 1809. Carey, whilr at Miiiliiab.itT, had completed the translation of the u:reater portion of the Bible by the year 1708 with the exception of the historical books from Joshua to Job.- lie had gone to Calcutta to obtain the estimates of printin Preface to the Serampore Letttrs (I8(X»-181G) ed. b)' L. nnd M. Williams, witli an introductory memoir by Tlio?. Wriglit ; also see Marslinmn, History of Serampore 3/ission. But see Bengal Obituary, pp. 338. • He had begun tlie translation as soon as lie could fairly learn the langunge. We find him writing to Sutcliffe only a year after his arrival (.\ui^. 9, 1794) : " The language (of Bengali) is copious and I think beautiful. I begin to converse in it a little I intend to send yon a copy of Genesis, Matthew, Mark and James in Bengali ; with a small vocabulary and grammar of the language, in manuscripts, of my own composition" (E. Carey, op. cit. p. 19r)). On July 17, 1796, he writes to Fuller that "almost all the Pentateuch and the New Testament are now completed" {ibid j). 265). By 1799, almost the whole of the Bible was translated. It is customary to attribute the authorship of the entire Bengali Bible to Caroj, but from the report of the work given by him {ibid p. 34">, Letter to Fuller, dated July 17, 1799) we find that in the first version, Fountain (d. Aug. 1800) nnd Thomas helped him much. Fountain translated 1 and 2 Kings, Joshua, Judges, Ruth. 1 and 2 Sajnnel and 2 Chronicles : while Thomas undertook Matthew, Murk (ii-x), Luke, and James. .\ll the rest was Caroy'a own as well as the whole correction. The correction, however, sometimes rendered the original version into quite a new work, especially in the case of Thomas's translation which was very incor- lect and imperfect {ihid j> 323; Pcriodioil Acconnls, vol. i, pp. 20-21.) * E. Carey. <<>> rii. y. 277 :»nd also p. 368 ; see also p. 239. lOS BENGALI LITERATURE punch would cost a guinea a piece. After several fruitless attempts, when the project had appeared almost incapable of accomplishment, Carey saw a wooden printing press advertised in Calcutta for €10. He at once purchased it at Rs. 400 and set it up at Madnabati. It was from this old press, subsequently removed to Srirfimpur that the first edition of the Bengali New Testament was printed.' The types were set with the knowledge of a first-rate printer bv AVard witii his own hand, assisted by Carey's son, Felix.- The second edition was 1 Smith, op. cit. p. 181 ; E. Carey op. cit. p. 330. * If wo. leave aside Elleiton's New Testament and Tliomas's version of Genesis and other books of the Bible (1701), tliis is the first effort at an entire translation of the Bible into Ben^^ali. EUer- ton's version, however, was not published till 1820, and Thomas himself got much help from Carey in his translation. Of John F. Ellerton (1768-1820), nothing much is known except that he was an indigo-planter and was the first to estal)lish a Bengali school in Maldah. He wrote (1) ^^ ^IltPtl ltf%S ^f5« I Calcutta 1819. (2)^^cl 515IM<1 C^t^< : Smith, op. cit. p. 145 : Cfl/. i?cr. 1850 : The Bengal Obituary (1851) p. 144: Blumhardt, Ca^aZoi/dc. For Thomas, see Life of John Thomas by C. B. Lewis (1873). The books of the Old Testament, as printed by the Serampore Press (1801-9) are in 4 vols, viz., 1. Pentateuch, 1801 ; 2. Joshua-Esther, 1809 ; 3. Job- Song of Solomon, 1804 ; 4. Isiah-Malachi, 1805. According to the Serampore Memoirs, however, the correct dates of ptiblication are: CAREY AND ^REUAMiniR MISSION 109 publislu'd in I.S03 :' but it \va>; propareJ from a I'ount of more elci^aiit aiul smaller size, Tlie Pross at Constructed by Manohar. The Sriiaiiifiir. story of its printiiiij is thus told in the Memoir relative io Trtnislafions, ''Happily for us and India at lar<>e Wilkins had led the way in this de[)artmeiit ; and persevering industry, under the «^reatest disadvantat^es with respect to materi ds and workmen, had broui^ht the Beni^ali (.v/f) to a hiy;h detjree of perfection. Soon after our settling at Seramjiore the providence of God brought to us the very artist who had wrought with Wilkins in that work, and in a great measure imbibi'd his ideas. Bv his assistance, we erected a letter-foundry ; although he is now dead he had so fully communicated his art to a number of other-:, that they carry forward the work of type-casting, and even of cutting the matrices, with a Panchtinaii ami degree of accuracv which would not Manoliar. ^ -^ disgrace European artists,"- The 1. 1S02 ; 2. ISOO ; 3. 1S03 ; 1. IS07. The Psalter appears to have been issued separately in 1803. A revised edition appeared in 1832. The New Testament was piil)lishcd in 1801. [See Appendix H at the end of this volume for a note on Bil)lical translations]. In CnJ. Rev. X, p. 13G, the date of Ellerton'a New Testament is erroneously given as 1S16. For John Thomas's translation of the Scriptures, see Murdoch, Catalogue of Chrigtian Vernacular Literature of India, pp. 4 and 5, Smith, op. ci7. p. 179. Tliomaa'-s version (before 1791) was circulated in manuscript. Kaye, Chri'ttianity in Iinlia, p. 138, speaks of this version as having been done in "scarcely intelligible Bengalee." See Carey, Orient. Christ. Biography, vol. i, pp. 44-l-4oi. ' 3rd Ed. 1811 ; 4th Ed. 1810 ; 8th Ed. 1832. The date in the text is the date of the 2nd Ed. as given by Marahman ; but Smith (p 18S) gives 180G as the date. Tlie fact is that tlie edition was commenced in 1803 and com])leted in 1800. See Appendix II at the end of this volume. » Memoir relative to the Translation of the Sacred Scriptures into Xhe Lanijuagea of the EaM, Serampore, 1816, by Marahman, The Bible ]1() BENGALI LITERATURE artist referred to above as AVilkins' assistant was Panc'hruian/ of whom we have already spoken. Paneha- nan's a])prentice jNIanoliar continued to make elegant founts of type in all the Eastern languages for sale as well as for the INIission, where he was "emjiloyed for 4-0 years and to his exertion and instruction IJengal is indebted for the various beautiful types of Bengali, Nagri, Persian, Arabic, and other characters which have been gradually introduced into the different printing establishments. "-' Much misconcei^tion seems to exist as to the exact nature of the services done by Carey Translation of the ^^ Bengali literature bv translating Bible ; its importance ^ .- o in Bengali literature. the Bible into that language. No doubt, here was the realisation of one of the hio-hest ambitions of Carev as a missionary and in the history of Church Missions, it occupies a very high and well-deserved position. Car(?y has been called by enthusiastic admirers the Wyclif and the Tyndal, while Dr. Yates the Coverdale of the Bengali Bible. ^ Whatever may be the value of such comparisons, from the standpoint of Bengali literature it is, however, to say the least, ill-informed and misleading. The position which Wyclif's, Tyndal's and Coverdale's versions respectively occupy in the history as well as the literature of England ■was translated tlirongli the efforts of tlie ^rirrunpnr Mission into 40 clifEerent languages and dialects. See also rcriodical Accounts rela- tive to the Bai>tist Mss. Sac. vol i, pp. 292, 368, 417, 527 : vol ii pp. 62, 132. Sec remarks on these oriental translations in William Brown, Historij of MisKions, vol, ii. p. 71. > Panclmnan lived for onl\- H or 4 years after this. Bengal Obituanj p 338. - Marshman, Hist, of Serampur Mission vol. i, p. 179. » Siiiith op. cit. p. 186. But see Brown //^s^ of Missions, vol. ii, p. 71 where Carey's version is impartially estimated to be now "given up as of no great value." Sec Cal. Rev. x. p. 134; Col. Christ. Observ. vol. xvii. p. 557. CAR1:Y and SRlRAMPUli MISSION 111 is not the same as that which Carey's or Yates^ transhitions can ever aspire to attain'. Theie niinht be some point in coinpariniij Carey's version to Wyelif's, for the latter cannot, it is well-known, compete as literature with that produced two cent lU'ies later in Eni^lish and conse- (inently possesses nothinj^ save an historical attnetion. But Coverdale's claim rests on his supi^osed principal share in the merits of the early Tudor translations of the Bible. To compare these early Eng-lish versions of the Bible with the Bengali ones of Carey and Yates would be to make a wroni; estimate of both. As a piece of literature the Bengfali version cannot be said to be a masterpiece in the sense in which the Enirlish versions are. That the Enyjlish vei-sion, whether of ]b-]') or of 1011 , is a monument of early Eni]jlish prose ; that its peculiar style — " the swan- song" as happily put "of Middle English transferred from verse to prose" — has alwaj's been the admiration of best critics and writers from generation to generation ; and that there is no better English anywhere than the English of the Bible ; of these facts there can be no doubt. Hut to speak of Carey's and Yates^ versions in similar terms would not only be incorrect but ludicrous-. iKre is the version of one of the most sublime passages of the Bible — the account of the creation at the beginning ; but the reader will note that the translation is not only imperfect and crude, the grammar incorrect, the idiom faulty, the syntax crabbed and obscure, but also the whole thing looks like an absolutelv foreign growth vainh attempted to be acclimated in Bengali. ' Or even Wengcr's (18G1) or Rouse's (1897) later revisions. 112 bp:ngali literature ^®t^t^ ftf^ ^^^ ~^^^ ^-^^ c^ ftf'? f^^'^^i oiT^z^^ I ^^^R ^^^ ^.^^ f^S(.I2. Tha title-page of vol ii (New Testament) is as follows : ^i^^^^7p "st^r? ^^stM I 3t?i 'stRt?^? si-^^Q 3it«t^i c^^'s Utrl^ ^5R Ji^tsm I ^'ii 5^ it^ ^t^i 5ft3 1 >§i^ripi ^m 5^ I i^-o i ' No pains were spared, it socins, to make the version as accurate and natural as possible. Carey revised it four times before publi- cation with Rum Basu, "the most accomplished Bengali scholar of the time," by his side. Tiie Pundits judged of the style and syntax and ho himself of the faithfulness of the translation. (E. Carey, op. cit. p. 308). In 1815 Carey took Yates as an associate with him- self in these translations. "His special care" says W.H. Carey {Orient. Christ. Biography, vol. i, p. 319) "was bestowed upon the Bengali version." 15 114 BENGALI LITERATURE followino' extract from Pharaoh's dream in the revised version of Yates will indicate, how immature and crude the style is and what presumption it is to compare this with the traditional excellence of the Biblical style !^ CT ^ftfT'^ ?"t^t^^ ^rtf^c^i ^ft ^Ic^ m'l^i mni =?^^ c^ftT' ^^^i '?Jr^^ ^T^r^ mf^^ I ^x^ "^u 'Tt's^l ft '« f ^f^s c^t^ vT^t ^rs ^fl?il ^vft^ #tc^ (^ c^tKff^ f^^^ ^t^^^ I ^f:?r % ^§^ I '^^ 'j^?! rf^ #t«i % ^f^ I ^^? C^'t 'Tfvs #t«l % <^ ^t^ '^^t^t^ ^^ »Tt^ 5tt5! It has been further remarked with regard to these Bengali versions that while the ideas of the Bible elaborate the notions of the readers^ the language of it accustoms them to the disuse of the vulgar paloi-s. All the resources of the lansrua^e, srram natical and ' Of course, this is a great improvemeut upon the origiual version of 1802 whicli runs as follows : — 5^ ^A^l^ ^< ^IZ^ A%^9 ^C^ ¥t!:^t€t '^^ Ctff'm Cf^ C^l ^f^Qtlatc^ ^ft*oO. Art. "Early Bengnii Literature and NewspRppr." p 139. 116 BENGALI LITERATURE as tlie earliest specimen of simple and homely prose, can ever claim any thing like literary competency for them marked that they are throughout by earliness and immaturity. Carey's claim to importance as a contribu- tor to Bengali literature does not rest so much ujwn his Bible-translations and numerous tracts on (Jiiristian- ity, but ou the works which he produced in another sphere of usefulness but on which he himself seems to have laid less emphasis although they show him in a better light as a writer of Bengali. Tiiis sphere of usefulness was first opened to Carey by his appointment as a teacher of J^^f■^^' r u ^''" Bengali in Lord Wellesley's newlv William CoIle5 employment of the Press, by pecuniary and other encourai^ement, by affording a central i)lace for the needed contact of mind to mind, it ijave such an impetus to Bengali learniiiL!^, as was never ij^iven by any other institution since the estabHs!:ment of the British rule. It is true that the books published under its patronafi^e and «?enerally for the use of its students were not more numerous or more substantial than tliose of the famous School Book Society of later times ; but it must bi^ admitted that the list presents a lonp^ series of important compositions in the vernacular and classical lanast on a variety of subjects and ct)mi)reh<^nds many works which, thoujjh written expressly for younpf civilian students, were at one time widely celebrated in this countrv, and which have not 118 BENGALI LITERATURE yet lost all their value and interest. But this was not all. The College was the seminary of western learning in an eastern tlress ; it helped to diffuse western ideas through the medium of the vernacular. But at the same time, orientalism wos its principal feature, and it tuined the attention of students and scholars to the cultivation of oriental languages, both classical and vernacular. "The establishment of the College of Fort William" said Sir George Barlow at the first Disputation of the College held so early as 180^ "has already excited a general attention to oriental language, literature and knowledge.'"'' We can realise what this means when we bear in mind the general neglect and oblivion to which Bengali literature and Bengali education had hitherto been consigned. The Honourable Visitor of 1815 in remarking on the encouragement held out by the College for the studv of the leading oriental languages observed that previously to the foundation of the College " the language of Bengal was generally neglected and unknown '^- The best scholars and the greatest intellects of the country met here in friendly intercourse ; and we shall see how an attractive personality like Carey's drew around it a band of enthusiastic writers, bent upon remov- ing the poverty of their vernacular. At the invitation and inducement of such scholars, literary works were undertaken by the enlightened Bengali community as well as by the Munshis and Pundits of the College who would » Roebuck, Annals of the College of Fort William (1819), p. 17; The College of Fort W,lliam 1805 cd. by Claudius Uuchanan, Vice- Provost & Professor of the College (Soo Pearson's Memoi-s of Rev. Claudiut Buchanan, 1819, vol. i, p. 202 foot-noto) containing all the official papers ana literary proceedings of the Collogo, p 58 at p. 62 ; See also Seton-Karr, Selectioiis from Cal. Omette, toI. iii, p. 296-99 : etc. ' Roebuck, op. ci p. 468, CAREY AM) FOKT WILLIAM tOLLlXiK 119 possibly have produced notliiiig but for the stimulus thus given to their liteiary zeal and the eneoura;^t_'nieiit yielded by the liberality of the government which would have never otherwise been so readilv called into beinf;. ' The movement for undertaking literary and scientific works in Bengiili prose and for translation into that language, which till 1850 iiad been so consp'cuous nn activity in the literary history of Bengal, had its beginning iu the publi- cations of the College of Fort The value of its pub- ,,-.,,■ o i • ^i i r -^ licationa. ^' illiam- ami m the zeal or its scholars, aided no doubt by the fact that exigencies of education and spread of liberal ideas naturally brought on a multiplication of text-books and books of general interest. It is true, speaking generally, that the productions of these devoted scholars, consisting, as they do, mostly of school-books and translations, are far from being invulnerable in point of literary merit ; yet to them belonijs the credit of breaking; fresh ixround and creating the all-important Btngali prose-of-all-work. Not that we have no Bengali prose before this, but it was hardly in current use and not so developed as to be the medium of evorvdav thoughts of the nation.'' No one can claim for this early prose tha finish and all-expressive- ness of latter-day prose, but it eaimot be denied that here ' This was n pet schemo of Welloslcy's : so the liberality of the Government was mapnificont. ' The popular opinion, aided, no doubt, by the extreme scaroiry of these publications in the present day as well as by ii^nontnt or CHreless criticism, often derivinjj its informations Hccond-hand, that tlicsc publi- cations were seldom or never read, is not borne out by contemporary allusions referring to these works and their extensive sale, running them through numerous editions within half a century. Moat of these publications afforded an endless quarry of fables and stories, always interesting to an orieutul reader. * See App I. 120 BENGALI LITERATURE we have, if not art, at least craftmansliip ; if precisely no work of genius, at least the hint and intimation of such close at hand. TliG Colle^'e of Fort "William which was actuallv in operation from May 4, 1800^ was Its foundation (1800) formally established on Aucnist 18 by and object. ' ^ ■^ a Minute in Council in which the Governor-General detailed at lenj^th the reasons for start- ini^ such an institution.- No sooner did Lord Wellesley find himself freed from the uneonQ:enial bonds of war in the South than he devoted himself to various measures of internal administration with an ardour seldom equalled except perhaps by Lord Bentiuck whom he so closely resembled. The Company's Civil Service, although it produced a fev7 men of first-rate ability, had sunk into the lowest depths of vice and ignorance. The Service had its origin in a mercantile staff, well-versed in the mysteries of the counting-house ; and its training, since the Factory had grown into an Empire, had not been sutRcicnt for the more important duties which now devolved upon it. The system which Burke had reprobated fifteen years ago was still unchanged, and lads of fifteen to eighteen were being sent out to India before their education could be finished, with no op[)(»rtunity or inducement on their arrival to complete it. At the close of three or four ^-ears' residence, the 3'oung Civilians, endowed with an atHuent income and unchecked authority, had not only lost the fruils of their European studies and gained no useful knowledge of ' The First Term of the College commenced from Febrnary 6, 1801. ' 'Minntcf, in Council af the Fvrt Willicnn by Ilis Excellency the Most Ilon'blc Marquis of Wellesley, containing his reasons for the establishment of a College in Bengal, dated August IS, ISOO (See Koebuck, op. cit. p. vi and Buchanan, op, cit. p. 8-9. CAREY AND FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE 121 Asiatic literature or business but were absolutely aban- tloneJ to pursue tlieir own iiiolinatiou without G^uidance or control. Of the lanijua^es and manners of the people whose affairs they were called upon to administer, thoy were not required to know even the rudiments.* The Minute denounced in the stronpjest Loni Wellcsloy's terms " the absolute insufiicieucv of Miuute. this class of youuLi: men to execute the duties of any station whatsoever in the Civil Service of the Conii)any beyond the menial, laborious and unprofitable duty of a more copyin-^ clerk ". It became evident that there could be no substantive improvement without provi- dinji; a succession of men sufficiently ([ualified to conduct it. " Th' Civil Servants of the En^jjlish East Lulia Com- pany " says the Minute- " can no lonner be considered as the agents of a commercial concern ; they are in fact the ministers and officers of a powerful sovereign : they must now be viewed in that capacity with a reference, not to their nominal, but to their real occupation.' Their studies, the discipline of their education, their habits of life, their manners and morals should therefore be so ordered and rej^ulated as to establish a sufficient ' It appears from the procecdiiif^s of the Govcrnor-CJcneral in Council dated as far back as Sep. 10, 1790 timt with it view to the acquiBitioii of the fudian lanj,'uape3 by the Company's writers, cucournge- ment was affonled by offering thorn allowance and other facilities (Soton-Karr, Selection from Cnl. Gmctte, ii. 213-14), but it was never enjoined upon theiu as a matter of duty or necessity. " Hoebuck, op. cit. p. iv ; Buchanan, op. cit. pp. .5-6. * See Setou-Karr, op. cit. vol. iii, pp. 22-23. Before the formal pstablisliment t>f the Collejjc, Dr. Gilchrist, an eminent Hindu.sthani sch'ihir, was appointed provisionally by Lord Wellesley to liud out if an experiment of lecturintj to yount^ Civilians could be made succcRsful. It succeeded splendidly, as appears from tlie Report of the Committee appointed to ascertain the progress made in Gilchrist's class (Roebuck, op. cit. pp.l-I4 ; Soton-Knrr Selections from Cut. Gatetfc,vn\. iii pp. 68-61). After this the scheme of Fort William College was set on foot. 16 122 BENGALI LITERATURE corresponJeuce between tlieir (jiialiflcations and their duties" The Minute then declares that " A Collese is hereby i'ouaded at Fort William in Eengal for tlie better instruction of the Junior Civil Servants of the CompaDy." The institution was projected on a scale of magnificence which marked all the plans of Lord Wollesley, but under the pressure of the authorities at home, who were deadly opposed to the institution and without whose sanction and acquiescence it had been set up, the College was continued on a reduced scale. ^ The range of studies marked out for the students in the College was very extensive The range of studies ; and one of its most striking features its orientalism. ^^^^ -^^ orientalism. The curriculum, subsequently modified, was intended to include in its grand scale ''Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit, Hindusthani, Bengali, Telegu, Mahratti, Tamil, Kanara", besides "Laws and Regulat ions. Political Economy, Modern Languages, Greek, Latin, English Classics, General. History ancient and modern, History of India, Natural History, Botany, Chemistry and Astronomy" 1^ The College was j^tronised by the Governor-General himself, his colleagues, and the Judges of the Supreme Court ; for it was considered to be one of the most important insti- tutions of the State and the senior members of the Government were required in virtue of their office to take a share in its management. Public disputations in Public disputations in oriental langu- oriental languages. ages were held annuallv in the jrrand edifice which Wellcsley had erected, in an august assembly, composed of men (.f high lank. * The College coutinued till 185t ; but since the foundation of School Book Society and Hindu College in 1S17, its importance was overshadowed and diminished. • Roebuck, op. cit. p. xvii. C.VllKY AND FORT \VILLL\M COLLKOli: 1:^3 It woukl interest Beiidrali readers! to learu that debates were held in IJeng-ali and the 'subject at the First Public Disputation held in February 0, 1S02 was "Whether the Asiatics are capable of as hii;h tlejj^ree of civilisation as Europeans." The theses read by the students were published and they aflord us some oi' the earliest specimens of sustained prose writing at- Theses by tho students tempted by Europeans. We give of tbe College. below the theses pronounced at a disputation in I5engali in the Second Public Disputation held on March 29, 1803 by James Hunter, although we have, as we shall see, better specimens of prose-writing even before this date. This would, however, serve as the nverngf specimen of 'European jirose' of the time. There are some quaint turns of phrase?, a few inevitable mistakes of idiom and syntax and errors of ortho- graphy, and the style is a little too crude and sanseritised ; yet if we compare with it the contemporary prose of Pratapaililya C/iuri(ra (ISO I) and Lipimalu (lSO;ij, this specimen will hardly be at a disadvantage with them in many respects^. The scarcity of the publications which ' Reports of the annual Disputations till 1819 will be found in detail in Roebuck, oj(. ci/. Also in Buchanan, oj<. c«7. till 1805; and also SCO Seton-KaiT, op. cif. p. 296 ; also in Pnmitiae Orientaleg, vols, i-iii. * Some of the stodents of the Collopc )>ubli8hed notable works. In 1808 Henry Sarjent, who was a distinguished student of Bengali in the College (See Roebnck, op. cit. pp. 178-180, 218-221) translated the first four books of the /Kneid or Iliad (tho first book, according to Long's Catalogue, came ont in 1805). Monckton, another student, translated Shakespeare's Tempest. {Cat. Rev. 1850, Art. Beng. Lit.). Long, however, followed by Dinesh-chandr* Sen, (op. cit. p. 876) inistakea the name of Henry Sarjent for "J. Serjeant," F'roni Roebuck op. cit. it appears that there was no student in tho College bearing the name of "J. Serjeant," and no such person, it would seem from Dodwell and Miles, op. cit. ever entered tho Civil Service. lU BENGALI LITERATURE contain these theses will be a sufficient excuse for the leno^th of the quotation. The subject was "The Distri- bution of Hindus into Castes retard their progress in improvement." Thesis at the Second ^^^^ ^'^^ ^^^^^ ^^"^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ W^ Disputation reprodnced, ^ ^-^ ^^^^ C^tC^^lW^ f%^ f%^ t?i^ as the average speci- TniLd^^^ngalf'pre ^^ ^t^^ C^ ^^t^ ^^^ ^^=^ ^^= ^^ of the time. ^^^_^ ^^ ^_^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ -^^^^_ ^^«i ^^t?:^ li^ ^'^ ^1^*1 0^^ ^f?f?i1 ^tR^tc^^ ^wc*t ^'f^ ^■n:?r cn^t ;i^1 yi^si <^t^ ^^°s ^^ w%^ c^tc^^l f%^ f^ ^tf^^ I^Jfl ^^^iRt^ '^ttf^:^^ 5it^ f^jf f^Tl ^T^iTt^ ^J^«ff?I ^f^^tCf ^^tf*rs ^^ f¥^ ^^ f^ ^^ ^f%?il ^^^ ^9|^ ^-\fi^ f^^ ^f?(^ ^^t^ ^^1 i^t ¥fl?( ^^«s Wc^ ^^5i-« ^^ ^t^ CT ^^t^ 5 ^"St^ "Sl^^t^ C=1TC^^1 ^C5J^ 51^^ c^t'i ^l%^1 '^t^^ ^^^ 51^^^ ^t^^ ^f^^tc^ ^v. r^^t « ^f% ^^v ^tc^tf^^ CAREY AND FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE 125 :^C«tTl 'T^ '7lTt^^'5 ^/>'.v /'(/(^/^'.v tratislatt'd- into Benp:ali, nmlcr the direction and superintendence of Dr. J. Gil- clirist, by TarinTcharan Mitra. 1S05 'Ci>(a Ill/ia'< translated from Persian bv Cliandi- cbaraii Miinsi. Baja Krfrar9hman. Hence not mentioned by Roebuck: but knonn ron- cluttively to be a publication for the uce of the Collcgi' from the testi- mony of Carey, Marshman and oth< rs. 132 BENGALI LITERATURE Barn'no^ a few independent works here and there these were all the best publications and the chief writers in Bengali between 180U and 1825.' Even if we leave aside publications which are in- directly due t). Vol I reprinted in 1818. The second volume is in 2 parts All Ben<>ali-Enu;lish.' Printed at the Mission Press. Serampore. Carey's enthusiiism for lienj^nli and his patient scholar- ship are nowhere displayed better than Stopo and iiiipin- i • • i / • -i i- i> i.i tancoof Carey's works. '" '"^ uidustnous compdatiou ot the Beiifjdh ( I ni III iinw and the Beiigali- Eiiglis/i Dictionary. This was indeed the aije of j;rammars and dictionaries, and the name of <.;rammarians- and lexicoixraphers who, after Carey, followed in the foot-steps of Halhed and Eorster, is leijion ; hut none of the works ' Rev. Long in liis Retnin of the Stimes and Writings o/515 Persons connected with Bengali Litcrnture (p. 12.5) mentions anionp Carey's works a treatise or pnniplilet c-alled Letter to a Lo^kar. \i seems that the Addrem to a Lnnknr, wliich was written not hy Carey hut l>y Pearco of Birmingham, was translated by Carey (see E. Carey, "/). cit. ]). 463; al.io Murdoch, Cutalogue of Christian Vernacular Litera- ture of India, p. 5) Curoy also wrote other missionary tiniets wliich it is not necessary to mention here. ' The tirst Mengaii Gnimmar l)y a nntivi- ;;rammarian is said to be that by Gafifja Ki.Jor Bliattilcharya, written in the form of a dialogue. It Was published in 1816 (Lnnf;, Catalogue). This date seems to be incorrect. We find the first annonremeut of tliis work in the Samachar Darpan (Oct. 3, INIH) fri)m which it woidd appear, in the first place, that the book was piibli-^^hed about I81H; and secondly, that it was not only a grammar but a compendium of niiscellnneous iuformaticn and that the portion dealing with grammar did not relate to Bengali language but that it was un English Grammar in Bengali. See my article in Buiig'tya Suhitya Pari^at Patrika, vol. xxiv, p. 164. 134 BENGALI LITERATURE of these writers excei)t perhaps Hau2:hton's Gh-min/ and Keith's Grammar (popularly called Ket-Byakaran) obtained the reputation and currency which Carey's scholarly works did. (Carey's Grammar was composed 180^^' ^'■"'"'""'■' more than twenty years after Halbed's Grammar. Halhed'y was indeed a work of merit ; but in the interval that had elapsed between its appearance and the institution of public lectures in the Fort ^Villiani College, it had probably become scarce, and was no lonojer available for the needs of the students of tiie College. To Hallied indeed belongs the credit of first reducing to rule the construction of the Bengali language, and Carey must Indebtedness to Hal- have derived much help from him.» bed and Carey s origi- nality. But though ostensiblj modelled on Halhed's work, Carey's Grammar was altogether a new and original contribution to the scientific study of the language ; for Carey had an opportunity of "studvinu- the language with more attention and of exa- mininjj: its structure more closely " than had been done before. "Whilst acknowledging the aid he had derived from Halhed, Carey observes (1st Ed. 1801): 'I have made some distinctions and observations not noticed by him, particularly on the declension of nouns and verbs and the use of participles." In the preface to the second edition (1805) he says: — "Since the first edition of this work was published, the writer had had an opportunity of study- in*'- this language with more attention and of examining its structure more closely than he had done before. The result of his studies he has endeavoured to give in the following papers which, on account of the variations from the former editions, may be esteemed a new work ". The ' E. Carey, op. cit. p. 247. CAKKV AND FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE LS5 variations alludod to above refer to the alterations aiul additions, particularly in the decdension and derivation of nouns and in the eonjui;ation of veibs, extemlinfj the <>;ranimar to nearly dt uble its ori<;inal size. The later editions, however, d<> not dill'er materially from the second edition. Another merit of this 6'yv/;// ///e peculiarities of the Bengali alphabet and the combination of its letters : the declension of substantives, and Scope of the book. formation of derivative nouns : inflec- tions of adjectives and pronouns : and the conjugation of verbs. It gives cojiions lists and 130 BENGALI LITERATURE descrijitions of iiiileelinable verbs, adverbs, prepositions, etc., and closes with syntax and with an appendix of numerals and tables of weights and measures. The rules are com- prehensive, though expressed with brevity and simplicity; and the examples, though derived from only a few of the standard works, are sufficiently numerous and well-chosen. There are many defects and inevitable errors but they are sufficiently obvious and excusable to require any comment and do not materially affect the value of the book. The syntax, however, is the least satisfactorily illustrated part but this defect was fully remedied by a separate publica- tion, originally forming- a supplement, printed also in ISOl, of Kathnpnl-nfJinn or Dialogiies^ in Kathopnkathan or Bengali, with a t rauslatiou into Eng- Dinlngues, 1801. . . . lish, comprising a great variety of idioms and {)hrases in current Bengali. Carey's extraordi- nary command over colloquial Bengali is nowhere better exhibited. There are, no doubt, occasional lajises and errors of idiom* which none but a man born to the lan2:uao:e can easilv realise, vet the extent and variety of topics, the different situations, and Its rich vocabnlni'v ' of current forms and the different classes of men dealt with in these dialogues show not only a minute and sympathetic observation and familiarity with ' Carey, however, was so very careful to ensure correctness in this respect that he writes in tlie Preface :" That the work nii) Conversation among lower classes of people './/. labourers, tishermen, beggars etc. Of the collo([uies under heads (1) and (5) which are the more interesting of the whole grou[), those entitled ""^M^K^ «5C^1C^ ^tft^ ^tftC^" (A discourse of respect- able old people) "^§^tf^" (An agreement of marriage) "gj^^ Q ^^Tf^" (A priest and his customer) and the last cimple talks of laymen. We give below an extract from the first-named of these colloquies, which throws much light An extract qnotc.l ^j, (),(, ^q^\^\ ]jfg j,, ^i,p village and III the grave stjlo " at the same time illustrates the more serious style of Carey in these dialogues : — ^tM^ TFt^Jt^ 51FTfr ^t?Tr»f?r >Tr^^ ^r?r 'Porl '1^f?ti5W?T isft^ Jf^^t^ -S[\^\^ CWCf 5t^ft ^f^ ^^ ntCiT J^t^ I 'R'Ft ^^fJiT '! of women are very faitliful ami realistic, but some of the pictures are too gross iho lixii^jnapre ot j^^] |),p laiifjuajje snmetimes even women. " - borders on indecenc}'-. The ladies, however, who tiojure in these colloquies belon<;, it seems, mostly to the uncultureil lower classes : and here and there all Billinj^sc^ate seems to be let Crossness of tone \qq^q ^t once. It is true that and lauguaj^i.'. ''women" as Carey says "speak a lan<;ua oat, and totlay it rains. Yes, brother, my work won't po no by the fear of clouds. Shall I bo able to clothe and feed my wife and children thns ? I see 3' on have a body formed for ease. {Dialoguci', lnt Kd pp. 1 10 et seq ; 3rd K.l. pp. 56-.'i7.) 1 Possibly these ilialopues were writton by the"8ensil)lo natives" whom Carey employed (lidennlc, footnote p. 13fi) and who might have misled him. See especially the colloquy headed "TtTT) T*fS1" (Women's Quarrels) bofdnning with "^fsi C^t*(t5 pT5tf^5lt *tr5lC^t^*' (Dinlogue*. Ist Ed. pp 15(5.164 ; 3rd Ed. p. 82. et seq.) lU BENGALI LTTKRATTTRE welcome but here is one dialos^ue in the "friendly style" suflieientlv harmless and representa- A finer picture. ' * tive wheri'in the ladies seem to belons: the middle class : — c^^R m^ ^U ^^ ^rt^ f^ ^tc^^ 51 « I en '-^^^ c^t^ ^t(:^ ^t ^i^-^^ ^^ cst^ ^t^rl fn^Tl 5^c^ I ^tf^ c^ .»tt ^'^ cm\ ^^fe ^t^Hc'?! 11^^1 c^^ ^t^ ^? c^ '^^U Tt'^ft^ fvff% ^"51 ^f^^ ^^ I ^tf^ ^'j^ c^l c^t^ c^ ^l%rrf^5i ^^^ 5ic?jT ^3it^ »t^?^C»f^ ^tft 'Tt^ f^ "51^1 ^^^ -tm ^t^t^^:^^ 'ftC^ 5rt^ 5^ %t^ f^rs ntf?ic^ -sTtf?! j^-s^ -rtl fw^ ^^ ^Pf^ f^t efs^ ^^-si wrsi g^t*tt^ =5p55^ 1^1 ^f^ 5|5^^'H1 19 146 BENGALI LITERATURE sit^jt^ f-i^t^^^ c^pm ^t«^ ^^^t^^ cffc»t^ 5ic5(j ^] This is indeed a fine piece but the IFoweii^.s QtKirrrJ.s are not so attractive. Critics have found fault with Carey the missionary for givin«j these latter gross colloquies a place in his book which was intended to be a text-book for young civilian students: but fastidious considerations apart, these dialogues certainly exhibit the true picture of a certain tjpe or class in every society, interesting to the student of the drama, novel, or social history. A strong tendency to objective realism in Carey demanded a vcrbalim reproduction of the language of the Its intense realism people; had he listened to his both 111 its form and '^ '- spirit. missionary scruples, the picture, like Johnson's in 7i'a.v.sv'A/.v, would have been unnatural or imperfect. In this respect Carey has been called, not unwisely or too enthusiastically, the spiritual father of Tek-chand, and The significance of ' i i . the book. Carey of Dinabaudhu. lliat Carey had hne the Du.ioyu.s is the (jj-^^^atic instincts, which if developed spiritual ratlier ot ' i Tek-chaml and Dina- would liavo bornc better fruits, and baudhu. ^i , i . that he was more tlian a mere compiler, has been put beyond all doubts by the Colloquies Dialogue!^, 1st Ed. pp. 148-156 ; 3rd Ed. pp. 76-82. CARi:V AM) FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE U7 which, to the stiulent of Bengali, is more than a mere treatise "intended to fiicilifati' the aciiuirinu;' of tho language". \\'e iiave dwelt rather too long on Carey's DlalmjneH but the importance of the book in the light of subsequent history can never be ignored. With regard to the style and language of all these dialogues it should bi' noticed that here we have, at the outset, the first trace of the opposition between the plain and The struggle between the oruate styles in prose which is to tliu jd.iiu ami tlio oi- . natc style lirst begun. dominate the rest of its history and reach to a crisis in the opposition of the 'Alali style' and the 'Sanscrit College style' of the fifties. We shall have occasion to come back to this point here- after ; but it is to be noted here that this perpetuall}' recurring antinomy in the history of jn'ose style was for the first time clearly posed and dellnitely worked out by Carey's simple collotjuial prose on the one side, and the elaborate diction of the Pundits, especially of Mrtyufijay, on the other. The best example of a chaste and simple style, more dignified than the C0II04 uial prose of the Dififof/nrx, more pure and correct than the prose of Ram Rfim Ba^u or Chandi charan, yet less affected than the ornate and ,.1- -.- 10,0 laboin-ed stvle of Mrtyufijay, is to be ltiha»-mala, 1812. " ■ J J J' found in ths Ififiux-nnila. of Carey, wdiich chronologically, however, comes after almost all the important Bengali publications of the Fort William College, except Piahnilh-chauAiika and Piini!*-jjin''iki*u, and con.se*iucntIy hiul the advantnge of having got more time for maturing in the meanwhile. It was printed and j)ubli.shed in Srlrampur in 1812, and, as its name implies, it is "a collection of stories in the Bengali language, collected U8 BENGALI LITERATI.RE • from varioiLs sources". The book contains 150 stories/ derived not only from books of fables and folk-lore, eastern and western, but also from past literature, legends, and history. There are, for instance, besides tales from Ililopade's or Paiichn-faiiiro, the well-known story of Lahanli and Khullaua- as well as an anecdote of Akbar^. The stories are very amusing and instructive ; but the book consists mostly of translation and its interest chiefly lies in its simple homely prose style. It is difficult to select a specimen for space would not allow us to quote more than one. The following: Specimen of its pure extract will be found interesting not and simple style. ^ onlv for its stvle but also for the touch of humour whicii is rather rare in these early works* — RTt^ ^^C^ ^f^^t^ "*f^ C^ ^f^ ^^ ^t^ ¥'11 '-^^ I ^ffTs '^m :5t^«i ^^ ^^^< ^^^ ^f^rs ^tRm i ^J13 ^^c^^ ^%^

^^ ^i^gl C^^ ^T|g c^t '^tc^ ^f^5l '^[i^ :3t^1 ^^ ^f^^ tot Eor^ler's Vt„' and the industry of the compiler. Besides the meaning of words, their derivation is given where-ever ascertainable. This is almost alwajs the case as a great many of the words included are Sanscrit or Sauscritic. Halhed {GraiiniKir, Preface, p. xx) had long since maintained "the impossibility of learning the Bengali dialect without a general and comprehensive idea of the Sanscrit" on account of the close and intimate relation between the two. Eollowing him, Carey himself always regarded Sanscrit as "the parent of nearly all the colloquial dialects of India"^ and "the current medium of conversa- tion amongst the Hindoos, until gradually corrupted b}' a number of local causes, so as to form the languages at ' Said to be published in ISOl. (Lone's Catalogue). - Forstcr's Yocahnlarxj contained onl}' 18,000 words. Carey, how- ever, acknowledges liis indebtedness to Forster in the Preface to his Dictionary. ' Preface to Sanscrit Grammar. 1806. CAREY AND FORT WILLIAM COLLECT K 151 proseiit spoken in tlic various part of lliiuloosthan :iiiil perhaps those of some of the neighbouring countries"'. Carey, therefore, observes with re;j;ar(l to the materials ol' his Didionary that "consitlerably more than three-fourths of the words are pure Sungskrit, and those comj)osinu; the greatest part of the remainder are so little corrupted that their origin may be traced without dillieulty". lie also states that he has endeavoured to introduce into the Dicd'oiniri/ every simple word used in the language and all the compound terms which are commonly current or which are to be found in the standard Bengali works. It may be thought indeed that in the latter respect he has been more scrupulous than it was absolutely necessary and has inserted compounds which might li;i\i' briMi dis))ensed with, their analysis being obvious and their elements being explained in tlieir appro|)riate places. The Jjiclioiiari/ also includes many derivative terms and privative, attributive, and abstract nouns which^ though of legitimate construction, may rarely occur in composition and are of palpable signi- tication. The instances of such, although they swell thr dictionary into an inconvenient and costly bulk, evince at the same time the compiler's careful research, his conscien- tious exactitude, and his unwearied industry. The English eijuivalents of the Bengali words are wdi-chosen and arc of un(|UcstionabIe accuracy-'. Local terms arc rendered with that correctness which Carey's knowledge of the manners of the people and his long domestication amongst them enabled him to attain; and his scientific acijuire- ments and familiarity with the subjects of natural liis- tory (jualilicd him to emjdoy, and not tinfrecpicntly to ' Preface to Bewjali Dictionary, 1818. * See II. H. Wilson, Remarks on the Character and Labours oj Dr. Carey as an Oriental Scholar and Tranflator, 152 BENGALI LITERATURE devise, characteristic deuonii nations for the products of the animal and vesjctablc world peculiar to the East. The objection taken to this Dictionnry on account of its bulk, was subsequently removed by the publication of an abridgement, pre][)ared under Marshmaii's abridge- Qarev's owu superintendence bv J. mcnt, 182 <• ■ ^ Marshman and printed in 18:27 ^ Most of the compound and derivative terms were omitted and the publication was reduced to a thick octavo volume. Although this abridgement has the advantage of being more readily consulted, it does not however by any means obviate the necessity of the original which must be reo-arded as a standard work on the subject until replaced by a better one. In order to make a final estimate of Carey's position in the history of modern i?cngali literature it would be necessary to take into account other Estimate of the writers who llourished in this period labours and character ^,^j ^^^j^l^ respcct to whom his posi- of Carey as a Avriter '■ ^ of Bengali. tion must be determined; j^et it is hoped that a few words here would not be out of place. It mav be observed that Carev never claimed anvthin2.3 ; also quoted in Dr. Culross's Wiilinm Cnrey, p. 5. 20 154. BENGALI LITERATURE the Janj^fuage ". This was his main object in writing BengaH books : he was never inspired by any literary enthusiasm or artistic impulse of creation. His language and his interests are perfectly definite and practical ; there is hardly an}- touch of elevation Want of oritiinalitv j.i. i. i. c -i.* „.u and creative power. ' ^^ attempt at fine writing anywhere. That he was capable of better things, is, as we have already pointed out, obvious from his Dialognefi: yet even this work was meant chiefly as a text-book, and as such it hardly afforded many oppor- tunities for the display of his inherent literary powers. Most of his other writings consists of translation or com- pilation. But, although even in translation a capable artist has scope for his originality, in Carey's case the translations may be suspected to be pretty closely copied from the texts : there is no native literary aspiration to be free and original. Vet, after all is said, it must be admitted that whatever talent could achieve without genius, Carey did accomplish. If he wrote no great imaginative work, he at least prepared the way for the writing of such. We need not lament over the want of ori- ginality so conspicuous in his writings : for in the special circumstances it makes far more for his honour than for his depreciation. His literary work was inspired not by any desire of fame nor by any The valno and signi- ,jgp(| ^f satisfying a peremptory ncance of his traiiH- j r^ i i j lation personal craving to write, but wholly and solely by the wish of what he thought to be benefitting the people, of doing something that might hel[) the country out of the slough of decadence into which it had been plunged by centuries of foreign rule, least favourable to the development of national life or literature. To this end, it would have been not merely presumptuous but, in the circumstances and the CAREY AND FORT WILLIAM COLLEG?: 155 time, positively silly to have attempted orit he was a jijood reproducer of kuowledije ; and as an educator of the nation, his work and his influence were alike very great. Discouraged 1>\ the authorities and As aa educator. i i.i /-^ r ii i. i . under the Lompany liable to deporta- tion, he and his colleagues devoted themselves with courage to evangelisation and study of the vernacular. Of this, we shall have occasion to speak more in detail ; but it is chiefly for this educational [»urpose, as an indirect means of evangelisation, that his books were written. They are all rudimentary no doubt but to them belongs the merit of first reducing to a system the chaotic collo- quialism of the Bengali tongue. Knowing full well that the literature of a nation in the long run must be of indigenous growth, he at once pressed into service Bengali scholars and writers. By his own As a writer and :i exertions as well as bv those of oth-.-rs centre of influence. which he instigated or superintended, he left not only the students of the language well provided with elementary books, but sui)plied standard compositions in prose for the native writers of Bengali, and laid the foundation of a cultivated ])rose style and a flourishing literature throughout the country. It cannot indeed l)e said that Carey and his colleagues have " rai^etl Bengali to the rank of a literary dialect " as the Jesuits of Madras are said to have done to the lan;;uat'e of the South. ' None ' Hunter, Indian Empire, p. 364. In the itanio strain Smith, the enthusiastic bioj;fraphor of Carey, says " for the Benpili-speaking race, William Carey created a literary language a century ajjo." (op. cit. p. 186). rtde ante p. 61. 156 BENGALI LITERATURE of the works of these missionaries is aeknowledo^ed to-day as classical by Benf^ali authors or Bengali readers ; and Bengal had a language and literature of its own long before the- missionaries even dreamt of coming out to this country ; yet this language had decayed and the literature had been forgotten. It was at this time that Carey came to Bengal. In order to understand what he did for literature we must recollect in what state he had found it when he made the first start. There was hardly any printed book ; manus- cripts were rare ; and all artistic impulse or literary tradi- tion was almost extinct. To Carey The character and belongs the credit of having raised object of his work. ^ '^ the language from its debased condi- tion of an unsettled dialect to the character of a regular and permanent form of speech, capable, as in the past, of becoming the refined and comprehensive vehicle of a great literature in the future. Poetry there was enough in ancient literature; there was a rudiment of prose too, not widely known or cultivated. But Carey's was indeed one of the earliest attempts to write simple and regular prose for the expression of everyday thoughts of the nation. Other writers contemporaneous with him, like Riim Basu, or Mrtyufijay took Persian or Sanscrit as their model and their prose in consequence became somewhat (piaint, affected and elaborate; but the striking feature Carey's prose. , . . . , or Carey s prose is its sim])iicity. it is pervaded b\- a strong desire for clearness and for use, and by a love of the language itself. It succeeds in being clear and useful and it pleases by force of these elements. It is true that, in spite of all this, Carey must be admitted to have been in literature still a learner, not a master, in any sense ; but we must not in our haste forget the pioneer who did the spade-work and paved the way for later glories. Such a pioneer Carey was, and eminently CAKEV AND FORT WILLIAM COLLEGE 157 fitted for this task he was by his acquirements as well as by his i)Ositiou. We have seen that Carey not only wrote in Bcnf:jali himself, but with his intlnenee in tlu' Fort William Colleirt-' and reputation as a liengali scholar, A frieiul of Bengali ^nd friend of Hi-ni>-ali writers, he literature. succeeded in inducinii' many learned Ben«;alis to the promotion and preparation of i^ood Ben<^ali works. "With the aid of the Press at I'^rirumpur and the collal>oration of his colleagues, and in subordination to its special purpose of multiplying copies The PresB at Srira.n. ^f ^^c Bengali Bible, he devoted him- pur and its encourage- ment of native talent, self to the printing, as we shall see, of the first efPorts of native literary talent. From 1801 to 1825 many useful works in Bengali as well as in other languages* issued from the ^lission Press at Srirllmpur. to most of which Carey contributed encouragement and aid. Many of the older Bengali classics were printed at the Mission and made accessible to the read- ing public. The editions of the liamli/an of Krttibas and the Annadainaiigal of Bhilrat-ehandra, j)ublishe<.l through the zeal of Carey, remained for a long time the standard texts ' In the Appendix to the Tenth Memoir, relative to 8rlr5nipur translations (1832) is given a review of the work of the Mission since its commencenicnt. It is shown that two hundred and twelve thousand volumes in forty different languages at a cost cf over £80,000 have been issued between 1801 and 1832. The Mission was practically the Grst in the 6eld in its assiduous study of the different dialects and languages of India. In the Sixth yicmoir (dated March, 1810) we find 34 specimens of 33 Indian languages given. The wliolo discussion, Grierson points out {Indian Anliqtiary, 1903, p. 246), is the first systematic survey of the languages of India. Before this, Gilchrist in his Oriental Fabulist (1805) had attempted to give a jwlyglot versioji of .^sop's fables : but he confined himself to giving specimens only in six languages including the classical Sanscrit and Arabic. 158 BENGALI LITERATURE of these ancient works. The promotion of Beno^ali litera- ture thus effected by the example and impulse of the Press of Srirampur had been very important, although after 1825 it became less necessary because of numerous printing press springing up in Calcutta for the promotion of indige- nous talent. But this alteration of the state of things after 1825 is itself due mainly to the example and influence of Carey and the missionaries at Srirampur. Nothing would be more fitting to close this perfunc- tory estimate of Carey and his works than the high tribute paid to Carey by a competent authority, the celebrated lexicographer and scholar. Ram Kamal The tribute of Ram gen. "I must acknowledge here" Kamal Sen. . ^ . he says in the Preface to his Bengali- English Biciionart/ (1830), ''that whatever has been done towards the revival of the Bengali language, its improve- ment, and in fact, the establishment of it as a language, must be attributed to that excellent man, Dr. Carey, and his colleagues, by whose liberality and great exertions, many works have been carried through the press, and the general tone of the language of this province has been so greatly raised.'^ CnAPTER VI The Pl'.vdits and Minsis of the Fort William College. After William Carey the next writer of importance, who composed two of the earliest original works in Benj'ali prose, was Ram Kam Basu. Ram Ram Basn. , v, ■ who unlike Carey was a native of Bengal, born at Chinsui-ah towards the end of the 18th century and educated at the village of Nimteh in the 'Zi Pergunnahs. lie was a Bangaja Kayastha, as is indicated in his Pratapadili/u C/iaritra. To (piote Dr. Carey's account, "Rim Bos€ His ropntntion and Vjefoie he attained his sixteenth Ins appwDintinent in the College. year became a perfect master of Persian and Arabic. His know- ledge of Sungskrit was not less worthy of note." * Such was his reputation for proficiency in these languages that Carey s|)eaks of" him :iu was at the same tiim- a «^ieat frieml of the Missionaries, consorted for many years with Thomas, ami was for some time Carey's Miinsi. From whatever source the impetus might have come, Kam Basu wrote two imiiortant His works. • ■ i • i» original works in Bengali under the patronage of the Fort William College — 1. RujU. Fratapaditi/n C/iaritra,^ ISOl, July ; •I. Lipimala, 1802. Pratapaditi/ii C/hirilra - is said to be ''the tirst prose work and the first historical one ritra'imi. ' ^^ " ^^^^ ai>peaivd" (Long's Cafdhguf). Its claim to be considered as having "wieldeil tlie power of sarcasm inhiMent in iho lauffuage with sin^alar effect." He was almost on the verge of avowing Christianity (See Culross, np. cit. pp. fil-fi2) hut was po.<»8ihIy deterred by Rtlm-mohan. Rum Ram Basn is said to have written also a book called f| 5|%U in 1801 or the Immortal History of Christ in Verge < 12 mo. 25 pp. Mnrdoch, Catalogue, however, dates it at about 1810. ' This work like Kr»iuichnndra Ruyer Charitra was written at the inducement of Dr. Carey. Ram R.im Basu helped Carey in his translation of the Rible (see footnote to p. WA. See vAao Calcutta Revieic, vol. x p. 134.) RSm Rnsu wrote, besides the works mentioned above, a Chri.stian tract called the Gospel ile^geiiger, which is al.so mentioned by Long. The description of this tract is thus given in Murdoch, Catalogue ; "Three months later (i.e. June 1800) a Tract was printed under the title of the 'Gosjiel Messenger,' which was written 'to usher in the Bible.' This little book containc[U I f^f^ ^J\ "f^PStR vw:j^ ^t^^ I n'fVR ^w^VT^ ^rsr:^ ! ^ ^t^ ^th ^fFs I 5?t'i*ini 21 1G2 BENGALI LITERATURE the first piece of original prose work we have briefly discussed. As an historical work, too, its place is very hi^h. In the description of" it <^iven in Buchanan's College of Fori WiUiarn (1805), it is said to have been "composed from authentic documents^' and Ham Basu himself at the bei2:inning of his book says : 3^°^!% ^^t^^g f^^^«i f^f^ts"^ ^t^^T ^t^ 5if^ 'Sftrf As the first histori- . .. _ . . .^ vC ^c- calwork in Bengali ^^'mM'>\ m^fftt^ ^^ ^tf^ ^5rrs{^ ^f^^ ^t^ ^^x ^rr^ ^t^ ^c^^ i^T^t^t^ ^'Tf-^ITt^ ^^1^^ ^tf^ll^ 'srff^^JI -^\W.^^ ^ W^T (TJ^^ <5ft^t^ ^F"® "srtt^ ^tf^^fl c^'^l ^tr«c^ 1 ^ It seems therefore that this work — one of the very few treatises on a little-known period of history — is based upon both authentic history and tradition ; but the learned pundit seems to have taken every precaution to ^tl ^51 I ib-oi I The History of Roja Pritapadityu By Ram Ham Boshoo one of Pundits in the College of Fort William. Soraniiiore. Printed at the Mission Press. 1802. pp l-lo6. Entered with identicnl date, place of pnblication and name of the author in the Catalogue of the Lihrary i1ci>^ *lfl etc). The book, however, was so hit^hiy rci^rdod that it was translated from oripinnl Bengali into the Marhattn language in 1816 (Roebuck op. cit. App. II.,) and re-wtittcn by Ilarifi Chandra Tarkalaiikar in 1853 164 BENGALI LITERATURE and interestni^ manner, enlivened by visual pictures descriptions, and anecdotes ; and „- „ Ram Basu's i)Ower of representing^ Ram Hasu as an ' i r> historian. historical incidents, without being dry or discursive, is undoubted. As a pioneer in the field this is a high compliment indeed. His is the plain narrative style, suited to his work, with little embellishments (except by way of goro^eous descrip- tions) or suo^gestiveness, but marked with a certain interesting idiosyncracy of character in spirit and form. It is not possible to give too many An illustrativo extracts but the following, it is extract (The Hi<^ht of , , -n -n j ^ i • i Ram-chaudra). hoped, Will illustrate his general manner and powers of description. ^ fk^ ^m ^g^ c^^t^ 'w\Tt^t^ ^^c«m ^t^^ ^^^^ ^ ^t^ "srt^ c^wt^ ^T^ ^^ J^Sf^^t f^^t^ ^f^^1 ^5t^^ ^f^^^ ^t^ (vide poitc \^. l7l). W. Pertsch, (he editor of Ei^itli Bamsabalt Charitarh (Berlin 1852) alluded to this work but its scarcity even in his daj made it difficult for him to obtain a copy and lie contents himself by the account of it given in the Calcutta Revieiv, xiii. 1850, p. 135. PtJNDlTS AND MUNSIS 165 f«^^ ■ S) I 'S\^m ^imt^ ^^^ C^t^f% ^ft ^^?[1 ^tSfSl^q^ C^mii's ?tr^^ ^1?:^^ (pp. ~8--29 ; }). 11) I ^^^ ®^f»r^ ^rohan's subject-matter was religion, and Ids text the J?anscrit >astras ; while Ram Basu's interest, on the other hand, was in history and the Persian manuscripts 22 170 BENGALI LITERATURE constituted his authorities. As a result, therefore, it was quite natural that in his composition, Persian should have so much influence. Towards the end of Prafapadif j/a-charitra, however, and in the description rf domestic or emotional matters. Ram Basu has avoided foreign aid and turned naturally to Sanscritioised language in order to attain more vernacular ease. In the following passage on the celebrated episode of Basanta Ray's murder as well as the descrii)ti()n of the flight of Ram-chandra quoted above, it will be seen that the number of Persian words are comparatively few : — 51^ ^pr^ ^ft ^^"f ^f^^ c^^ Tt^i ^J!^ ^tK ^^ <^^n^uc^?j ^^f%s ^r?jyi tri (y^m\ ^%q^ ^^iti ^^t 'itrs i tf^^JT ^?3 ^f^is:^ ^s^ ^^ t^tc^ "srfi^m ^j^^^ s ^t?t^^ "f'^ ^^ I (pp. 137-:38 ; pp. 57-58). Moreover, P i\dapafUt ya-charit ra was the first attempt at sustained Bengali prose- writing, and with no model before him. Ram Basu iiad uo other alternative than that of writing in the current language, which was in itself a strange admixture of Bengali and Corruption of the Persian, in order that his work might popular langiiaf^e. ^ easily appeal to all. \Vhat seems quaint and affected to us was quite natural to readers a PUNDITS AND MUNSIS 171 century ago who were accustomed to such corrupted forms. We must make allowance for all the>e considerations; but after all is said it cannot be denied at least that the style of Pralapaditya is one of the worst specimens of Bengali prose-writing even for this period.' In Lijjimala, however, his next work- published in Lipimala. 1802 '^^'^' Consisting of a collection of letters on various topics, the influence of Persian is almost absent. The Preface to this work in Bengali, indicating its object and plan, will be found interesting — i^t^l (2t«JT^ « ^9t'5?1 ^.[^^\ '[7[ll\^7{ 55J?rl Its object and plan H* explained in the ^T^C^^ | — Preface. ■i) ^5 -sjrsin^ CW%9 9 ^M\h^ « *f^'^ f3jf^«f C^T^ ^s( ^^^^ ^i^ -^^t^ c^rfr^^ ^Jif^ii JF^^rtn ^^s "^^^ w»k^'^ ^^illfs « ^X^m ^^^ 'A'w\'^ "srf^f^fs t\^^^ 5nrf*r^^1 'S\^\ ^C^^ 5^5^'«T^1 -sj^^tT ^fjiy, ^t^flRt'SR ^« ^TTC^*! ' This work was re-written in n. more popular style by llariS- cbandra Tarkulankiir at the instance of Hev. James Long in 1S53 and included in the "Bengali Family Library S»rics" ('fl^?! ^t'tTl iJ^^HbTI). 2nd Edition 1856. It would be interesting^ to contrast the •tyles of these two works written at the interval of 50 years. Maris Chandra's version is reprinted in N. Ray's edition. » The book gives a clue to its date. There is a couplet in the Preface which shows that it was compost-d in "^XH i^**'. It runs thus :-"|:5tfT5I ^? Vi * /S :«t 'JIJI I V^'l ^HC*«f 1,^ ^i|51 'SJ^tl I • This undoubtedly shows according to some critics the influence of ftim-mohan Ruy who taught the worship of "3''*" This intluence is also indicated in the present work by its more sanscriticistd style. 172 BENGALI LITERATURE «rr^ 'STcTt^ ^f^^ ^^^^ ^t^^sf-jt^^ wa^ I 'i)«TfX5f ^ -^w\fv^^z'^ ^f»5^ cri^ ?t?i1 ^11'^ ssifi 'si^^t^'j^^ wflsjtc^ fjT^^ft^w sj^ ^1 ^J:^^ ^ lH^lf?i^ c^vf^ ft?rl ^Q ^^ ^^^1 'l^^ f^^ I ^^r,5iT t£i^l^ ^^ 5??1 (5^Tjt ?t^ *i^«^ ^ c^ ^^t^ ^1^ ft^ ^'^^ 'J'^J^ ^^ ^^ ^^t^ ^t^^ si^t^tfe^^ ^'^ ^^ ^1 ^^s ^^ ^^ ^»^^ ^f«}M^ 5'?fif«i ^sr? ^tf t^ f^ii?«i f-jrat^^ ^Nsc£i^ ^51^ If t^t^ ^©tft^ (71^15^11 *2I?-^ 5]^ ^fs^l ^ft^ l^itf^^ ^*i^ ^fvsJg'Sl PUNDITS AM) Ml XSIS 177 Hul the language of the strictly businot; letters are not so eommentiable and the (2) Business letters . ■ i i ti' Contrast is noticeable. We select here two cliaracteristic specimens even at the risk of beint^ leiit^thy. ^«rW f^st'^^ stocks ^tf»f^ ^3it^^ mi I s^^^t^ ^■H\5n ^5iw^ ff^^ ^1 Ttt^i ^^'^ ^f^^ ff ^151 ^^^ ^^^- c^t^f^ c^tc^^ ^rs^l^ (^^) ^tt^1 'T'f^ >I^t5t?f ^t^ ^^^1 f^f^e"S (s^t?JH*1) ^K^ 'K^^ ^i^ ^tC^ ^t^^ f^sf^fl (I^TW) ^^- of a doinestiu nature. ^t^T^ ^i's^m f^ ^n^t^ ^t'^i^ ^^t^^ I'vTl^ r^ ^^Ts $f^1 •n«l f?Cs ^t^^ ^fl^ ^^^t^C^T^ ^t^ f^ 5tf^ »rs §t^ ^C^ ^tCs ntf^C^^ ^\ ^T5t^ ^^51 Tfsffs ^sraj c^R "^Tw ^trs >f5ffT ^f?fc^ ^T^ ^sr^ "^ ^Tf^ c^Rc^ f^ii ^f^^ ^ I ^^3 l1c^t Si^ «(t?Jl, pp 32-87. Some verses are omitted at the beginning. The extracts contain numerous disjecta membra poctae. To tluB letter there is an equally strong reply which want of epac* forbids us to quote. PUNDITS AND MUNSIS 179 ^fwrf^^ I -3*^9 ^5^15? ^7^51 ^5t^ ^t^ci 5^ .^jcjj^ (;jj ijjfg; of A political iiattiiv. ^•s5f? ^f?T^1 f»mm '^^%'\U ^t^l f^'.^^'R Rt9t^ ^«i ^5t^^ f^f^^ ^f«}^T3 ^t^T^c^ c^^t^ i5rst^«rf^i:*t "Sf^TR^T 5r§ ?tt^ s^1 I ^^X ^51^ f?;^t^ ff 'I^^ ^"^R ^f^ fi«T^ >#5 ^st^^ c^'R "Sfs'Hfv^ 5^tt ^9ri5 -Brt^^^^ t?^ f^^sf (7^^ cTt^ wfi (?Ft^^ T^T^^ ^?5i^ ^f^c^ I 'If 5^^ m^'fR f^ ?i3(7^ >7^^ )^?:?i ^^ -^z^ CSV \ jrm^ iJt^T tJpf^rnf^ 180 BENGALI LITERATURE i£1^5T (71 f^^t^t^T ^ ^fsf^t^^^ ?^tU5 C^5l5It^ i£lf^ ^f^ f»r^1 5^ C^t^ (TRt^ ^^ ^^1 ^tr^ l^tC^ CT^^TfJ^^t^ ^^t^^^ (71 1%| (7#5 2^|ll1 ^it\Z^ ^^ f^^«1 ^ta f^1 ^t^^f^f^l^ ^^ ^^1 ^t«^1 ^»t^ I ^t^ ?^ I 'Sim; cusTi ^f%^ 3^^t^^- ^"jf € >T'^7^:?J T^?ff^ f^f^-Ts -S^^CSW f^'-5l5" 5rf% I (?rR srft^ %«^c 5 *iT^^ ^is ^'\^m^ ^^ ^^ "sitrf (ti ii^ ^'^ifs 5f^l "sff^c^^ t^t?r ffir (ii^ 'JftCT ^^^ 'SR'jf T^? ^^t^T^^ f^ 5^ I ^i*^ 'J^ Tt^ 5^1 <«rr^ ^T I (71 1:5 srr? I 'rf^ 'X^ ?t^ ''f^^ f'f^ "^ ^^ (?i r'F^ i*j^Tt^ 5:^ ' The story is to ivpll-known to require an analysis of its contents here 184 BENGALI LITERATURE ^ ^tr.?\ c^ti^ c^ti5 ^^^c^ -si^^t^ srr»f ^f^^ i^t:^ j?i vstfn 5r:^ ftf h (7151^ ^:^^ src^fi ^If ^1%^ ^?i i ^^ sj^j^ ci^l ^t5 cTt^f ^?il ^rt^ ^t^ ^'^ f^Q f^'sl f^^^ 1 f^"? ^f^ c^^ ^^ (71 ^ ^^tw ^1 ^c^ (71 ^f% ^^?:»f^ ^9fi ^t^t^ i2f5it«{ (7i5{^ ^C^WI ^:^ ^fw C^t^ ^t^T^ ■5fClf ^t^l ^t^ ^tr^ (TFTilf CT j^'sJT'Jfi:^ ^t^ <7i f^ ^^^ ^2f^c^^ ftf^ «ft^«i ^m^ ^^n yrf^^rtr^c^ ^'f :^ f^ ^ft«t^ ^t^ i ^t^ ^^ ^t ^fw fti^^^ ^[^ s 'ItC^ "sl^ ft^ sff^ 3^^ ^sJtW^ JI'vTK'if >TSI^ ^e. Although done under the Ur. John B. Gil- direction and suiiervision of Dr. Christ 8 Oriental. ' FabuliM 1803. Ciilchrist - it must be borne in mind that the version occurs in a book of polyglot translation (six versions) of ^Esop's and other fables into tho\arious dialects of India -^ done by various hands. Eor the l^engali version i> resjoui-ible one TarinTcharaii Mitra who was employed especially for "Bun<;la, Persian and Hindoosthanee." He is called "a ' f^TJtlC?^, pp. 3-8. - Dr. John IJortliwiik (JilcliriHt, LL. D., F. II. S. E. was Professor of Hindnsthani in the Fort Williuin Colligr. lie was well-versed in numerous dialects of India and wrote a number of works on Uiudus- thani. ■* This trnnBlation will be found in a publication of the Fort William College, entitled the Oriental Fnbnlint (1803) by John Gikhrist. It contain»i "Polyijlot Translation of .Esop'n and other ancient fablcn from the Enijlifh Language into Hindoofthanec, Pcrnian, Arabic, Brijhhakha Bttngla and Snnkrit in the Roman Character by various hands under the direction and superintendence of John Gilchrist for the use of the College of Fort William. Calcutta. Printed at the Hurkaru office. 1803." (See Roebuck, op. cit. App II. p. 27: Buchanan, op, cit. p. 221). •21 180 BENGALI LlTEllATUKE learned native" in tlie rieface by Dr. Gilchrisft wl.o also pays him a high tribute ^vln.n he says "it behoves me now more particularly to specify that to sliare lu the veisiou. \ / i labour and considerable i)rolieieney in the English tongue, am I greatly indebted for the accuracy and dispatch with wliich the collection has been at last completed. The j'ublic may feel and duly appreciate the benefit of his assiduity and talents, evident in the Biingla version" '. Tariiilcharan ]\litra was "Head Moonshee" in the liindustliani Department appointed in May, 1801.- Tarinicharan thus seems also to have been })roticieut in Persian and Hindusthani. We select here a short i)ieee as a specimen: — An illustrative fable ' ■'s ^ • r^mb^i ^f^^xS ^Itf^^ a ^5I5( ^=^t5 '511^ C^-^^ ^f^^l ^1^ ^sft^t^ 5?:^^ csfjtf^, ^f^ ^:5^t^c5i ^fsj ^^5f^ ^f^?il ^t^iti:^ * p. xxiv-xxv. Dr. Gilcluist in the Preface (p. xxv) to this work, expresses his intention of publishing the Bengali version, which seems to be the best, in a separate form, not in Roman but in Bengali character. I do not know whether it was ever published. Long mentions Dr. Gilchrist's translation of the .^i^sop's fable jmblished in 1803. I have not been able to trace tiiis separate publication if it ever existed. ■■' Roebuck, op. cit. App. 111. p. 48 Pl'XDITS AM) MI'NSIS 187 ■srt^ ^1ondix III. at the end of this volume, whero a cote also will be found on this system of tranaliteriitiii" • fni- « liii-li I am indflitf'il t" Profe-S.sor Snniti Kumnr Chatterji. 188 BENGALI LITERATURE Cliandlcliaran MnnsVii's ' Tola Iti/i'ts and Rajib Loehan .Mnklioi>ndhyay's Fiiju Kr-^na- M'linshi ' r//tnn/rij /ui//rr C/inritra, both pub- lished in the same year, exhibit however noticeable contrast c£ style and languaj^e. Tota I/iZ/iift - is bv far the better work ^''Isos'^' ^^^^^ "^ ^*^'""^ ^"^^ subject, although it is a mere translation from some Persian orig-inal and its language shows admixture of Persian. It consists of thirty-four "tales of a parrot," as its name implies, and is said to have been translated from a Persian original " Toofofiawa//." ^ Similar collections of tales there are ' Called Chunder Churun Moonshee by Buchanan (op. cit. p. 229) which is evidentlv a mistake. * There are copies of the first edition in the Library of the Board of Examiners and Presidency College Library. The title-page says : C^t^'Sl ^f^t^ ( TtSTl^l «t^K'5 I tl^«^Rl ^^%^ ?f^« I ^l^t^*!?:^ f t*ri ^^ I ib-ou I Roebuck {op. cit. App. 11. p. 29) and Buchanan (op. cit. p. 228) also give this date of publication. The copy in the Sahitya Pari.sat Library (and also one in the British Museum Library), which seem to be reprints of 1825, bear a somewhat different title-page. ^ | C^Hi tf^t^l 1 1 ^t^1^1 "^WUs || ti^^slF^I H'\/^f.^ ?fF5 1 1 cr^S^? ?tW«ft^Rlr^ Ft*l1 ^^ llib-^a 11 The fount of this latter reprint is very neat. Misled probably by the date of this edition, Diiicsh Chandra Sen (History, p. 890) puts the date api)arently of the first edition at 1826. The copy of an edition in the British Museum Library bears 1806 as the date of publicatioii (Blumhardt, Catalogue, p. 31). There is also mention of a 12mo Ed. printed in London ISM in the Catalogue of the Library of East India College, and an 8vo. Ed. London 1811 is entered in the Cfitnlogue of the Libranj of the Hon. Enst India Company, p. 196. There is a cnrious diglot edition (English-Bengali) of tin's work in the Siiliitya Pari^at Library : the Bengali version appears on the right and English on the left side on the same page. The date cannot be ascertained for the title-page is lost ; but judging from the typography, it seems to have been printed in London. ^ Buohnnan, op. rit. p. 228. Chandicharan is also said to have PrXDITS AND Ml'NSlS 189 also in Sanscrit, the most well-known amony wliioli is tlic 'Siika-xnptafi' or 'Seventy Storios of a Parrot '. ^^ e «^ivf lier»' ii description of the work under review and il is interestinjjf to compare it Description of th.. ,vith the Sanscrit version. A wife, work. whose husband is travellin*; abroad, and who is inclined to run after other men, turn 5 to her husband's clevtr talkiny; parrot for advice. The bird while seemiui; to aji[irove of her wicked jdans, warns her of the risks she runs, and makes her promise not to go and meet any j)ai"amour unless she can extricate herself from diHiculties as sc-and-so did. Re([nested to tell the story, he does no; but in the meantime the stor}- is s]>un out to such a length that when it is concluded, morning dawns and lur plans arc postponed till next nii;ht. Thus the bird succeeds in keejting his mistress in the path of rectitude not by j)ointed injunctions, but by a device similar to that which Shehrazade in the Arabian Niijhts employs to hinder the Sultan from sacrificing a fresh victim on every succeeding day. Several days pass in thi-« way, till the husband returns to find the honour of liis home inviolate. This is the frame- work which contains the thirty-four stories, some of which are verv amusini; indectl, although many of them are somewhat coarse. It is written in simple narrative prose, eminently suited to the juirpose of the book, and, although eried down for its slight inevitable admixture of Persian especially at the beginning, the language is in no way inferior to that of I/ifojun/rs or (Jrinital ]'\ihiilist an,! certainly marks great advance in simplicity and natural- ness upon Praiajtatlilya-t'luirUrn or Lipiiiialii. Its literary translated the Bhagabmlglta from Sanscrit into Reni^ali : this work, if pnhlishcd nt all, I have not been able to trace. ' Macdonell, Hisf. of Snn». Lit. p. :{7.*). 190 HEXOALT LiTi:KATnn<: pretensions are few indeed, but the writer is a very sjood story-teller and has succeeded in niakin«^ his book inter- estins:, both in form and matter."' The followint; (juotation of a shorter story will serve both as specimen of its tales and of A storv quoted as a . •pecimen. its languao;e. - Tt^t^ ^^5f (ilt I— c^t^^ ^f^^l '^t^^ 5^i;^i w^ >it^tt\^^ "^11,-^ ^^ ' This book seems to liave become very popular ; Dr. Yates, in his Selection, gives 18 stories from it alone. Dr. Yates, however, stretches his point too far when he says that the language of this work is deserving of attention because it is "a very fair specimen of the colloquial language and its almost unbounded negligence." (Rev. W. Yates, Introduction to the Bengali Language in two volumes 1847. ed. by J. Wenger; vol. ii containing Selections from Bengali Literature, p. 1). Haughton's Selections (1822) contain 10 stories from it. The book was also translated into Ilindusthani. See Roebuck op. cit. App. II. p. 24 ; " Tota Kuhanee a Trau.'^lation into the Hindoosthanee Tongue, of the popular Persian Tales, entitled Tootee Namn, by Sneyid Huednr Buksh Hueduree, under the superintendence of John Gilchrist, for the use of the students in the College of Fort William, Calcutta ..printed at the TTindoosthanee Press in one vol. 4to. 1804." ■ This storj' also occurs in another form in the Uitopadei. It is also quoted in Haughton's Selection-', ]>. 12-18 -. trans, p. 92-96. ^ This is the wife whose husband Maymun has gone abroad ; this introductory jiassage as well as the conclusions forms tlie link which connects a particular story with what precedes and what follows it, and is thus a part of the framework into which stories of miscellaneous character aro thrown in. ' Tliis is the jiaraniour with whom an appointment was made to meet at midnight. I'LNDITS AM) .Ml N\S18 IDl f^vrfg Btfj^'i 1 ^^ ^f^l?,^ C^ ^fsi ^l^ f^f ^f^?n ^f S 5^1 ^srr^tf^* ^t^ "^trsi cstit?! ^•I't cefSs '^ff C^111C^ i^t^- ^%^ "51^ ^li?^ ^^'s 5?t^t^^t^ 5I'235]t°N^ ^»^T^^ ^«t^JfT ^tf^?i1 ■srtf^ T5ft^ ft <5t57U«Tfr^^fviX5t^ =^^ ^^x CfiZ*\^ "STm? ^W S ^t^ ^r?rR ^r^rr^ ^?r^l C5W?T (TTt^tm -srt^j ^^st^s ^^ ^1 ^ ^*?5t^ ^f^^1 'sffTK^ f^%l ^1t^ ^^I'T 'rtfV^ "srrsi f^^^ I cFff^m c^fipift^ 'sitjfQ^nis iTt^K ^T^^-^ -sTTfj!^ ^^frs ^ ^2t*rpj :i5 194 BENGALI LITERATURE ^ '*\Zm f^t^ f% ^tf^ I C^'ffWt^ ^fe^l^ STFt^t^ 5j^el ^fk^ "511^1 ^^^ I t«:i^ ft ^^t^^^ 'sit^ Ttfsi^ ^ff^ *l^ ^f?n:^fi:«i (?i ^tf^ ^c«t% '^'H^ c^t^ ^rf^ ^srt^ ^sffrtr^ f^^c^ 1 ^tf^ (7f^ ff^ ^ff^t^ n^^l c^^^ ^t^j ^t^t^ ^%l ^t^w^ ft^,^?:^ fro ^f^^ f^5i ^£i:?(^ ^ It ft?-^ ^fcl?? QZ^ C^tfwt^ (71 ^^ ^fsi ^5it^ ^ttl?[ ^tf?^ ^^ (7T^ yjsni 'silfiis c^t^ltW ^*5t^ "^f^J^ ^f^^1 w^ ^^c^ C^t^lt^ ^^ ^tf^'« ^^^^^^ ^I C'^tC^^t^ ^tS^ ^^ ^ I C^tC^^I ^1^ ^^^ 1^1 If^^t^ «1^C«1 ^t'^l^ %515? ^vstfl^ 1*1^^^ f^^?rfr« *l^ ^f?ic^ I—' As in the case of most of the Bengali writers of this period, nothing practically is known about the life of the author of J^uja Krfinachan(ha HajTh.joohnn Mnkho- /,.j^,. Chavitra"- exccpt that in the description of the book given by ' CSti>\ tf^Jl, pp. 21-29. = The title-page says ; History of Raja Krishnu Chundni Roy -. PUNDITS AND MUXSIS 195 lUiclianan,' Kiijib-luchan is said to have been "descended from the family of the Raja." The Rujd KrHnachanilru booj. j^ supiwsed to be an authentic RayerChantru, 1805. '' account of the Kiija, dead not many years before this book was published, and his corres- pondence with the Eni^lish in the early period of their intercourse with Beni>al : but it seems that the memoir is more of a tissue of fables and Its historical value. traditionary tales ; and much of the narrative, esj)ecially at the beginning, is mere liction such as tradition or the fancy of the writer might have sug- gested. We do not go so far as to suggest that these tales were invented, as Dr. Yates^ remarks, " in order to 5^eT I ii^.d I pp 1-120. Long says that it was ropriiitcil in Lumloii 1830 but tho second reprint at Srirampur bears tho date of 1857 (Sahitya- Pari-^at Library). There is a copy in tlie Library of tlie Board of Exa- miners which is reprinted at orTnlmpur bearing the date of 1K34 ; and two copies in tho British Museum Library (Blumhardt, Catalogue, p. 89) printed in London in 1811. Also mentioned in the Catalogue of the Library of the East India Collcjc (18+3) and Catalogue of the Library of tJu: Hon'blc East India Comjmny (ISio) p. IdG. There arc copies of the first edition of this work in the Library of tho Board of E.xaniiner3 and also in tho Bengal Asiatic Society Library. In tiio paper on Bengali Literature (Cal. Rev. xiii. 185<5) Long gives this work tlio absurd date of 1801 : and following him, llum-gati Nyayaratnn repeats tho error. Sec, however, Roebuck, <>;>. ci< App. II. p. 21): so Buchanan, opcit. p. 228. Besides this work of lliljib-lochan's contains a reference at p. 9 to Rtlm Riim Basu's Pratapuditya'Charitm and must therefore have been published after 1801. • Op. eit, p. 228. Tho full description is this : " an original work in tho Bengali language containing tho correspondence between the Raja and the (English in tho early period of their intercourse with Bengal by Rajeeblochan Moonshee descended from the family of the Raja." ' Intro, to Beng. Lang vol. ii p 124. Sotcn-Karr's severity on his work {Cal. Rev. 1849, p. 601), following Yates, seems to bo unwarranted. 196 BENGALI LITERATURE gain the favour of the English " ; but we must admit that it shows more leaning towards gossip than Pratajjuditi/a- charitra does. In point of language, Its language +,14. i 1 however, the last-named work com- pares very unfavourably with the work under review. Mahamahopadhyay Haraprasad groups this work with Traiapadiiya in the class of " unreadables " for its lan- guage, but the plain story-telling style, occasionally Sans- critised and wholly free from Persian, eminently befits the gossipy tendency of the work. The story is enlivened by frequent introduction of descrip- and manner, . tions, dialogues, letters and anec- dotes ; and the narrative towards the end, describing the Raja's acquaintance with the Nawab, his joining the conspiracy, his negoeiations with the Enghsh, and the ultimate triumph of his party with the defeat of the Nawab is told in a connected and interestinsr manner, with a large infusion, however, of fiction which may not be strictly acceptable to the historian. But it is this ming- ling of fact and gossip that makes the work so interesting to the general reader. The work begins with a preli- minary account, legendary and historical, of jiedigrees and ancestries, then narrates the story of Raja Krsna- ehandra's birth, his marriage, his religious work, a description of his residence called Sifja-nifjasa, his amusements, his acquaintances with Nawab Siraj, his joining a conspiracy started b}' ^IirJa'far and others against the Nawab, his delegation to the English at Calcutta by the conspirators, his A descriptioQ of the negociations there with the Bada- work. -saheb of the Factory, flight of Raj- ballabh and bis son, correspondence between the Nawab and the English, the Nawab's descent upon Calcutta, agreement with MlrJa'far, the meeting of the English and PUNDITS AM) MUNSIS 1U7 the Mohammedan forces at Plassey^ flight of Siruj and his assasination bv Mlian ; ami then the story ends with a short account of the posterity of the Rujii. We give here an extract from the passage describing the Raja's joining the conspiracy, which will serve as a speci- men of botli its language and manner.' ^t^ [f^^] ^-im^ ^trnT^si ^>15I ^t^ W^m ^t?0^ ^t^^ C'Ft^ "Sf^fr J^^t^ >itC?r^ ^ Ti:? "sif^ lil^; 'si^Ttfs "STs^i;^ ^tf'f ^f^ f^t'I (71 ^ ^^1 (21^ viit^«l f^C^EfSil ^f^citl (iJ 1^ ' Kr^nachandra Rayer Charitra, pp. 65-73, 198 BENGALI LITERATURE ^^c« ^^ ^Ic^ 1%^ (?f*f ^^1 ^t^ ^ ^^°N ^^5 c^tc^^ ^tfs ^«i ^t^l ^t^ ^1^ ! ^c^^ '^r^^ ^'-t ^RC's 5[^t^i sjc^s %^^ ^t5i1 ^^5^ ^t^ ^1% ^? 5fft ^t^tC^ '^iKitfl f^"St>l1 ^^t ^^^ f^f^ c^^^ ^ ^?rr5i»f fwc^5{ (Ti^^i-s ?FtnT ^T%^ ^'^^ Wt^l f ^5^ ^t^ ^t ^t'^tC« ^C^^ t^t^^ f^^t>l1 ^^«f (71 (71 ^ ^twl f ^53 ^tl^ 5!^^^ fSf^^l ^1%C^ ^f^i >i^f^ m-\^ ^T^iTs^^^ ^^t^*l fff^s ifl ^^5 ^|»5^J CT (71 ^^^ '^tf'l fsi?:^ff5? ^f% -^1^1 2J^«l ^^J? ^W^fff(:^f^ Cff*ftf^^t€T f^f^ If^ ^r^ ^sjf^^jt^ %^t^tf^ 'II ^rti^ t^Q ^"H:^ ^^51 ^^in^ 'srtsit^ si^^t^^t ^t^ "1^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^f^ ^'^'^ ^^ ^^^^ ^"f^ ^f5?nr?! 5(^ ^^^r^is- 1 ^rj^ ^^rt^ 9|^ ^^^?7t^ ^%^ 'it?t^ ^9^ ^f^ ^«t^ "Ttf^i ^5 ^f% fV^ ^|Ft<^fin:^r^ ^t^i 'pf^^lslfl c^fl ^f?nr1 55tf«f5T ^fiics^:^^ c^ ^fwf^t?^ ■srtfif ^«(T ^ 'Ft^ ^^t^ ^it^^c^ 5t^^ -si^^ ^t^t^ I'ft^ c?5{ I ^1 ^trt^f^c^m ^t®fj ^t^^^ =^ft ^r^ c^t^ ^^^^ t%i ^^^t^l ^sftr^ fir«t^ f^^ ^f^^ ^t^ ^^ I "^ ^^msk '^fwi'^ f ^5^ ^t^^^ f^^ ^f^^l ^ms] '^ ^ 'JtiR ^^t'^ ^f^c^^ I The name of ]\rrtyufijay Bidyalankar, for many }ears the chief Pundit of the College of Fori AVilliam and for some time Carey's own' Munsi, whom Homo has immortalised iu Carey's portrait', is Mrtjnfijny Bidya- ^^^ important one in the literary history of this period. Nothing practically is known about his life, but he is said to have ' A likeness of this will be found in William's Scrampore Letters (1800-1810). It may be remarked here that Mifynfijay's IHNDITS AM) Ml \Sl.s :>0l been boni in l?(i:2 ;it Miiliiapore (then iiieludeil in Orissa) iuul L'lliieateil at Nature. In pliysiiiui- aiitl knoulc*il<;i', he ha^^ been comparcnl to Dr. Jolinson, and ho was held in liii;h anil deserved estimation.. In the iMiLrhsh preface to l^ruhod/i-c/taiuhika wliieh was edited in Ifei-io altt-r Mrtyunjay's death, Marslinian Marshniuu's tribute. eulogises the learned pundit as " one of tlve most profound scholars of the a«?e." '• At the iiead of the establishment of Pundits," Marshman writes elsewhere', "stood Mrityunjoy, who althou^^h a native of Orissa,- usually ret^anled as the Bcetia of the country, was a colossus of literature. "' He bore a stron<; resemblance to our i^ieal lexieo;^rai)her not only by his stupendous aeijuiremeuts and the soundness of his critieal juil<:;ments but also in his rout^^h features ami his unwieldly ligure. His knowledt^e of the Sanscrit title was Butyalaiikar aud not Turkalahkur us lut'iitioiiod by Diiiosli Chandra Sen in Uistunj (p. 886). See Roebuck, cp. cit. App. II. p. :i'.» : also Smith, op. cit. p. 170. ' Hiitory of Serampote Mifstun. • Mrtynnjay seenjs to have been as piolaiont in the (Jijiya dialect as in Beiiyali. It was his help that enabled Carey to translate the Scriptures into the Udiyii diakct. (Smith, vp. cit. ]>. 190). ^ In this connexion, M. M. llai-aprasohau U«y, again, {Worka: Fauiai OlSco Reprint, p. 64«) calls Mftyuftjay a BhatUichiiryya and hi.s omtrovoniy with the I'undit is styled by himself at ®5t&Kini ^3 (^6ta I MftyuAjay was a Rridiya Bnihman (itCJJ? 5t^ ^^':« Ji^H I ) 202 BENGALI LITERATrRE classics was uurivalledj and \n> Bengali composition has never been superseded for ease, simjjlicitv and vigour. Mr. Carey sat under his instruction Relation to Carev. two or three hours daily while in Calcutta, and the effect of this intercourse was speedily visible in the superior accuracy and purity of his translations" ' . He was specially attached to Carey and it was at Carey's suggestion that he undertook the literary works which constitute his chief contribution to Rengali literature and language. - The literary labours of Mrtyunjay, embracing almost the whole of this decade (1802-1813), His works consist, besides a Defence of Idolatory and a treatise on the Hindu Law of Inheritance'*, of the following four publications, of which ' Carey never, however, was influenced b\- Mrtyun jay's pompous, affected, sanscritiscd lauguape. His native instinct for realism saved him from this extreme. - Mrtyuiijay was also one of the jurists of the Supreme Court ; and when the atritation about Sail was at its height and the whole body of law-pundits wrote of it as "permitted," Mrtyuiijay gave his opinion that, according to Hinduism, a life of mortification rather self-immolation was the law for a widow. ^ Rev. J. Long,. Return of the Names and Writingi- of 515 Persons connected with Bengali Literature. (1855), p. 135. This work, Defence of Idolatory, as mentioned by Long, seems to have been the same as the Bedunta Chandrika against which Ram-mohan Ray wrote his -s^lbU^X Jlf^ f^5til (1817) and his English tract "A Second Defence of the Mouotheisticol System of the Yeds in Reply to an Apology for the present State of Hindu Worship" (1817). Says Miss Collect: " Another defendant of Hinduism appeared some months later in the Head Pundit of the Government College at Calcutta, Mrityunjoy Vidyalankar, who published a tract called Vedanta Chandrika." (Life and Letters of Raja Rammohan Boi/.p. 23. See also Nagendranath Chatterji, Life of Rammohan Ray in Bengali, p. 103). The Bedanta Chahdrika was printed both in Bengali and in English, and defended the current form of idolatorous Hinduism against Ram-mohun's party. It shows PUNDITS AM) MIXSIS 203 two are original works and two translations from Sanscrit. : — 1 Bdfri's Sim/ia'<(i//, 1802. 2 Hifopaih's, 1 808 . -2 nd Kd .1811. :i rd Ed . 1 82 1 . 3 UrijaUn, 1808. + PrahotJh Chfunhika, 181. 'J. BafriH Sim/ia'i1?5tl? ^t^tC^S I ?^a5»t'Stl f^V.1 1 §|^t1T-'3 f t*tl 5t^ I ikr.^ I pp.210. The copy in tiio Hritish Mnsenm Library bears the followinp title-jmge; ^faW f'lt^Pl't I ^'911 ■'^•tl fe^trS I ii^'tr I Hocbiick. (>}>. cit. havinff apparently seen thia edition pives 1808 as the date of its first publication; and this has been the usual date piven by those who follow him (e.g. Lonp, Ram-pati Xytlynratna etc.) Hut Rnchanan, «}>. rit. in J805 mentions this publication at p. 222, thonph lie pives no exact date. The title-pape of tlie London reprint says : ?if^3!T)lf*fC*)U ^ftpn ^[vi^\ fr*x?t^ w.m i it^icii 's\^m I iii?^T»« "rt'it ?f5T i ^^fi^ l^t^tf^^CS 5ltl ^t^ 1 'i^'i>> I T'le edition in the Library of the Board of Examiners (London reprint) bIso bears 18111 as the date of publication. The BafteabAsi reprint is from the latter edition but some alterations in spellinp etc., make the book less valuable to the student. Similar reinurki apply to its edition of Prabodh-chaudrika and Rajaball. There was a SrirSmpur reprint in 1818. as is evident from the entry in the Cntnlogue r>f the CnlcuUn Puhtic Library (1898) and another reprint iis late as 18X4 as the c<.py in the SShitva Tari^at Librarv ni d entry in the Cnln'cque of Bengali •201 BENGALI LITERATURE Ihroiir.'^ Each of these iiiiao^es is introduced as tellino: a story descriptive ol" the princely character of that Kini^, and sliowinn' that a prince wortliv itf succeeding liim cannot he found. The earher style of Mrtyunjay, as disi)layed \\\ this work, if not superior to that of some of his contemporaries, was certainly less affected and pedantic than his latei- style, althougii somewhat sanscritised. It presents a great contrast indeed in language and manner at once to Carey's Dialnf/nos as well as to ProiapadHi/n- rliarifra published only a year before itself and hipimaKi published in the same year. As on the one hand, it is marked by a total absence of Persian influence and a decided tendency to sanscriticised style, so on the other, by its ]n"eference of the classical language, it rises Ruperior to the eolloqualism and flatness of the Dialoffne.s. The story with its framework is well-known. When Bikramaditya dies, his throne, the precious gift of Indra who was pleased with the King's excellent qualities, is buried, and for a long time remains hidden. Many years afterwards, a peasant cultivating his land discovers that, when sitting on a platform in the midst of his field, he becomes endowed with the ijualitios of great discern- ment and decision. By the direction of Bhoja, the reigning monarch of the country, the ground is dug u]i, and the lost throne is duly discovered underneath the platform. When the king, in the midst of a large circle of courtiers is about to take his seat there, the first image informs him, that without Bikramaditya's qualities. Printed Bools in the Britislt Miii>eum show (]>. G7). The London pd. t)i' 1834 i.c; also mentioned in the Catalogue of the Library of the East India College. ' It is nlRo somctimps known nn Bikranwchnritra, hpcausp King nikrama is the hero, tales of whose prowess and virtue are told hy the thirty-two images of his cliarnied throne iliscovorcd by Blioju. PUNDITS AND -MINSTS 205 he is unwortliy to occupy Biki;nnil(litya's throne. Kxphma- tion ensues : and a story is toKl fiy each one of the thirty- two imasjes in succession, ilhistrative nj" the forin«M- king;'s j^reat and «i;ood ((uah'tics and iin|»lyineen })i'iii ainoniist the soiTs of men. It is one of the most interestini; collections of fables of this period ' and the followiny^ extract from the Ix'sj^iimiui;, relatimjf to tlw tindinfj and disposin^tivt' as a specimen of its descrip- tive and narrative manner — The opening passage on the Discovery of ^^^^ '^^ff^^t^el ^^^ C^ f^Tt^t^^ ^f^^^t^ the Ihronc, f|iiotefl. f^^t^ ^t 1— 5ff^«i (Tfc*f «rr^i ^\ui -fl^ nil ff^ cn^ ^^f?:^^ T^^z^ S^tf^^''^^ ^t-SlC^-m 5ftf ^ Tf?rft ^St ^t^ C^lfft ^'f^ JffMt 4'5|^ ?t^^ ^^»i^T5F sT^^ J^fiT*! "srtf^ '«":^'P ^fs «■? 'sitf'i^i 7\l\^ Ji? ' Yatos gives no less fhnn 1 1 st'ir?o« from tin's hook in his seloc. tion r\n(l Haughton gives l :200 BENGALI LITERATURE sicJ^T ii^ 5f'

!^5| ttc^t«= ItC^ (IsT^^^) P!*s^t^CS^5J m^ "x^f^^i ?rt^t^^ ^f^:^ 5itfsn:?i5{ i C5 ^t^i s^ (?i ^T^1 gef-Tf^l -sfsr^ ^^^\^ -s{Vl*\^ tftsl "sIsT'S (fgf^ "Slfs^^ '^^ Ttf^^ ^ffi^i^ c? n^gl^^i ^tfsi Jir^ipi srrr? ^^^ ^t^ ^f^v^i j^tIj ^i'p •5ir?t^ «*t "sffif^ ^Tfmi ^r?n:q t^t?:©^ ^f^qt^ ^fii ^fr f 1 1 ' Mrtyunjay's next work of translation was that of HHopadt'ii. The Sanscrit /litojjuileis, Hitoyadei. , • i i • i i tlian which there iniu:nt l)e greater books in the world but none jjcrhaps wliieh has a more interesting; lit-'r;uy history, seems to have, with strange prescience, j^ugeil the literary or amiisivc re(|iure- m 'nts not only of its own hut also of times to follow : anil consequently it seems to have always possessed a peculiar fascination for a host of translators of all periods » pp. 2-8. 208 BENGALI LITKRATURE ol' literary histxny. There are some halt" a dozen or more traiislatioQs of thi.< work between 1300 and ISoO, and it i.s not necessary to briu^ under review all of them. But this Version beini^ the work e have not been able to obtain sight of the lirst edition in order to verify the date * : but the work seems to have been composed later than as Golak-nath liilopades and exemplifies Mrtyunjay's earlier Us language aud * ' style compared to style. It would be interesting to those of Gulak.uath. c^^^ipare Golak-nath's language as shown in the specimen quoted at j). 183 rl seq. with that ' The copy I use is a third reprint at yriranipur (1814) and bears the followinj; title-page : 'l^'if ■2r?f3 ^tf^^ff? 5^« ^%^ I f^^^trs ^ft^Sf f^sr? JTftf I ils65"5|TIt^?^ Rf»tl 1%rst*tUf»t I f^'l'il ^1? ^■^ ?^ I i^^iS I pp. I-IW. I have not been able to get the first edition of this work. The copy in the British Museum Library (Blumhardt, Catalogue, p. 67 and p. 115) of the second edition bears 1814 as the date of publication. 3rd Ed. 1821. It would appear from Dinosh Chandra Sen, Bahya Sahitya Parichay or Selection from Bengali Literature, jit. ii (1914) \) 1727, that the first edition was published ii\1801. Hut this is incorrect ; this is the date of the lirst edition of Uulak-naths Hitopailei. There is mention of a "Hitopadeshu in Bengali 8vo. Serampore 1808" in the Catalogue of the Library of the Ea>parently of Golak-nath'a earlier Hitopttdet (1801). From the Tenth Memoir, relative to Serampore translation (Appendix), it is clear that the first edition of .Mrtyuiijay's Hitopadei was published in ISU8, and therefore the anonymous entry in the Catalogue of the Eagt India College above noted must refer to this work. PUNDITS AM) .Ml XSIS oq.j of .Mrtyiifijiiy in tlic following- extractj bearini^ upon the same part of llie story.' ^T^^t^ c^-'K^nu ^U 5?f^^1 ^W^ ^w.^ -srf^fj? CT ^fC^R ^^fu^T 9 ^fsf^^ C^^ I ?ft^ C^t^ -51^^ S "Sfsic^^ ^Jfii ^tii^ rsifsira ^5 f^st^l »tt^r^^ ^T^^tc^ -sitw^'pl ?R "51^^ CIZ^J^ ^^ ^tC3J 51'qg c^ fs^ en -515)911 3^?} 5^1 cn^ c^f^ ^(caR5 'Ft^fo ^|V 'i^jsfr^ ct^f-^^g »i=i-i ^Htc^j? st^t?T 'I'f ^^ w,^"^ w.^'A^ srti^ ii^t "s^ftsT-ip r^<[c^^ ^1^5^ CI "ft II en jf^^iii 5f t^ ^t^f^ ^t en "51* I ^ti cTf-iii 9 Jt^n'^r^ ? » f^-Stnum, pp. 3-8. 27 210 BENGALI LITERATURE ¥f«(5'fC5 r^^ ^Ci^^ ^^^1 9 crW 9 r^ftH 9 sf5(r#c^« ^T^t^ ^^ n^^ ^1 ^ ^mi n^,5 f^l ^f^C^ ^U^ ^1 I ^^ f5^ c«i ^r9?:«^1 "^l^U ^^i\ ^^*i ^^^ I ^t?:^ c^^ liii^ ^r«N5 ^i^rr^rc^ #t5 CT^^ 5i^^c«^ ^jf^ 5(t^«i ^:^ c^^ ^Q« c^tc^^w^ nf^^ ^t^n^^ ifs ni^tc^ ^t^ ^^? ^ C^t^^^C^f^ PUNDITS AND MTNSIS :2 1 1 57t5 ^^ ^11(^3 ^?i J(i 1 ^f^ -3 owzn f^rg^i >i^t^ ^:^vii From a literary point of view, however, Mrtyufi- jay's two original works, fiajaljall and Oriicinal works. ^^ , u j 7 • > - • i. i. Prafjoilh'C/iaiidnkii are more interest- ing ; and of the^e, Rdjuhall, both in form :ind matter, is no doubt the better work. /.Jjal/afJ •' as its name implies, is the 'histor\ 01 the kings' who ruled in this country from the earliest time, audits full title will sullieiently explain its scope' :— - ' The description of this work in Diuesh Chandra Sen's Hixtory (p. 888) as "the history of India from the earliest time down to Timur" is clearly a mistake : for the history is brought down to recent times viz. the time of the British occupation of Bengal. The title-iwge given in the te.xt above is that of later editions but in the first edition the title-page simply says :— ^t^f?^ I ^ISS;^ ^!ltr5 | ^^195 "rt'tl fe^rnS I 3lHt^1.^ f t*tt ^«1 I ^^»^\ pp. 1-295. Second Ed. Serampore, IHU. Also mentioned ns such in the catalogues of tho Library of Bard of Examiners, Fort William College ; of the Library of the Hon. East India Company ; of tlie Library of the East India College. 4th Ed. Serampore, 183ti. 212 BENGALI LITERATURE ^ts-t^^ i '^'ft^ ^Fi^ (2jt^-g ^^is I's^t^^^ ^mt^ ^;*ir3 ^t^T^^^ ^t^l ^ ^irtk^f^ ^ir^-^ tf^^t^ I The work is, however, based more on tradition than on autlientic history. The introductory portion gives the story of the ancient Hindu Kings since the days of Kuruksetra, based mostly on the PaurUnik accounts and traditionary letjrends : and of these the account of Kin<; Bikramadil^'a is the longest and most entertyle iiiaiiiHT horik'iiiitr on i- a r i - • i i i- i- tin- pi'daiitic. ^' Mrtyunjay liowevtr lias a cJi>tnK'- liou di" its (iwii \\hcn contrafitod with Ihosr of his contemporaries. It shows a decided leaning to Sanscrit words and Sanscritie forms, just as the styles of Carey, Rilni Hasu, or Chandicharan contraste.1 witli ii.e '^''"\^' '^ »"^'t"l" ^^ the Colloquial pluii. coll.. .,11 ial styles language. In .Mrt \ ufiiav's writings, of Carey uikI others. . . J . » > tlierc is an attempt to raise the laniruage from the negligence of collo(|uialism to the dig- nitv and seriousness of a literar\ language ; while in Carey and others, the desire is alwa\s to be clear, popular, ami useful, lint it must be admitted that in the more serious jjortions of Mrtyufijay's writings, the prejjonder- ance of Sanscrit words and Sanscrit foims niakes the syntax inartistic and the style stiff and unnatural. In the narrative portions, however, this fault disa]»pears, and the general manner in this work although bordering on the pedantic, is indeed interesting, of which the follov^ing short passage taken from the account of Pithu and Jayachamlra will serve as a specimen' : — ^^'in^t^ ^^ ^^^rs !l ^f^C^l^ C^ ^tfl C^t1f< f^^t^ M^l'Q C^ ^^ ^^fe ^r^rs\^ c^ 5i^t^t^ ^t^'f^ ^tit^ ^^1 ^t^5^^^ c^ 5151'? -jt^t^ 'sitst^t;:^ ^f? 3if^1^ Tf^fs =5if^ ^ ^t^i ^1 ^^ ^z^^ ^st^t^ ^f^r» ^t^^ 'sitfsi ^t^^r^t^ ^^1 ^?t^ 1^ f^^t^ ^t¥T ^f^fft^i^ ^r?i?ii ^«T^ ^^tf5?« ^^ ^f5c?i^ I ^t%^ 511 1 5^5^ ^t^ "STt^^ ^f^Jt^ '-iit f^"^ ^fsi?!! ^srt^ ■S ^fe^J? CTf^ ?f?1 ^^1 Tt^tt ^i^WT ^tJ'T^'9 (TfC»f itTR ^f^J^?!?? 55oife ^^55 ?ft5t^ ^TC^ %1 (?I mr f^fr^T^I I f^^ mm ^t^1 CT *t^t< '5l^'5(i5 ^ r^l ^ giif^ important aspect ot the develop- developmcnt of prose , ^^j- ,.^^^^ ^,^.],. j„ ,|,i^ ^^^iod style. ' • ' and brin<::;s into clear relief the lonQ p^'if ^^"H | f^'l^ ^^'^, PUNDITS AND MIINSLS -ZZi induliifed in the ust- of Ihu^-ikil^l' cMirieiiL only amoii^- tlu' lower orders "the vuli^arity i)i' wliieli, however," says Marsh- man, " he has abundantly redeemed hy Ins vein of orit^inal luimour." In this work the student may rauLje at will over all kinds of Benujali prose of this period Use of the current r t\ \ ■ \ i i ii i . i language a.unnuMoM,-. *''0'" ^^''' hlo'hest tO the I.)West, al- thouijjh the Sanscritised style preponde- rates : from sentences so studded with Sanscrit combinations as to be almost nnintelliyfible to those who have iidI learnt the classical lanit^ '9^ 5Tt^ cw^RftR ^'^ if»f fsp^. ^tf^^ sc^ "St?! r*t^i ^^ ^t ^^ fjf^i 'itt'j I ^?fc« 5t?t^ ft ^r?^ ^ r*f^i ^<^i ^f^ ^ c^\^ » 4tC^f««5f??n, pp 65-66 222 BENGALI LITERATURE Srt^ 5^1 f^ ^^ (M^ "srr^ ^t%5l »ftg ^t^^ ^1 Cl^f^ f^h^ C^tC^^W^ 5I1^C^t^ 51^5^ =lt^5| ^t?'?j1 ower of weavinij dialo2;ues inio his story is really ]iiaiseworlhy for his time. But it must not be supjosed that between these extremes of colloqnialisni on the one hand and Hia peiKM-al nnrra- academic ])edantrv on the other, live nianiuT : ease i .. ' and dignity. M rtyufi jay never succeeded in steering a middle conrse. On the contrary, from the following extract it will be seen that his narrative PUNDITS AM) MUNSIS 223 style thoui^h saiisoritised ofti'ii a^smnes an ease and ili<;iiitv rpniiiidiiiLj oik' «>!' Ilif lafir Illustration. .• i, • i style ul liidvasiitrar * : — tf Q^I^CIT ^tfl=l^C^ ?f^^t«1t^f«f ^^ »*t'^ ^^^1 "^ «ctt«t^c^ ^f?c^ ^i^-\n^ ^fsi^Wii 5i^t"-?*.^^«i 5^1 ^Tf% ytrs •stc^ft^fy^. rp- •'i6o7 221 BENGALI LITKKATURE Tlie last though not the Icasf important work of this i)eriotl is P/tnts-ijnnisa or tho Haraprasad Ray. Trial of Man composed by Hara- prasad Ray and published by the Sriramjiur Press in 1815.* It is a pretty large volume Puni^.Parikaa, ^^^^j contains 52 stories'^ translated from a Sanskrit original said to have been composed bv the poet Bidyapati at the command of Raja Sibasiiiiha. Its object is not only to impart ethical instruction"' bv extollin« 1 pp. 1-27.S. It is very remarkable that this book has been published by the Bangabasi Press (B. S. 1301) as a work by Mrtyunjay Bidyalankar. I am not aware of the existence of any such work by Mrtjuiijay nor does Roebuck, Buchanan, or Long mention it The Bangabasi reprint, however, is not very ac(uirate. Of Haraprasad Ray's life, little seems to be known. Long {Return of the Names and Writivgs, etc., 1855) speaks of him as " Haraprasad Ray of Kanchrapara. " The copy in the British Museum Library (Blumhardt, Catalogue, p. 113) of the lirst edition bears the same title-page, date and place of publication as we have quoted above : bat there is also another edition in the same Library reprinted at London in 1826. And a third revised edition, Calcutta, possibly of 1866. Also in the Catalogue of the Library of the Hon. East India Company, 1845, p. 195, and in the Catalogue of the Library of the East India College ; the name of the author is not stated in these Catalogues. An edition dated Calcutta ISIS is entered in the Catalogue of the Library ofithe East India College, 1843. There are two editions (apparently of 1834 and 18.J3 respectively though the title- page is wanting) in the Librarj- of the Sahitya Pari^at. - Altiiongh there are stories in this work which would have better been expurgated. * As a book of fable, this work t^eems to have been verj' jiopular. PUNDITS AND MUNSTS 225 work :— -sif^ ^2rstf^f»f^ ^to^ ^f^f-f*}^ ^f^C"S ^Vs The framework of the story is this : Once upon a time a certain kinir anxious to marr>' his beautiful (laui;liter consulted a certain sai^e on the subject. The fminowork of rp,j^, advised him to marrv liis the tollfctuin. " dauc^hter to a iiinn. Asked what the characteristics of a real man are the saije besjins enumeratinj^ and illustratino- the various virtues of a real man and the object of manhooil. The book is comjjarablc in many rrspects to Mrtyunjay's Buhis Sim/iuKun or PiinlotUi-c/iandiika and alth()Uu;h not et|ually learned or a fleeted, the style shows the same Its Innf^iinge and style. ... tendency to sanscntisation and borders almost on the pedantic. 13y taste and inclinatinn, Ilara- prasad seems to belontj to the same orthodox school as Mrtyunjay. It is hardly neee.'^sary t<> illustrate his style at a ijreat Imi^th, and the followini; short (juotalion picked out from the more ea.sy portions will be found suflicient to enable the reaih r to form his own judTf^ '^f^^ C^ C^^ ^^srrftc^^ ^^Tt^ >i^c^^ ^^''T^^ ^^ tile's ^sit^nj^ ^«i ctff^H ff^ ^q^ ^2t^»f ^f^^ CT^tC^ C®t^!^^ ^^ ^f^C^ :5^ C^f^ t%^ "siqTf f%i( ^^ ^g; c^t^« ^^l'^ ^f^^1 :5^T5f^«l ^^^£1^ >I^«1 "Sf^C^^Uf^ ^ft^ ^f^ 'il^ ^^t^'^ ^t%^ ^«1C>ltl1 CI ''J^ *f5^ ¥tinitf^^ C^ ^^ ^f^ fw^1 f^^ Tff%^ ^^ST ' *t^lfW, pp. 55-58. PUNDITS AND MUNSIS 22/ ^^ n?ini5? ^f?r?ii 'BWfPi ni^^pc^^ts *(^t^ ^f?Tfi I ^?r5 sitRt^ ci]=^» «t^^W^ sfc«(T lil^^s^ "^USCb '^\^ ^5 13lfVll1 ^f%5 ?Ff^?[ -5iffs( Tf^s^ ^?f (71 ii^ <5jc^ qsifif «Tfr^^1 ^f^ I ^^ ?ft5 ^«1JT ^trcsc^ 'ii^:^ ii5;« «fff^^ c^^ c^ ^t^ ^r^ ^fs vH5?», 5rf5!C5ir?Tf?C^^ ^^ ^f^ C^^^ "51^^ C^Ttt^^- f^^?T f ^^ "^^^ ^f% ^^f5C?r^^ ^2J ^tfs 5^tl I ^^ (71^ tatf^t n^^Gi^i "si^TC^^Tf^^fc^ '3[^ ?^fe ^f«f^ m^^ TR ^f^ CHAPTER VII Earliest Bengali Journalism It will be seen tliat almost all the jiublioations of the Collec^e of Fort William were printed and issued at the Srirampur Press.' But a greater Periodicals and ,„ i .\ ,i • v i j Newspapers published ^^^''^ ^'l^" ^'^'^ "^^'^s accomplished by fiiirampur Press, by it and its missionary founders when in 1818 Dr. Marshman, in conjunction with Dr. Carey, proposed and carried out a scheme of [jublishing a monthly journal and a newspaper in Bengali. Such a project had long been present in the minds of^the Srirampur brethren, for the Press as a means of diffusing knowledge IS always an important and useful auxiliary to an earnest missionary : but stringent restric- tions on the Press, especially the vernacular press, had made it difficult for them to carry out their noble purpose. When therefore in February 1818, Digdarsan (April p,. Marsliman proposed the publica- 1SI8) or Ihc Indian * ^ '■ Youth's Magazine. tion of Lifjdarsati, Carey in his anxiety fur the safety of the mission, consented only on condition thai it should be a monthly, and should avoid political discussion - The first Bengali periodical therefore confined itself purely to instructive ' When on March 21, 1800, an advertisement appeared in the oflScial Calcutta GaseWe, announcing that the missionaries had established a press at Srirampur, it at once roused Lord Wellesley who, although a liberal statesman, had fettered the press in British India. But on the assurance of Mr. Brown, the Governor-General wrote to the mis- sionaries saying that he was personally favouiable to the movement and that such an Oriental press would be invaluable to the College of Fort William. ' Hero is an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Mission regarding the publication of Diijdnrian : — " Feb. 13tli, ISLS. Mr. Marshman Ijaving proposed the publication of a periodical work in Bengali to be sold amongst the natives for the EARLIEST BENGALI JOHRNALLSM ^Zl\) literary, scientilip, or historical essays of p^t-neral iiiteresf. Each article was written both in lieii^ali ami l*>ii;j;lisli, put opposite to eacli other, the English version on one pai;e on the left and the Bengali on the next pa<;e on the rit^ht.' 'V\\{i J)if/(hirsr»li. We have another edition .Vos i-xii (April ISIS to Marih 1819) published only in Ben^li. So it seems that the two editions were issued simultaneously from the %'ery beginning of its publication. * The date given by Uinesh Chandni Sen {Hiftory, p. 877) as February 1S18 is incorrect. See (piotation from Marshman's letter at p. 2.'i3 ]x)ste (footnote). The first number with the rlate April 181S, may bo .^e(•n in the Sahitya I'arisat Library. 230 BENGALI LITERATURE (Of the Limits ot" Ilindoosthan), f^^tC^?^ ^tR^T (Of the Tnule oi" Hiiuloosthaii), "^^ ^t^1 ^tff«1^ ^tC^^^ 'sit^t"! ^f^^ (Ah-. Sadler's Journey in a Balloon from Dublin to Holyhead) f^^f^^^ t^s f^^ra (Of Mount Vesuvius). It will be seen that il was eminently lit to be a "Youth's ]Ma[ijazine," and the nature of the themes as well as the manner of exi)ression was varied and novel enough to make it attrac- tive. There were interestini^ seientilic papers on the compass, the metals, the steamboat, botany of India, etc., historical accounts of ancient and modern nations, sketches, narratives of travel, notices of Enpfland and other countries, and a few essays on the commerce and productions of India, all treated in a popular and easy way. The follow- ing selection will serve for a specimen : — Ci2tf^^ ^^1 ^t^, bf^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^1 ^f^?:^ ^f«^ ^^• ft^^tnt?! ^^It»ftC5 ^<; "sfcsi^ ^C5TR^apers about the proposed journal so that objections, if any, from official and other quarters would be taken beforehand. Then on the critical night before the publication, the first proof of the first number was laid before the assembled brother- hood at their weekly me'.-ting on Friday evening. Dr. Carey, whom long experience had taught to be more cautious mentioned his fears about the Mission, but he ' 1 have been able to trace the following numbers (in ihr- Sahitya Pari§at Library) ; Ai)ril 1S18 to March 1919, kos. i-xii ; January 1820 to April 1820, Nos. xiii-xvi ; May 1820 to February 18'21, Nos. x%ii to xxvi. It seems onlj- 20 numbers vere ^lublished. The Cntalogue of E. I. Compani/K Lihrnry (1845) (p. 267) enters Digdarian only for April 1S18 to February 1821. " Long says {Iletvrn of Names and Writings, etc.) that the Bengal Oazette was published for a year. But unfortunately file of this paper is not available any where. EARLIEST BENGALI JOURNALISM 233 consented to its publication whoii Marshman i)fomise(l to send a copy with an analysis of its contents in Enijjlish, to Government, and to stop the enterprise if it should be officially disapproved. ' Lord ILastinj^s was lij>;htin«^ ' Long {Catalogue) calls the paper Scrampore Darpn n and in the xiiith vol. of the Calcutta Review (1850) in the article on Bongnli Literature he calls it tho Darpan of Serampore. Of course this might be an abbreviated way of speaking, but accurately put it must bear the name of Samachar Darpan. The narrative of the publication of Digdariaii as well as of this paper is thus given by J. C. Marshman : "It appeared (in 1818) that the time was Tlistorv of its ripe for a native newspaper, and I offered the publication as given missionaries to undertake the publication of in a letter of Marsh- . ,p, . , .• . xi_ /-, . •_ j ^^pig It. The jealousy which the Government had always manifested of the periodical press appeared, however, to present serious obstacle. The English journals in Calcutta were under the strictest surveillance and many a column appeared resplendent with the stars which were substituted at the last moment for the editorial remarks and through which the censor had drawn his fatal pen. In this state of things it was difHcult to suppose that a native paper would be tolerated for a moment. It was resolved therefore to feel the official pulse by starting a monthly magazine in the first instance, and the Digdar.inn, vol ii, p. 1G3, and History of Bengal, IS.'jH, p. 1251) gave the dates erroneously as May 31, Sunday, 1818, and May 29, Friday, 1818 respectively. Dinesh Chandra Sen, in following Marshman, has fallen into the SAmc error in his History. Long {Dpscriptive Cata- loffue, 1855, p. H6) gives August 23, Friday, 1818. The most obvious mistake is that made by RajniSrayan Ba.tii who in his discourse on Bengali Language and Literature dates the pnper from iNKi, and tlio Calcutta. Chrigtian <)bi>errcr (Feb., 1840) is etpially mistaken in taking 1819 as the date of the first publication of this paper. 1 have been able to get access to the following tiles of the paper {a) from May 23, 1818 to July 14. 1S21 (Sahitya Pari^nt Libniry) {b) from 1831 to 1837 (Imperial Library. Calcutta) (<) From IKA to 18ri2 (Bengal Asiatic Societys Library). 1 h&w given an account of these files in nn article iu (be Sahitya Patient Palnka, vol. 24, pp. 149-170. 236 BENGALI LITERATURE and from the seventh number it bore on its front the following motto Marshmau tells us that the paper was so baptired because the name (Mirror of News) was associated with the earliest English news- its claim to bo 1 . . , -n ^ -^ i • j. i regarded as the first letter. » But its claim to be Bengali newspaper; regarded as the earliest Bengali that credit belongs to " _ . the Bcngnj Gazette newspaper is not, iuspite of current (1816.1818) of Gangs- , , • • o • .-c ui dhar Bhattacharya aiid popular Opinion," justihable, for the first Bengali newspaper was not the Samachar Barpan but the Bengal Gazeiie. The latter journal, now scarce, was published for the first time in 1816 by one Gangadhar^ Bhattacharya of whom little, however, is known. This paper lasted for two years, having been extinguished in 1818.^ But though not the first newspaper in Bengali, Samacliar Darpan practicall}' laid the foundation of vernacular journalism in Bengali by directing the attention and energy of the Bengali people to a neglected literary Held which now ' See extract from G. Smith, Twelve Eitgliah Statesmen, quoted at p. 233 foot-note ' It has been so called by many an eminent writer, e.g., J. C. Alarshman, Hiftory of Serampore J/issi'o?i, vol ii,|p. 163, and History of Bengal, p. 251 ; Long, Col. Rev., 1850, vol. xiii, p. 14c (but not in the Catalogue where he has corrected the mistake) ; Friend of India, Sept. 19, 1850 ; Smith, Life of Carey, p. 204 ; Dincsh Ch. Sen, History of Bengali Language and Literature {1911), p. 877; etc. ' He mast not however be confounded with Ganguksior Bhattacharya. * Long's Descriptive Catalogue, also his Return, etc. already cited ; But in the Return, etc., it is said to have continued for one year only. But see Sahitya Pariaat Patrika, vol. v, pp. 248-250; Cal. Rev. 1907, p. 293. We learn from Riijnurriyan Basu (Bangrda Bhasd 0 Sahitya Bi^ayak Balrta, )>. 59) that Gaftgiidhar was well-known as the pub- lieher of illustrated editions of Annadawangal, etc. EARLIEST BENGALI JOURNALISM 237 so miR'li ene;ages tlieir activity aud affords .st) many opportunities for benefitiniij tlie country. Althou»^li eouJuctt'il chiolly l»y the missionaries, it was never wholly a missionary paper. Correspondence from various parts of the country — for it had a very large circulation over 360 stations in the coinitry — useful articles on scientific, political. Nature of its articles. historical and geograpiiical topics/ adorned its eagerly read i)ages. It recorded all the interesting contenii)orary incidents, jKtlitical and administrative, and we have short articles on the tight with the Pindaris, on the conflict with Ilolkar, Sindhia and other Indian powers, on the last stage in the war between England and France (including many refer- ences to Napoleon Bonaparte), an account of the Mogul Emperor and of Raja Ranjit Sing and essays on other interesting tojjics. Besides these, there were descriptions, reviews and advertisements of new i>ul)lications, educational news (like the proceedings of the School Book Society and the School Society and the establishment of a college at Srnam])ur), various social topics (like the description of Sraddha ceremony of Goplmohan Thiikur), market reports, re|X)rts on stocks and shares and on exports and imports, civil appointments, pntgi-ammes (»f the Governor-General's tour, commercial and shipping intelligence, sensational news (burning fatalities, theft, dacoity, murder, eartl^piake, storm, rath- jatril ceremony at Mahcs) and references to the filthy condition of Calcutta rojuls and other local complaints. Although chiefly a newspaper, it published from time to ' For a short list of these articles, See Sahitya Pari^hat Patriha, already rited, vol. v, p. 257. Al.'»o my papor in vol. xxiii of the name. For a note on Early Christian Periodicals, bee Appendix IV at the end of this volume. 238 BENGALI LITERATURE time various uselul articles, short moral tales a?id humorous sketches. Relii^ious controversy was introduced later on and throuc^h this it came into collision with Ram Mohan Ray and his party who started the Saihhad Kauiiiudl within a year (1819) as well Its scope and object. as with orthodox papers like Sambad Timira Namk. The scope and object of Samachar JJarpan was thus set forth at the outset : — ?<*! I— [8 ^tf^lsiTtf^]^ ^^ f^*1 I « C^til^^^f^ ^^ ^ f^^t^ ^1^1 *2|^f^ f3??1 I This was Digdmrian, EARLIEST BENGALI JOURNALISM 239 T^P?! 9^?f ^^ 5t^^ ^t^C^ -i)^' C^ ^ ^^ ^^^ ftW ^ ^•s?t9 ^t?:^ "sit^^ c^t ^^^ n;^^^ c^ ^ ^^ f^^ 9 ^^ ittt^ ^M^ ^ ^^ ^K^ c«r5 ^^1 1 ^''i^ ^ ^m^^ j^^t^^ ^t^t^ f^^^ ^t^t^ ^^ I Space forbids us to malct' qiiotations from the longer articles but we select here a few short specimens relating' to a variety of topics. ^'W cn^i c^i c^i^it^^t^ "sfj^K^^i c^^t^t^c^ ^^s ^5^c*t ^^firf^'t?:^ -5(^'5T^ f^^fc » ^fT^^^l ^tr^ *i^^t^ (?i ^^51 c^s^T^f^^rw^ f^i ^f^T^f^f! st^t^w^ ^ff^ ^r^5i ^5^?^ ^i^ c'l^f^r^^w'T r^^tcs ^t^t^^ ^T%tc^ t^^ c^^ "^T^i^i Tt?t^1 "^^^T^ ^r^^tC?^ CI ^f^^T^^I "SIC^^ "SfWP '51»I4 ^-if* fs^-sf^ ?^ state's (yWZ^JfUf^ J^"?* C^f?! ^^ I "^1'^^ CT 240 BENGALI LITERATURE . TT^q JT^^t^l ^^ ^f^?I1 fVf^< 5t^^ J?^(fW ^5^ 1t^^ i" ^^«( f^^C^ %t^ ^^ ^^? ^TC^^ ^f% C^ f5TC^5( "511^ ^^t^« c^^ ;5^K% ^t^^^ ^^j ^^ f^^c^« '^C5{^ f^u^5^1 ^t^ cij^'s ^^f^«n:'^ f^^ ^m ^^ c^t ^c^ c^ff^ ^nfs^^jf >£f cTt^r^tr^ ^5r^?ntf% c^tc^^ \^^ ^ ^^r^T^ ^33?^ ^^^ ^?f^ ">^?i ) I EARLIEST BENGALI JOrKXALISM 211 ^^ f^^ C^f^ T\M^ t'^g (.ti>) ^I'g^ i^trs >i's5l? ^f^?t f^^t^T^T^^ ^tC^ 'il^ ^^ ^'^ ^t5^tf^ "st^t^ ^r^5i ( :)^t f^j ^v^^l ^>rn ^SfJ^, -^^^b ) I i£l?jr ^^ '!^^^^ -5rf*M ^^^ otli these views are ju«t correct. From the files of the paper in the Calcutta linj-erial Library (from l&bl to ' Loup. Tteiurn nf Kawc* ntid WriUvgt, etc., 186.^, |i. 145. » Vol. V (1305\ p. 250. 31 24.1 BENGALI LITERATURE 1837) and in the Beng-al Asiatic Society Library (from May '6, 1851 to April :i4, 1852), we 7\\^ ). On the first page also of this new series we get tliis editorial note ^t^ sf^HC^^W^ ^T%^ ^ft^ ff^!:^^ ^TCSI '« "STf^t^ (sr^tr^ ^^f^^ -^m\Ti^ ^Tl ^1% '^Tj\'^ nt^ 5i^f^ "srfsit^- ^V8:> TTtc^^ ^4 f\5(:^^^ ^tf^C'^f pf^c^t^ ^pf^i^ ^t^i xs^ «3^s^w^ From 1831 to 1837, the paper was bilingual, being written both in Bengali and P^nglish in parallel columns. After its resurrection Its bilingual stage. in 1851 it continued bilingual.' But there is no evidence to indicate from what precise ' February 1840, i>i.. 65-66. * This is conlinued by the entry in the Appeiuli.v to the Tenth Memoir published from Srirampur (dated July 4, 1832) where the paper is described as written in " Bengali and English, in parallel columns" and published every Wednesday and Saturday morning. We are told in the above article in the Patrika (vol. v., p. 255) that the bilingual state began in 1829. This is quite probable, though n» evidence is mentioned to support the view. Tt is also probable as stated there that for a time, Persian found a place in it. EARLIEST UEXGALI JOrRXALISM 243 date it first becamo biliiifjual. From tlio above artiVle in the Christ ian Ohserver we learn that it was written in Entjiish and in Henijali even till IS 10. It would seem therefore that it i-ontinnt'd in this state till its cedhsation in I S U. As to whether the paper had an unbroken existence from 1818 to 1831, we ean determine this from indirect evidence. On every issue of 1831 and 1832, we have the numberin*^ as volumes xiii and xiv respectively. Its first }>ul)lieation was ill 1818, so that till 1831 we naturally expect 13 volumes to have been published, assuming its continued existence till that date : and this is confirmed by the numberin»]f (juoted. From this the conclusion is inevitable that from 1818 to 1831 (or rather to 1840) it had a continuous existence, althounh unfortunately we have got no file preserved from 18:'l to 1S31. In 1S31 it was published on every Saturday, as the head-note "Serampore. Published every Saturday morniiii;" indicates. From 1818 to 1831, therefore, it was a weekly paper j»ubiished every Saturday mornini^. From 1832, it became bi-weekly, as the head-note on the files of that year show — " Published every Wednesda} and Satur- d;iv morniui;." But from November 15, 1832 it became Saturday weekly again and probably continued sf) till April 21, 1837. After 1?»j1, it was still a weekly paper. In 1818, its editor was . I. ('. Marsliman and he probably continued in that ollice till 1 834 ; for in the issue of November 13, 1S3I we find this remark f^f^^tf^ st^rt^ "«rtT?ii f^n^ ^fJT ^fApi ^ft^ -^ ^^ ^'^l^^^'>\\vi 5f^^ff"f? ws^ I f^-% ii5^ f^^c? ^?t^ W^^ 244 BENGALI LITERATURE From IS')? Toivnsend, editor of the Friend of India probably conducted this paper for in the file of that year (May 3, towards the end of no. 1), we find this entry — l^t^'^:^??^ ^'%\^m f A'^S ^^^ ^1^ ^^f»fs I Moreover, a correspondent of the paper writes in May 10, 1851 — This Sat^a Pradlpa was a weekly paper edited by Townsend. It was published in 1850' but it did not continue for more than a year, having ceased in 1851.' Probably after its cessation, Townsend took uji the editor- ship of Sumichar Barpari.^ ' Long, Return relating to Bengali Puhlicaficn, 1859, p. xl. * Long, Return of Names and Writing.-^, 1855, p. 141. ' In the Journal of Bengal Academy of Liternture (vol. i., no. 6, Jan. £, 1898) it is said that Bhabanicharan Banerji was editor of Samachar D%rpan for some time. This is very unlikely, considering the facts that from 1822 BhabanT was condncting Samachar Chandrika and that thore was enough antagonism of policy and views between Chandrika and Darpan. c"uaimm-:k Mil LaTKR ElROPEW WlUTKRS In tlu' |iiiblioation ot" the perioiicals described in the last cliapter, it will he seen tint tlK« most active part was taken hy th<> two Muishmans, Other European „ . , " ,,,, , , „ ^^ writers of Beiifrali. lather and son. I he labours or Dr. Joshua Marshman, to whom indeed was due the consolidation of the Mission, were too varied ami wide-spread to be confined chiefly to the study and encouras^ement of Ben<;ali.' His son, John Clark Marshman, who was born in Aui^ust, 1794, inherited in a larf«r^^ ^r^tip it5T^tft?J ^t^ ?fa?l c^t^ Tf^:"^^ 'M'^'^hu ^\fTt J?| f tr?il TT^ Cit Tr^?t?I '*J«nrt «t?t? Tt^I^tf^.JHJ ?tr^ CJ^ it^ft "S^^ ^f^u5 ■sjn^t oi^ ?r^?tii 5rt«T?tf^ nerr^ '?ifr5 5^ =3t?tr^ 3^^ sn ♦ttr^ I ^^Ttf?— (vol. ii, )). 4.) * Published anonymonily. 248 BENGALI LITERATURK (8) c^:^^^t^ f^^ei ^€t^ ^f5t^^5^t^ s ^f^^^t^ (TTf^tpf^^ fi^'^ts ^t^T^ m^*t ^i^ or Aj;ri-HorticuItural transactions by J. Marshman in two volumes. 18'32-"i6. (9) Abrid<;ement of Carey's Dictionary.* It will be noticed from the above enumeration, that some of these works hardly put forward an}' claim to literary merit whatsoever, as they are composed and their literarv 4. • ti ^•^. i • i. i -i ^Qj.jjj ' on strictly non-literary subjects, while the historical treatises, more or less closely allied to literature pure or proper, are again mere translations or replicas of Enojlish oriijiuals.- Marshman's style, like that of most of the European writers of Benijali enumerated below, possesses hardly any characteristic distinction of its own. Indeed there is such a pervading uniformitv and general sameness of character in the writings of these European scholars that it would be scarcely necessary to take and comment upon the style and peculiarities of each. "We shall, on the other hand, content ourselves, wherever necessary, by giving specimens of their general style in individual cases. The following extract from «t^«^C^ tf^^^, the theme of which dealing as it does with historical narrative affords some scope indeed for literary expression, will serve as a specimen of Marshman's style ; but it will be noticed that it presents hardlv any distinctive feature at all and is greatly inferior to the manner of many of his European colleagues and fellow-writers in the same field: — ' See page 152 and footnote thereon. Other works ascribed by Long are: (1) ^^5sop's Fables translated. (2) Murray's Grammar in Bengali (Return of Xiimei< and Wrifingi', etc.. p. 134). ' These are the volumes which were intended to fom a series of elementary works on History and Science for the use of Indian yonths (see Preface to Mack's f^fJnrl fwt^ TT?. Seranijwre. 1834) noticed below. LATER EUHOPEAX AVHITEKS 240 ^•v5l5t:^W?r C^^ ^51 s C^It^l ^t^t^ ^^TS i£l^"r5 CTt'l^T^ f>i^tft ^^^1 fs^ ^^^ ^^»f » J^jf?; f^^ I ^^<^ ftf^^ ^Ttf^l ^t*R ^C?J^f»f^f^ ^»6t^ fl^?:^ "^fSl f^C^tsi t^l Cfrf'I^ ^^^t^^ ^t'l^ ^5J ^ See p. 106 ante. ' E. Carey, Memoir of Carey, p. 424. » 4th Ed. Calcutta. 1843. * For more details about his life and writings, see Marshnian, Life and Times of Carey, etc. ; Benyal Obititnry, \)p. 249-2.50; Smith, Life of William Carey (many references) ; Dictionary of Sutionnl Biography. * Bengal Obituary, p. 250. " See f'lVflt^tilt^^ ^]k^HmH »;iu«; out an e'lition of Bciii^ali eneycloptedia. His untimely tleath prevented him from earryiui^ out his design to a sucees-^ful issue but he had the satisfaction of seeiuij the first vohime of the series, a treatise on Anatomy, pubhslied before he died. His <;hief worlcs in Henj^ali are : (I) f^^ (Tf*!!^ f^^«l ^^^ or an Abridtj^ement of the His- tory of En*»;land, fmm the invasion His works <• i i- /-i of Juhus Ca'sar to the death of Georihed ity the School Book Society. (•>) ^f^CifiT ^5l>i^ f^^5|s[5i? I ^^r^tff^ffTi I f'lf*ra^ ^1*1tTf^ti:« f t*lt^^ I ^^ "JV^o 1 or \'idyahara- bulee or Ben<;alee Eiicyclopccdia. V^ol. I. Anatomy, translated into Beni^alee from the "ith edition of Encytdo- (Kedia Britannica by F. Carey. Assisted by Sreekanta Vidvaiunkar and Shree Kobiidmndra Turkasiromoni, Pundits. The whole revised by Rev. W. Carey D. D. Serampore. Printed at the Mission Press. 1820. (Nov. 1).' • Other works nttributofl to F. Carey are :— (i) Trnnslation of Mill's History of India (Smith, Life of Willinin Carey, p. 204; Bengal Obituary, p. 2.50) published by School Book Sotiety. (ii) Tran- slation of fioldptnith's T'lrnr n/ Wnkpfirld ( Diet, rf Sntionnl Biography). (iii) A Work of Land in Bengali (Bcnya/ Obituary, p. 205). Biivacofa is 252 BENGALI LITERATURE From a literary point (.f view, however, none of these works is delectable to the i^eneral reader and we may- pass over them without any special comment. But the last-named j)ublication has an interest of its own as the first vernacular work on a scientific subject v/ritten on the western lines. It will be liardly within our scope to ojive a detailed analysis of the book Importance of hi« ,^^^^ ^^^ enumeration of the chief Rcieutihc writings. heads of subjects dealt with will sufficiently exi)lain its scope and object. It is divided into three parts (^t^), each part containinor several chapters ( ^^ ) and each chapter divided into sections ( ^^Tt?l )j which are as^ain subdivided into paraj^raphs or articles (t<^). The first [)art deals witjj Osteolo^j-y ( '^if^f^^ ), second part with Comparative Anatomy ( ^'ITt^'IT ^l^ZW^fh^i ) while the third part traces the history and proi^ress of the Science ( ^^C^^tff^C^Tt^'tf^- j will serve a>! a s|)eeinieii of its harsh and difficult style : — ^ sits^ct'^ ^c-raF^t^^Ff:^ ^3t^^ "^Z^ (p. 1»)1) I ^fS^i ^'.-m ^f^^c^ (p. 232) I The Glossary, however, thouijfh not always accurate and expressive yet a praiseworthy attempt, is interesting to the student of the lai)ii^uao;e. It covers about 40 pauses of close print and is exhaustive as far sis the efforts of the compiler could reach, who himself was fully eo^i^nisant of the ilitfioulties of his task.' ' For the difficulties of his subject and his style as well as thp imperfection of liis plossarv, tlip compiler does not forget to niako nil ampK* iipology — It^JTx^ »ft«5l f^fCS 3t^t ^31 W^m IV"? (71 C^ IK^ ^■t^iis^r.m ntS9l ^t?l ^\i^ CJ1? C^? tlC^ 1 Tf^mCil JTvfU JI:K1 ^i\^ fifBt^ ^^x ifVi'.V 1)31^^5 ^t^.Jf? «llC5Itf5 5 ^frf | -Jj^f^j ^f^ Sf^ 3^:351- C^t«» ?fl (71? J1^51 95f"5 ^5ltt^ iJ^* T??5» eiJjt? fV sfT^ ?5^ f Q91 ?t9 sn ij^t ^'t^tJi T5T1J1 "SFc? tt?mT3 ?r^«a JTrr^ nf^n^ t^ m ■Z-o^ BENGALI LITERATURE Amoiiif other Jiuropean Missionary writers at Sriram- pur, the name of Rev. Jolm Mack, unassnminir as it is, is interestiuji^ to the student Jolin Mack. c i\ rj. i-i cxi i- 1797-1845 literary history or the time. He was born in March 1:2, 1797, a native of Edinburgh, his father having been a writer to the signet. He was educated at the Edinburgh Uhiver- sit}' and distinguished himself at the Baptist (yollege at Bristol. On his visit to England during I819-'21 in search of funds and men for the proposed Serarapore College, Ward selected Mack to be a Professor at the College, where the latter arrived in November 18:iL Mack worked as a Professor for 16 years, succeeded Marshman in the charge of the College and raised it to be for some time a first-rate private educational institution in Bengal. Mack was highly proficient in Classics, Mathematics and Natural Science, and gave the lirst cliemical lectures (in Bengali as well as in English) in Calcutta. He also shared the editorial management of the Friend of ludia at rlrampur from its commencement. He died of cholera in Ajnil 80, 1845. Mack's only, ami in certain respects noteworthy, contribution to Bengali consists of a treatise on Chemistry, the first of its kind in Bengali, named 1%f5l?l1 fw^ ^t^ I ^^^ ^\^ ^t^ JTKs^?:^^ ^^^ ^f^^ ^t?ii c^#t?( ^t^t^ ^si^^tf^^ ^=1 or the Principles ol' Chemistry by Jolm Mack translated into Bengalee (Serampore Press. 1881). It i^ divided into I parts' the first part cover- ing about 887 pages, prefaced by His scientific writiiiLC. . . . . . " an interesting introduction written ^5C^ ^ci)^ fi5fTt^« >\^l2f^t!:? ^^'^ ^'ff ^tc« ntf^^^ I ' The secotifl part was never possibly published. LATER KIROPKAN WKITKKSf 255 in Kti'^lisli. It opens with the trcatnK'nt ot" f^Ff'lfll ^2r«t^ or chemical forces such as ^t^^*1, ^f^^, '^rtC'Tt^, f^Sjit^ ^\^^, etc., and then i^ocs on to deal with fVfsi^ll ^^ or chemical substances.' Man \ of the theories and conclusions stated here have loni; l)een abandoned but they give us, throuj^h the medium of Be .ii:ali, a i,^ood picture of the state of the dimlv understood chemicul science as it obtained t-iuhty vcars aufo. Even after the lapse of more than half a century and with a better understandin<;- and demand of this useful science, it is to be reji^retted tiiat Beni^ali lano;uage caimot as yet boast of a sinjj;le ii^ood treatise on Cliemistry, n jt to speak of scientific literature in general; ,>et this missionary, with a scanty vocabulary and imperfect command over the language- ventured with singular courage ' Viz, Oxygen, Chlorine, Bromine, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulplinr, Phosphorus, Carbon, Boron, Selenium. There is also a section on Steam Engine. * It is said in the Bengal Obituary (p. 250)thnt Mack's work written in English whs ti-anslated by F. Carey, but this is doubtful. (See also E.G. Wenger. Story of Lallbuznr Baptist Church, I90fi). In this connexiim, it wonld be interesting to call attention to the question i-aised by Mack, which is also referred to by F. Carey but of which there seem to have been no satisfactory solution as yet, viz., the que8tit)n relating to the proper method of compiling a glossary of technical scientific terms in Bengali. We will not enter into the vexed question whether we should take European terms l)t)tlily into our laiiLriiagc or mlnpt them to our use by Satiscrif .substitution or otlierwise. but we may Glossnrv of technical !»«' allowed to quote here the opinion of Mack tern>a- as set forth in the Preface to his work and leave it to speak for itself:- " The names of Chemical substances nro. in the great msijority of instances, perfectly new to the Bengali languiige. as they were but few years ago to nil lanijuages. The chief ditliculty was to determine whether the European nomenclature should be merely put into Bengalee letters, or the European terms be entirely translated by Sungskrit, as bcanng mnch the same relation to Bengalee B8 the Greek and Latin do to English. 25(5 BENGALI LITERATURE and noble aim to open up a useful though neglected field of knowledge and culture. We cannot l)ut speak with admiration of the work of these early missionary writers in all departments of useful knowledge, and we maybe forgiven if we dwell rather long on this early Bengali treatise on a scientific subject. The object of this publication is thus given in the Preface : " Mr. ALarshman having prop.osed some years ago to publish an original serie ; of elementary works on history and science, for the use of youths in India, I count it a privileu'^e to be associated with him in the undertaking and cheerfully promised ^o furnish such parts of the series as was more intimatelv connected with mv own studies. Other engagements have retarded the execution of our project, much against our will. He has therefore been able to do no more than bring out the first part of his Brief Survey of History, and now, at length, I am permitted to add to it this first volume of the Principles of Chemistry." AVith the object of teaching rudiments of the science to the Indian youth in view, Mack thought it best to write his work in Bengali, scarcely fit though it was for the expression of scientific ideas. "Be it understood," he says, "the native youths of India are those for whom we chiefly labour; and their own tongue is the great instrument by which we hope to enlighten them." The book, chiefly meant to be a text- book, for which however its style is difficult enough, was compiled chiefly from the notes of lectures which the writer delivered to his pupils in Calcutta and SrTranipur. It is hardly necessary to speak any thing of its language I have preferred, therefore, expressing the European terms in Bengalee character, merely ehan<,'in- upon the names of Lawson, Robinson, Wen<]^er or Pearce. John John Lawson. /,-r.-, io-> n Lawson (w87-I8;i.j) wrote a treatise on Natutal History called t^^ which was published by the School Book Society before 1821.i John Robinson. r ^ t ^ ' • John Robuison, some time editor or the KiKingelisi, translated Robinson Crusoe,^ Bunyan's Holy War, and Carey's Grammar John Wenger. into Beni^ali. John AYenger/^ (1811- 1880) who was an associate of Dr. Yates and revised his Bengali Bible (1861), edite. 2M» footnote ante. LATER EUROPEAN WRITERS 259 AVilliam Hopkins Poarce (1791-lS-lO) who came out to India (1817) as an assistant of Ward and subsequently joined the Calcutta Baptist Printing W. n. Pearce. 1794- Establishment, was for several years 184U. , , ■ ■ r , 1 editor of the Ciirisluin OOfserver and wrote a few school-books ' and Christian tracts. He is chietly remenibered now for iiis interest in education and his connexion with School Book Society in whicli he succeeded Dr. Yates as secretary. But the name of William Yates cannot be passed over so liijhth'. Dr. Yates, son of a shoe-maker and himself a villaj^e school-master for some time, Wiiiiftm Yntcs. was born at Loutrhborouslj, Dec. 15, 1792. He entered the Baptist College at Bristol where he studied the Orientnl lanQ 'Itftai ■« '2Jt^ ^1] tfi\\f\ ^irf^ f^^l or Geography interspersinl with information historical and misccllanooiis for tho use of schools in U parts. Calcutta. 1818. Ed. in 1822 ; also 1843. (ii) ITT "Sltai^ I 5^ ^ir^r:^? $^5 ^C9tmT»R or the Trn«» Refnge ; a Christian tract. Calcutta ? 1822 ?. W. FT. IV.ine must not ho confounded with G. Tearco who wrote or edited (I) TfS'irf'l^ ^?t^ I 18:?8 (2) «rt«f3r^a nt^fpf rar or Companion to tho Bihle translatpfl hv R im Krijna Kahiriij and revised hy G. Pearce 1HM5. (3) ^irt fjJ^f?!^ TS I or Foolish (Jalatiana or Inconstancy in Faith exposed and Antidote supplied (pp. 1-50). Calcutta 1845 ? For more details about \V. H. Penrco's life and writing see Life of ^^'. H. Pearce by William Yates ; Bengal Obittianj, pp. 221-222: ilis-tionnry Ilrrahl, 1828 ; Carey, Orient. Chrint. Biography, vol. iii, pp. l-li (a list of his works given at p. 10). 2G0 BENGALI LITERATURE becoming pastor of the Englisli Church at Circular Road iu 1829-30. In 182-1' he became Secretary of the School Book Society and got large opportunities for carrying out his educational projects. His educational works received considerable encouragement from Government which not only subsidised him but offered him a stipend of £1,000 on condition of his devoting himself to such work — an offer w^hicii he declined.' He died at sea on Julv 3, 1S4-5. His works in Bengali are numerous but they were all published between 1817 and 1827 and consist chiefly of — 1. The New Testament translated, 1833. Ed. iu 1839. 2. The Holy Bible in Bengali. 18-15. pp. 1-1144 (subse- quently revised by J. Wenger and C. B. Lewis iu 1861 and 1807). See Appendix II at the end of this volume. 3. %^t^Cff»t (expurgated edition). 1841. 4. "^ff f^^l or Natural Philosophy and History. 1824. ^dtt'R or Elements of Natural Philosoi)hy and Natural Historv in a series of familiar dialoii:ues desio-ned for the instruction of Indian youth. Calcutta 1825. 2nd Ed. 1834. Publislit'd by the School Hook Society.^ ^ For more details abont his life and work see James Hoby, Memoir of Willinm Yntes (1847); Dictionary of National Biography; Bengal Olitiiarij. pp. 222-225; Dirtioitary of British and Foreign Authors, vol, iii ; (7(//. Chr. Ohxcrv. 184."); Eclectic Review, vol. iv ; Cal. Rev., vol. X, p. 1(52 et seq ; Catalogue of British and Foreign Bihle Society, 1857, p. 332, etc. ; W.H.Carey, Oriental Chrintian Biography, vol. I. pp. 29, 48 ; India Review, vol. vii, 1843, pp. 740-743, in which will be found an excellent likeness of Dr. Yates by Grant. '^ This work, although on a scientific subject, avoids scientific technicalities as much as jiossible and constitutes an eminently readable popular exposition of the broad topics of Natural Philosophy and lli.story and is indeed the first of it.s kind. LATER EUROPEAN WRITERS 261 G. Inlioihiction lo the Bengalee Language in two vol- umes. 1810. :2tul Ed. bv J. Wenii;er, IS 17. Containin«j; a grammar, a reader and explanatory notes with an index (in vol. I) and selections frnni ISenijali literature (in vol. ir. The author's Preface says that "it consists of two volumes, the first of which is chietly of European and the second entirely of native composition." The first volume con- tains a grammar, select readinj^j lessons consistin<^ of simple sentences, fables, anecdotes, etc. : while the second contains in "a condent-ed and corrected form " the best {)arts of all the native (mostly prose) compositions in Beu'^ali. The selections are from Totu Itihas (18 tales), Liiiimiilfi The style and manner are more narrative than philosophical or scientific. The form is tliat of a dialogue between a teacher and his pnpil who is carious to acquire an insight into the mysteries of the nntiiral phenomoua. This work is chiefly compiled from Martinet's Catechism of Natnre and Baley's Useful Knowledge. The subjects embraced are too many but they are dealt with in a popular and rather summary way. After giving in the first few chapters some account of the mysteries of the Heavens ( ^tf1^5 5r^tf^ i^'!5 ) and the atmosphere ( ft^ ^t^ ■« ^It^t^lT V\ "« ^f^^ ilffVa f^^"W ^'H ), the teacher discourses on the eartli ( ^f«f "Jf j^riTa (?if^ ?9?rr5 a^fsT"? 5U I (2nd edition, p. 14). )l(j-Z BENGALI LITERATURE (9 letters), Batris SimbSsan (l-i stories), RiljabaU (8 extract-;), Raja Kr.snaeliandra Rayer Cliaritra (Sextracts) Purus-parlksS (16 stones), Juyiln Chaudrika (9 pieces), Jniiniirnab (9 extracts), Prabodh-cliandrika (•!< stories) besides extracts ftoni Tathyaprakas, Mahabhurat (story of Nala), Hymns of Ram-mohon and specimens of the })eriodical literature of the day. (7) C5?Jf[^R'ffTt ^^C^t^¥^ f»i^U< or An Easy Intro- duction to Astronomy for young persons composed by James Ferj^uson F. R. S. and revised by David Brewster LL.D. and translated into Benj^alee by William Yates. Calcutta School Book Society. 1838.* (8) ^t^^^5|^? or Vernacular Class Book Reader for the Government Collesres and Schools translated into Bengali. Calcutta Baptist Mission Press. 184-i. (9) Translation of Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion. Anglo-Bengali, pp. 1-300. 1840 (Murdoch, ' The Introduction ( ^f^"^ ) says :— ''Ptg'JTS? TtC^C^^ ^1T5 .ilt *i^ ^'^J^ Ills' ^ffs ^K"^^ ^v ^5f«r^t^s ^f^ ^^ ^ ^t^ ^rlc?! ^C¥^ CSfitNf^ (fJl ®its ^^rs *1[f%^^ 1 This work is composed almost on the same lines as tlie author's 'I'tft'fN'nt'Tt^ I From the table of contents quoted below, the subjects embraced will bo found to be prett}- extensive : (,) 'jf»H>a i\fi Q ^t^f^ ^^ltC^3 fTTa«1 (pp. 1-16). (ii) 1^^ Tg^ Cst^ fJlf'^- ^ "^JiltfWSt^ NT^I (pp. 17-35). (ni) ^^ -Q ?tfg?f^5 (pp. 36-54). (iv) t'x^fft i^ii W.^ Yates's _ jj-^^J^ ^^ ^'W^X^l ^Sff^^^Tf i]^^ .^ -Sff^jp^ ^\K\ ^ ■* «21«(Ol Cl^Ct 'm 5fC3 51^1^1^ ^ fi(«5^ ??I it^tiJ f^^^l (pp. 5i-G8). (r) '^p'tft? f[."»] Bengal Ohitunnj (p. 225) adds IMoiisin^ Talcs, Epitome of Ancient History (also Hobby, op.cil., p. 211), CiUbiated Cliaractfra of Ancient History, a translation of Bunyau's Pilgrim's Progress Pt. I, and of Baxter'."* Call to the Unconverted (.\leo Murdoch, Cutalogue). Besides these, Yates, like many other missionaries njentioned here, wrote numerous Christian Tracts. Ho also wrote a Bengalee Qrammar, ed. Wenger. Calcutta, 1849. See W. H. Carey, Oriental Christian Biography, vol. i, p. -W ; also India Revtew, vol. vii, 1813 ' See Aitiatic Jmirrinl, vol. iii, 1817, p. 500; Bengal Obifiiarij, p. 20S;C«/. Rev vol. 1850, art: "Bengali Literature and Language" ; Lushington, Hiitnry, Design and Prencnt State of Benevolent Inati- futiona in or near Calcutta, 1824, pp 145-155; Long, Introduction to Adam'i> Report*, pj). 1-6; Long' a Handbook to the Bengal iligfionn; W. H. Carey, Orient. Christ. Biography, vol iii, pp. 294-298 For John Harley, «.-»e W. H. Carey, op. nV., p. 134 oKie./. 264 BENGALI LITERATURE scholars and obtained the patronai^e of Lord Hastings. Mr May however was soon cut off by death but his colleagues Messrs. Harley and Pearson, \v)io also beloncjed to tlie same society, succeeded in keepint^ up his work by the offer of their services. Robert ^lay ' compiled in 1817 an arithmetical table on the native model which was popularly known for a lont^ time as M(ii/-Ganita. Harley sup[)lemented May's work John Harley or ^J ^"s Ganitaiika or ^r«t^t^ Tfarie. (d. 1822): (Chinsurah, 181<.>) compiled on a mixed model.- Pearson's works however, were of orreater value and effect than any of these. He was a very industrious Joliti. I). Pearson. j i • -l i -^ • t/t' PTO-lSsi ^'■^'^ voluminous writer and it is diih- cult to draw up a complete list of his writings, of which the following seem to be the more important ones : — (1) ^;5Cp. 368-71. May's and Harley's Arithmetic were repnblished by tho School Book Society, ■ LATER ElKOPEAN WRITERS 2G5 (3) ^t^Tt^^ or Iiliomatical Exercises. Eni^lisli and Bengalee, witli ilialoi^ues, leltur?, etc., on various sub- jects. Calcutta 1S:!0. A phrase-book anil vocabulary. Published by the School Book Society. (Ed. Cal. 18:19.) (I) ^If^^Tl or Moral Tales composed jointly with Rfiju Radhakunta Deb for tin' School Book Society. Before 1S21. (5) Trp,nslation of Murray's. En^;lish Grammar, 1&;!0. [Mentioned also in ialaloijue E. I. C) ^tft^ tf^tC'T^ >1^b6^ or an Epitome of Ancient History, p]nglish and Bengalee, containing a concise account of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Grecians and Romans. The English compiled by Pearson : the Ben«rali version bv Pearson and others. Calcutta l&'iU. j)p. l-t»2;3. (A previous edition containing only 3(il pages with the accounts of the Egyptians, Assyrians, Baby- lonians, Medes, Persians and the (irecians). (7) ^^51 ^ c^Ttf^^ t^Itf^ f^^W ^l^^^5|^, English and Bengali. 1st eJ. 18:Ji. ind ed. Calcutta 18:17. (8) ^^ 51^ "STTSl or the Two Great Commandments being an exposition of St. Matthew xxii. 37. Calcutta 1826. (D) We find the following entry in Murdoch, Citta- lojjur : "Pilgrim's Progress. Bengali and English by Rev. J. D. Pearson, chiefly from the Seram})ore Edition, 1831-. 2nd Ed. Bengali alone. An Edition published by J. Wenger in 18:j3."» (10) \\\ the Ciitiiltgne of E. I. Compaufs Lihranj (1845), p. 2r.7, mention is made of " A School Dictionary, English and Bengali. 12nio. Calcutta 1829. ' See also W. H. Carey, Oriental Chiutian Uioyiiiphy, vol. i, p. 370, for a list of Pearson 'a works. 34 2GQ BENGALI LITERATURE Of Rev. Tames Keit!), who came out to India in 1810 and beloni^ed to the London Mission at Calcutta, it is said that " during his short career, in "^nsr-isz^*'' conjunction with Rev. H. Townly» he laid the foundation of a mission in the metropolis of India."- His chief works, educa- tional or biblical are (/) ^^ ^^ ^?lt^t^ S ^\^ (ill ^(31^ ^P^'^Itl^'R or a Dialogue between a porter and a^ gardener. A Christian tract. 2nd ed., pp. 1-10. Serampore 1820 ? 3rd ed. considerably modified., pp. 1-20. Calcutta 1135? (ii) ^t^C^^fe^m f*f^ti:'/ "^"2 ^tfts^f ^t^t^ 5 ^5f^^ ^Tf^^*1 or a Grammar of the Bengalee language adapted to the young in easy questions and answers. Calcutta 1825, pp. 1-68. 3rd ed. Calcutta 1839. Published by the School Book Society.^ « ' Heary Towuly was also a tract-writer in Bengali, Among his works may be mentioued (1) CTt*I *!t3 ^t*!^ or What Scriptures should be regarded, a Christian tract in the form of a dialogue between a Christian and a Hindu. Serampore, 1820 ? (Ed. C. C. T. and B. S. 1886). pp. 1-12. (2) Jl^^Jl 'iRsi:*? Jlf^3 ilT^ >i?I^t:<^ '^^t'T^'R I 2ud ed., pp. 1-16. (C. C. T. and B. S.) * See Bengal Obituary, pp. 67-68. Asiatic Journal, 1817, vol. iii, p. 500. ^ Dinesh Ch. Sen {History, p. 870) erroneously styles the author as Keatand his Grammar as Ket-Vyakaran. The date given by him is 1820. It seems the book was not available to him when he wrote this account : for otherwise this mistake is absurd. In Catalogue of E. I. Co.'s Library, mention is also made of Nitikotha or Fables in Bengali by J. Keith. Calcutta 1828. A specimen of the method and style of the Gi'aunnar is given below : — Interjections or ^tC^CttfV f^?I I LATKK i:UROPEA\ WKITERS 267 It is not worth whilo (o lin<;or long; over the names of other minor misiionary or non-missionary writers who wrote reh'i>M'ous tracts and educational Other minor Eiiropoan x^..* i „ ,i. e 4^ ^' 1 i- ^j.j^p^ ' text-i)Ooks ; lor to <>ive an exhaustive aceount of their names anil writings would he to enumerate a Homeric catalo«^ue.' We may, however, mention in passing; the names of llerklotts,- Sutherlaud'' and Sandys'* who wrote ehietly on Geo- graphy; of Kempbell ^ ami Kneane '' whose contributions were mostly historical ; of Mundy,^ Ronse,*^ Iloeberlin •' and Townly"^ who were religious controversialists; of f^ C^l, ^f? C», ^5l C5, ffS Cql I (p 41). It is cnrions to note such expressions occurring as ^tf^ '^t f^^tf^ (p- 35), ^f^l W^ C^tT (p- 62). ' The activity of the Calcutta School Book and of School Society as well as the writings of authors like the Rev. K. 51. Banerji is not treatcil here, because, properly speaking, they belong to a subsidiary movement in literature wliich came into relief a decade later than the movement inaugurated by the missionaries of Srirampur or the Pundits of Fort William College. * A Map of the World in Bengali by Rev. Gregory Ilerklotts of Chinsurnh. 1S21. * Geography of India by J. Sutherland. * General Geography in Bengali by Sandys, 1812. ' Tucker's History of the Jews translated into Bengali, 1843. pp. 1-257. ' Pilrasika Itihus. ' ^it^^ •si^ff*. 3 «CT5j jrfJT ft^i^iic^mf? ";trg(? »reta- tion. Calcntfa 1828. (c) \s'!lI'21"?FM ^^J '^^'jft or a Treatise en Idol worship and other Hindu observances by Vrajamohon Deb followed by translation from Viijrasuchi of Ashwagosha, pp. 00, 14. Calcutta, 1842. by William Morton. (Ed. in 1843). " Sffipfli^? f^lf^ or Original Bcngalese Zumeendareo Account accompanied by a translation into English, pp. 1-401. Calcutta 1823. Smyth died in 1S4I. See Bengal Obituary. LATER EUllOPlvVX WIUTHRS ^209 on zemimlarv accounts; of Geoii^o Galloway' who translated Gladwin's Pleasant Stories; of Captain Stewart - the founder of tlie Burdwan Church Mission ; and of Dr. Hans Ileinrieh Eduard Rieer ^ who rendered into Benijali some of Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. The namo of Sir Graves Champney Haujjjhton, the «j:reat scholar and orientalist, will detain u-; for a moment and with this last, thoui^h not the least important na?ne, we close our chapter on the European writers in Benijali. Sir Graves Champney Hau!2;hton,son of John Hauifhton, a Dublin physician, was born in 178S. He was educated in Eui^land and havin1'^ ^f^Me^ Dinosh Chandra Sen, History (pp. 8G9 and 870) enters the bonk twice as I'pa- deaha Katha and Moral Talcs of History without identifying them. {h) frf^ ^fT^ or tho Destroyer of Darkness : n Christian Tract, pp. 1-20. Published by the Calcutta Christian Tract and Book Society; 1835. For Stewart ami Weitbrecht, seo Di.flriet Gnzclteer, vol. on Burdwan in the Chap, on Education. Also see Long's Introduction to Adam's Rcportit; Lushingtnn, Ilintory, etc., of Rt'liijious ami Benevolent Iustitutt'in.1 in and nenr Calcutta, pp. Itfi-lo.'i. ' ITt^ CJW'lhiJ «inl"5 M\^-^l f^t^t C^"?^ C^^sni -^^ ^fTtf^l or Lamb's Tales from .Shakespeare, translated by E Roer, pp. 1-21. Calcutta. 1853. (Bengal Family Library Series.) 270 BENGALI LITERATURE Beno-ali. In 1815 his ill-lioaltli compellctl him to leave for Eiiuagos at Hailoybury where he continued till 1827.' Hanjjjhton took <^reat interest in the foundation of tlie Royal Society in London of which he was an oriental member and honorar}' secretary from 18-'31 to lS3o. He died of cholera at St. ('loud, near Paris, on August 28, 184'9.'^ Ilaughton was more of a scholar than a litterateur and his works in Bengali have a philological rather than a purely literary interest. His works, chiefly useful compilations, consisted of (1) liniliuients of Bengalee 6'rflww/«r (in English). London 1821, pp. l-]68. It was composed by order of the Court of Directors and was based mainly on the works of Halhed and Carey. (2) Bengalee Selections (from Chanrlicharan's translation of Tota Itihas, from jNIrtyun jay's Bengali version of Hindi Simhtlsana JBattisi, and from llaraprasad Ray's translation of Bidyapati's Sanscrit Purus-parlksa with translation into English and a vocabulary, pp. 1-198. London. 1822. Edition by D. Forbes, London, 1869. (3) Glossal'}/, Bengali and English, to explain the Tota Itihfisa, the Batris Simhiisan, the History of Raja Krsna Chandra, the Puru: Pariksa, and the Hitopa- des. -pp. 1-12-i. London. 1825. (4) A Bengalee- Eiiglish Diciionary compiled by order of the Court of Directors. London. 1833. These useful works, once held in s I progress was necessary to bring about in its fulness the dawn of modern literary Bengali. The changes of the period are many and far-reaching and everywhere transitional in character. In politics and social affairs, the conllict between the old and the new was gradually taking shape and there was nnrest and uncertainty everywhere consequent upon such conflict. In linguistic matters, we find not only profit and loss in details of vocabulary but also an innovation in the direc- tion of a simpler syntax. But in literature, although the ancient trend of thought and feeling was to some extent being continued in the popular Kabi-songs and other indigenous forms of literature, the British contact did not fail to bring about changes of the gravest kind, in rela- tion to its material, its form, and its literary temper. The field of literary adventures was enlarged and since the tentative efforts resulting from these innovations took, for the most part, the form of their models, radical changes in literary form became pali>;il)le. The changes in the literary temper were so subtle and varied that no summary description would be adecjuate but that it was marked by a greater desire for individual liberty. The age became more and more artictilate and forthwith res- 80 274 BbJNGALI LITE RAT URl^ ponded to contemporary influences. The old schools were being upset and the representative character of the old literature which was becoming more and more urbane and and artificially limited to a select few, who could appre- ciate its new ideas and novel forms, was lost in the attempt, mostly by untrained hands, to imitate foreign literary methods and models. Leaving aside the indigenous forms of literature for separate treatment, the first portion of this period (1S00-18I5), which was indeed a stage of timid experiment, was for the most part a period of European authorship, varied by occasional imitations by scarcely original native authors, the chief centre of literary publication being the Fort William College. We have The College of Fort traced at soms lenffti) the connexion William ^ , . „ . , , , • of this collesre with the history and o-rowth of Beno-ali literature in the early years of British settlement ; and its importance cannot be gain- said. It was here indeed that modern Bengali literature, especially Bengali prose, received its first exercising ground and without its co-operation it is doubtful whether even the Srirampur Mission, an institution equally important to Beno-ali literature, could iiave achieved the remarkable success which it actually did. The two institutions, the Fort William College and the Srirampur Mission, founded at the same time yet so dissimilar to each other in their aim and object, found them- andthe Srirampur selves connected with each other by Mission. *' at least one bond of close kiushij), namely, the encouragement which both afforded to the study of Bengali. We shall realise how close this relationship was when we bear in mind that almost all the publications of the College were printed at tiie Srirampur Press and that, on the other hand, it was the Mission which sup- GENERAL CIIARACTEKISTICS 275 plied the Collei^e with scholars ami professors of Benj]^ali. In this respect, eich supplemented the work of the other. Indeed before the missionaries came in contact with the CoIley;e of Fort William tlirough the appointment of Carey as Professor of Benj^ali, their work in the Held of Bensjjali prose had been very sli^^lit. In tiie meantime they had only succeeded in translating^ and printing off the Bengali Bible but in this again tlu'V had rendered only a doubtful service to Bengali [)rose. The Mission was too poor and too insignificant to undertake extensive literary work of a permanent kind ; and on 'political and other grounds the missionaries had all along been held in disfavour. The lirst political recognition of the Mission and its worthy object with reference to the study of Bengali came with the appoint- coar^g^re:;:" ^"" n^ent of Dr. Carey as Professor in Lord Wellesley's newly established College. Tiider the patronage, pecuniary and otherwise, of the College, a fresh impetus was given to the study of Bengali. But even then the stringent regulations which had fettered the press in India and other political restrictions stood in the way of intellectual progress and it was not until another decade or so had passed that a more liberal and far-sighted policy \yas adopted. It may also be noted here that the benefit rendered to Bengali by all these early institutions was never direct but came indirectly and therefore with occasional iluofuations through their encouragement of the study of the language itself on political and other utilitarian grounds. This European patronage, however, was attended with both loss and gain to Bengali Litera- E.iropoan patronngc : (^^c. It is (lan^crous to dogmatise Its offecta. . about influences but it cannot be denied that, speaking generally, it was the intellectual 276 BENGALI LITERATURE stimulus given by tlie British contact which raised Benu^ali Literature out of the sloui^h of o^eneral decadence into which it had been phmged after the death of Bharat- chandia. The vernacular was raised Stimulating influoncp jf „ot abovc, at least on Ihe same of British contact. level wiih, the classical languages, which had hitherto held the undisputed sway. But the literature of Bengal, which had hitherto belonged to the people in general, shifted its centre of activity from the peaceful village-homes to tiie crowded citii-s and the metropolis, and under the patronage of an alien lettered class, imbued with new ideas and novel methods, it lost its representative character, its primitive colouring, and its pristine simplicity. But the literature It is true that the literary spirit of losing its primitive colouring. the people, even though arrested temporarily, never died out and that the last echoes of the great Baisnab and Sakta writers still lingered faintly in their less worthy successors, the Kabiivalas, the Yafrakars, the Kalhakas or the PamcJialikars, through whom they have coloured even our modern ways of thought ; yet when the literature revived, with the creation of a new lettered class and a new public, it revived " with a difference." It will be seen, however, that this era of Beno-ali literature is essentially an era of prose and one of its greatest achievements is indeed the creation of modern prose-of-all-work. The prose of the tirst decade of the century, however, that we are passin<; in review, has little or nothing delectable to a mere An era of prose ; its i;4.^.„ 4. i i i. i .1 •, • 1 formal inipoi-tance. literary taster, but to the critical student it possesses great interest and imjjortance. For this was indeed the beginning of Bengali prose properly so called ; for before iSOO, it may (TENI<:R\L ClI.lRVCrKRTSTICS 277 be cloiil)tcHl wli'.'t.lu'r, in spite ot" tlio lari^'e numUer ul' old philosophical ami ieli«j^ious prose-works now discovereil, there is a siiij^le lioni^ali prose work of any iinporlance, which unites the bulk and literary ipiality of a book proper. It is true indeed that the prose ol' the early I9tli century (chiefly tentative in character) is com- paratively chunsy, inartistic, but its formal importance in literarv history can never be denied, and even within this shapeless mass, there is a full pulse of life that mav be detected bv anv careful reader who does not associate old book with mummies. Hut in order to appreeiate this importance, we must at the outset obtain some idea of the conditions under which it came about and developed so rapidly within a few years. Modern Bengali prose, like modern Bengal itself, came into being under anomnlons The conditions niulcr conditions. After the death of which modern lienf^iili _ prose came into being Bliiirat-ehandra and with the dis- appearance of the great Baisnab and Sakta writers the literature of Bengal was left to shift for itself, uncontrolled by the power of any individual native genius, which alone, by " dwelh'ng apart " in an age of conflicting influences, conld have lu-lped to guide it. The European writers, who took and its suhjoctinn to the lead in the matter at the condictinK iiiHuences v^^;. . • c li imi ^ i i with the .Lppearanco ^'^S'""'"^.' "f the iDth Century had of the old school. little experience of Bi-ngal and much less of BiMigali literature : in matters of composition, they took as their guide, not the ancient writers id" Bengal, who were by this time Inpelessl}- entombed in a mass of old inaccess- (1) The nhattuchnr. \i\^ niauuscripts. but the .rrcat yas; their langnaj;o "^ (nr<}fl^t^). Bhattacharyas or To/ pundits who, on account of their classical accomplish- ments, were thought lit to write in the vernacular ton^''y 'j*^' tiil^t'ii fairly as tlie opiiuoii of the Bliattrvchuiyas «jjfnerally wlio now made it tla-ir province to patronise H(.'ni;-ali. In 15k. II, (•lia[). I of the same work a«;ain, Mrtynnjay, while discoursin*;- on the beautioB and defects of prose style, quotes and analyses the followin«i; sentencts as exhibitin«>; various rhetorical (jualities— " ^C^ ^^1^^^^^ fs^ 5tT' ff^ f^^t^ "^l^ I Specimen of the _^ kind of style they ( >2|>rt»f 53«t ) I ^C^t^"^ [?fiT:5t^^t^ favoured. _ =^ ^ ( Tf^TQ^l ) I ( ^C^^Bfs^, f^ft^ ^^^, ^^5| f^ ) I These examples wouhl clearly indicate the kintl of style which was hit^hly favoured and the length to which this sanscritisation was carrit-d.' Hut lonix before tlu' Bhattaclulrvas affected this stiff, laboure r cli^^W). time. It was a kind of halr-lieiigali and half- Persian diction which was ' Of tbcso pundits, Mrtyufijay, tliougli lie uffected an artiiicially correct and learned diction, was fully alive to the sense of style and kne%v the value of appro})riate phraniug. In one place, he writes in 280 BENGALI LITERATURE the latij^uajTje of the court and tlie market-place and of which we have seen a subdued specimen in the style of Pralaj)a(Utj/n Charitra. Ever since the time of Mohamme- dan conquest, Persian words and Persian element ; expressions Of their modified Urdu its long history in p , j n /^ t ^i • Bengali literature. lorms ' were gradually nnding their way into the Bengali vocabulary, and the necessity of their being used, more or less, in everyday conversation, no doubt facilitated the process. By the time the Chandl of Kabikafikan was composed Persian was already extensively used even in the verse- compositions of the period. The Chandl of Kabi- following quotation, in which in nine kankan. ^ ^ versos more than eighteen l^ersian words will be found, will show in how short a time Bengali put on a novel aspect through its admixture with Persian. his quaint way : ^\US ^t^C^ C^ tC^ C^ ^f^^K5^ 3t^t^ Tt^l -ij^ ®1^1 ^f^ mi'^w.'^ tiim Wi(] ^t!i ^c^. "^Ss ^ti5^l^'^ ^ ^ff ^Iw."^ sizm ^^ o\Hi'^ 'ifsca^c^^ fkwz^ f^^)r» ■^r^ "5(t3 ^^l 'F?H;5 ^t^J? Ji^=i- "^[^ I ^1,A^ ^tC-^C» ^iI3 C^tKQ C^t^ ^^\':H Sc'I'Sf^?! J1C7 C^ sfl ' A pretty good but by no means exhaustive list of Arabic and Persian words used in Bengali will be found in Snhitya Pari§at Patrika, vol. viii, uUo vol. xii. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS :Hl •Sff^ iTt5?t^ ^t?:^ '^^rt^ ^tC*f?f ¥C^ *rt^ 5r«T ^^ f^^ ^f^ II «}t^ c^ftT' c^? ^tf^ c^':^ I c^ f%| 5^tf^ *tr^:5t^«i II 5^3 %l C^^1 f^ ^t^^ II »tti : "At present those persons are thouLrht to speak this compound idiom (Bengali) wilh the greatest elegance Halhcd's remarks. t i- i who mix Willi I'urc Indian verbs ' It is well-known, for instance, that nuicli of the famous discrip- tion of liis horoine's beauty is derived from Peraian sources. GENERAL CHAKACTEKISTICS 283 the greatest number of Persian and Arabic nouns." It is in the eourt-lantjuaj^e, liowever, which still favours a preponderance of effete I'ertsian forms, that tlie lar*ijest percentage of Persian words are to be fountl ; and the followinL;; extract of a petition, jj^iven in an appendix to Ilalhed's Graitm/ur, will bhow how Specimen of tlie ^],g persianisa ion was carried even coart-laugiingo. ' to a far jjieater lenuth than was ever done by the authors of I'raiajiadiii/a C/inrifra or Tot a Iti/ias — It will be noticed, however, that about this time a reaction was settincr in in favour of the use of Bencjali, and the len. U2-4. 281- BENGALI LITERATURE brought the scientific study of Bengali within easy reach, but to them also as well as to other later writers, both native and foreign, belongs the credit of making Bengali not only the oliieial language of the Presidency but also the basis of one of the most prolific literary languages of India. "While the tol pundits and the court-scribes were attempting to bring Bengali under the lead of Sanscrit and Persian respectively, the language (3) The common jjj jj^g country-i)laces, among "low people ; thoir language. •' ' (sf^TS ^1 'siis ^t^). men" and the people generally, was the unforbidden, if untaught, Bengali, which we find in the old writers and of which we find a distant echo in the outbursts of purely native inspiration like those of the Kahiivalas, Kabiwalas and ifufra&ars, Katliakaft, and Pamcha/i- others. ' . • i kars. A little sanscntised on the one hand and a little persianised on the other, the language preserved the equipoise perfectly and drew its nerve and vigour from the soil itsulf. It was so direct in its simplicity, so dignified in its colloquial ease, and so artful in its want of art that it never failed to appeal. Not a single latter-day writer, as the foremost among them himself acknowledges, has been able to speak in the same tongue. ^V^hile speaking of this language of the people in its contrast to modern mixed literary diction, Bankim Ciiandra lamented' " '^fsr^^ fff?7^ iBvar Gupta. f^^ ^ ^f% <^^^ ^t^itCW^ ^^ I '^'tlS * ^^ ^ttt? ■'Pf^^ '^•■5fC5^ ^1^^ I (IS95) Preface to the Kahita Samgrnho of Isvnr Chandra Gujita. Ed, by liankim Chandra Chatterjeo and Gopfil Chandra Mukerjce in 2 pts. GENERAL CHAUACTERISTICS 285 Isvar (rupta* wlioso tone and temper allied him with the Kabiwalas, was indeed the last of that blessed race over whom the contusion of liabil had not yet fallen. It must not be supposed here that we are advocatin;]^ l)urism in the matter of language or lamenting over the prevalence of Sanscrit, Persian or other influence. "Purism" to quote the words of a learned writer in the Calcutta Rfiien'- "is radically unsound and has its origin in a spirit of narrowness. In the free commingling of nations, there must be borrowing and giving. Can anything be more absurd than to think of keeping language pure when blood itself cannot be kept pure? No human language has ever been perfectly pure, any more than any human race has been pure. Infusion of foreign elements do, in the long run, enrich languages, just as infusion of foreign blood improves races." But in the beginning of the last centurv, the conflict of foreign elements under which Bengali pro!?e eame for a time proved a source of confusion to many a writer of the period. Lexicographers and grammarians like Ilalhed, Eorster and Carey are eternally complaining, in their bewilderment, of the confusing variety and the exceedingly corrupt state of the vernacular due to its subjection to various foreign influence,* for the many jiolitical revolutions the country had sustained and its long (4) The Earopeaii communication with men of difFe- writers. rent religions, countries and manners ' But hore of cotirso wc are speaking of Tsvar Gupta's poetry and not his prose which perhaps exhibits the modern tendencies better than any other prose of the period. » SySina Charan Gaft^uli, Calcutta Revicic, 1878. • Bee Halhed's and Forstcr's remarks qncted at pp. 86-7 and 92 ante respectively. 28^ BENGALI LITERATURE hail impaired the simj^licity of the vernacular and ren- dered it somewhat difficult for a foreigner. Not only did the pundits incorporate stiff Thoir confusion at ^^j i.nfuniiliar Sanscrit words and the diversity ot the forms of the language. ■ constructions and the Mohammedans various terms relatinij ehieflv to business, law and <^overnment, the European nations too who settled here, never failed to influence the lan in Portnpuese. See p. 75, nr.te. 288 BEXG.ILI LITERATURE Bat the British inlluenco on Bengali, owing to its permanent and all-embracing charae- The lan(ruage of the . , i p i • ter, was more deep and rar-reaehins:. Liiroppan writers '■ ' ,j^j^^ ^, «f|f^ III matterrf of language, however, the ■^iwmi). British writers at the outset, we have seen, found themselves in an embar- rassed position. They did not know in the midst of per- plexing diversity what models to choose or what form of the language to adopt. They however took primarily as their guide the compositions of their own munsis or pundits, which leaned towards pedantry and sanscritisa- tion ; but fortnnately their strong commonsense, their literary instinct, and an innate tendencv to realism,^ which is a distinctive feature of all English writers, saved them from the contagion of affectation and made them adopt a more simple and natural style. Their language is a cnrious admixture of the sanscritised Its sources. ^^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ pundits (^^^^i) and the colloquial language of the people (^f^^t^l) with some pecu- larities of its own and a more or less decided leaning towards the latter. The missionaries and the schoolmasters, to whose rank and file belong most of the early European writers in Bengali, lived in the closest touch with the people, and their chief end in writing was not to show off- their erudition but to make themselves intelligible, to be popular, clear and useful. There are, it is true, errors and Its errors in vocabul- excesscs in tlioir writing as vexatious arv, syntax and idiom; „ , _ ,. ^ aI. but general excellence as the stiffness of the Puudits, and the ia its healthy direc- missionary Beno^ali has always been tioii towards simpli- . .' . city and naturalness. the sport of criticism. Ylut, inspite of these and other aberrations, the gene- ral excellence of their style in one direction at least can ' See the remarks on Carey's Dialogues at p. 146. GENERAL CHARACTERISTtCS 28J) never be disputed, namely, that its simplicity, precision, and directness presents a strikinrfc^ft ^W^n. Of these, the «lM^ '«W (court-language) in course of time, with the general disuse and discontinuance of Persian in law-courts, became almost extinct, and by 1836 we find but little trace of it, except in a few legal technical > See, for example, the story of f'^'t'^^'iP in Mrtyufljay'a Prabodh-chaiKJrika, f^^ g^, «»Pl ^^. part of which is quoted ante at pp. 221.222. 37 290 BENGALI LITERATURE publications. The spoken idiom (^T "ct^O favoured chiefly by the old school of writers like the Kabiwalas and used in country-places, never came into any direct prominence. The onlv two forms of style which between the plain and other in the prose publications of the the ornate styles. . , • i i time and eontmued to play an im- portant part in the literary history down to the fifties, were the learned style (^ffQ'ft «t^), on the one hand, and the missionary style (^Tll^ff ^t^rt^Tl), on the other. The exclusive class of learned pundits still kept on in the traditional stiffness of their elaborate diction, while a host of new writers, who came into the field with the spread of English education^ generally adopted the language of the missionaries in a purer and more modified form. The perpetually recurring struggle between the ornate and the plain styles - which pla3's an important part in the history of prose style in- almost every literature, was for the firit time definitely posed and worked out in Bengali prose in this period — the ornate style being favoured by the pundits and the plain style chiefly adopted by the missionary writers. The style of the pundits found a This opposition be- i ^ • xi c / comes more wcll-de- tlirect clescenciant in the oanscnf. 818 of the Alali ana .. the Sanscrit College the Aluli -ifvle, which betokened styles of the fifties. a contemporary reactionaiy move- ment, found its progenitor, through various intermedi- aries, primarily in the healthy movement towards simpli- city and naturalness, first inaugurated by the Europeans, ' Of whom the most prominent name is that of Rev. Kr.jnamohan Bamlyopiidhay. « See pp. 147, 219-20. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 291 althoui^h socoudarily it incori)orated various elements from the laufjuage of the common people (^fir© '«t^) and oven from the persianised court-lang'uage ('^rt^tsT^t ^^). Thus we see that this opposition between the plain and the ornate styles persistently dominated the history of Ben- gali prose for almost half a century and reached to a crisis in the two antithetical movements of the fif- ties— indicated by the Alall sfi/le and the Sanserif College Synthesis in Baiikim- -f////^ — of which the f^enins of *'''""'^"'- a writer like Baukimchandra alone could find a proper synthesis. It will be seen therefore that from the standpoint of literary history, the importance of this period in prose is hardly less than that of any other. Formal importance -n l -l ^ l- i i ^i i xi of this period; but -t>nt its productions, marked that they its fiu- less intrinsic are bv earliness and immaturity, merit. " have far less intrinsic merit. No historian of literature can claim anvthins: like literarv competency for much of this early prose, if he judji^os it by any strict literary standard. Originality is not a distinctive merit of this literature at all. Grammars, school-books, religious tracts, and Want of originality. other similar documents, most or them again mere translated pieces, cannot, in their very nature, justly claim to be called literature. In their translations again these writers are faithful enough : there is hardly any native aspiration to be free and original. Here and there, no doubt, they improved upon the capital that came into their hands but thoy seldom created or broke loose from their original. The style, again, is of the rudest character, abrupt, disconnected, obscure, and full of anacolutha, not only in the works of the missionaries whose command over the inherent resources of the lan- guage must have necessarily been limited and whose repute rort. n -mFf if VRtSB^?. 'X Ub '>m^ >««iaen»i •n -i»rr ^..jlz^ • .^ xun^rfoiai if - T iatiM to !■!■■■ ''-uvr-:^ ^yi ■BHBM wntiar" m ' ^flBl^flfl I •" .f-v ' -~*- T-^'-' fcj..: ru -i '»r---1af -' «-#»r %f ^r^, -h* -Vr. **^^J>^STft r:»j.itii Il - \ - < "ZBC lU TtKilT~ JOE. j^ aiHITWIIiirfRT "LIOI £-- tDJSSl anoTr t-iae •tti- ir «r -arrn^ int- ■ tam— a*- Tv=Tir ^94. BENGALI LITERATURE Chemistry and Medicine — everywhere we trace the inde- fatigable activity of the European writers. It is true that most of these works were meant merely to be text-books but they are equally significant of the zeal of their authors as writers and teachers and of the encouragement which was afforded to the cause of learning. The multiplication of Grammar and Dictionary, no doubt, Grammar and Die- points to a zealous movement towards tionary. the scientific study of the language, but it must be admitted that in the lexicons compiled by European writers, undue prepcndeiance is given to Sanscrit words and the proportion of purely native Bengali words is comparatively small : while the Grammars, on the other- hand, are written mostly on the pattern of English Grammars and coniequently fail to set in relief the peculiar features of the oriental vernacular. Little need be said of the works on History and Biography, History, Biography Ethics and Moral Tales, for almost Ethics and Moral Tales. all these writings consist of mere translation : but a peculiar interest attaches, as we have seen, to the Bengali scientific writings of this period for their useful glossaries of technical and difficult terms as well as for their Scientific writings, manner and method of rendering scientific ideas into Bengali. But, besides these contributions to the department of useful knowledge, there came about, under theEuro])ean influence, a vogue for realism and social satire. The popular opinion has always leant to the supposition that Realism and social • ,i • i Ji-j ^ rr i ^i gatire^ in this sphere AUii and Untam are the pioneer works, but even long before these works were published, from the time of Carey's Dialogues downwards, numerous works (such as Bhabilni- eharan's KaUkata Kamalala)/a or Pramathanuth Sarma's GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 2'J5 Naha Babu Biliisa) were published which served as models for Afal and Hntain and which had indeed reached a hi^h degree of success and popularity. Another important Hold into which these Europeans directed the energy of Bengali writers is that of journalism. Joarnalism, Thanks to the coui-age and zeal of its promoters, the dillicult social and pi)litical conditions under which it was started never retarded its growth, and its long and interesting history bears witness to the enormous popularity and usefulness of this organ of popular opinion. CHAPTER IX Interregnum in Poetry from 1760. The elosinsi: years of the 18th century and the begin- ning of the 19th form a period of transition from old Bengali to modern Bengali literature; and in this period, as in every period of transition, while access was obtained to new ideas and new methods, the old traditions in lite- rature still lived on. In the light of the Europeanised literature of to-day, prominence must be and has been given to European activity in Bengali Literature of this period, yet from the death of Uharat-chandra in 1760 to the death of Isvar Gupta in 1858, llourished a class of Bengali writers, chieHy poets, who were un-inlluen- ced by English ideas and who main- A body of indige- tained, even with declining powers, nous literature o i * the literary traditions of the past. Literary history, as a rule, is studded with such ' survivals ' or * relics,' if we may use these terms ; but it is hardly correct to regard these outbursts of purely native inspira- tion as mere empty echoes of the past or flickering reac- tionary movements which the historian of literature may safely ignore. The tendencies of European or Euro- peanised writers may, in a sense, be described as exotic ; but these inheritors of the Hterary traditions and instincts of the ancient race, on the other hand, representing, ia con. were essentially national in sentiment trast to the writings , ' of the Europeans, a and expression, and as such, repre- distinct phase of lite- , l e ii i.- c rary development. sent, apart from all question of intrinsic excellence, a phase of lite- rary development which we cannot very well pass over. INTERREGNUM IN POETRY £97 The literature of the first half ol' tiie IJth contury is dominated in the main by two distinct tendencies ; the one is fostered by European writers or by men tutored in European ideas and marked i^onerally by the spirit of an intellectual aristocracy, while the other derives its strength from the essence of native genius, untouched by foreign ideas, and expresses itself chiefly in various forms of popular literature. The one, dressed in the new apparel of prose, goes forth to capture the gifts of the new know- ledge, but the other, conveyed in the traditionary vehicle of verse, remains content with the spiritual inheritance of the past, diminished though it is with the lapse of time. The antagonism between these two tendencies, though it may not be very marked in later periods,' lasts throughout the literary history Antafironism between ^f ^jjg jyt-j^ eenturv : and in the two opposing tcnden- •' cies in the lOtli literature of to-day, although the century Uteratnre. . • i /« i i truimpli or the new tendency is said to be fully proclaimed yet it remains to be considered how far this trium})h has been or may be aciiieved without makiuiT legitimate concessions to the demands of the opposing tendency. Till the death of Lsvar Gupta, in whom we find indeed the last, if not the least, valiant champion of the old race, the antagonism is definitely posed and consistently worked out. ^^'i^h the death of lsvar Gupta, we are at the end of the most effective note in the ancient trend of thought and feeling ; and followers of the old tendency thereafter, in struggling to maintain their own against the stronger drift of new ideas, were obviously fighting for a lost cause. Decay of the old 1?^^^ siuce that time the cause may style; but its unmis- takable influence in indeetl be regarded as lost, and any later literature. . . . , i ^ • ^i i j attempt to-day to revive the old style would be possibly as futile and ridiculous as the 38 298 BENGALI LITERATURE attempt of Don Quixote to revive the expiring days of chivalry. But, even thouj^h the cause was lost^ its lessons were not lost ; the principles for which it had fought survived and found gradual acceptance. However imperceptible the process had been, it succeeded in tempering the un- licensed Europeanisation of later literature : it afforded a healthy antidote against the unchecked alienation of literature from national sensibilities ; it represented a strong counter-current of purely native energy, which, if it never forced itself directly to the surface, never at the same time failed to make its subtle and wholesome influence felt. It is a mistake to suppose that the old tendency absolutely died out with the death of Isvar Gupta. It never died out but it left its enduring vitality in the current of national thought and feeling, unmistak- able influence of which may be traced even in the literature of to-day. The spirit of an age or race, yielding to that of its successor, continues to abide in it as anessential ingredient, assumed, transformed and carried forward. In an historical survey of the 19th century literature, therefore, we cannot mistake the significance of this ten- dency of literature, which derived its inspiration primarily from conditions of national culture which were not access- ible to European or Europeanised writers of the first half of that century. AVe must indeed give the more prom- nent place to European writers and those who trod in their footsteps, because it is chiefly through their efforts, aided no doubt by the hand of the foreign government, that the dominance of western ideas iiltimately strengthened itself and gave the final bent to the form and spirit of modern literature; yet the account of the period would surely be incomplete if we do not take into consideration this stream of purely indigenous acti\nty flowing in the opposite direction and the extent of iNTEItllEGNUM IN POETRY 299 its inlluence in moulding the literary characteristics of the age. The historical importauce, therefore, of this inferior but not insignificant band of writers The historical im- belonging to tlic old school lies, portaace of those in- . ' dijjenous writers. mainly as we have seen, in the fact that whatever may be the intrinsic value of their writings they examplify and hand down in their own way the failing inspiration of earlier days and thus maintain the continuitv of liteVarv history durin«r the period of interregnum between the death of Hhiirat Chandra and the emergence of the new sehool. Althouirh some of them lived far into the first half of the lUth century they do not reflect the growing literary tendencies of the new era but they keep up the old manner of thought, the oKl fashion of imagination, and the old form of expression and thus secure the inheritance of ancient literature for the . advantage of the new generation. Standing as they do, on the the gateway of modern literature they give little or no jiresentiment of things to come, they do not announce the future ; but they represent the past and stoutly, if unconsciously, make their stand for a fast disappearing form of art and expression which drew its inspiration from the past life of the nation itself and which was not without its signiticance to the new life the nation was entering u{X)n. There was a time, however, when the value of these writings was totally forgotten or ignored. They appeared contemptible in the eyes of the so- Valae of this Htera- ^^\i^^ Young Bengal of the last tare not to be iguorcd " " or forgotten. century who harl been tutored rigidly in western ideas and western literature to the exclusion of everything national. Even to-day 300 BENGALI LITE RAT URi! it is doubtful if we have entirely outsrrown this stage of defective mental susceptibility, although critics are not wanting who would go to the other extreme of fanatical admiration. Isvar Gupta, in the early fifties, spoke in exuberantly enthusiastic language of the untutored songs of the old Kabis ; yet if we are to take Baiikim-ohandra as the representative of the next generation, we find his age regarding these compositions with frank disapproval, if not always with superior contempt. In recent years, when we are not altogether obtuse and irresponsive, we have taught ourselves to speak in sober tone and measured lano'uajre. In literary history, there are no doubt extreme vicissitudes of taste whereby the idols of the past genera- tion crumble suddenly to dust, while new favourites are raised to the old pedestal of glory ; yet in spite of such successive waves of aesthetical preference, we must guard against falling into the error of orthodox dogmatism, on the one hand, and tlie ignorant following of fashion, on the other. Leaving aside personal predilections and the narrowness of sects and coteries we liud critics even to- day who would see nothing in these forms of literature which is well worth a moment's thought. INIuch of this literature, as in the case of some of the songs of the Kabiwalas, is no doubt transient and e]>hemeral and there is certainly much in it which is really contemptible; yet the frivolity of an imitative culture or the wild pursuit of ever-shifting litemry fashion ought not to blind us to the historical and literary value, whatever it might be, of the art and literature of a generation which has passed away. It is idle to regard any particular form of art or mode of utterance as final or absolutely authoritative. Critical taste should be more open-minded and unprejudiced and the study cf literature should be placed upon sounder historical and scientific methods. INTERREGNUM IN POETRY 30l We propose In the following pages to take these writers in the old style iu the groups mentioned below. It would not be necessary for us to Grouping of iliis fipj,] ^^.jti, tijjg j.]ass of writings in minute di'tail ; it would be enough for our purpose if we indicate broadly the phase of literary development which they represent and give a more or less general survey of their work and achievement. It may be noted here at the outset that in the ease of many of these groups, mateiials for study are extremely scanty and scattered, and most of the writings which belong to this section have not been yet critically studied or edited. In the case of PamcJiali and Yatra and devotional songs, for instance, no attempt has yet been made to collect either data and materials for tracing their systematic history or even to make a satisfactory collection of these t^oating and fast vanishing forms of literature. Under this condition of imperfect knowledge of the subject no apology is necessary for imperfect treatment and what is offered here must be taken as nothing more than a merely tentative and preliminary attenipt. (1) Kabiwalas. (2) Nidhu Babu an^l writers of TappZi. (3) Followers of Ram-prasud and writers of devo- tional songs. (4) Followers of liharat-ehandra. (5) Isolated followers of ancient authors : Jay- nilrliyan (Jiiosal, Raghunandan Gosvami and others. (6) Authors of Pami-fiaN and Yatra. (7) Miscellaneous songsters. CHAPTER X Kabiwalas The existence of Kabi-songs may be traced to the begiuuing of the 18th century or even beyond it to the 17th, but the most flourishing- period of the Kabiwalas was between 1760 and I8o0. Rasu and Nrsiiiiha were born somewhere between 1734 and 1788 ; Haru Thakur in 1738; Nitai Bairagt in 174-7; so Chronology and that between 1760 and 1780, they classification or Kabi- _ literature. bad all reached the height of their reputation as songsters and made this form of literary amusement popular throughout the country. During the conlinuance of the dual government therefore between 1765 and 1775, and in the period of literary interregnum which followed upon the death of Bharat-chandra, they were the most considerable pretenders in the literary field ; and if the mantle of the old authors did not exact!}' suit their narrow shoulders, they attempt- ed in the main to echo the sentiment and ideas of old- world poetry. Most of these greater Kabiwalas lived into the period of British rule. Bilsu and Nrsimha died between 1805 and 1807 ; but Haru Thakur lived up to 1812 and Nitai even bej'ond that to 1821. Rilm Basu, though in a sense considerably junior to these earlier poets, having been born in 1786, died early in 1828. After these greater Kabiwalas, came their followers, disciples and imitators who maintained the tradition of Kabi-poetry up to the fifties or beyond it. The Kabi-poetry therefore covers roughly the long stretch of a century from 1760 to 1860, although after 1830 all the greater Kabiwalas one by one had passed away and Kabi-poetry had rapidly KABIWALAS 303 declined in the hands of their le.-ss ij^ifted followers. We shall have therefore to distin;j^iiish three different periods of Kabi-lit'rature— (I) Before 17G0. (i) Between 1700 and 1880. (3) After 1830. The Kabi-j)oetry, however, has been subjected to an amount of harsh and even contemptuous criticism which it hardlv ever deserved. The Reforniin<2: Youns: Bengral of the fortit's considered all forms of popular amusements — Kadi, Yatra, or PavK'/iuli — to be contemptible. We shall see that there had gradually come into Unfavourable recep. Kabi-son<^s elements which were tion of these songs in ^ later times. really contemptible ; but what strikes one in the study of these popular forms of literature is that throughout the 19th century, with the exception of Isvar Gupta and a few isolated appreciators of things ancient, the so-called educated men of tiiat century hardly ever cared to make a sympathetic study, much less to realise their literary or historical importance. Even to-day they do not seem to have received their due amount of attention or appreciation, although none but the most opinionative or the most obtuse would seriously consider them to be wholly worthless or wholly contemptible. Inspite of the apparent uncertainty of critical determinations, the historical importance of these songs, apart from all question of artistic valuation, cannot surely be denied. The old Kabi-literature does not require an apologist to-day but it stands upon its own inherent claims to be treated in an historical survey of Bengali literature of this century. But the materials and means for a critical study of this literature are extremely Materials and means scant V ; and at the same time it is of study scanty. * i <« • doubtful whether even much of it can bear verv well a thorough critical examination. We 304. BENGALI LITERATURE at present find only scattered abroad a few fragments which may convey a knowledge of this literature but which are insufficient to familiarise us witii it so as to enable us either to appreciate its beauty, construct its history or determine its value. Informations about the lives of these Kabiwalas or with regard to the general history of Kabi-poetry are extremely scanty ; what re- mains consists of a few traditional stories, often useless and ill-authenticated. When we consider the peculiar conditions under which most of these songs were composed and the mode in which they were transmitted we can, to Why the literature go^e extent, understand why a very was not preserved. ' ; small and fragmentary part of this literature has come down to us. These Kabis were not properly speaking, leisured and accomplished men of letters, cultivating literature for its own sake, and their productions were not deliberate Peculiar method af Jiferarv Compositions meant for a composition and mode _ _ *' of transmission. critical audience. Their very name Damda Kabi (^^t^f^)' indicates perhaps the peculiar way in which they extemjjorised their sono's. standinsx like a rhapsodist before a motley assembly, althouffh it is difficult to say from what time exactly this appellation was first applied to them. The evil dajs of the latter half of the \8th century, we have seen, necessitat- ed the growth of a class of " poets '' whose calling had ' It seems that this epithet is very old : but according to one version the epithet Damda Kubi was applied to distinguish Kali froTu Hap-akhdai, which was a hybrid species, formed out of Kabi and alchdai, and which was therefore a kind of bana-l-abi. (Preface to Manomohan Qltaball, written by Manomolian Baeu himself.) But see Janma-bhumi, vii, p. 58. KABnVALAS 305 now become an irropjular profession and a reijular means of livelihood, and of a lody of literature whieli was marked hy carelessness rather tlian l)v scrupulousness and whieli belonijcd to that clafs of writings conveniently termed ephemeral journalism. The »uthors had no hiu;her ambition than that of immediately pleasinu^ their patrons and ^aininf]f their cheap praise and pay. They never cared to reach that mark of excellence which would make jwsterity pause before it would willinfjjly let their produc- tions perish. These sounds, apjain, had fronerally circulatetl in the mouths of the people ; in course of time, while some were fori^ottcn, others »jjot curiously mixed u\) or passed throufjjh stranoje transformations until, as in their present extant form, they can hardly be called the genuine oriu^inal works of their creator, or with confidence be referred to this or that individual author. No critical appreciation or discrimination was expected and none was made. The literature was for<]jotten no sooner than a f^eneration had passe j . ' which expressed itself in songs but which was chiefly meant for popular amusement. Most of the songs which have come down to us belong to a date posterior to the middle of the 18th century ; in tracing, therefore, the form and spirit of this verse, as it existed earlier than this date, we must be guided chiefly by conjecture derived from the study of the later fragments which have been preserved as well as by an examination of the general drift of the literature itself. It must be noted, however, that song-literal ure is not a novel thing in Bengali : for it had formed KABIWALAS 307 a part of the social ami religious lite of the people, and relii^ious I'estivitiis, enlivened by sin«>in<:j, were celebrated with a gaiety which had its mundane sici^. Even with the decline of Baisnabism, which had brought in its wake a glorious time of sweet singing, and with the revival of Silkta and other forms of literature in the 18th century, the tradition of song-making had never been extinct. The Baisnabs, by their i)eri])atetic singing, had spread songs broadcast leavening, as they did, the popular mind ; and although times and circumstances had changed, the perennial love of song, which marks Bengali literature throughout its history, always survived. The l>olitical troubles of the 18th century and the social changes consequent thereupon naturally precluded any serene exercise of serious literature except perhaps in remote villages or in the comparatively secure and luxurious courts of noble patrons ; but the popular craving was satisfied, on the one hand, by f/atra-f, paifu'/ia/i, and other cognate forms of popular literature in which also there was always an exclusive preponderance of the song-element, and by the devotional songs like those of Rilm-praslld and his followers, on the other. It was about this time that the Kabiwalas had come into prominence. The time was not for thought : it wanteil song and amusement ; the Kabiwalas, who could give them, had soon become popular. But the days of royal or other forms of patronage had been fast vanishing. The poets The nudioncc for fv^Uep q,^ gyil days, had to dcjiend whom it was com- posed more and more upon the favour of the cajtricious and half-educated public who now became their chief patrons. The ruin of old /cmindars and j)rincely houses, begun in the latter days of the Mohammedan rule and completed a08 BENGALI LlTERATUllE in the earlier days of British supremacy, had broiij^ht into existence, as we have seen, a class of up-start landlords and speculators who stepped into their places but who could not be expected to i)03sess the same inherited tradi- tion of culture and relinement as marked the ancient aris- tocracy of the land. The commercial banians, seths, and merchants, on the other hand, in the new flourishing eitieSj now growing into importance, constituted them- selves a class of patrons who demanded literature, not of a fine stuff but that which could afford them momentary excitement of pleasure in the intervals of engrossing business. The new public had neither the leisure, the capacity nor the willingness to study or appieciate any re- production of the finer shades and graces of earlier poetry. This was the audience ^ for whom, in the main, the Kabi- walas sang their songs, and it is no wonder that the tone and temper of the literature they pro- reacted upon it and duced was debased through this un- contributcd to its dc- " basement. holy contact. "Ihis debasement was complete in the next generation when with the spread of western education and consequent re- volution in taste, these songs had been banished totally from ' respectable ' society and descended to the lower classes who demanded a literature suited to their uneducated ' The suggestion (Dincsli Cliandra Sen, Histonj, p. G97) tliat the low caste of tlie songsters show that tlie institution was essentially for the amusement of the illiterate rustics who fonnod its chief audience, is hardly borne out by facts. This form of entertainment obtained specially in urban centres like Chaudannagar, Chinsurah and Calcutta and most of the Kabiwalas were not rural rustics but men bred up in the cities. Ram Basu, Haru Thakur, Nitfii BainlgT and indeed the whole host of them lived in Calcutta or in the neighbouring cities. Kabi-poetry itself, if not completely urban, is however devoid of all stamps of rusticity. KABIWALAS :50«.) taste. Tlii-s was the beginning- of k/icud ( C^^^ ) and llap-ak/aUi ( J^t'l-^^^tt ) i" Kabi-llterature. In the earlier days Kabi-son«^s had been composed and sun^' in •^reat ceremonies and festivals and the subjects of these souti-s irenerallv referred to relii'ious themes; in the latter days, even in the days of Nitili Bairili^l, Isvar (jn[)ta tells us, " f^ftl ^C^^1 ^sntC^ ^^'n ^«?^ Wm\ C^^^ 'A\l^ ^^ i^^"; and an illustrative anecdote is related, with reference to Nitai, which runs thus : ' 'S\'ssc^ ^^^ Q\, ■Jitf^^n ^JT^ ^5f^T^ ^5jf^ ^i^^K^, ^t^^ «^ '^^ ^^ ^f^c«- ^t^t'f 5i^c«i ^^51 ^?il cwt^fc^t^^^t ^srr^c^ frt^t^jji f^<^^t^ ^?(j ^f^ci '^t^: c^'^^ c^«tt, ^Tt?r^ ^f? ^t^T^f^f^^ ^ft^ (Trt^fa^CJi^ c^'^ «(f^^1 ^t^t^f^^f^ ^f^^ f^c^ "^r^^ Not only in taste, but also in theme, style and diction, Kabi-songfs dey;enerated. The later ij^rouj) of poems from this [)oint of view aftords an interost- Deseneration of later ing contrast to the works of the Kabi-noLtry i" theme, ,. . , ,., i n i style and diction. earlier period. \\ e shall liave occa- sion to speak of this matter in de- tail but it may be noted here at the outset that a wide divergence in method, manner and inspiration exists between the earlier and the later Sfroups of Kabi-poetry. The earlier Kabi-son2:s were not, as crenerally supposed, whollv unpremeilitated and wantinu; in all sense of artistic arrani^ement or unity of structure ; on the contrary, they were all composed as we shall see with due deference, as ' Sainhad FraWMkar, Agrabfijan 1, 12G1, p. 6. 3i0 BENGALI LITERATURE in the ease of the sonnet, to delinite rules of lino-anange- ment, (jenenil stiueture and fhvnie-endino-. Li later times, witii the introduction of livel\' //aj)-a^'//(la' and khend, the more studied structure of earlier songs were replaced by a mode of utterance, off-hand but effective in its unexpectedness and vigorous vulgarity, defiant of all laws and lost to every sense of artistic composition. We hear of the existence of disputants or two opposing ' parties ' who took up different aspects of a particular theme and replied to each other in songs, even from the very earliest time when this form of amusement had sprung into existence ; and it was probably these passados in the bout of poetical dialectics which iiad lent in the popular mind a piquancy and zest to these songs and had thus made them preferable perhaps to ijairas and ^va7«,c'/^a/t.s which did not include such 'wit-combats' in their scope. But in the earlier period, a consultation used to be held between the parties and the themes and 'replies' were made ready before they were sung. It was Ram Basu, a later Kabiwala, who first introduced the innovation of extempore and free verbal fight between the parties.' From his time, these 'fiytings' of the Kabi- walas had become, in the proper sense, unpremeditated ; and as such, they had come to possess all the qualities and defects of unpremeditated compositions. The u»oxpcctcd turns of phrases, the clash of witticism, the pungent raci- ness of colloquial vulgarity were no doubt pleasing to the mob : but what is good rhetoric for the groundlings is bad for literature. AVe can never expect any literary finish or artistic grace in compositions which the necessity of quick and witty roply had brought into existence and ' Pruchlii Kuli-t^diuijydha, cd. Gopiil Chandra Mnkhopadhyay, IJ.S. 1284, lutioductiou, p. ii. KAHIWALAS .ill wliioli were meant to lie more racy aiul ell'ectivf than :iii\- thiiiijf else. Cnarseness, scurrility and colliujnali.sm, nn- rei-poetry, in its theme and diction, is generally conventional and mechanically reproductive, yet it concerns itself chiefly with the essential significance of Baisnal) poetry, its devotional fervour, its emotional appeal and not directly with its metaphysical or psychological banalities. It is 816 BENGALI LITERATURE the habitual aiul unreflecting faith of the people, unaffected by any scholastic or sectarian pre- Kabi-poetry is not possessions, that supplied the chief cultured, factitious or * . . , . sectarian. ingredient of Kabi-poetry. In this sense, Kabi-literature is neither scho- bistie nor cultured, nor is it factitious and professional. None of the Kabiwalas was literate enough to enter into the intricacies of emotional or metaphysical subtlety nor had they any sectarian tradition behind to implant in them anything other than its simple spiritual significance which had percolated and spread down even to the masses. They had taken Baisnabism en masse and not in its details, in its essence and not in its accidents, though they tacitly accepted and mechanicall}^ repeated its conceits and its imagery, its time-honoured dogmas and doctrines. It would be unjust to institute a comparison between the Baisnab lyrics and the songs of the Kabiwalas ; but it must be noted that the latter in many cases debased and vulgarised, while they borrowed, the ideas and concep- tions of Baisnab poetry. One particular section of Baisnab poetr\', remarkable for its passion and its poetic quality, which is generally grouped under the heading of Prema-bnichifta (C^'^^f^s) is practically non-existent in Kabi-literature. Unable to enter into its subtlety, its romantic fervour and its mystic spiritualism, the Kabiwalas could not speak in the same rapturous accents nor with the same nobility of sentiment. It is true that both these species of literature were never intended original!}' to be literature at all ; they never consisted of deliberate literary creation bv self-conscious artists. „ SKe' u'e™,T "^'ig'""' entlmsiasm, on tl.e one creation of self-con- hand, and popular amusement, on the scions artists. other, supplied the motive of its making in each ease ; and in so far as each species adhered KABIWALAS 317 to this orisjinal motive, each assumed its distinctive charac- ter. The peculiar conditions under which it was produced moditied the form and tendency of the production of each kind. But while under the stress of a new-born religious fervour and its lyric and mystic idealism, the creations of Baisnab poets were lifted into tlie reii;ion of pure poetry, the more mundane object and secular interest of the Kabiwalas ilraijii^ed them down to a dead level of uninspired commoni)laee. It is indeed very doubtful whether a ^reat deal of Kabi-poetry can, with the utmost allowance, be reo:arded as strictly literary, so deeply hiu\ the peculiar condition of its makinj? affected the character of its produc- tion. Kabi-poetry must be primarily It was pninanly n rerrarded as a form of iionular am use- form of i»<)|iiiiar ^ ' 1 nmnsemcnt. ment, affordiiio; no doubt an interest- iniif field of study to the student of social history but hardly to be considered by the historian of literature except in so far as it rises to the level of litemture. Althoupfh essentially a ]»oj>ular form of amusement, compose' earlier art. through an inherent lack of a thorough grasp upon the realities of old poetry. The themes which they handled had possessed, in the hands of older poets, ([ualities capable of evoking a great art ; but the less exalted treatment of the Kabiwalas could hardly work them up into new shapes of beauty with sutlicient power and subtlety. It was their misfortune to represent an essentially decadent art. Every literature, to speak in metaphorical language which must not be strained, passes through the necessary stages of birth, growth, decline and death. In these metrical exercises of the Kabiwalas we see not the adult manhood of old litera- ture but its senile decrepitude. The poetry is reminiscent rather than spontaneous : it is reproductive and imitative rather than, in the true sense, creative. It is true that most of the songs which the Kabiwalas extemporised were unsought and unpremeditated : yet in their homage to old- world conventions in style, theme, and literary treatment, they belonged to a decaying dynasty the prestige of which, in spite of their belated efforts, had been fast vanishing. Rut even in their imitativeness, they could not always reproduce the fine shades and graces of old poetry, its weight, its elevation and its profun- Its inability to repro- i • rm dnce the finer ghacJes dity. There are many things, no and^^Kraees of earlier j^,;,|^^^ -^ Baisimb;/./^/a/>a/7.v which arc not in any sense commendable but in their places and as a part of the whole they may pass 320 BENGALI LITERATURE oif without much incongruity. But ia the songs of the Kabiwalas these things, severed from their true relations and from their natural surroundings of beauty, assumed an incongruous independence and a distorted shape, incompatible with artistic or spiritual excel- lence, especially as it is often dressed in weak phraseology and loose versification. The Baisnab The spirit of ancient poetrv unfolds before our vision such poetry inadequately . represented. au extensive realm of beauty that its occasional deformities and blemishes are easily passed over, nor do they appear in their natural state artistically inconsistent. Apart from all questions of spiritual interpretation, the ideal of love depicted in Bai>nab poetry may have, from a layman's stand-point, departed in places from the strictness of propriety or deco- rum, but if after a study of the poetry in its entirety, a man does not rise wit^i au impression of its beauty and nobility, then the conclusion is obvious that either he has not read it properly or that he is impervious to all sense of its excellence. In the infinite varieties of amorous situa- tion, the description of Radha as a kJiandita heroine or of Krsna as an aroh-deceivev may have, leaving aside other explanations, an artistic justification of enhancing the beauty of this poetry by adding to it an element of playful toying {c/i//alana) or wayward vagary An instance drawn (Ijafichana) OX cven a sterner element from Kabiwalas' con- „ ,. . . i i ^ coption and treatment ot distressing poignancy ; yet wliat- of lladha and Krsna. ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ interpretation, it certainly does not dwarf our concep- tion of the finer spirit of Baisnab poetry. Ignoring the considerations of sensual presentation or spiritual explana- tion, the central and essential idea of Baisnab poetry, embodied in the conception of Badha's knlanka, has an emotional suggestion of its own, which adds an element KABIWALAS 3-21 of intensity ami earnestness to tlic love of Riidliii as tlic type of a heroine who foreii^oes all for love. In the poetry of the Kabiwalas these elements severed from their natviral context and rejjjarded by themselves assume the somewhat repelL'nt intensity of impertinent interest. Havinj:j real- ised full well that the depth and beauty of Baisiiab poetry were beyond themselves or their audience, they had selected and isolated for representation only those portions of it which would appeal more directly by their effective but transient vuli]jarity. The Kabiwalas therefore give, consciously or unconsciously, more prominence to hilaiika and chludanZi over anything else of Baisnab love-poetry ; and these elements in their incongruous context are often presented with such unadorned boldness and repulsive relief and with such ill-suited lightness of touch that thoy become in the end thoroughly inartistic. Krsna's wantonness is carried t<> a frivolously forbidding extent and Hadhri's sense of the affront, thus dealt out by the luifaithful lover, is marked by a singular lack of self- respect and sense of diu;nity. The process is the process of dethroning a god for the purpose of humanising a scoundrel. Ratlhri and her companions are eternally complaining, with all the silliness of plaintive sentimentality, of the endless amoiu's of the ever deceitful lover ; but after all, she takes them very lightly and no great persuasion is necessary to reconcile her in the end to her lover. She laments, she weeps; but her laments are hollow and hor tears are idle. The apol«»;^ist may contend that all these are more forms of divine sportiveness ( C^«Tl, ^\ or ^q1 ) and that we must not Judge them by secular standards. But we must guard against bringing in spiritual considera- tions in extenuation of artistic ina- the shame-faced false lover now seated com- fortably in Mathura. ^^ ^911 ^fR c^^, ^s nff?i ^^ f%^1 5t^ I C^sft^ ^"s^T^t^Sfj^ ^l^ ^l^ ^ffjT ?ft^ I C^^ 5{tJf^ ^t^ f^t^^ ^f^ t'PfT^J; And here is a piece of undisguised raillerv !»>' Ku])jri the new mistress. ^t^t^ ^^^ ^t^1 ^tCI ^t^^f ^tf^CR II ^Z^^ C^^^\'^ ^f^ C^t^^ ^5f^^ ^l;;^ I ^f^ ^^ ^tw w\^% cn?:^^ ^t^^, C^ ^^ ^t^^ ^U\Z^ C^5ft^ II *tm f^ 5ft^ f%l ^t^ I C^t^^ ^C^fe^ CTt^ ^t^tW II ^U« C^^1 ^f ; ^ l^f^, ^t^^ f^^sf *\jpi, sr^sr^ :5Sif^?:»ftft i C^t^1 ^^ 05^1 ^ ^^ ^C^ ^^ II (^tiT^)- ' PracKin Kabi-.^niiigraha, p. 35. " Ibid. pp. 35-36. KABnVALAS :ii>5 And lastly listen to tlic in!j;enious l)iit lianlly autlicntic jnstilioation of the false lover by himself".' CT^ ^i%si ^f^tc^ jfu^f^ 5^ ^cs, 'Sftf^Cs ^tC^ si'i^t^ I "si ^t:^ f^^ >Tf^, 5?T?t^1 ^^5^ sit, ^Tf^ ^t^1 ^t ^f ^ ^t'5 ^^^ II It is needless to comment on the tone and spirit of those passages ; but the history of love revealed in their course will suflieiently indicate the extent to which the Kal)i- walas debased the tenderness, passion and spirituality of earlier Baisiiab poetry. This spiritual inadequacy of the songs of the Kabiwalas necessarily involved a lowering of the literary ideal. There is no doubt here and there, in Htlni liasu or in Ilaru Thakur, a desire Lowcrinp of the jr^,. ^^^^^^^. utterance; yet generally literary ideal •' '^ •' speaking, the entire mentality of the Kabi-poets was never of a superior order. They are artists who still handle worn-otit themes in old formal ways without the earlier grasp upon them, without fervour of conviction an.l without anything of percep- tive delicacy. Some of the Kabiwalas, no doubt. ' /6i(l. pp. 38-39. 320 BENGALI LITERATURE were men of high uatiiral endowments but they moved less freely within a narrow and degenerated sphere of thoughts and ideas. The mental attitude of their audience and submission to its influence no doubt proved unwliolesome to the growth of their poetry ; but they themselves were incapable of interpreting life in any large and original way and therefore limited themselves, wisely or unwisely, to ministering ehietiy unto the curiously uncritical habits of the time which demanded nothing more than the transient excitement of cheap rhetoric and cheap ideas. In the period in which they flourished, men had been deprived of a free political and social life, a central capital, the peace and security of an ordered existence and other conditions adequate to the intellectual requirements of an expansive literature. The old style having fallen into decay, the literary ideal could never be very high nor were the opportunities abundant enough for unfolding whatever potentialities this poetry possessed. The Kabi-literature, therefore, among its crowd of ao-reeable poems, had produced very few master-pieces, very few works of superb genius destined to immortality. There is a carelessness, a want of balance, a defect of judgment in the choice of materials Artistic inadcqu.acy. and their management, a sloven- liness of execution throughout the work of this period. Care and grace of style can be expected in the literary craftsman who writes down his thoughts at leisure, for he can rewrite his sentences, recast his phrases, remould stanzas, thus achieving the pro])er art of style ; but the Kabiwalas, who were hardly a lettered class of leisured writers, could never find abundance of time or patience to court the lugubrious muse. They made use of whatever poetic talents they kAlJlWALAS 327 possessed in eontributiuij to tlie transient amusement ol' a hardly less illiterate publie : and their forensic style, which can only be elevatin. 65. KABIWALAS 329 possessetl undoubtetl poetic powere ; but they often nei4:lect- ecl natui-al sentiment and made an exhibition of artfnlness. The founts of earlier inspiration had been failini^ and poetry itself cominjjf to he resjarded as the means of displaying^ elaborate conceits, extra- vaj^ant fancies, bold metaphors and excessive hyperboles. Many of these poets are martyrs to verbal nicety. Fancy is preferred to sense and exuberance of imai^ery to chastened style. That the education of the Kabiwalas lacked in scholastic strictness produced one good effect, no doubt, namely, that whenever they turned to familiar themes or depended upon their natural genius, their poetry was marked by a sincere homeliness and a swinging and dashing lyrism i-are in the precise and meditative uttoets, and therefore it is not surprisinijj to lind a lari^e amount of tolerable and even Hat and insipid verse obtainiui^ side by side with sonji^s of intensely moviui^ (juality. Comin<; to the less inspired later Kabiwalas we find in them a l)old use of colhxjuialism which is sometimes appealing', no doubt, through its veracity and raciness but which very frequently degene- rates into unlicensed slang or unredeemed verbiage. No one would seriouslv contend, for instance, that the following lines of liholii Mayaril, though racy and ingenious, contains a single spark of poetry. 5rf$^ te ^V5 ^Z^ ^t55 ^^ «tt I ■ > ■ \ ^'(ft^s^ ^C^ C«f'i ^^ C^K^^ ^t^ II f«^ w:^ ^^\ ^t^, w\f]z^ ^^ mf^ II ^"t^ (Ti^iT-ni §tff 1 ■srt'^f^ s^t^ w\Q ^fjs\ «^«^^^^ chai-acteristic trait of its own which marks it off as a distinct, though not independent, typo of national utterance. If it is not music yearning like a god in pain, it is charac- terisetl by full-throated ease and robust healthy mentality at least in certain spheres. Higher tlights of poetry were unsuitetl to its hard and narrow environment ; the rambling life of its votaries stored their minds with little learning or culture ; they indtilged in metrical exercises jiartly Jis the means of earning livelihood under the not-too-liberal patronage of the isolate- direct to tlio |>assion and emotion wliicli throb and ])u]sate in tlie individual. The s^-round on which they tread is as plain and sini|)Ie as that which the ItD coniiiiun imivL-r- i i i ^ i -^i i • Sill api)cal. l)easant daily treads ujion with his uncouth feet : yet it is from this common and universal soil tliat they draw their bracing' and Ljenial character. The Kabiwalas may not be the atiluent inheritors of the spiritual estate of their ancestors but tlie apparently trilliui;' things of ail which had come down to tlu'in as their heir-looms served ani])ly for their unmistakable insi<>nia of rank and status. AVith thousand and one faults to its credit, the interest arising,' from the study of Kabi-poetry is not, excejjt to the charlatan or the obtuse, the untlesirablo interest which sprini^s from the contemplation of superlative crudity ; and although univer- sal popular appreciation, as we have already stated, is not the true test of poetic merit, such jjopular valuation is not tu be wholly rejected as a false index by the [ledantry of cultured crilicisni. Airain, it nuist be borne in mind that most of these compositions were noiigx an»l not lyric ]>oems and nnist be judijed as such. It is not possible nor desirable to estimate the value of soni;;s by the standard b\ which we cousider jHjetical compositions. \N e must appreciate a sono; throuLih the ear and not feel it with the eye alone. It is not possible to convey Its qnality HH songs an idea of its melody through an and not nierelv lyric . . ' , , n poems. ' appreciative essay ; it must r)o actually heard before its charm can be fully realised. This remark applies equally to the case of Baisnab Pailahal'iK. Th(jse who have listened to Baisnab songs as well as to the songs of the Kabiwalas, sung by an exi)^! and tasteful singer, may appreciate their charmingness in 43 338 BENGALI LITERATURE a greater degree. When seen in print these delightfully melodious things lose much ot" their appeal. It may be urged that this element should be rigidly ruled out of court in a strictly literary estimate ; but it must not be forgotten that the fame of most of these Kabiwalas rests more upon their musical than upon their literary capacity, for some of them were ti-ained musicians, not ill at verbal numbers but possessing considerable knack of composing what are rather disrespectfully called " words, " and that the song-element preponderates in the various forms of ancient literature from Baisnab poetry down to {(tppa, yaira, pa'mckali and therefore cannot be totally ignored in any estimate of old Bengali literature or its offshoot. This brings us naturally to the question of the prosodie range of Kabi-})oetry and the arrange- Its system of versi- ^^^^^^ ^s^ j^^ numbers, its metrical ncatiou. ■' system being closely connected with the conditions of its musical expression. At first sight the verse-system of the Kabiwalas seem to follow no defi- nite lule of arrangement; and this has been more than once severely denounced by puzzled critics.* The lines vary in length, are very ap})arently irregular in rhythm, iin])er- feet in structure and uncertain in accentual or literal or syllabic arrangements ; but a careful study will show that there is some sort of harmony in the midst of this apparent discord. It is, no doubt, true that in some of the Kabiwalas there is a hopeless indifference to ])rosodic regulations ; that with regard to the number of words, syllables or accents required in each line, there is no hard and fast rule ; and that as such it is impossible to analyse the * Sec for iustance the remarks of Rabinclrnnath Tliaknr in Sadhana (1302 B. S. ), pt. ii, p. 65, reprinted in his Lok-Sahitya under the beading * Kabi-Safiglt ' at p. 44. KABIWALAS 339 versifieition wliolly by ivcoj>;nisecl systems of. prosoily ; yet the vei-se of'tlie Kabiwalas in spite of their freqniMit prosodie vai»;aries is self-reguhitod, fol lowing-, as it does, a law of its own which varies naturally aecordinsjf to the irresistible ideal or emotional or melodious suijtj;estion. The eom])Osi- tions must be i)rimarily reg'arded as son»>s : and in songs, variation of long and short lines is immaterial and the rigid rules of metrical arrangement incapable of uniform api)li- eation. They can be better sung than read. The words and lines are arranged as they naturally sing and fall into apparently inevitable song-rh3thm. But the whole effect is not inharmonious ; the music is clear and the movement of the rhvmed verses of varying length is easv and natural. The s})irit of this verse-system is that of unbound- ed lawlessness bound only by a law of its own ; that of resistance to the established ideal of Its opposition to the stereo-tviicd verses like pai/ar or establishecl sj'stom ot ■ ' ^ ■' stoniotjqied versiticii- (ripiull which possess a more or less tion ami its infinite <• i , <. i t rariety nnil versatiiitv Jixcfl system ot letters or pauses. In this, again, Kabi-poets are following in the footsteps of their Baisnab predecessors, though with a greit deal more of unhampered freedom. Whatever may be the defects, the system gives us, however, variety of arrangement, versatility of combination, and infinite sugixestion of new verse-forms. But in general structure of the songs, the Kabiwalas followed a more or less definite system of rhyme-an-ange- ment. The exact signification of much of their musical technicalities is lost to us but ftr our The pencral stnic- . . • i i tnre anil rhytm;- jHU'iJOse it IS not uideed necessary to nrranKemcnt of Kal.i- ^^^^^, j^^^^ ^^^-^^^ j^ ^^.^^^j,, y^^ ^^ y^^ songs. " to state that the whole musical gamut of each song is ariange 1 in ascending and descending ordei into several divisions, bound to each other by a peculiar 3-tO BENGALI LITERATURE system of rhyme- endinsr. These divisions, in their suc- cession, in each complete soii^^, are : r/illUii, par -chit an, phuka, iiiellj., mahacla {saoi/lri, not present, however, in all soncrs), hhatl , and then second phuka and second meltZi, and lastly aniani. If the word-composition is continued, then, cJiitan, etc., come again in their successive order. Now as to the system of rhyme-ending, the chUan and par-chito.n rhyme together. '^Xxq phuka, has a different rhj'me-ending ; so also luelta \vhich however rhymes in its turn with uinhadd and kha(L The second 7;/^ ?//« has an independent rhyme but the second nx'Ha rhj'mes again with mahada, while antara closes with a different rhyme-ending altogether. The number of lines which each of these musical divisions contains is immaterial but it is essential that the lines should follow the rhyme-arrangement indicated above j and this gives, as in stanzaic poems or sonnets, a compactness of arrangement. Taking each division to contain one line we may indicate the rhyme-arrangement in a normal scheme in this way (five rhymes in all ahcJe) — a Chit an a Parch it an h Phuka c Melta c Mahada c Saoijari c Khad (I Second Phuka c Second Mahada c Antara ' The earlier Kabi-songs arc, however, simple in structure, having generally tnahndu, chitau and antnm only. There is some difference of opinion on this point and different accounts arc given. According to a writer in Bandhah, Pou-f, 1282, p. 265, the four divisions of Kabi-songs axe chitau, mulch {or mihntja), khad, antitra -. or, in some cases, chitav, dhuyri, antara^jhumair. KABIWALAS 341 Here is an illustration from one of the famous songs of Rum Basil arranc^ed in the order indicated' — ^ CI^IT'i 1 ^f^ ^^t^ ^tf?f, ^11 c^t^^ ^, m^ I 9c^ f^ifir, ^(1 c^t^ c^, ^11 ^c^^ r^m I 5 f ^1 1 "5it5^ «(c^ ^t^j ^t:^ ff n 1% 511, sjtc^fi, ^Sll 511 ^V.'^H f^ ^5lf^ if(^1 I fr^^^ 5rt c^r^m sjc? ^911 *itt ^'^^^ci >iffl c^c^ ^ I Of Kabi-poetry before 17G0, not mneli is known. Only a few names stand ont of the j^eneral obscurity • but with regard to these names hardly any detail is known. The earliest, if not the most illustrious, Kabiwala of whom we have any record is one Gomjla Gumi. In the issue of tlu' Sambad Vrabhakar ^ already referred to, Isvar (Jon-.jla Gun-.i th. ^"1'*'^ ^^"^ "^ *'>•»* ^"'^'j'-"* Aonrisheil enrliest known Kabi- "about liO or 1 50 \ ears" before his own time and tins would ])lace the > Pradx'xu Knhi.Mihgrnhn, pp. 4-5 ; Snmhrul Prnhhukar, Kfirtik 12<)I, p.4. » Samhad Prahh'ikar, A^&h&yan 1. 12(51. I do not know on whnt evidence Xanda and Raghu have been jilaoed by Dine.'»h Chandra Son {Baiign Bha^Ji O Sahitya, 2nd Ed^ p. ml) in the llth centiirv. 342 BENGALI LITEUATURE poet as early as the bes^inninn' of the 18th century. Of tliis Kabiwala however, we know nothing excei)t that he formed a party of professional songsters {kalir (hi) who used to sing in "the house of the rich " and tliat he had three diseii)les who in later times became famous Kabi- walas ; but we have no evidence to ascertain whether he was the originator of this form of singing or (which is more i)robable) whether he had his })redecessors in the line from whom he inherited his art. Of his coni- ])osition, only one or two fragments ha^-e been rescued from oblivion by the indefatigable editor of the Frah1iZik(n\^ from which we cpiote this curious literary specimen ^fsf ^t^t^ ^t^ ^^^ 5ff«l II ^tf5I Cff? ^t^ ^fsi C^1 ft^l, 5R:^ W^ Csl^ C?^ ^^til II It will be noticed that both in theme and style tiiese songs, if they are genuine, are more of the nature of the iappd. ; and we are told that in those days, such songs used to be sung, after the fashion of (o/jyjiT.v, beginning with ' Also quoted in PiZiclxin Kahi-samgrnha, p. 127-8; Giipta-ratnoddhur, p. 205. Tlio last four lines are omitted in Bahga Sahiti/n Parichay, vol. ii, p. lo.'il. Also a little fraj;nu'nt -2ij«i c^jfc^ c^m^ S^Tl ^A a^ cita I f ^i earlier Kabiwalas and ail ot tliem ' Samhad Prabhakar, Agr.ihiiyan 1261, p. 5 ; but one of the soiiga attributed to Nittli by Isvar Gni)ta as well as by later collectors {Kiihioaladiger Git, p. 116; GuptU'ratuoddhar, p. 184) bears the hhniiita of Ramji Das, which fact would probably indicate, if the attribution to Xitui is correct, that Uuinji and not Liihi Xandalal was NitAi's Gfirtt. Uvar Gupta speaks of \ii\n Xandaltil as having flour- ished roughly eighty years before his own time. This rough reckoning would put Nandalal in the latter part of the I8th century, llfhcentury, however (p. .341, foot note 2), is too absurd a date for N'anda or Raghu. O|)inion on this point vary, but Isvar Gupta'.s seems to bo more reliable than later unauthenticated conjectures. .Vnd what ia givoa above is all that can bo gathered from such reliable sources. • Saikbdd prabhakar loc. cit. » Ibid. ASvin, 1261, p. 2. 344 BENGALI LITERATURE derived their poetical origin from Gomjla Gumi. The poetical relationship may be thus indicated : lOinjla (tiinii I Rac-huuath Das Lain Nandalal K5niji I I ! , I I Nitai BairagT BhabanT Banik Rasu and Ham ' i Nrsiiiiha Thakur Ramauanda Ram Basu I NandT Nlla and Bhola Ram-prasad Mayara Thakur Durino- the time of Gouiila Guitii and his three disci))!- es, we have no record of the existence of 'rival parties' or of anv 'poetical combats' which obtained so much in later times and Avhich was indeed an essential characteristic of this form of entertainment. Tt was in the next genera- tion that we hear for the lirst time of rivalries and opposi- tions between Nitai Das and Bhabani, between Haru Thakur and Krsna Chandra Charmakar (Kesta Muchi), between voung Ram Basu and Hani Thakur who must have been an old man at this time, as Ram Basu's 'rej^ly' at one of these tights seem to imply. ^ Of Lain Nandalal's composition s])ecimen which deserves to be quoterr5 ii Of Hauliu-nritli no tnistwoiiliy account remains. Some say that he was a sat-sfuh-a while Kiigliunath Das. .\ ii • i ,i , i 111 • 1 others tliink that lie was a blacksmith by caste.* Acconlini; to a thinl view he was a weaver.* Salkia and Guptiparlil, in turns, luive been noted as the place where he hved. 01' his composition it is (h'liiciilt to sav anytln'ni.!: tlelinite ; for althouLjh two or three frau;ments have come down to us, containing his own bhanita or sij^nature, it is not i)erfectly clear that these songs were really of his own comjjosition. The tradition is current that Haru, during his early His relutiou tu Iluru .. ■■ i ■ 1 i^ 1 Thakur. years of juipilship under Kaghu, used to get his i)roductions corrected by his master and that, out of gratitude, he used to attach to them his master's hhaniiZt^ There is nothing to discredit tiiis tradition whicii relates to a j)henomenon not rare or improbable in our literary history. The number of these songs, however, is limited' and all of them, rightly or wrongly, have Wn attributed to Ilaru Thakur. It may be (juite i)ossible, however, that some of these songs were the genuine works of llaghu. But the disciple's ' Buiigahhattar Lckhak, p. 380. » Nabijabharat, B.8. I13I, p. GOO. » Ibid, pp. 600-601 ; Kabioyaladigcr G\t (1862), p. 66; Samhad Prabha. fcnr, 1 T^ ^i^^ ^5R, c^^' ^^ ^\c^ ^<^ 5^1 *itc^ ^^ 5;:^ f^'sw*! II ^5 ^i^ ^t^^1 «rt^ ^^i:ta Mnclii who remained outside this group but who belongeil to this generation, as a very popular songster much sougiit after Kest.1 Miichi (Krsna and respected, althouii^h obviously he Chandra Cliaimakur). '' was a shoemaker by caste. Even later on Haru Thakur, himself a Brahman, diil not disdain to cross swords with him ; but we are told that Haru 'riiakur, at that time a young man probably, had the worse luck of the duel. It is a pity we do not know much of this mysterious figure. Inspite of all his efforts Isvar Gupta coidd not get hold of more than one incomplete fragment of this old oxtail, itself not a very goopIanso which readilv followed such cheap display of in98.n. For notice of a fittht l)ct\voen Antony and BbolA, see Bharari, 1303 p. 69 et seq. 350 BENGALI LITERATURE 515^ ?FtCBf^ ^t^ ^ti:^^ ^t^— ( ^t c^ ) ! c^sis? cic^f^ ^tc^ c^c^m ^^^ ^r^ ^c^ ^t^, ^fs^Tlt^ ^C^^C^ f C^, C^t^t^ C^C?, ^5C5l 'jf^^ ^^^5^ ^1^ II It is useless to multiply instances * and most of them do not bear ([notation ; but the instance quoted, itself moderate enou"-h in tone, will furnish a hint as to the excess to which the Kabi-Hghtings were carried. Once asked ironically by Thakur Simha ^U\ ^ Orl*\ ^ C^V\ C^t^t^ ^W^ C^ ^f§ ^tt II Antony retorted in abusive language ^^ ^^^ f^tc^^ ^un^ ^111^ ^fs jr^ c^c^ff II "While tearing his adversary to pieces, the Kabiwala incidentally tore to pieces all form, style or decency. The muses, who love solitude and devotional woi'shij), could not be ex])ected to stay at leisure and comfoi-t amid the noise and tumult of this uproarious poetry. ' For Riini Basil's attack on NTlu and Rfim-prasud on another occasion, see Pruchlnhihi-Sdj'iujraba, p. 149, and his attack on Bhola KAIUWALAS 351 Rut Rasii Nrsiihlia, Ilani Tliiikur, Nitili BaiiTini and Rilin Basil (we hear little o\i Bhahani liaiiik ' the fame of his disciple, Kain Basil, having; over- The i.riiu-ii.al K:ibi- shadowed his own re )iitation), who wnliiF of tins j^'ioup. Wfie the iireat champions of this jLjeneiution of Kabi-poetrv, were not mere versifiers and their productions were not wholly destitute of j)oetie merit. Of these Rilsu and Nrsiihha come earliest in ehronolo<>;y. The mysterious double personality of Rilsu and Nrsiiidia the two brothers who lived and worked to<;ether, is a fascinating- ti^^ure of this uronp of Rasu ( 1734.1 S07) Kabiwalas. They were so united in and Nrsimha (1738- 1809 r) their woik, which bear their bJiauifa in joint names that it is ditlicult and ine, ibid p. 148. See also Anath Kr?fna Deb, BjfT sr^h ^^.'^ ??P^ffr^ 'i^t'^ -sftur^^ *t^if fi^ 5^ i ^t^.^ r^ fw^ T5 ^^t ^"^^ f^g f^g w.'>^ '^ '9 ^\r:^ ^ 'g\'>^ ^ar?m i 3<;Tt^ci '?Tt^ ':T«1 ilf^il -sig.TS l^\ 3r^t# f^r^ -si^T 51^ ^lil^ 5ffa?|^ JT^^^n^ 7l\'^^^H ^\fWS ^\ JT^5 ^sfrtfs J1'3f5 "^ifm I III the anthology of Bengali love-songs entitled Pr'ifig'iH (t'd. .Vhinils Chandra Gha?). three or four songs are attributed to BhabanT Uanik at pp fii ', 666, 809, 878-79. These songs however, although sung by Bhalxini Banik in his i>arty, are not of his own composition but have been attributed to Ram Basu or Ilaru Thilkur in all other collections or anthologies. (See Prnrhtu-Kohi.Kntiigriiha. pp. 18-20, 30, 60, 8(J). Of Bhabani's own com|)osition, nothing has survived. ' Nnbyabharnt, 1311, p. 647. 352 BENGALI LITERATURE composed music : but on this point, it is not possible to make any definite statement. Even Isvar Gupta * says, ^ ^«^ ^u^Fttfc^^ 5i?:5fT c^-M ^jf©5 ft^ s ^^ n5^-\^ ^n,'\ ^^i\ ©f^^C^ ^M^ f^|t ^tf^:^ ^tf^ =Ttt I Rasu and Nrsimha, thouiih not of obscure oriuiu like the greater number of their fellow-poets, yet afford no exception to the h)\anar Lekhak, vol. i, 367; in Otipta-nit noddhdr, p. 10; in Kabioijaladigcr Qlt, p. 6-4. 358 BENGALI LITERATURE always seemed averse to earning money by such a pros- titution of his talents. Henceforth Kabi-song became his profession and his fame spread far and wide. He died at the age of 74 in 1812.* It is to be regretted that neither the songs of Haru Thakur nor that of his great rival Ram Basu ha^•e been collected or critically edited. Isvar Gupta gave us (1854) for the first time the largest collection of 45 songs of Haru Tliakur (though some of them are mere fragments) on the themes of sak/n-sam/'cid and No complete col- ,. , rpi r' ; • -7-7- /-r-j lection or critical Oira'ia. 1 he KabioynUuhgpr Git edition of l.is songs Samgraha (1862) merelv reproduces yet pnbhshcd. '^ ' _ ; ^ 27 of these with the single addition of new piece.'* The Gnpta-ratnodiUiar (1894) again, the other anthology of Kabi-songs, gives us only 30 pieces all taken from Isvar Guj^ta's collections. In PrUchln Kahi-saihgraha (1877), the number of Haru Thakur's songs is very limited, only 13 being given under his name; but of these 13 songs, five or six at least have been unanimously attributed in other collec- tions to Riim Basu and one, so attributed to Rasu and Nrsimha,'' is rightly or wrongly placed under Haru Thakur's name. In Prltig'iti, the most extensive modern anthology of Bengali love-poems, there are 30 songs attributed to Haru Thakur but all of them (excejit two* which are apparently new but Avhich are however mere fi-agments and do not add much, to Hani's reputation) ' Nnhyahharnt, 1311, p. 605. But, accordinjj to Kahioyaladiger O'it, p. 66 find Sahitya Panaat Patrika, 1302, p. 38-i, following Isvar Gupta {Prabhal-ar, Pons, 1261) :.t the age of 75. • At p. 134-. But it is sometimes attributed to Ram Basu, ' At p. 87-79. * At p. 119 and p. 397. kABlWALAS 369 are to be lound in otlier collections and one of these ' is univei'sally attributed in other collections to Ram Basu and one, which is Haru's, is wrongly attributed to Bhabani Banik." Ai^ain, much uncertainty still remains, in spite of these efforts, as to the question of authorshiji of many of these songs, for there is absolutely no means for determining with absolute certainty the authorshi}) of many a song, variously attributed to various poets. What is true of Haru 'J'hiikur is true of every other Kabiwala ; and this one instance would sufficiently illus- trate the nature and extent of the data one has got to handle in dealing with Kabi-pocti-y. But a poor collection of -15 songs — all of them not of the best and some of them mere fragments — is but a sadly diminished and dwindled legacy of the extraordi- nary reputation which Haru Thakur has always enjoyed as one of the greatest of the Kabiwalas. His versatility. '^'^^ soniis which have come down to u> mo>tly relate to either of the two themes of bira/ia and sikhl-sumhiid; but if we are to relv upon the testimonv of Isvar Gui)ta who wrote onlv forty years after Haru 'jM'^kur's death, we must admit that the great Kabiwala could write with e(iual facility and power upon all the other recognised themes such as ot/diua/if, hhaljixnl Limi/dk, lahaf and His /.i/un- and A/.cud k/uitcl. On the first two of these aongrs : testimony of . . .' Tsvar Gupta. divisions not a single com)>osition of Haru has survived. Tsvar Gupta again tells us that Haru could comiiose Wst on the themes of " At p. 808. • At p. G13. The Sa>'ig~tt.$ar-fafnijrahti and Baiufallr Qan etc. give a Belecti n of Kabi-Bonpa ; but they arc later and inferior collectionn apparently reprodncing what is given in other special collections and therefore are not mentioned here. 360 BENGALI LITERATURE lahar^ and Jcheud, but these songs, although much praised in their time for their ingenuitv and verbal music, were hopelessly vitiated by bad taste and unredeemed coarseness and can be dismissed with the just though severe comments of isvar Gupta himself which deserves quotation here ; f%^ '^J.'^ f^^ (^^ (^ "5^1% W^'^ ^1% ^f«l^ ^f% ^2it^J 'SRtW if^^i:?^ ^f^:^^ ^^^1 ^fffJifffk^ 2i^«i ^f^c«^ 1 " It is no wonder, therefore, that these songs have all perished ; and time, the exorable judge and destroyer, has preserved to us only those songs on biraha and sakJu-saihlad for ' If Khcud is uuquotabk", luhar is nearly so. As the modern reader has no idea of what it is like wo give here a specimen of a moderate type — "S^ ^°cJi? ^'4 f ^ ^f^ ^tf^ ^rW^ Jiw i^ii II f ^ ^tci ^^U3 ^t^ "sitHtr? ift^ ^^t^a ^r^n I It hardly requires any comment. This and Khend represents a phase of the Kabi-movement over which the critic had better keep silence. ■' Saihhad P rabhdk a r, Tons, 1, 1261, pp. 5-6. KABIWALAS :5G1 whicli Hiini Tliuknr liad been clesorvodly fainoiis and wliicli iiulieate, oven in the Fraii'niontaiy and inado(iuate s))eciniens wliicli have oonie down, considerable poetic power, which cannot he, as it often is, snniinarily damned. Leavin(]f aside the uncritical encomiums ol" reactionary entluisiasts, on the one hand, and undtie uudervahiino- by an eijually enthusiastic seliool of ' modern ' critics, on the other, we must admit that even the obviously inadequate and insutHcient specimens of Haru 'Fhakur's workmanship which have suivived indicate that he had, even His poetic f|iirility judged by strict standard, sufficient intellifjjence anil poetic ])Ower, in lar<>;er or smaller, in clearer or more clouded sha])e, of writing; sonerior charm ami i;race of the sreatest Baisnab poets. Hut the indefinable vet unmis- takable poetic touch is always there and nothing- but su|)erficial or wilfully cai^-icious criticism will pooh-pooli its true poetic spirit or damn it with faint praise. It is not |K)ssible within the limits of our plan to enter into details or, with the space at our dis- )>osal, to give extensive (|Uotati(tns which alone would bring out the Ijeauty of Haru Thfikur's soni^s. But these songs are more or less justly inchuh-il in the numerous anthologies of Bengali His 9on(f8 on ««fr/u- , „ ^, , unmbail. poetry and many of them are known bv heart to every one who knows Bengali poetry at all. The In'st songs of Ilaru Thukur, 4t> :302 BENGALI LITERATURE the merit of wliieli it is im|)o^Jsible to mulerrate, more than justify themselves to any one who looks at poetry with just and catholic appreciation. 'J'o such a reader, ^(^, ^t f^5?r^5tff 1%^t^ ^tlt^ ^'l^l ' is not a trifle nor ^tf^sC^ C^C^ ^X^ ^t^t^ nor Jjf^r^^CT^ si^Z^ 'ifS ^U\W "fC^i^m nor ^sftr^ jyf^ i^\ ^W ^T^^t^ ^if^ C^ '^rf^ ^■W?:^1 nor ^t^5t ^f? t2tt«mf^ ^tf^vst^ nor 1% ^t^i ^t^ 3^^^?^ nor many others. We have not space enough for leno-thy (juotations but we shall select here two si)eeimens (other than those mentioned) from liis sak/ri-samhad.r C^f^ f5^«1 ^t^ ^^«1 I »fTt^ f^C^^ tfvBt^ I ^ 'SffV^ 5|C5{^ 5ft^^ «2,^t9 II 53rt^c^ ?tf^ ^tf^ ^tW ^tsft's II ^ ^^^r^l ^«t ^s5 f^P^ ^5^t^ II »fJt5I, ^^ ^^ ^T^ C^5{ ^t^^ ^^ 1 C^t^ ^•^_^ %'^ ^f^ f ^^ft^ 5f^ (M'^ '?^T\ n^^ ^f^ ^t«(t^ ^^ ^f^^ * Contains ITarn Tliiiknr's master's (Raghn's) bhnvita -. hence quoted as Raghn's in Banga Suhitijd Parichny, vol. ii, pp. 1548-49. = Samhad Prabhukar, Pons, 1261; Knlioyaladiger G'lt, p. 88; Qupta-mtnoddhar,Y>- GO; Snng'it-sar-stimgrdha, p. 1038; also quoted in Kabyahhdrat, 1131, p. 602. KABIWALAS .363 The other is u line piece hut it is sninetiines ;ittrihuteT^^ I f^>T ^^51 (Tftft ^ C^5t^ fSf^t^ cut Oi]Z^ f^C? ^if^C^ II ifw 5f^c^ ^^f^ c^Ks? g^n^ gsf^rftt (?Ft9|1 c^c^ ?^s i "trt^, ^s W'i^^ T^c^^ ^ ^f^ ^rt^ ^f^ ^'^n ^*t ^ts i ^'^^^ >T^t^^T»ft5? ^f%5W^?:5l 3^'tt% ftCJ? f^C^ 51^3 II Hani 'nifikiu- is certainly at his best in these sonj^s on .'^(ik/ri-.siiiiifjuil anil one, who does not incur the mishaj) of lallini; between the two schools alrea«ly aihuleil to, will appreciate their charming iniality. His birnha son<]^s which at one time enjoye well as in bidk not only to his xaklil-samhad eonijiosi- tions but also to the bivalia sougs of his rival and ' So attribntcd in Snbyabhurnt, 1311, p. 470 and Janumbhuim 1303-04, p. IJ03 : but in all other collections from Isvar Gupta downwards, it is assigned to Haru Thdkiir. 1 here are slight differoncca of reading in various collections. In some anthologies, the lines beginning with ^ e|«T.i)t J^fl «5 KAHIWALAS ;iM composition. Ih- \vii> :iu expeit sinn'or latlior than a i^ood ooinposor o\' words. Hiinsell* an unlettoiotl man, lie could liaidiv weave words into music ; hut one (lotn- Kabirilj, a native of Simla, Calcutta, ami a brjilianian named Xabai 'Fhaku" used to frame sonijs loi- him bv wliieli he won so much deputation. Gour Kabiiuj' excelled in It'n'ahn and /c/icnd while Nabai Thfikui- had more veitjatile i^it'ts, althou<;h he is credited with <;reat excellence in his sakfil-tum/ntif. It is dillieult, however, to ascertain at this day what [)articular son*? was composetl by this or that individual poet ; and even hall" a century a«ifo, Isvar (rupta, no mean jud^e, who collectera|)hic iuxiounts of the ea»;erness with which people useii to come from a i;reat distance to witness the sensational Kabi-Hijfhts between Nitai anone to sinpj durino- the Puja festival, he was attacked by illness which pioved fatal and he died in the same year at the ureat agje of seventy. He had three sons Jaii^atehandra, Riimchandra and Premehandi-a each of whom inherited his father's profession, if not his talents, and formed Kabi-parties in later times ; but no direct descendant of Nitai is alive to-day. Like Haru Thakur wliom Nitai resembles so much in jjoetical chai-acter, Nitai jiossessed not a small share of the iLjift of exquisite sonsy-writinll«)\vin;n SL-leoted extracts as wt-ll as that uivpii on |>. -VM) would illiistr.ite liis merits and defefts.' ^f^, 31^ "Tfr^^j^i ^i5f^ II ^f^ f^ "srtf^c^ ^^ ^T?r ^i^ ^^^ ^f^ I Nitai's /j/ra/'fi soii«2:s, aiiain, wliicli however are rather scantily handed down, are not altogether nt'oljuihlc, altiioujjfli they have none ol' the superior nifiit of Ham Hasu's hiraha. We select hero two speoimens. c.mfi\ CTtit5 r>'?f3(5fT^ ^ (.^ m'i{\ 'Jt«c^ f^wf ^^icsi *f1ijcntc5f st^ n^K«t if^ II snisrf ^'tiji c?r^«f CTW'i'il "^t?:?? ' Sajhfca'ularly nnsymjtathetic oi-itieism which has been lavished from time to time u])on him, is Ram Basn. He was considerably youno-er than Haru and Nitai— almost l)v fortv-eio'ht and thirty-five years i-ospectively — havino- been born about 1786 ; but he survived Nitai by seven vears and died only a year before Haru Thakur. His full name was Ram-mohan Basn but he was widely and poi)ular- Iv known throusfh the abbreviated form of his name, Ram Basn. His birth-place was Rjim Basn. 1786- Salkia on the n'uht bank of the 1828 Hoogly and his father's name was Ram Loehan Basu. Like every villao-e-boy he was at first educated at the village ^vi/^^s'rt/rt and then at the age of twelve he was sent to Calcutta to his uncle's (father's sister's husband) house at Jorasanko for further education. But like Haru Thakur, Ram Basu showed even in his earh- vears a marked tendency towards i)oetieal composition which made his ambitious father sorry but which brought the voung ])oet to the notice of the kabiwala Bhabani Banik. BhabanT's training and encouragement made Ram Basu realise very early the true bent of his genius. His father dying soon after this, Ram Basu had to give uj) his studies and became a clerk in some mercantile office. But his i)oetical aptitudes ]-)roving too strong, he ultimately took u]) the profession of a Kabiwala — a lucrative profession, how- ever, in those days — as a regular means of livelihood. At first he continued to compose songs and sing for Bhabani, later on for Nllu Thakur, Thakur-das Simha and others ; but in the end, a few years before his death, he formed a party of his own, at first amateur eventually professional. Of his character nothing definite is known but Ram Basu seems to have been one of those poets who have I KABnVALAS 3G9 relished thi> life lioartily while lie;ii'til\ believinp; in another. He was not a man of ascetic or Hi8 tempor ami inelastic temper nor had he taken ni)on charactor at oiu'o ivli- ' ' gioiis and sensual. himself the mere materialism or the satiateil attitude of latter-day i)oets ; but he had enou^-h simplicity and inteurity of feelino; whici) made him y:ratefiil foi- the joys of life but repentant when he had exceeded in enjoyini»; them. Tradition speaks of his partiality for one Jajnesvarl,' a songstress of Nilu Thilkur's party, wiio was herself a *>ifted Kabiwala of some reputation in her time. IJut thouuh he was himself not above reproach, he would still satirise with considerable frankness and sincerity the reckless younij; men of his time.- Indeed Ram Basu's ])oems express, in the most vivid and distinct manner, the alternate or rather varying,' moods of a man of soft sensibilities, reliartment do not dis- play an e rival Haru but also, it seems, to those of Nitili Hairaiii. Althou«;h ' f)f JajAeirari, no details are known ; one or two of liei- songs have survived which are noticeable. They will be found in Bai'iyn Sahityn Pnrichnya, vol. ii ; also in other anthologies. Jiff? 5R ^ ^tJTI f^ "^^^ f^ 1^1 JT^r* ^r? f^f-11 -^^fH 1WI n^f« 1 47 S70 BENGALI LITERATURE there are some fine ):)ieees which one should not capriciously io;nore, ' his sono^s on mkhl-samhai} General chamcteris. ^''^ marked by an artificiality of tone, tics of Ilia songs es- bv a considemble display of cheap pecially of his son{?a . ' . . ' on mkh'i.samhad. Higenuity and sometimes by a vul«;a- rity of tone and sentiment which very often mars his beautiful passages. We have tpioted already one song of this type while illustrating the feebleness and inadecjuacy of Kabi-songs in reproducing the spirit and grace of earlier poetry. Ham Btisu is often regarded as the greatest poet of this group : but he is at the same time the most unequal poet. Indeed the songs of Ram Basu, in spite of their charm and ajijieal, illustrate very aj^tly the utmost capacity as well as the utmost limitation of Kabi-poetiy in all its aspects. The merits and defects of these songs are alike very great. As on the one hand, we have, in some of them, considerable simplicity of style, directness of expression, vigorous use of the vernacular idiom, tenderness and human interest, so on the other, we have the almost cloying display of verbal or alliterative dexterity, the conscious elaboration of trivial themes or trite sentiment, the comi)aratively uninspired use of ornaments and conceits — the bane of a long-standing literary tradition — and a false and affected taste for the jingle of weakly and inharmonious phrases. Coming, as it does, at the end of this flourishing period of Kabi-]ioetry, Ram Basu's song at once represents the maturity as well as the decline of that species. Taking in the first instance, his songs on sal-Iil-sambud in which we find all these merits and defects amj^ly set forth. We cannot but admit their inferiority in tone, sentiment and exjM-ession as seen in lines like the following. ' See for instance his sonp lt^ ^? ft^? ^«(r3 *ttf?[^ or ^^TC^?! ^«(t« Jrf«l etc. KAHnVALAS 371 ^c^ ^-i^U Tf^ "^z^ ^^ 'i^ c^^ ^P^ "^^ I is a «;oo(l specimen of verbal dexterity but it lacks in i)oetic illumination. Then a«?ain note the racy, yet inferior note of the following : — tilCS? ^?:^ ^^ ^^, C^ ^tC?^ ^«(^ i^fV, ^f?T «^ f^ 1^ ^ 5[1% C^t^^ ?fTt (TfTt w^ cff^ ^^»n:^c^ II ^^•f^^ 5r^^?R5r f^^f^ ^tC^T ^t^si ^^ ^?B^ ^^»m f^'j; ^:5i{ ^51^ c^f^«=itf^ *f^sj^ II K A HI W ALAS :ir8 *f«l»«Tf f?W ft^ ff^ ^t^ «tiT f^?rC«t« 5fC^ ^«1 II ^srtfir 9rtfV c^ jff^ ^jp e^^tc© ii Jit ^^nfQC^^ ^9^^-R5I 55t5lt^ %1 (7R^ I Ga^ lil C^ 5|t^5 JTfV ^>TrS^ 5^ l^^s? II 'ispl f^^«l f^^*?*! ^C^ ^f^s 5tf^ ^»^cf I v©tc^ ^srfs^ ^^^n ■srtf'T ^^^tf^ ^^^5( II It is iiii|)ossibIe to mistake the sii^iiifieaiiee of these lines and their teiuleiicy to artiticiality. Super-subtleties of iui^enuitv are more and more preferred to <^enuine poetic imai^ination ; and the true and spontaneous accents of poetry are lost. Indeed this tendemy towjirds an artilicial rhetorical style, this weakness for frigid conceits and for studied effects are very marketl throui^houL the sonpj of Rtim Basu and debase not a little the true (piality LeuninK' towunis rlu- «f '"'J '''''^' ^hcre is a -ood deal of toric (Hid iirtitiiiiijity. eal. The tricks of the artist are more ap|>arent than the passion of the pot't. They administer an exciting plejusnre to the eye and the ear but they stddom touch or transport. The 374 BENGALI LITERATURE hirnha of Ram Basu is not the biraha of the Bai'sriab poets with its exquisite i)assion and poi^^nancv nor is it the biraha of modern poets with its delicacy and refinement. It is too much of a verbal contest, of a frivolous and auda- cious linguistic strife of X\\e pragalblia heroine. The power of sarcasm is undoubted but fierce banter, mawkish senti- mentalism or piercin^^j irony forms its essence; and there is too much of ''bite," of ah and alas of ostentatious distress to be at all touching, as in the following » : — C^f^ ^T^t^ Tt'^n ^C^^ ^^t^ ^^ C^5f ^t^tC^ II ^^ st^ -siK^ c^W^ ^t^ ^tf%^ II \X^ C^5i^ ^rt^ ^^1 fw?3l l^t^^ ^t^ (7\ ^^ C^C^ ^\^ 11... ^^ ^t^^tf^ (M C^^^ C^^t^ ^tPT ^t^ ^*1 II -sjt^t^ ^t ^^t^ ^^1 ^*t ^^ ^tr^ "^m^ I ^%S\ iWl^ C^tm^ ^t«l t^^ >5|^*1 ^^ I 1 Ml these specimens are taken from Saiiihad Pmbhakor. Some of them are reproduced in Sanglt-sat; vol. ii. r KABHVALAS 37o ^Tt^t^ *ff^C^ C^t^1 Cff^*f^ f ^ff"* ^^^ I 'Itf^ CT ^C^ ^C^^ "sC^, (ijsi^ "sit^ c^ ^^ "5rt5itrt c^t^t^ ^soc^ ^j^-^^ m^^] f\^ ■~i\u\ ^U^^ ?FTrf c^t^l ^t's II ■srrf^ Mc^ r^ f^^t^ ^nff I Jjf^l ^?7F C5tC*i C^C^ k^ff I •^rpiT^J fJt'f^K'f^ '51 «T^ "»t^ ^^, fi^ 5i(f5 C^ f^'J'J^ I There i?; also ponietimes a teinlenoy to elalwnite Hidao- tic or symbolical form of expression.' ' Pritiglfi, pp. 74-75 ; Soiuj'it-mr.itnt'n()rnhn, vol. ii, p. 10 1(). This didactic tendency the Knhiwnlns i)rf»bably j?nt from thp writrm of the devotional sonps, who from Rrimpm««5Cf ll" • ^tfJI S\-^ ^\^^ (.''W^ C«f^^ ^f^ ' etc. KABTWALAS :}77 poetic ^•eniiis. It is allowable and tlesirable to pick thesp u^ly weeds out of the fjanlen ; but unfortunately these unwelcome lirowths too often choke anil destroy the charm even of his beautiful pieces. It is very seldom that wo fird exquisite and spontaneous utterance in Rjim Basti but when we liml them there is nothing- better in the whole ratine ul" Kabi-poetry. Son;;s such as the following- ^sr^t^ ^^ ^r^ c^ c^ ^tc^ ^f^ ^f^ ^^1 ^^ sn i or or in^Ts 5?r5ts ^rsfs 2jt'Rt'i, ^^^ ck^ c^q ?n i fkff^ ^:]7f ^t^ j^^ m^ ^t^ ;n I and many other fine thinf^s are often quoted and praised and they deserve quotation and all the praise that have been bestowed upon them. They are too well-known to require comment or quotation a}>ain here and thev may be found in almost all selections of Benpali donijs. But one or two of the less well-known may perhaps be welcome apjain. C^5l¥t^ C'Sm ^rs, ^t«1, f^^*^ '^t^ 'b\^r.M>'l^ I sfc^icture of ideal good- ness hut the simple picture of a Ben;^ali mother and a daughter that we find in the Meuaka and Umii of Ram Basu. We seem to hear the tender voice of our own mother, her anxious solicitude for her daughter, her weakness as well as strength of affection in lines like these. ^r?Jl-?t^l c^U5 ^^m^ ^t^i ^t^i c^ti^ ^^ I ^srt^T^ C^ «1^l-rt^1 f^sJ^rc^^ ^U\ fkfk ^c^ f^^t^ i ^ w^^^m ^tfc^ 5n sn 511 c^'R'fi I Menakii has repeatetlly implored her husband to bring back her daughter whom she has not seen for over a year ; but her husband being api>arently ai)athetic, the neglected daughter has come of herself and the tender heart of the mothei- bursts foil h in gentle reproach upon the poiidi'rously indifferent father. ' A short comparative account of the ngnmau'i of IWin Has^n, Kamalt- kSnta and Dilsnmthi Ray will ho found in Rhdrtitbari;o, Kartik, 1325, p. 712. Thp earliest recorded Adamant sons? is that of R(Tm Prasad, and in this respect the Kabiwalas mwst have lK>en considerably inflacncetl by R&m PrasAd, Kanmlakuntn and other writers of devotional songs. :382 BENGALI LITERATURE m^U of^c^ TT^t^ ^^fs^ ^^ ^1^n^ C5n?:w I ^f^ T%^f^^ ^^ ^ ^C^ anie<.l or came behind them. It is, however, not necessary for us to embark ii> detail upon the history of Kabi-poetry after this period ; for after IS.U), Kabi- isax"^'''**^""^' "^''' I'^^'^'T lan-uished in the hands of the less inspireil successors of Ilaru, Nitai and Ram Basu. It continued even up to 1S80' to be a very popular form of entertainment ; but it rapidly declined, if not in (piantity, at least in (piality. Of this belated i^roup, Nilu and Kam- pi-asad 'rhakur,-' Anthony or Antonio the domiciled Portuguese songster,"' Thakurdas Siiiiha,' Thakurdas ' To wimt do£ri-iip. 318-22 ; Buiujnbha^ar Lekhak, pp. 375-377. ♦ Not much is known al>out him but he was a contemporary and rival of Anthony. See Sahyahhrtrnt, 1312, pp. 645-616. IMm Ba«u used to com|K)se for his jwrty ; see Pinchln Kubi Siintyralm, pp. 38. Wt. 51), 68. 3S4 BENGALI LITERATURE Chakravarti/ Thakurclas Datta,- and later on Gadadhar Mukhopildliyay' and even Isvar Gupta ^ obtained consider- able re])utation as Kabiwalas or composers of kabi-son«j;s but we also hear of a host of others — Nilniani Patani,"' Bhola Mayara/ ('hinta Mayara, Jag;anuath Banik, Ltldhaba das, Laksniikiinta or Laksmlnaravan J<>i^i (Loke Jugi), Goraksa Nilth,' Guro Dumbo/*^ BliTnidas Millakar, ' Born in 12U9 B. S. (1S02 A, D.) in the district of Nadiya. Uo never formed his own party but composed chiefly for Antoin-, Bholfi, Balariini Bai-siiiib, Nllniani Pataui and Kamsuiidar Svarnakar. For details see Nubyabhnmt 1312, pp. 641-48. Some of his sougs are given in Prach'ui Kahisdmgralui, at pp. 23, 32, 37, o2, 73, 91 and in Gupta- ratnoddhar, pp. 261-261. - Born in 1207 (1800 A. D.) at Byatra, Howrah. Sec yabi/uhharat, pp. 643-44 ; Bauyahhai^ar LcklutJ:, pp. 325-327. ^ Composed for the party cf Kauilochau Basak ol Joraiisanko, who was the rival of Mohan Chand Basu. Also composed for Bhola, Nilu Thakur and Xilu Pataui. See his songs quoted in Prachln Kahisarhgraha at pp. 21, 27, 36, 50, 64, 72, 89, 94, 115, 118, 121, 128, 130 etc. ; also in Gupta-rat nod dliar, pp. 213-247- * His Kabi-songs are quoted in Gupta-ratnoddhar, j)p. 247-261 ; alsoa few in Frachln Kuhisamyraho. ■' Uam Basu, Gadadhar Mukhopadhya}' and various other poets composed for him. See Pmrhln Kabisamgraha, pp. 27, 28, 64, etc. Sonic of his own songs are given in G upta-ratnoddhar, pp. 208-9. " Was a sweetmeafc-vendor at Bagbazar. He was a disciple of Uaru Thakur's. See for details Bharat'i, 1304, pp. 59-66. Nnbyabhdrnt, 1314, pp. 67-73. Banger Kabita, loc. cit. Some of the songs sung in his party are given in Pirtc/i7» Kniiiaomgraha at pp. 21, 37, 50, 67 etc. Jaganuath Banik was his great rival. ' Gorak.sanath was a "composer" of Antony's party but subse- (luout)}' quarrelled with him and formed his own party (see Xabyabharat, 1312, pp. 194-198 ; ibid 1313, pp. 577-78). Ramunanda Nandi was one of his rivals. Gorak-sanath's sons are given in Gupta-ratiioddJiar, pp. 294- 296 ; and in FracJun Kubisay'ngahn, pp. 48, 70, 110 etc. • Pruch'tn Kabisamgraha, p. 66. KABIWALAS 385 Balarilm Das Kri|»rill/ llamsumlar Svarnakfir,- Mat! PasSrI, Hosain Kliiin,^ Parantlas and Udayilils, Kilna Mahes,* MohaiicluXiul Basu,'' llainananJa Nandi,° Krsnamohan Bliattaeliilrya/ Jayniiiayaii Baiidyopridhyily, Knjkisor Bandyopadhyiiy/ Srilii Ray'-* and Man-moliaii Basil. "^ It is not possible nor desirable to enuniei-ate all the names ; but the extraordinary fertility and popularity of this poetry will be sufiieiently indicated by the list of names already cital. It is, however, like the swarming of Hies in the afternoon lethargy and fatigue of a glorious day. There is, no doubt, occasional sprinkling of good verses as well as a general diffusion of the poetic spirit thinned and diluted ' Livcdiin Chandnunagar. His daaghter's son Kr^nadus was a Kabiwala. Prachln Kabisamgraha gives somo songR sung in his party but they are not of his own composition. * Was a clerk in some office but subsequently became a Kabiwala. He lived at niclkata Gully, Calcutta. Several songs sung in his party will be found in Pmch'ni Kabisumgtaha. ' Was the founder of Ttirju. Moti Pasiirl was his rival. * His name was MaheS Chandra Ghoj, a Ktlyastha. He irtm born blind ; hence the nickname. For details see Nabyabharat, 1313, p. 203-207. ' Was tlic founder of Ha}vikliflrii Kabi. His special creation was the Clfi^^f^ ?^- See preface to Mnnmohan O'ltuhal'i and Ramnidhi Gupta's Gltaratna. He was a disciple of Nidhn Bnbu's who however was not a Kabiwala. Also see preface to Prachln Kabigat'ngraha. ' Was a disciple of Nitai BniriigT. For details see Nabyabhurat, 1313, pp. . -375-579. ' His songs are given in Putchln Ktibiaaingraha, and in a collected form in Ctuptamtncxhihar, pp. 281-203. ' The songs of Jayamirilyan and KAjkisor are given in Prachln KiibisaAtgrnha ; also in Guptaratnoddhar at pp. 2G4-269. * For details about his life etc., see yabynbharal, 1314, pp. 65-67. Banga BhaJtnr Lekhak, pp. 379-80. His songs are given in Guptaratnod- dhar at pp. 275. 279. '" Was quite a "modem." Not a Kabiwala strictly speaking bat comjwsed for Kabi, Hup.akhdai and PUmchdli. See Monmohan Qitaban for his songs. 49 38G BENGALI LITERATURE it may be in course of time ; but taken as a whole the later poetry is merely imitative and reproductive of the earlier and does not reward patient and detailed study. Not much of it can bear very well the beauty-truth test implied in the famous line of Keats. Nor are there materials enouii;h to trace their systematic history in this period. Li tone and temper as well as in poetic expression it declined considerably ; and with the advent of HUj)-UliIidai first set in fashion by Hap-akhdai and Turja. Mohanchiiud Basu * and of Tarja popularised by Hosain Klmn, the form itself as well as its spirit went through striking changes. These songsters no doubt kept up and still keeps up the native trend in poetry but in themselves they never reach that high level of literary excellence which would make them worthy of the attention of posterity. It is therefore not necessary to drag these inferior poets and their poems from their deserved obscurity or devote tedious pages to their comparativelj^ uninspiring annals. ' For a history of this see SamhUd Prahhrdar, Agrahiiyan 8, 1261. and preface to Manviohan G'ttabari. chaptp:r XI Love-lyrics and Devotional Songs Lcaviiif; aside tlie new i)rosc-\vritiiifr> the period of Beiifjali Literature between 1700 and 1830 may be not unlitly described as a lyrical interval in which a multitude of productions, varied j^rave and i^ay ditties, /^-aht, iappu!>, t/atru, partichali, (Viap, klr(au, haul, devotional son<;s and exquisite bits of love-lyrics were pouring upon the literary world a ilood of delicious harmony. * 1 • • t„...nii>„ There is, no doubt, a sprinkling of A lync interval be- ' j i o twccn 17G0.1S30. narrative and deseri})tive verse of the more serious type, but barring this, every poet was a natural vocalist and never there was a time when little songs were more abundant. Although carelessly fashioned, these charming little things possess all the attributes of a succesiful song and seem to be alive with the energy of music. Even the most insignificant person in this synod of latter-day poets has a constant tendency to break unawares into singing and catch the spirit of melodv which seemed to be in the air. The spirit itself is not so common and the gift of song-making not so usual ; let us therefore value them while they are here and jrivethem their due homaLje. One specific and important phase of this song-literature is representeil by [ap)ia-^Y\\^xyi who Trtj>pa-writcrs. posscss this vocal (piality in no mean decree ; but to manv a modern reader the exact signification of the term iappa seems to have been lost. A /tT is genei-ally taken Meaning of the wonl ^^ ^jg ^ mclodious trille, a savourv little lyric of the erotic typo in whinn 388 BENGALI LITERATURE eroticism connotes wanton or ribald sensuality. Taj)j)a, however, is a technical term which denotes, like dhnipnd and khei/al, a specific mode or style of musical, com position, lighter, "briefer yet more variogattd. Etymologically derived from a Hindi word which means * tripping ' or 'frisking about' with the light fantastic toe, a tajjjm means a little song of a light nature.' It is more condensed than dhrvpad and kheyZd, having only ust/iUi/i and antara, and certainly more lively. Being essentially a specific style of musical composition, songs of all sorts, erotic, devotional or otherwise, may be composed in Its characteristic this style : but it was suited by its quality and inipor- •' tance. very nature for lighter love-songs and in Bengali at least it had established itself peculiarly and principally for that purpose. As its name imphes and its history shows, the ia})})^ is not indi- genous but it was imported from abroad. It deals with the " minor facts " of art unable by its form and nature to compass the " major '^ : but it has a distinct value as an entirely novel mode of art and as a protest against the conventional literary tradition. When Nidhu began to sing — and Nidhu Babu is the earliest important top])a-Vs'x\itY of whom we have any record — we have, on the one hand, the dictatorship of Bhiirat Chandra and of Eam-prasiid, A new trend in song- on the other, the flourishing period literature. tip r» of Kabi-poctry and other lorms ot ' See JogeS Chandra Ray, Baitgula Sabda-kosn under tappa. In Snngit tansen (1299 B. S., pp. G6-69) two styles of musical composition arc mentioned— D/ir((pfl(? and Raiig'm yan; under dhrupad there arc 2-1 varieties while Rangtn gati is of 50 kinds. Kheijal and (appu are said to be varieties of the latter class. In Sangti-7-ag-l-al jmdrum hy Krsnfinauda Byas (Suhitya Parisat ed. 1916, vol. Ill, p. 294), Nidhu Babu's tappas are comprised under Bungala Raiig'm Oan. rf7ppa, unlike Kahi, Pamcholi or Yatra, was essentially Bnifhak'i gan (or songs for the drawing room) which was appreciated chiefly, if not wholly, by the upper classes. LOVE-LYRICS ^89 popular literature. If the date of Bliarat Chandra's death be 17(')0 and that of l{a.ni-i)rasad a few years later, RiXninidhi Guiita must have been at that lime a \ouii/Ju -writers can never be exaggerated. The characteristic charm and value of these / into his own heart and writes; he sings of his own feelings, his own "joys and sorrows, his own triumph and defeat; he does not seek the conventional epic or narrative framework for the expression of what he thinks and feels nor does he take refuge under the cloak of paraklt/a bhab which earlier poets thought essential. The exquisite lyric cry becomes rampant and universal. Ancient literature is mostly and assertion of the obiective, if not always narrative and personal element. " epic ; the inward feeling seldom or never out-tops the outward, vision ; and whatever the poet speaks of himself he expresses through his suitable mouth- pieces. "With the (nf/j^jJ-writers came an outburst of the i)er- sonal element, an overflow of sensibility, an enfranchisement of the passion and the imagination : for the universal heart of man must be touched through what is most personal and intimate. The sense of the difficulty and complexity of modern problems is, no doubt, absent in them nor do they possess the finish and refinement of modern lyrics, yet the («j9;j(7-writers foreshadow^ in their own way that ins- trospective element which has since developed itself in such ijreat measure — some think out of all measure — in modern poetry. The tapiju-wviiexi^, therefore, jiossess originality at an epoch in which nothing of great value was being produced in poetry ; they attempt at simple and natural, though not colloquial, diction and write with an easy and careless vigour; they are truthful to nature and avoid frigid conventionality and classicality. But they had as much of the new spirit as their readers Novel aiul migin.U were then fit lor; and thouuh their but not entirely nio- ' dern. work Contained the seeds of the im- pending change of taste, it is an LOVE-LYRICS .391 absurditv to roinesent thorn as thorou<»liIy revolutionary or entirely "modern." Uoiiarded from the standjioint of form, their son^-s incline more to the old than to the new. They write with ease and naturalness, no doubt, but the varyini>; mea.sures and melodies of the coming- a<;'e were not for them. Li ideas and ijeneral tone also thev did not venture to <>o beyond certain limits. They pre- serve in a dei»:ree the old i)Osture ami the oUl manner. But in spirit and temper, if not in anythiuiij else, they herald the new a^-e. The contrast between them and writers like Jayniirilyan Gho.siil, who was almost contem- poi-aneous, will exhibit the whole Intermediate place difference between the old and the between the olcl ami the new spirit. new poetical instincts. They were, therefore, like intermediaries between tiie old and the new poets and, although castin*^ a lint>erini;' look behind, they stand at the threshold of the now a<40 of poetry. Kfimnidhi Gupta (or simply and endeariuiily Nidhu Bubu) was the earliest and by far the most important writer of this t^rou}). There was a time Riimnidlii CJiiiita or , . ^ • ^ , • Ni.lh.i Bal.u, the ear- ^^'l^" I'^'OP'^' ^^'^'"^ "1*0 OCstasiOS OVOr liest and most impor- Xjilhu Habu's sou'^s and sin^in"-. tant tappestowed ujion him by his •glorious nickname " the Sori Mina of Bonijal." As a result of the capricious instability of chan^in<^ taste, Nidhu Babu's song;s are sometimes severely deprecated to-day and seldom read; yot from the artistic as well as histori- cal stand|)oint, these net!;lectetl son«:?s, it must be admitted, lK)ssess considerable value and importance. 3£2 BENGALI LITERATURE Rfimnidhi Gupta was born in 1741 A. D. (ll-iS B. S.) in the house of his maternal uncle at the village of Chaujpta near Tribenl.* His father lived at Kumartuli in Calcutta where Xidhu's descendants still reside. Nidhu came with his father to Calcutta in 1747 where he learnt Sanscrit and Persian and also a bit of English from a missionary.- Through the efforts of his co-villager Kamtanu Palit, dewan of Chhapra Collectorate, he obtained ^ in 1776 the situation of a clerk in the same office where he continued for 18 years. He gave up the post through a difference of opinion with his official superior Jaganmohan Mukhopadhyay who had succeeded Ramtanu in the office of the dewan, and returned to Calcutta. "While residing in Chhaprii, Nidhu used to learn the theory and practice of music from an expert Mohammedan musician but on finding after some time that the master was unwilling to impart his knowledge to such a quick-witted disciple he gave up Mohammedan music and himself began to compose Bengali songs on the pattern of Hindi iappas. He married thrice in 1761, in 17t)l, and in i794 or 1795. By his first wife he had a son who died early ; but by his third wife he had four sons and two daughters, of whom the eldest son and daughter and the voun2:est died in his life time. He lived almost for a century and died at the verv advanced age of 97 in 1839.'* ' These biographical details are gathered from various sonrces but chiefly from the account written by Isvar Gupta in his Samhnd Proi^/idArtf (Srilban 1261 B. S.) from which is compiled also the life prefixed to the 3rd edition of Nidhu Babus OJtaratna, published in 1257 B. S. » KUrayan, Jaistha, 1323, p. 739. " Journal of the Bengal Academy of Literature, vol. i, no. 6, p. 4. ' For more details, see my article in Sahitya Pnrisat Patrika, 1324, pp. 108-110. LOVK-LYRICS 393 Duriiiii' tlie tinu' lie liwd in Calcutta he obtained ponsiderable popularitx b\ his music aiul his sonii'. ' A big shed was erected at liattahl Shobhabazar when Nidhn use<.l to sing every nij^ht before an appreciative assembly of the ridi and the elite ol" Calcutta; His i>opularitv , • -p . subsequently the sitting was shitted to the house of Rasikchand GosviimT of Bagbazar. N^idhu Babu was never a i)rofessional singer; but he was eagerly sought for and respected by the highei' social circles of the then Calcutta. Though himself only an amateui- and not a Kabiwala, it was chieHy through his efforts that in ni-2-13 B. S. a "reformed" aklidai party was established in Calcutta. Mohan Chiind Basu of Ba^bazar, who first introduced //~tj/-ai-//dai and set the tide against the fashion of hidi and al:/idai, first learnt the new style from Xidhu Biibu whom he always respected as his master.' We also learn that Nidhu was a man of y-rave and sedate character but of contented and cheerful dis- }K)sition. There are rumours about his partiality for one Srimati, a mistress of Mahariija Mahananda of Murshidabad ; but his biographers ' take pains to show that this was nothing more than the intimate feeling of cordial friendship.' Nevertheless many of his love songs were inspired by her and composed in her honour'. ' That Nidhu Bilbu was an expert inuBic-iau and thnl the niusicul quality of his songs was of a very high order is indicated by the fact that Kr?riananda included nearly 150 songs of Nidhu Hi'ihu in his great •yclopicdia of Indian songs. In any estimate of N'idhu Bflbu's tappa.i, this feature can never be ignored. - Prefatorj- life in Ollaratna : also Sutiilad Piabhiikar, loc. cil. B.it see preface to ilanmohan Gltaban. * Prefatorj- life in G'Unmtna ; Sathbad I'rabhaknr, Sraban I, 12f)l. • The stories relating to firiniati and Nidhu Babu given in SarTiyan, lo-. cit, are mere gossipy fables taken from a cheap iliaulhen- ticated Battala publication, which was first brought to my notice bj Babu Basautarafijau Riiy of Sahitya Pari^at. 50 394 BENGALI LITERATURE • An accurate and exhau!?tive. collection of Nidliu Babu's toppaii has not yet been published. A year before his death was [)ublished his Gltaratiia Grant ha, ^ which purported to be a com])lete collection Uh QUaratna Gran, ^f his sono's. It Contains a preface tha how far authentic '- '^ and rtliabie. in which the author states his inten- tion of publishing a correct edition of his songs which had circulated in various forms. A revised edition of this work with a short sketch of Nidhu Babu's life (compiled chiefly from SaiMad Prabfiakar) was published in 1S6S by his son Jaygopal Gupta. This edition does not differ materially from the first; the only additions take the form of 7 iikhdai songs, one brahma-SdiigK, one sj/anialimifak git and one banibandanZi. There are numerous inferior editions - ' It contains 141 pages, of which pp. 1-8, in the copy possessed by the Sahitya Parisat Library, are wanting. The title-page says ; fw^t^ csf?) \1t5 ^ II i)^ ^-^ c«ti«tTt^t^ ^'iT^ c^c^? iri^§ ^x ^' Tttc^ w:^^ ^^feci nrtc^Jj I - In 1252 B.S. (1845) Kr§nananda Byus Ragasagar in his encyclo- paedic anthologj', Sahglt-mga-ldlpadrum gives a collection of Bengali songs in which he includes more than 150 tappas of Nidhu Babu mostly taken from Gltaratna (31 Ed.) and arranged almost in the same order. In 1257 B.S. (1850) an edition (marked as 3rd edition) of Gltarcitna was published from Battala but it contains numerous doubtful songs taken from other sources, the genuineness of which however is extremely questionable. In 1293 (1886) was published Baiufiya Saiiglt-rathamala or Knhihnr Nidhu Bubur Gltaban a very uncritical collection compiled by Asuto? Gho?al (from 55 College Street, Hindu Library, Calcutta). It contains about 160 songs ; but in order to make the collection attractive, songs from different sources are passed off as Nidhu Babu's. The same remarks apply also to the more recent edition (2nd Ed. 1303) of Nidhu Babu's songs published by Baisnab Clmran BasSk from BattalS entitled Gltahan or yidhii Babur (^Ramnidhi Guptcr) Yabutlya Gltasamgralia. Besides these, selections LOVE-LVRICS 895 and various antholofijies were published iu later times but the two editions mentioned are the most authentic sources of Nidhu Biibu's song's. But even in G7/iven here are also to be found in Taraehaniii Diis's Mnumatlin KZibi/a (!247 B.S.) Banwari Lai's Yojana-ganiVui or munsi Eriidot's KurangnhhZinu (1252 B.S,), althoujj^h it cannot be deHnitely determined wiiether it i5 a ease of unacknowledged approjjriation by subsequent authors. On the other hand, the famous song ^«T^fjTC^ ?c^ ^^i^tf^c^ I "^rf^t^ ^^^sT^ ^^ (75t^ ^^ ^t^ ^f5^c^2 is attributed successively to Sridhar Kathak. Riim Basu and Nidhu l?abu and is not included in (jltarafna. Such celebrated songs as the following SHl^^^ C^ft^ C^^ I ^\f^ f^ 3(^tr« ntc?f 5^1 ^Ts\ i^-fR^^ II •' or c^t^tf^ ^5^1 ^ ^t\ ^ 5(ft^9C^ I or ^:^ CSJJi f^ ^^ ^ I -Bftfsi ?f^^ ^91^tf^ CT ^ «t«1'rff^'5 II "• always attributed by tradition and by different editore to Nidhu Babu are omitted in Gltarafna.^ from Nidhn Biibu's songs are given in the numerous anthologies of Bengali songs and poems such as Sahglt-Bar-Mnngraha (Bai'igahasT edition 1306) vol. ii ; Riiiahhandny edited by Chandra oekhar Mukhopadhyfiy (BasnmatT office, 13C(3) ; BaiiijuHr Gaii (Bni'iiOibilaT) ; Pntiijlti, o(lit(>d by AbiniVs Chandra CJho^ ; Bahgn Sahitya Pui'ichay, edited by Diuosh Chandra Son, etc. But the songs in these anthologies are often indiscriminately selected from various sources (besides Qltaratiia) and are very unreliable from the standpoint of critical scholarship. ' This question has been discussed in some dotnil in my paper in Sahitya Pnri^nt PatrikTi (1324, ))p. 103-107). » S'liig'itxar Snmyrnhn, p. 875 ; Prltiglti, pp. 153-151. » Ibid, p. 851, i6iadruni and among the additional songi in the third edition of G'ttnratnn (p. 148), the curious song beginning 396 BENGALI LITERATURE This will indicate not only the uncertainty of author- ship which bears uiH)n many of these songs but also it will probably demonstrate that the Gltaradhyay is not less severe or with ^^[T5 ■BT^PT? ^ Wrft «T^^ ^ ^ ^^tJ is given as Xiilhu BSbu's; bnt it was composed by AnanUa Xinlyan Ghof, author of Gitahari, as tlie hhanita Slt^^**) ^^Wi3 IR ff?i *5^ 1R wouUl dearly indicate and similarly in Biihj'iy 'V*'^ ' ' It cannot be denied indeed that there k a teodenejr, in thcMr oid-tirae MXi^^steiv, of le— ooinj; their songs frith indelicacies and aodacities of ex\tnmAoa which mere MMnetimca very enjoyable to tlieir audience; bat what me liave already nid on the moral tendency of the Kabivaka in (general and of Ram Baca's hiraka in lArticular a{«plics to a certain extent to the j/ret^nt question . Without enterinj; into the {ynjbleni of art for art'e sake or art for the ■ake of morality, the whole eontroven>y over tlie alleged morality or immorality of these song^ m^ K>mewliat irrele- vant or futile. We muKt take them for what they are worth and guard at once a^in«t reading rigid moraL^ into tliem or condemning them for want ci morale. In the fint place, ire need recall what Crude irorkmuMbip Bafikim Cliandra i«id with regard to bat ttatantaeas aad ^ •iDccritT. iiimilar alle<^tion on I^var Gupta's jioetr}- (' -3^ C^K^ 'Vj OfT»l ^T^ "cm- =!T^ ; i^ 1^=1 ^*^ C^T:^^ '^^\^ ') and thi.* dirtinction between gros6 and tii>e workmant^hip xs et^ential and lies at the very root of certain definite a>j*ctt» of ancient and modem Bengali literature. In^]>ite of all its fjuilti^ this gnwe workmanship hat^ one great advantage, r/:., that if it ii> ravage, uncouth and ion; it is tmnething > Id th« same ttnio M. M. Ilaia|«ailil tifatri sfHaln of Nidhn B4ba't lapfit M ^Kfl^l IPtWVTl ^VTSt*! aad erea • critic like Bafikim Ckaadrm eoald not r«-«ii>t t>.<- t«-repCrtio« of hariaif a fliof at ihem in hi» Bt^afirl^fn. 398 BENGALI LITERATURE soi-disant, insipid and incomplete. Tlie distinction drawn by modern critics between ornate and s>rotes(jue manner, between sjothic and classic art, thouplicable to a certain extent to this ease also. It may be a matter of taste whether a man prefers ja^-o'ed ano'ularity to harmonious roundness; but what is ano-ular, what is oross, what is "rotescjue is nearer life in its primal sensations and in its terrible sincerity. It is like the ore fresh from the mines with all its dust and dross yet pure and unalloyed. In the sono-s of the Kabiwalas and in the fappas of Nidhu Babu, we enjoy these rug'i^ed sensations of the natural man, if you will, who res^ards his passions as their own excuse for beino", who does not pretend to domesticate them or present them under an ideal glamour. Their outward ruo-o>edness is a mark of inward clarity. It is partly for this reason that these gross and chaotic songs possess so much appeal for the robust and keen perceptions of the masses but are entirely inaccessible to the decent, com- fortable and self-righteous attitude of the bourgeoisie or the refined gentlemanliness of the aristocrat. These }>oets were, therefore, in a sense realists or in- terpreters of real and natural emotions ; and their songs are in the legitimate tradition of nature, although not always acceptable to the refined palate of the literary tast-er. It would, however, be absurd at the same time to suppose that these songs do not possess an}' touch of that idealism without which no poetry is poetry; they have enough of idealism but they do not deal with ab- stractions or live u])on the air. Take Intense realism of fo,. instance the intense realism of passion. their idea of love. "With them, Love is not a cold white ideal rising moon-like over the rapt LOVE-LVRICS 399 vision of the love-siek blK'iihenl-}»rince. It is not cxlia- imuulaiie, volatile and vague, losinjjf itscH' in the worship of a j)hantoni-\\onian or lisinij^ into ni3stie spirituality and iudefmito lantJKMVni; nor is it sicklied o\er with th^ subtleties of decadent psycholoijfists or with the subjective malady of modern love-poets. It is exaspera- tiny;ly impressionist and admirabh' plain-speakiny. It does not talk about raptures and ideals ami jjjatcs of heaven but walks on the earth and speaks of the insati- able hunger of the body and the extpiisite intoxication of tiie senses as well. For these poets realised, as every true passionate poet has lealised, that ]iassion in its essence is not idealism which looks beyond the real but idolatry which finds the ideal in the real ; for passion is primarily and essentially realistic. It cannot live upon abstractions and generalisations ; it must have actualities to feed upon. It is not our purpose to consider here whether this idolatrous intoxication of passion is good or bad; but it cannot be denied that it bore ample fruit in the astonishing realism of their love-songs and brought their poetry nearer to world and life and to the actual and abiding spirit of love. Love is conceived, therefore, in its concrete richneis antl variety, and not merely under its broad and ideal asjKKits. This essential realism of passion leads the poet to take body and soul together and Nidlui Babn's fop. ^^^^ accept the one for the other. lie ;«.< not offensive or * immoral. is therefore always stronir, viviil anil honest, very seldom <, there is absolutely nothing which should drive critics into such strong opinions of condemna- tion. Even during his life-time and ever since his death, Nidhu's iappTiii obtained such extraordinary popularity and currency that even low and vulgar doggerels have passed off as his own. His Glfaratna has never since been re- printed and his fajjpas to-day are seldom favoured ; the modern reader, therefore, understands by Nidhu's tapjjaa the cheap vile and worthless street-songs which are sold in the name of Nidhu. It is no wonder, therefore, that his songs are taken as synonymous with kJtend and bad taste. In reality, however, no lappa is more tender and exquisite than the tcqjp'f of Nidhu. There is not much of artistic workmanship in Nidhu Bubu's songs ; but there is lucidity as well as flavour in his poetical style, and tenderness and emotional force in his expression. There is no elabora- His artistic merit .. ,. ^ ^ ^ , -a aud iiuperfectious. "^n or hneness, no verbal dexterity, no prosodic variety or profusion of conceits and ornaments. The poet is absolutely indifferent with regard to his rhymes which are often faulty nor is he studiously fastidious with regard to word-selection which is not often impeccable. There are very few songs which taken as a whole are invulnerable in form or artistic re- quirements; and like most of the Kabiwalas he is singu- larly une(jual, often great in single lines, in couplets, in 'patches,' but devoid of the gift of sustained utterance. Lines or verses like these taken at random ' An attempt has been made to analyse Nidlni Baba's love-songs and show that they ai-o not sensual and vulgar in my arlielc in the Sahitya Fari^at Pntrika, 132-1-121. LOVE-LYRICS 401 '^^l ^\ ^tf^ ^f^ "sftf^ f^ ^C^ ^f^C^ I ^^^ ^tf?:^ ^t^^ C^^T^I ^^5^ II 2 5^^CJ{ S^^C^ <5tf^ ^f^f'l^ ^^ ^tf^ f% ^tfs^ '^'5^ ^'s -51^ ^ (Tff^ ir'' Itfe ^f?J^ It^ ^^ 5IC^ ^f^ wf^^ '^U ^5 ^^f^ ^t^f^ II * 0 *nn*i 21^1 ?^t -^tf^^ >ito II ■ ^l'i{^ "Slfl^ -sit^ "Site? f^ ?J^55? II ' ' CTitaratna, 3rd ed., p. 130. • Ibid, p. 119. * ibid, p. 79. • Ibid, p. 100. • /6.d, p. 132. • Ibid, p. 20. ' Ibid, p. 137. • Ibid, p 44. 51 402 BENGALI LITERATURE c^^u{ ^^^ w(j{ ^f^^ ^t^f^ II ^ 4tR ^f^i^ ^'i c^f?i^ c^f^rs II ^ are examples of undoubtedly tine but spasmodic bursts of the miraculous gift ; but, excepting a few poems which are flawless gems in form and substance, his verse often stumbles and halts where there is need for a brisk and sustained pace. But he was undoubtedly a poet of high natural endow- ments, and the untutored feelings and passions of his heart he could exi)ress with unparal- But true poetic qua- \e\ed terseness and j)recision of lity. . touch. The rarest poetic feeling is oftener found in simpler verse than in an elaborate and studied masterinece. The best and most characteristic of Nidhu Babu's songs are love-songs ; but the limited subject of his verse never matters much, for in them he sometimes reaches a varietv and a sim))le vet mao-nifi- cent quality which is beyond the accurate black-and- white artist. His of t-cjuoted songs — ' Ibid, p. 41. » ibid. p. 12. => Ibid, p. 9. LOVE-LVRICS 403 c^ ?tr^ 5jc^ ^c^ (7T^ "st^f sn^rti^*^ II ' *2tt«t J^Tn^tf^ ^^ ^*t5? C^:=? II ^^ f^ (?T ?jf*t ^ c^ ^^ ^iJ ^f»i ^wc^ c^i-»ifk f^c<( ^f^ ^Is^ I or even some ot" his less known pieces — ^\7f '5\^^ -sifs ^tf^co J^tf'ic^ I ^f^ C^tfl 'Slfj^f'I^ C^tas C?;f?ir5 II ' 5^1 WUl T55» S^ 5»^^ ^^?I ^CM Omitlod in O'ltaratna, but pvou aa Niilhu Bftbu'ii in PrTfi^Th", p. 154 ; Sitiujlt'sar-f'ti'ngrtiha, vol. ij, p. 87o ; Raiiabhiindhr, p. 107. • Omitted in Olfaru/na but given in (Titaball or Sidhtt Bnhur 0'>la$atiigraha. p. 131 ; i2n«/i'in(f(lr, p. 100. In Pntig'tti the aong in attributed tD tIariinuLau Ray. • Gltaratua, p. 87. • Ihid, p. 87. i Sawj\f'iular pieces of .Sridhar) do not possess the rare merit of utiitin*; the <^race ami ima<>;ery of the lyric to the music and fashion of sonnf. They are hardlv litei-arv and are often rarelesslv maile : thev are ' His ^rfij ^t?l. TfTi J?f^. ■^Jf^ 'TR I f^Rl =5rt?rt:«( ^f ^ift? ^^ I etc. is often praised bat is chictly iinitativo of .Invmlch'H sftf^^^Tt^tnl ^\V ^yi^T^ir^:, of Bidvnpntl's ^5 -HW^ 1^ !f?^ ??It|% I f\T{ ^' ■m> W ^;j(t- writers, Sridhar Kathak stands next to Nidhu Babu in popularity, Sridhar Kathak. poetic merit and probably in chrono- logy. Informations about his life and character are uncertain, indefinite and mostly un- realiable. He was born in the village of Bansbedia, Hughli, probably in 1816 (L22.3 B. S.). His father was Pundit Ratankrsna Siromani and his grandfather was the famous kathak Lalchand Bidyabhusan. Sridhar himself tvas a kathak of considerable power having learnt the art from KalTcharan lihattacharyya of Berhampore but from his youth he was attached by natural proclivi- ties to kahi aud prcinicJiafi parties. The songs which are now attributed to Sridhar are, however, all of the tuppa type and for these he is justly cele- His tappas curiously brated. Tnfortunatelv the rival repu- niixed up with tliose of . . ' Nidhu Bubu. tation Kauinidhi has created much confusion and led to the general attribution of many of Sridhar's songs to Ramnidhi and it is almost impossible to-day to disentangle satisfactorily this question of disputed authorship. The famous song ^t^ ^^cwRc^ ^tf^ (?f^ %^ ^tf^5^ II is popularly assigned to Nidhu Babu — for none but Nidhu Babu was supposed capable of producing such a beautiful LOVE-LYKICS 407 piece ; but the soug really belonj^s to Srulliar anJ is not included in Nidlui Hiibu's Gltaiuttna. The same it-niark applies to two other hne songs which deserve to be quoteil here — ^ ?t^, ^?, ^ f^U ^5f?l S|^5I C^f^T S^ "sifcJIt^ ^ C^«1 C11^ 1H C^2W^^?jf?^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^*!I^91 The number of Sridhar's songs whicl» have come down to U8 is verv limited and not more than one hundred son^s may be found attributed to him in different anthologies.' .^rklhar is undoubtedly one of the tinest ^//)/yJ-writers of this i)eriod, although he moves within a very limited and inferior range. Most of his songs His quality as a lonp- , r ,i i ** c \- .1 writer. sjjeak ot tlie bitterness ot disapj)omteil love and breathe a note of tender passion marke> irja is said to betoken his high skill and proficiency in that art. After residing for some time with Pratapchandra of Burdwan, he came to Calcutta where he lived thereafter under the magnifieent patronage of Gopimohati Thakur. He passed his last days in the sacred city of Benares and died there, before 1825. Kail Mirja composed songs on a variety of topics, secular as well as religious, of which his tappos and 'si/aniahi>/;a-writers ' who chronologically lx'lon»; to our period, althougii in matters of date and Later group of chronology we are not on absolutely /aj>pa-wntors. ' • '' Hrm and safe ground. The tradi- tion, however, was carried on beyond the middle of the I'Jth century. In Snugli-raffn-kalpadrum, published in ISio, we lind the songs of Kfilidas Gangopadhyay, Sib- chandi-a Sarkar, Sib Chmulra Kiiy and Ananda Narayan Ghos and Asutos Deb (Chhatu Babu), all of whom must have flourished in their poetical glory between 1820 and 1840. Later on we get Jagaunath Prasad Basu Mallik of Andul, Kfi-si Prasad Ghos of Simla, Calcutta, author of G7fii6oetic raj^ture in dealing with hatxiilyiiy sn/chi/n, flri'ssibilities of this form of atloration.We 414 BENGALI LITERATURE cannot indeed definitely state wlietlier Ram-prasad was the fii-st poet and devotee to realise this : for we find conteiu- poraneonsly with him a host ot" such song-writers as, either independently or inHuenced by him, wrote in the same strain. Raja Krsiiachandra himself was a composer of such songs and we find the literary tradition maintained in the royal family by his two sons Sibchandra and oambhuchandra, as well as inferior members of the same family like Narachandra, SrTschandra, Nareschandra and others. A few songs of this style still remains which contain the d^amfa of Maharaja Nanda Kumar. It cannot be said that all these song-wiiters were inspired by the example and influence of Ram-prasad ; on the contmry, they might be following a course of religious and literary development which had begun indei)endently but which was made so resplendent by the superior faith and genius of Ram-prasad. Whatever might be the fact, it cannot be denied that it was in Ram-prasad that this new form of adoration of the Supreme Being under the image of the Mother — a form naturally congenial to the Bengali tempe- rament— finds its characteristic expression and discovers a new, easy and natural mode of religions realisation through fine songs, reflecting intense religious fervour in the exceed- ingly human language of filial affection. The image of divine motherhood, to Ram-prasad and his followers, is not a mere abstract symbol of divine grace or divine chastise- ment but it becomes the means as well as the end of a definite sjjiritual realisation. Rising to the radiant white- heat of childlikeness, these poets realise in the emotions of the child the emotions of a devotee. Like the child, the poet is now grave, now gay, now jietulant, now despairing, not with the capricious purposelessness of a child but with the deep intensity of purposeful devotion. Thus, not only Ram- prasad in his numerous songs but even his follower, Kumar DEVOTIONAL SONGS 415 » Naraeliandi-a couKl iiululi^e in such intimate, familiar yet signiticant expressions towards his special divinity: — (^^t^) c^^^ ^i^f^ ^c^?r *cf^l ^^ ^c^ ^l-'&i fw?:?i II These spiritual effusions of devout heart, therefore, are iu a sense beyond criticism ; and in order to appreciate these songs one must realise the entire mentality of these devotee-poet*;, their systems of belief, the earnestness, warratii and vigour of their simple faith, the transport and exaltation of their spiritual mysti- Character of these cjg,^^ ^yjj.^^ ^j^^gg ^^ j^,g j^g j^ songs. ' " not the meditative speculation of systematic |>hilosophers, nor the intellectual subtlety ot trained logicians nor the theological commonplaces of religious preachers, hut the life-long realisation of an int**nsely spiritual nature. The songs, therefore, represent not a professional effort but a born gift, or a gift ac(piired through religious worship and aspiration. It is, however, a gift or an enthusiasm, which is in fact an inspiration, a mood of divine madness which draws from visible and familiar things nn intuition of unknown realities. Its treatment of the facts of religious experience is not the less appealing but all the more artistic because it is so sincere and genuine, because it awakens a sense of conviction in ourselves. The temper is essentially that of a secular lyric. It is not transcendental nor beyond the sphere of artistic expression because the inspired artist makes us feel the reality and universality of his individual passion, and the 416 BENGALI LITERATURE « mystery of his mystery stands clear and visible in its own familiar lig'ht before our eyes. This transfiguration of the primeval instinct of filial affection of A child crying in the night A child crying for the light into a relijii^ious phantasy or poetic rapture is a remarkable achievement of Kam-prasad's soncfs. The incommunicable communion between the human soul TransfiKuratiou of a and thedivineis communicated throuirh primitive human in- _ _ ^ stinct, and appeal for a the exceedingly familiar and authen- more emotional form ,. . , .. <• ii i -i u i- i- of religion. ^^^ intensity or the child s teelintr for the mother. This new stand- point vivifies religion with a human element and lifts one of the primitive elements of human nature into the means of glorious exaltation. It brings back colour and beauty into religious life and appeals to the imagination and the feelings. Its essential truth lies in its appeal for a more emotional religion and in its protest against the hard intellectualitv of doctrines and dogmas. It is not the isolated expression of moral or religious ideas but its fusion into a whole in one memorable personality, expressing itself in a distinctly novel yet familiar mode of utterance, which makes these songs so remarkable. The fui/fric form of worship has its terrible as well as its beautiful aspect; in these latter-day feakta writers we find an assertion of the rights of the emotional and the ;esthetic iu human nature. In this view the achievements of Ram-prasrid, ably seconded by other devotional songsters who followed in the line, is of a kind which most of the great religious or moral leaders of the race in some way or other performed and which opened up a new source of elevating joy. But in this idea of the Divine .Mother {mairb/i'ifj) which primarily follows the authority of the (anlras and the DKVOTTOXAJ. SONGS 117 natural lueiital bi'iit of tlu' a^e aiul tlic race ami the iiiili- viihial, Rilm-jtrasjul was not little in- inHuenceof Bai^uab Huenccd, (liiectlv or indiioctlv, by the ideas * J ' J Haisiial) itlea of bTdiahia. Thronjrh- out the hisitory ol" the Siikta anil Baisnah eontlict we fuul, no doubt, the two sects directly antasjonistie to each other and in Hhiirat Chandra, even in lliim-prasad himself, we find the virulence of a militant sectarian zeal. But, as on the one liand, we find a Maisnab poet like Chandida^ mak- in*; use of f'mtric imajijery and tUnlric idea of i^ufc/iakra- Kuti/tiin,^ on the other we see Ram-prasad, a confirmed ^fikta i)oet, considerably influenced and imitation of by Baisnab ideas in his Krill-klrtan Bindabanlila, ' • and Kr ana kill mi. Not only does he imitate in j-laoes tho characteristic diction and imagery of Baisnab pailahnlli^ but he deliberately describes the go)4ha^ r(7>r, milan of Bhagabati iu imitation of the hriiiKihan-llla of Srikrsna. It does not concern us here whether the •^irl Parbati fitjures in a better artistic liM ♦fa ifn*!^ lai f^,M jA I quoted fmni ChandidAs in Bir.bhumi (now BcricH) vol. ii, p. l,'>, which ■eo for a niHSterly exposition of PrntncTi $aiig\t. * ^ Wf^ fS^ 3^ *f§t^fl -VfVUK^ CVn Hi en's f^ Wffl I ^^tf^ 58 418 BENGALI LITERATrilE sporadic or objectless. If iudicafed a general desire with these poets of the 18th century to Its object . afford a common ground of reconcilia- tion and good feeling between the two antagonistic sects. There is no distinction in reality, says Kiim-prasad in many a song, between Bisnu and Sakti, between Kali and Krsnn. ■QU^ 'Sil^ "^5 %5| 'il^ 515? ^?T 5?1 C^t^ II This attcnii>t at removing i/rci^ru/resi (ill-blood) and at establishing the ultimate identity of the different images of the godhead is at the root of the later song of Kamalakauta. w\^ ^\ c?r 3f^ ^'^sj ^t^i "srlsil ^1 c^m ^^ i (7f (71 CSR:^^ ^?l«l ^f?f?1 ^t^«1 ^^^ ^^ '^ ^5 II ^cii ^c^tc^^ ^?f ^?:^ ^fj! wt^^scn ^c^ ^^ I ^si^^tl^^ ^-JTTJTt^:^ ^^^1t^ ^1^ ^?( II These devotional songsters in general and their precur- sor Ram-prasfid in particular, therefore, established, through the current from of Sid- fi -worship, Originality of KSm- tempered bv natural human ideas prasJid and his follow- i ^ crs. derived from the no loss human Bai.snab poets, a peculiar form of religious-poetic communion and, realising this in their own life removed from the turbid atmosphere of controversy. DEVOTIONAL SONGS 419 they expressed the varieties of their reli«jious experience in touchiiii,^ ^ongs accessible to all. There is no other conspicuous instance of this type of *S'<;/7/-worshi)j throui^h the Mair-bhaha in ancient literature. The classical example king Sural ha's propitiation of the AdyZi Hakll described in the Miirkai\(lii/a ('haufll is altoirether of a different kind ; nor could the earlier Bengali ChaiuJT-authors, who indulged themselves in hymns or elaborate narratives of praise, anticipate the sentiment of tender devotion and half- childish solicitation of Hiim-prasild. ' In this respect the originality of Ram-prasad is undoubted and it exalts him to a place all his own. The Baisuab poets, again, describe in their exquisite lyrics a type of love which is lifted beyond the restrictions of social convention and their love- These son^g aoceK- lyncs, passionate and often sensuous, Bible to all without • ' ' discrimination. may, in the uninitiated, cxcite worldiv desires inste.id of inspiring a sense of freedom from worldly attachments. The songs of Hain- prasad and his followers, on the other hand, are free from this dangerous tendency. AltlK)Uiih these simple and tender loui^ings for the Mother may n«it, in thought and diction, compare favourably with the tiner outbui'sts of the Bai^nab poets, yet tiiey are accessible indiscriminately to the uninitiated as well as the initiated, to the sinner as wtH as t) the saint, to the ignorant as well as to the learned. They constitute the common property of all, and as in the case of the tender love of the mother, every human child has an eipul claim to share it. ' Tlu* excoedinffly huninniscd piotiire of Gnnri or Dfirj?* in Rume< fivar's ^'i6ass on to later writers of this y;roii|). The following sonojs which bear the fjhunitii of Dowun Nandakisnr Xandakumar is supposed bv some to Riiy. ... ^ " be the oomjjosition of Xanda KiSor Ra\ , Dewan of Burdwan Raj, but may possibly \ye a soli- tary sonu; of Mahai-fij Xandakuniar aeeidenlally preserved. ^'it'ftc^ ic?t-*fC9i ^'H'JI's-f^^^lfw^ II if*i*icsr5 im^ ^ci sii^ft'Ptf^ II 4^;J. BENGALI LITERATURE ®t^ JJ-R ^^ ^^ f3PT??^^C^fw#t II ^ ^^ ^^t^Tc*f f^^ ^^ c^ttrff^^ II ^^ ^13«13J?I ^tf% IC^ ^T5|tf^^ II' This soug is quoted here not so much for its historic interest nor for any special merit but as a specimen of the artificial and tedious style of later poets. The same tendency of indulging in symbolism, didactics and banalities under a spiritual glamour is also remarkably noticeable in the songs of Dewjtn Raghnnath Ray of Burdwan, „ ^T^^^ .ool^""''^''' a brother of Nandakisor; but Ra-hu- Ray. 1750- I8db. , nath was not a Sakta of the narrow type and addressed several songs to Krsna as well, in some of which he maintains the eventual identity of this Baisnab deity with the special divinity of his adoi-ation. It is hardly necessary to quote specimens but the following song"^ is the nearest approach to the style of Ram-prasad which had been all along the deservedly recognised standard. mi^ ta ^t^ ^^Htw^ c^^i m II 2 ' The bhntjita has NandaknmSr and not Nandakisor. ' The bhanitd of Raghuuath in these songs is ^ff%; and stvle. Mahatabchand printed in 1857 from the poet's own manuscript nearly 250 sonijs which have been thus beautifully preserved. This collection was reprinted in 1885 by vSrikanta Mallik in Calcutta under the title Komnfahavfa PivJUhall^ and it certainly deserves reprint ay:ain. It is impossible within the limited scope of our plan to analyse these three hundred songs in detail or to quote extensive specimens which alone would illustrate the depth, varietv and beauty of Kamalaklinta's songs. Like the songs of his great predecessor Ram-i>rasad, his songs reveal to us the inward history of his spiritual life, the various stages of his religious exi>erience from worship and adora- tion to the attainment of the state of hit^hest felicity. It is not his meditative s|)eculation nor his theological tenets nor the vague coating of s} nilxiliMu in his songs which constitute their charm ; over and al)o\e all these tower his spiritual sense, his imagination and his emotions, his extra- ordinary personality ; and the palpitating humanity which vivifies every line imparts a soul-felt meaning to his devotional son^s. lit- expresses common needs, common ' A copy of this wn« lent to me hy the SShitya Parifat Librnrr. 424 BENGALI LITERATURE illOUf;ht^^, and every-day emotions of the religious man ; and if he is a mvstic, his mvstieism is not of the esoteric order. It is difHeult to quote speeimens when one must confine oneself to a limited number but the fojlowinp: songs, well-known as they are, are quoted to make them better known. "sJt^ f^^ ^1^ srfsil si1 (.^U C^^^ ^f5 5^«l ^f?! I '©^ ^^« f^i:^Z'^f^ M'j^tf^ c^i^ ^^Pi 'Tf^^ ^5^1 II f^'iw^t^ c^^ c^t'il ^t^ ^^^tft s'^^^rfCT^ ^gf 1 1I <5rw?r ®^^^ 5(t^1 ^f^ ^^1 ^c^^ ^cTt'^ ^^ ^$1 r.*o if?ft1 "^z^t:^ ^t^ 54 CHAPTEE XII Miscellaneous Writers in the Old Style. The period of interregnum in poetry wliich followed upon Bharat Chandra's death had been, we have seen, essen- tially a lyric interval in which we find the Kabiwalas, Writers of the poeti. taj)j}a-w'niers and authors of devo- cal interregnum. tional songs Creating a body of litera- ture which, if not great in positive achievement, is at least remarkable in the negative quality of marking a natural reaction against the ornate and classical type of literary practice of the 18th century. At the same time the groups of writers mentioned never separate themselves wholly from the traditions of the past nor do they work their way from the older to the newer style of the 19th century. In this sense, they are neither ancient nor modern ; neither do they represent the past adequately nor indicate and foretell the future. They were at the same time incap- able of great literature ; nor were the times suitable for it. They are nol, it is true, idle singers of an emi)ty day ; but they deal essentially with trifles, though with trifles poeticallv adorned. Occupying, as The intermediate " " . . position of the lyric they ilo, an intermediate position BongBters, Kabiwalas i^p^ween th.' ancient and the modern and others. writers, they yet afford no natui-al medium of transition from the school of the past to the school of the present. They create a literature of their own, limited and circumscribed by their own j^eculiarities and the peculiarities of their circumstances, too old to be entirely new, too new to be entirely old ; for although possessing lyric quality, they have little affinity to modern MISCELLANEOUS WHITKKS 427 Ivrists nor can tlitv Ijc cK-iiiiiteh afllliattHl toanv recoj'nised school of ancient writers. But the poetij and sun^^sters whom we propose to take up ill this chapter, unlike the writers aheady dealt with, delinitely and unmistakably tread in the footsteps of the old-world poets. Their poetic »»;ift move within the narrow compass of conventional art, and though exhibitintjf widest individual differences, these imitative Writers dealt with p^^^jy ^re bound by the common in this chapter aro however ' relics ' or characteristic of belongin'inal, except in so tar as they may vary a t-in^Ie tune by playinjjj it upon the several recognised stops. This (U'i)artment of verse, therefore, is singularly depressing. Except in inspiretl snatches, there is haixlly anything of first-i-ate ipiality, and the great bulk of this narrowly imitative literature is Mat and te<.lious. The recognised litemry species had been already suffering from exhaustion of material and the declining fwwers of these belateil imitators could hardly impart to them a spark of vivifying force. Want of subject-matter and of capacity for original achievement is precisely the defect of this poetry. Li the first place, we have a group of writers who follow the time- honoured tradition of translating the ProiH>8ed groups ut Sans<-rit /xTiniUv'rn, Ma/ia/jfiUrut and writirs. . / Snwnil-hh'tf/afHif into the vernacular. Next we have a band of minor poets — some of them not merely minor but insignificant — who wrote verse-tales of the erotic tyfu' in imitation of Bharat Chandra but who could not reproduce his jioetrv as they could magnify the dull obscenities which unfortunately taint his writings. After them, come a host of miscellaneous songsters — most 428 BENGALI LITERATURE of them literary nondescripts — among whom we need notice in some detail the authors of pairichali and yaira. The translators of this period inherited the tradition but lost the art which had made their Translators. , ,^ .i-i- x--— i- ] iretlecessors Krttibas or Kasidas immortal. A little before 1760, we have a number of notable translations among which may be mentioned the delightful version of GHagohinda by Giridhar, but after 1760, this department of literature is hardly gi-aced by any remarkable achievement. The translators of this period hardly exhibit any striking literary feature and it would serve no purpose to reca]»itulate their half-forgotten names. Of these, however, Raghunandan GosvamT, though not exactly a translator, is remarkable for his re-writing of the themes of BZim'iyan 2iwA Bhagalnt. Raghunandan* was, as he himself tells us, born in the village of Maf'o near Mankar, Burdwan. His dates are Raghunandan GosvamT. , ^ , . i . i i i < not exactly known* but he undoubt- edly belongs to our period, for Raj-narayan Basu in his Ekrd 0 Sekal i elates how Raghunandan used to come very frequently to Calcutta to meet the lexicographer, Ramkamal Sen. His two considerable works are Srl- Bam-rasa^an and Sri Rri'//ui-3Irt(i//(ibo«//«/• and iripaiJl, he makes use of a large variety of metres — inafjhajiy * For an appreciation of these chapttTS, see M. M. Harapmsad Sastri's article in Narayaii, 1322-23. vol. i, pp. 31-43 and pp. 638-648. Madhuninngal, however, is not nn original creation of Kaphnuandan's but he was a more or less conventional figure of the bidu^aku type, in the popular yatras. MISCELLANEOUS WRITERS 4-.S1 ekaball, lalita, iota ka, pajjahati/ca. jama ka, tunaka, //nifru brttichatiifjpndl, sodat^rikfjarJ koficH jamaka, to mention only a few — in his Hudlni Madhubodaya. The following description ol' the heroine's beauty, althoup;h ehowinjj^ copsiderable skill, is yet conventional ami illustrates the author's leaning towards sanscritisation. 5rf?i^t^5^-65-'Jt«j^ si^ 5jf^ ^t^ I -v^ ''^^ *f^ ^^^ f^^ ^^^-ft II The Kame nniaik a]i]>lits to the following defciiption of Kam in his LTon-iosa^yan 5i^ei-:^c1.:^f5Jf gvl f^1.^J^l7\<^ || 5f5frlt-^^-^flf?T^ ^?5 ^ii]^ -Sff^ 1^«1 I ?J?I^.;(J»-^5f-^t5T 5I«ltT$ ^^ ^ 11 ^f'fSm-fsfijiJ f^^f? ^^ »M«(uts forward the brilliant but hardly convincing conjecture that the 'Accounts of rami poets hn<\ their songs have from time to time appoarotl in various Bengali journals. For an interesting appreciation of rural literature in general, see Rabindra Nflth Thukur, (iramyn iyuhityn pnblished in his volume on Lok- Sahilya. ' Bnngnhha^a 0 Sahityn, 2n(l Ed , p. 221 ; Uigtnry «/ Bengali Langnagt and Literature, p. 385. 438 BENGALI LITERATURE Pa'ffichali (sj)elling the word as Paiicha/i) is ultimately connected with Paiiehiil or Kanauj, which he takes to be the birth-place of tiiis kind of song. It may, however, be pointed out that there is no trace of //amcZ/a/j-song* of the modern type (such as those popularised by Dasarathi Ray) in ancient literature ; but that the word PamchU/i it is well known, was used indiscriminately for all sorts of poetical composition which could be recited and which l)ossessed a religious theme. Thus Ancient aud nioclern ^|^g Paraqall Mahd.h/nxrat or the types of pamchah '' mast be distinguished. Makahkarat of Nityananda Ghos is called hliarat-pariu'lirdi or simply pamchali in their respective hfianiias. Similarly Kabi- kankan Chandl is desipjnated throunjhout by its author as pamchafi or pamchali-prabnndka, and even in a work like Jagannath Mangal, Gadadhar Mandal states that he is composing his work in the style of pamc/iali. ' Thue we have, besides those mentioned above, Sanir pamchali, SastJ/Jr j'aine/tali, Mansar pZimc/ndi aud in fact p~xmcJialts written in praise of all the popular deities. These older compositions used to be recited and were therefore suitably arranged for pala-% or sittings for recitation. But they were not pariicluilif^ in the modern sense of the t^rm and a distinction must be made between ancient and modern types. Another equally fanciful etymology of the term pamchali is given by deriving the word from pa-chali or jaada-chrdan which is taken to indicate that the leader of such a party recited explains and sings his theme by moving about before the assembled audience ; but this interpretation fails to explain the presence of nasal m in the word itself. It would seem, however, that the best ' We also get the word immchali-chhanda and nnless the word chhanda moans style of composition, it must be refeiied to a peculiar kind of metre. MISCELLANEOUS WRITERS 439 explanation is that wliit-h connects jhin^irhali with nachadi (which was acconii>anied by dancing; and sinorincr) and which regards the term pamc/ial i , ai)i)Iied to tlie modern tyjie of poi)ular entertainment, a.s connotinj^ five (pamc// ) essential thinp^s which must be present in all perfect kinds. What these five elements were cannot be exactly deter- minetl but singing (/A^'O* >nusic {xaj-bajauu), recitation {ch hadri-krdrvia) , poetical rivalry {(juner ladai) and possibly dancinj^ {uach) more or less accompanied all jjuiiu/ialts in later times. As this form of entertainment has practically dis- appeared from modern Bengal, it would be worth while to quote the followin(]r interesting description of a /'(777tc^mohan 0Tta6«rr, pp. 18I-IR3. 440 BENGALI LTTEllATURE ^^•C^ f^f^^l ^n^^t^ ^1^ ^1^1^51^ ^^ f^^C?!^ W^l ^t^lkiVf I ^9ft^ ^ ^t^^T^ ^^^^ C^1^1 ^¥ ^]f^ ^^^ ^5? ^^ Jif^ss, 7\-^ ypgt^^ I 1^1 ^t^tl^ ^Ic^ ^^^^ flf^^ ^1^1?I ^I15R I . . . 'swf^^ -ni^^i ^t^^i?^ ^tf^ ^f^^ ^fjm ^]tui^, (2tf^^.^ Pt^ Cm?1 'l^^^t^ 1^^ ^tf^^l ^1^ ^t^ll^1 ^^^^1lf?^ sji^^l ^11^15 ^ ^i^T^i? ^ftw^ 'l^ ^t^tw^ 'Si'^U ^ ''s;^^ ^«=.^ ^2t^^»f if(5j? ^^m ^^t^ ^v<^, f^#?i ^t^ 5(t^, ^ft^ 1^^ ^H -mti^^, ^1^1 ^t^t^ c^ 5^1^—^^ i^tt^ c^ ami 1 800, and there- fore, strictly speaking, it falls outside our period. It \\;i> a form of entertainment which began t<> be pujiular after the reputation of the Kabiwalas had been already on the decline ; y><7?nc//(7// -literature should, therefore, be more 56 442 BENGALI LITERATURE fittinoly taken up in its proper place in the treatment of the next period. The same remarks with re2;ard to chronology apply also to yZdra, a species of popular amuse- The yuira. ment which was closely allied to kahi and pumcJnifi and prevalent from a very early period but of which sj^ecimens have come down from comparatively recent times. The traditional existence of i/a frits is known to us from time immemorial and in Bharat's Nidj/asastra, we hear of popular semi- dramatic performances which have been generally regaixled as the probable precursor of the jwpular yatraa, on the one hand, and of the later Sanscrit Its antiquity. dramatic literature on the other. In Bhababhuti's MUlofl-madhava,^ the word i/atra is used probably in the technical sense as well as in the general sense of a festivity. It cannot be determined now whether the ijafras lineally descended without deviation from these earlier popular festive enter- tainments of the operatic type, obtaining from the earliest times, or whether the later Sanscrit dramatic literature, especially represented in such irregular types as the Mn/ianrdaka or in the particular operatic types noted in all works on Sanscrit dramaturgy, reacted u])on it and greatly modified its form and s})irit. l?ut it may be noted that the jn'incipal elements in the old i/alrU seem to be of indigenous growth, })eculiar to itself. In the first place, the yrdra generally i)ossessed a religious or The principal ele- nivthological theme, pointing to a ments in tlio yatru, '' ^ ' ' peculiar to itself. probable connexion with religious festivities and ceremonies. In the next place, although there always existed a dramatic ' Malat'i-madhava (Bomb. Sans. Series Ed.), p. 8. MISCELLANEOrs WRITERS 443 eloment, the sonij-cloniont absolutely piepondcrated and the choral peculiarities threw into shade its mimetic fjualities. And lastly, there were anomalous and p;rotes(|iie elements in it which at once indicated a partial absence of the dramatic sense and materially retarded its fjrowth. All thet-e natui-ally stood in the way of takini^ the ^J//a out of its operatic structure and evolving the proper dramatic form and sj)irit ; but these at the same time helped to create by themselves a special nondescript species which cannot be confidently traceil back to any known or reeoj^- niped type of earlier times. But the yafru, in however crude and undeveloped form, contained within itself the ijjerms of a reoular drama. Although the prinei})al theme was drawn from religion or mythology, the realities of scenery rnricyclopcd and j^^j character were not absolutely tiiulc dramatic cle- *' mcnts. ignored. It is true that there was hardly any action, and therefore there was little analysis or development of character. Even there was no scenic apparatus and all the details were left to the imagination of the audience, l^ui all this was made up for by the gift of communicating life to the persons, the story, and the dialogues as well as by the rich o[HM-atic (pialities of the performance. AVith the modern stage-actor or f vivid representation. The niakeshifts which he used were crude and, taken in detail, his methods were faulty, but he succeeded with all his rude resources in making the whole picture impressive and entertaining to his audience. It is, therefore, quite natural to lind the 444 BENGALI LITERATURE Yatrawala making a ^kill'iil use of the common yet useful device of minj^liuf^ the hulieious and the patlietie in order to add a lively zest to the story. The serious and the comic set off each other and relieve the melodramatic strain of the whole performance. Again, every representation was concerned primarily with the j^i-adual nnfoldinf? of a sing'le plot ; it never consisted of a disjointed "padding" of unconnected scenes and characters. Through the necessarily slow and elaborate transition of the whole performance, the story is made to stand out clear and alive. In the midst of all its surroundings and accessories, this was always kept in view in every regular ^(7/;"<7. Si)eaking of the once famous yZdra of Parama Adhikarl, a writer in the old series of Bawjadarhau lays stress upon tiiefaet that Parama's yZdrZi could never be realised in isolated scenes or songs, inimitably done though they were, but the whole performance had to be witnessed from the beginning to the end. In later periods, mundane subjects and secular themes found their way into the religious yZdni and its monotony and seriousness were relieved by the introduc- tion of lively, though conventional, interludes of a farcical nature conducted bv characters like Narada or Madhu Mangal. All these indicated the enormous possibilities of the i/atru for gradually approximating towards the regular drama. In course of time, the diania j)roper might have, in this way, slowly evolved it.self from the indigenous ^(///v7, just in the same way as the English drama of the Renais- sance evolved itself from the medi- Wbv tin' anioiplious . i • i i iiTitn, \\\d not develop tn'al mysteries and miraele-plays. into the regular ,^^ ^^^ ^^.^ j^^^.^ ^^^^ inherent drama. ' ' opportunities for such a course of development. The mimetic qualities of a yaira, its real- istic tendencies, its weaving out of a consistent i)Iot, its MISCELLANEOUS WHITE 118 445 taste for a personal and lively dramatic story, its min<'lin|L; of the comic and the serious — all these traits more or less iudieatc'd that the amori)hous i/afra mi<;ht have passed into an indiiu'enous form of the re<;ular drama. Ikit as a matter of fact it never had done so in ils whole course. Indeeil in ancient lkiii:;:ali literature, inspite of these and other advan- ta«;es and of the presence of a pattern literature in Sans- crit, we have piactically nothinjjj by way of dramatic composition ; and the be^iniiini>s of the stai;e and the drama in tlie I'Jth century Bengal, on the other hand, had little connexion with the popular t/ufni. We shall trace this point in detail in its proper place; but we may note lu-re that notwithstanding- these opportunities, other conditions were not favourable and . there were serious obstacles, both external and internal, which stood effectively in the way of such a develoj)ment. Althoui^h dissimilar in many respects, the early i/atra shows in character and substance some resemblance to the medieval mystery and miracle-play Contrast with tlie i i ^i i i ,i • • • ,i European medieval ^"^l '^''th had their ori-iu lU the popu- mystery and miracle- ].j,. representation of rclii^ious themes. play. ' But the conditions of j^rowth and ex- pansion iliffered considerably in the two cases. The intellectual readjustment which followed upon the R^Miaissance in Europe, tended to the i^vadual secularisation (»f literature and the creation of a vii^orous mundane vitality which Could supply the basis of the new theatre. Free belief replaced imi)0sed orthodoxy, nioral fervour replaced determined relijjious practices, energetic action iind emotion replaced external and mechanical Influence of the ibseipline. With the (lisapi>earancc Ronaissancc in develop- • i i • i ing European drama ; of the bondage of medievali>m, which had forbidden a life of nature and worKlly hopes, and with the api)earance of the morally 446 BENGALI LITERATURE and intellectually emancipated man of the Renaissance^ life grew into a real thing. A'ast and vital changes became manifest in the internal as well as the external world, in society, in politics, in religion, in the thoughts and asjiira- tions of mankind. The drama was the natural outcome of this rich and manifold life, of this practical and positive movement which had })laced literature on a purely human basis. Bengal, on the other hand, never witnessed such a great movement, bringing in its train intellectual, moral and civic emancipation. There was no such universal awakening or enthusiasm. The external world had never ])ossessed any inherent interest to the naturally but no such influence ^toical and idealistic Hindu and no- in ancient Bengal. thing happened which would take away this inbred apathy. His deep-rooted pessimism with regard to this world and unlimited optimism with regard to the next had produced a stoical resignation, an epicu- rean indifference and a mystic hope and faith which para- lysed personal action, suppressed the growth of external life, and rejilaced originality by submission. In literature, therefore, which was overwhelmed by the crushing idea of a brooding fate {adrii^tabarl) or of a divinity shajiing our ends {debit Ilia), religion was the only theme which flourish- ed itself and song or recitative poem was the only vehicle which conveyed this religious preoccupation. The prevalence of the rigoristic (w;/- Innnences M. ^^ -. jj^^^j ^^^^^i ^j^^ natural prominence nioulded national lite •' ' » and natural cliaractcr givcs to )nabi3m was not a universal movement and its intluence on contemix)rary and subseijuent literature was never wide. In estimating this, intiuence on the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries we must ject : but it seems that in course of time with the advent of Baistiab ideas, Kr/^na-f/afra overshadowed all other kinds and became absolutely supreme. The generic name of this ya/ra was Kallya-daiaan i/atrZi which, however, in spite of its name, related not only to this parti- cular feat of Krsna but included also diln, man, mathur and other well-known I'lJas. These //«^a!f were preceded, as the Klrtan of the Baisnab? were {fad uc hit a gaurachamlrn), by the recitation or singing of a govra-chandrl — a term which uimiistakably conneets it with Gaurachandra or Ghaitanya. In Chaitanyn-mangal and Ch nit tui i/d-bhagahaf ' mention is made of a yj/zv-festivity organised by Chaitanya himself in the house of Cliandrasekhar Acharvva. The historv of ' Chaitavyn-hhagahaf , cil. Atiilkrjna GosvflmT, pp. 283-291. The ex- preBsion used is 'Sftf^ ■^f^^tS ^T WiW^ f^'ltC*', iioiii which as well ai from the account given, it is not clear whether it was ii yiltra which was performed on this ocension or whether it was a regular Sanscrit drama (sucli as tho Bnifnab plays like Jagnnrmfha-hitllnhlw, D'tunWU -Icaumudi or Vidagdha-fnadhavn in Hengali version) which wan enacted on this occaaiun. MISCKLLA X i:ors AV H rrKK8 4.11 Heiiy-iili i/alrU, therefore, is clost'ly coniiectcil uilli that of Bai-ii:ili literature in i^enerjil and it would noi be in- oorrect to say that Baisnabism supplied the j/afni with themes for geveml centuries and contirnied, if it did not directly give it, its oj)eratie and nieh.dramatic qualities. These qualities jiersisted practically throuijfhout its whole iiistory. But in course of time we Hud the yil/ra, inspite of tlie drawback already noted, gradually developing its crude dramatic elements. After the Baisnab era, the earliest well-known Yiitrawala was New elements in the Pa,-amananda Adhikarl, a native of yatra flndinp its wht ' into it in iut«r periods. Blrbhuni, who flourished probably in the 1 ^th century and carried on the tradition of Ka/h/ti-thimini i/alra. There was a trreater amount of acting and dialogues in this i/UIra, although song, melodrama and Baisnab themes were not altogetiier discarded. The tradition was continued by Sudama Adhi- kari and Lochan Adhikiirl, the latter specially excelling in the delineation of Alrvra S(tmC~t(l and NimUi Sanm/as — themes which possessed greater human interest than the conventional //(7//, ///nents of the same Krma-i/ii.tra. But the other speeii's — BTini YrUrri, C^taoid' YotiTtf Mti)t.fUr lihrumn Yatra — were not totally extinct. Gurupra-sfid Ballabh^ of Faras- dungu and Lausen Biidal of Burdwan gained considerable rt'putation in Chand'i iritni and MausUr Bhaxiin iafru, res- pectively ; while /I'tT/// ITttra, obtained celebrity in the hands of Prenniifind Adhikarl, Ananda Adhikfirl and Ja^a- ehandra Adhikarl, of Pataihata. No specimen, except a few scattered songs, has been pre>prved of these earlier Yatrawalas, 452 BENGALI LITERATURE Sweh is the history of the i/atrU np to the bes^innin^ of the 19th century. After these professional yatw, come varieties of modern y<7//J.«, chiefly The i/a^- not ret (luite reasonal)l7 clear that what i56 BENGALI LITERATURE has como down ('xein])lifips vorv Fairly the wliole upon which we may fully form an estimate. Much of early Bengali prose, like its verse, is lost : much a<;ain yet remains to be unearthed. The only pifficultiesinthe way specimen of very early i)rose which ])robably rose-writing of other kinds, may all be taken to be productions of late 1 8th century, none of them certainly going beyond the 17th. Any attempt to estimate the develoi)ment attained by old Bengali prose, as shown by these scanty remains, must of necessity, be somewhat superficial and incomjilete, not only in view of the fmgmentary Jiature of much of these writings but also because of the dilticulties of chronology. Most of these manuscnj)ts are unilated and show considerable differences of readings. Nature of the script and general style of composition are at best unsafe guitles, not only in themselves, but also because the one is not yet a matter of systematic study while the characteristic specimens of the otiier in different periods are not yet available. Even when the manuscripts are dated, the exact Mation of the maniiscript to the date of composition it.is almost iippossible to determine. These ditHculties arc multiplied again by the presence of divergent readings in difTerent manuscripts of the same work. It is neetlless to say that unless we can stand upon lirm and sure ground in matters of chronology, not to speak of insuHiciency of materials to go upon, we can hardly expect to form a correct and critical -estimate of our sul)ject of stud\ and all our attempts in this direction ai'c at best nothing more than tentative. APPENDIX 1 457 The earliest specimen of lieiifjali prose is supjiosed to be the sliort j)assa<^es in ttruiiai (or Ramui) Panijit's Sufij/a Pnrun,i\\e manuscript of which is j)lacecl bv its eth'tor (Saliitya Parisat edition) in the I7ih centiirv, althouoh the so-called prose passajyes, if not the verse, reveal a Earliest extant prose niuch earlier and more antique form specimen 6tt>jyn Purav, ' of diction. If the lam^uapje of the recently i)ublished e ancient specimens critically but such examination is beset with diHieulties not only on account of the frankly unintelligible vocabulary and crabbetl syntax, considerable corruption of the text rightly commented upon bv manv a critic, but also because Passage or. BSrnmiiMi. n . * i '• i • , of the exclusive and esoteric doctrines they embody, which seem to create a language of their own whose meaning is all but lost to us. Here is a Ix)rtion of the celebratei I ii55 Mc^ ^^^n^U i c^ ^tf^i^- ^^ ^t^ «;? ^t^ ^r^ I ^•'i Mfs ^f (7.^"^^ «j^ ^^'^T^ I C1^^ J-JJ ^r^ ■Si\H^ ^\i^ Tf^ti I '^^ ^",^5-5 (Tf^^lJl jTt^nfs I Tl'v^ C®r5i1 'srisffsi irrt^ ^rs ®T^f5 M,^^ ^,^^ S^fiJ ^^U nt^ «iQr?ft »l9T^nt«i ^t^wi c^fsi c^i^m iciT^^^f^ ' Preface to ATrf Htuttr/anya, U. P. Shostri in Calcutta Rtiieu; pp. 392-93. • H. P. Shastri, op. cit.. p. 394. 58 458 BENGALI LITERATURE C^t^ TRi C^^t^ ^tf^ I ^^tt^ Tm CH^ Ttf>T I C^ ^^if^ ^ ^Tt ^^ ^srtfF^ ^T'l ^tf^ C^? C^^? 'J^f^ftf^^ 1 (TT^'P m*s^ o®t^ 'srt^rfii j^jt^ ( 9 T^r^ ) 5rf% ^f^ ett^iisj ^vs\ ft^^f^^ f^^ srf^ 5rm I c^T^ Tt^ c^t^ ^itf'i I ^^^ C5tC^ ^^ TfC^ ^ ^tf^ I and so forth through all the months of the year in the same strain. On first reading this fantastic piece of apparently unrhythmical writing would hardly seem to be prose at all : and it has been doubted if it is prose or verse or none, or a curious admixture of the two. But a careful study will make it clear that is not verse in any sense but probably prose, although it may be prose of a kind unfami- liar to us, and that it has a distinct Close relation of rhythm of its own. When carefullv prose and verse in old '^ Bengali literature examined, this and other passages, if the text is correct, will reveal that here for the first time there is a perception, however faint, of the existence of distinct styles of prose and verse, although the instruments of the two harmonies may not have been very clearly differentiated.' In order to understand the ' All these speculations are based on the assumption that what the passages embody is really prose. They have been always taken aa such, bat my own suspicion is that they are really verse-lines, perhaps imperfectly recorded fragments, not properly examined or shifted with care when the text wa« edited and printed from the original Msi. Unfortunately I had no access to the original niannscript, in the posses- sion of the editor, upon which the text is chiefly based, and had to depend entirely upon the Sfihitya Pari?at edition which is anything but what scientific scholarship would desire. There is no attempt to render I APPENDIX I 459 nature of this passage, we must bear in mind that the connexion between okl Ben<;ali verse and old Bentjali prose was extraordinarily close. There was a time, indeed, when writers of this litei*ature hardly ever recoj^nised the separate existence of prose as a vehicle of expression, classi- fyin^j; it, in theory, as a species of poetry itself and calling it ^'SB^^ or prose-metre and, in jtractice, making their prose, with alliteiation, balanced accent, and other devices, look as much like their own verse as possible. It is a well-known fact that much of this prose, like the passage just quoted, interspersed in the midst of verse, was con- sciously adapted not only to read like verses but to be sung or chanted after tlu' manner of Kut/iakas or rhapsodists. It is curious to note in this connexion that in many of these prose pieces we tind the hhauHa or signature of their respective authors in the same way as we tind them in their poetical compositions. Anyone, studying the passage already (juoted and those that follow even with moderate attention, will have no ditheulty in agreeing to what has been said as to the close relation between earlv i)rose and verse. Not only the condensed mode and ordonnance of verse is followed here, but the symmetry of the lines, turns of phrases peculiar the passages intelligible in spite of the addition of a very imperfect glossarj. The text is suspiciously corrupt and the editor himself acknowledges that he had no time to collate the three manuscripts with the published text but that he had got it done by his pundits. There is nowhere any indication of variations of readings given by the differ- ent manuscripts utilistd, nor any iittempt oven to determine the correct reading. This is a most strange fact and renders the edition entirely valueless to a scientihc student. The Sunyu Purati as it stands now is an extremely difficult book to edit with all its indispensable critical sppnratus and the SAhitya Pari^at mast be praised for it* boldness in undertaking to reprint it : but one would wish that the scholuraliip displayed in hiingiiig out this edition had been cf|ual to the boldness of this difficult undertaking. 460 BENGALI LITERATURE to verse, the refrain-like repetition of sentences, the very frequent intrusion of half-staves or full exemplified also by ^rgrse-lines (like Jft^t^ Pfi^'^f:^^ f!5(:^^ ^^JT ^5^ ^5^ '?f^ ^^fs^C^lv^ C^Tf^tMs «^^^^>i^ I ^c^^ 'Ills® r^^ ^*c^5( ^f^ i^t:^^ c^fM ^c^^ ^^i^M?? i ^^ "^'^^^ I ftit^'f^^ I ^t?iiii^ ^^'ii^?! ^^^l\^^ I =?^^ ^t^ ^^71 ( f ^'ii ) c^K>iif^^ Bf^H f^^ ^t$ (?) I ^^^ rit^^ It will be noticed that in this passage there are lines at the beginning and at the end, which form distinct couplets having regular end-rhymes. The opposite tendency of having rhythmic prose lines in the midst of verse will be APPENDIX I 461 exeniplitit'd in the lines on 'sifj^^tT to be found at p. 61 of the Sahitva Parisat etlition. The followini^ a^aiii is a curious illustration of mixed prosaic-poetic style : c^F 5ft% ^]r^ (7f^ *i;9(5T ^n:f ^;ft 5i1^^^ ^^ ^f5^ l%fs?i siff^i^i ^r^'sri ^^ w\C5 ^t^ r.*i;-5i i ^ ?iti^« *i;«f^ 51 T^ c^t^ n!^-;t^ "^^"t:*! I These passaujes, it must be admitted, are not tine literary specimens by themselves but, to a student of literary history, their formal import- What these passages ance is vcrv fjreat. Thc'v illustiate, illuRtrate. . ^ . ' if not anythini;^ else, at least the fact that prose has not yet fully emerged itself and come into prominence, at that particular 5tao:e, as a distinct mode of writint; althoupjh . there is at the same time a faint indica- tion of such understandinsjj in the literary mind. This is not what we understand by prose-poetry or jwetica' prose but the instruments of the two Differentiation of liarmonies are so nearly identical that the styles of prose and verse. the products slide and j^iade off into one another very ea-sily and undistin- guishably. This may be called the beginning of prose — a curious literary phenomenon of which not many instances 462 BENGALI LITERATURE may be found in the early prose of other lanj^uages and which leaves little doubt as to the value and relative anti- quity of the specimens of question. of pcSrv''"'''"*'' ""' ^^'e '^^ ''^'"^ t'^e very early sta-es ill the i)roce.sses by which prose is slowly evolvinu^ it:self out of poetry and asserting its right to recognition as a medium of expression altogether distinct from verse. It is a matter of regret, however, that we cannot trace otiier stages in this process as we do not possess any documents of prose-writing of this or sub- sequent periods until we came to the Ihth century. One of the curious effects of their intermixture of prosaic and poetic styles is the idea, however imperfect, or rhyth- mical arrangement in these i)rose passages. Of course, verse and prose rhythms have entirely Rhythmic effect. different values and the harmony of the one is not always desirable in the other: yet, if it is not rasii to dogmatise in the absence of any but slight and scrappy knowledge of the phonetics of early Bengali, we cannot mistake the fine effect of sym- phonic arrangement (partly due to the presence of versicles) which the lines, periiaps unconsciously, attain. Of actual syntax there may not be much : nor is there any attempt at balance of phrase or periodic sentence-framing, although there is certainly a knowledge of the value of short and long sentences : but the very fact that the passages were meant as appendages to verse and com- posed with the not unlikely object of being sung gives them a peculiar rhythmic effect, rudimentary yet not childish, which it is impossible to ignore. The apocryphal |)rose piece, Chaiiya Rupa Prapli passing under the great name of Chan(;idas Chnitya Rupa Prapti, ", • i- ' • attributed to Chaniji- does not, trom our point ot View, ^^^ require any special examination. The following passage : — APPENDIX 1 468 will sutlieiently iiulieate the same admixture of prose ami vei'se-forms — and iiideel \V(i have a rt'ferenee in the Padakafpatani to ^^'S'l^ ^gs^t of Chaiidldas but the sen- tences are shorter and the vocables more modern. The manuscript is dated 1674 and it is probable that the lanj2;uage does not go much earlier than that date. The frigid drip of doctrinaire talk — for it professes to explain tuntrik theories in riddle-like language and brief aphor- istic sentences, almost always dropping the verb and seldom running beyond three or four words at a time — does not seem to allow much scope for the ]>rose either to run fluently or to evince any remarkable literary aptitudes. This bare dry fatiguing aphoristic manner is illustrated by a body of so-called philosophic writings relating to the Sahajiya cult, which belong in all /,- .^^'^fVo'"! "^'"'"K" probability to the 1 7th and the 18th ( IVtli and 18th century ). ' * centuries. The first work that calls for menlii M in this group is the curious manuscript calleroducing either style or rhythm. Here is a characteristic specimen from the beginning cf Dehak idcka, with the corresponding additions arjd variations in brackets from the text of Af ma- jig FiasU : ^ ^fsi c^ t [ '5{\T^ c^ 1 ] ^trs? #t^ [ fsf^ ] I ^f^ c^i^ #t^ [ c^t^fsf^ ] I ^.iSf ^^ 1^^ II ^itc^^T [ '>i\'^ ] c^t^n [ ^'^i ] ^:« I ^« ^f:^ [ T^w."^ ] ^^51 1 ^« [ ^^ ] ^^ [ ^^r^ ] ^3 [ ^^^ ] I ^^ ^1 f^ f^ [ f^ f% ^#^^ ] I ^i^ [ *i'^f ] 'SltHl I ^TK:*t!? [ ^^-1^^ pfe ] I ^ f^*^ ^5|1 [ ®t^ ] ^£1^ T^^ C?l^ [ ^^ ] CTi!:^ [ C^tM \^^ ] ^t^ ^ I ^^iHt (7F [ ^^|^i¥i ^tJ^ ^^ ] I f^iRfr ^^.'^ (TsSrS ^'^ "srt^H {"^[^ c^^ M^ ^"^ ^t^tn ^^ ^"^ ] II (ii^ff%5 c^ c^ [ ^^r\^1^ t%(?i) ^V^^) f^ ] i ^ ^ '^t^ [ ^'^ ^^ t% ] i ' See Sahitya Parisat Patrikd, 130G, no. 1, p. 49 and no. 4, p. 327; ibid 1305, p 197 ; ibid, 1304, no. 4, p. 302. - The text of Atmajignaaa here follows that of the Sahitya Pari.?at manuscript (no. 1474). Other manuscripts noticed in the Patrika (I'eferred to in footnote 1) give slightly different readings. APPENDIX I 4a:i In the same strain is the following- from the Ao//k\^ fPSl (^4^ I ^Wf^ QTfj^^ni I »t^ -sw «fi*t ^J! ^ ^4 ^Tx l*l^«i ii^; ?tr<(^f5t: W.^ «T4s«1 « 1 etc. See PiUrika, 13(K), no. 3, p. 251 : also p. 67. * There are two ninniiscripts of this work in the Sahitya Pari^at (nos. 331 and 147n. The following quotation is taken from earlier manuscript no. 1471 (dated 1247 B.S.). See also notice of this work ip Putrilia, 13Q4, no. 4, p. 303, in which mention is also mnde of another manuscript dated loO.S R S. Sec also Putrika 1308, p. r.3, where this work is attributed to Xarnttama. ' SAhitya Pari.'jnt mnnnscript no. 332 (dated 1247 B.8.). See also Patrikn, 1304, no. 4, p. 802 (where thp date of the manuscript notice^ is 1218 B.S.) and ihiil, 1306, no. 1, p. 49. ♦ Potrika, 1305. no 1, p. 80 j ibid, 1304. no.fi. pp. 343-4 (manns- cript d.itcd 1081 BS.); »t<'V 1306. no. 1, p. 70 rmannscripts dated 116^ and 1246 B.S.>. » Pntrika, 1304, no. 4, pp. 333-34; thid, 1300, p. 66. Sec PnirUa 1808, pp. 40-41 where pnnfiages are quoted from other pjcoae work9 ri':., Sarflni/itcl and Sfidhnnniraya. 59 466 BENGALI LITERATURE anouyma upon a s\nQ;]c apocryphal figure of traditional repute, to Krsnadas, wliieh exhibit the same characteristic disjointed style, peculiar to this kind of I7th and 18th century writings. It is needless to multiply quotations but one or two short specimens would not be quite out of place. Specimens. ^ C^^1 I ^^^T^ ^t^ C^ I '^^^ "^^ ^t^^ I It^T ^\W\^ ^^ctR ^^f% II =it^c^T ^^ w:^^ I ^^ 1% 5R«t'^^ I i^?r ^ti^^ it^ fli]y striking into style. This prose, with its conciseness or pointedness overdone, presents a striking contrast to the rudimentary yet elaborately rh\thmed prose of fSui///(i Pitran. No sane criticism will be enthusiastic over either the capacities or the performance of this plain passionless aphoristic prose, not pedantic but severely scholastic, devoid of all ornamentation or suggestiveness, and, in spite of its close- ness to verse, hardly attaining any proper prose-rhythm at all. Some improvement, however, in the direction of periodic and sustained prose will be found in some late works belonging probably to the Other proso wri- \'^i\\ ceuturv and certainlv not tinge (18th century). . /•.mi ' i going beyond it. Ihe language liere 16 simple enough in syntax and vocabulary : there is uo APPENDIX 1 469 arjjuinentative or expositon purpose in view, no preva- lence of stoc'k-subjeel or slock- Iiuprovuincui in the technicalities. Of these works, direction of fK>noaic aud Bustaiueil nrosi- Brinlubauti-lllri is rtallv a remarkable ^ ■ Brndahana.rila. conipositiou from our point of view. It describes with all the enthusiasm of the faithful devotee the sacred g-roves and tem[)les of Brndabaii. ^^ e bej^in with the general topographv of the holy place.' ^t^c^f^***^?! ^^ ^T^t^ ^?i ^l?:^rrf*i5Tt'^^ sif^^ ^5t^t'< Specimens. ^ ^*f^ ^Tn^ ^«c^ ^tf^T^^ ^^ f^srn:^ "l^'T^t^ ^t^?r ^:^ *ifii5 ^tcsi ^f^itM ^tt?(tfe^^ "st^l^r ^f*6W n^t^^ ^trt^ c'ttt^j't'i si'^sic^t?-?^ 'ftfj^c'srt^itq ^^ii^flT ^^5i?:^5tf^ f5?j/:^trif^^»^ (TF^'frrt^ cr^f^^^^i ^f^isfwt^iT c^rt^^i- ' The text hero follows Silhitya Pari^at MS. no. 028. MS. is incomplete and undated but it docs not seem to Ijc verj* old and its dalo is probably latter part of tlie 18th century. Dinesh Chandra Sen in hi.'* Bitfiga Bhafa 0 Sahituf (2nd Ed., p. 630) speaks of a MS. of this «rork which it, in ht« vagac langaago, aboat 150 jearfi old. 470 BENGALI LITERATURE c^^t^$ if^jj^:^ ^t'nt^^ fV^^fe fs^^t^ Q ^^^ ^s^tf^- ^^ ^ii^'v "srt^ ^ ^rc^^ ^ '^tr^ ^ ^srt^I^ f^^t^f^^f^ f^^ ^ s^tw ^f5{.£p1 f^^ (TfST ^st^l ^f^ cj^Sl ^^1 fip^fF^5f^ f%^-<5^ei c^t^ ^'^ 1^^^ ^"si:^ ^^tfs:^ ^f»65i«rti^ "51^^^ ^'sC-r^ ^?r Sf^^ ^H ^^ ^^•^ ^ c^'sz^"?! ^-K^ w:^'^ %«^ ^<^ ^^^?i^t^r?p (?ffci5i f^iRi ^t?i 5i"w^ "fTm ^T5rt^ ^ ^?i1 c^c^ .stt^ ^tcf^ iWc^ ^^ c^^ 'srn:^ ^tf T^ ^^z^ ^^^ 't?? ic«jt 5i?i tt^ ^^ff (?i5? m;^ f?:^[ '^^^t^ (?]^z^ ^5j ^t^i ^^^ ^'^■^l ^f^tfe^^ 'srt^ "^^ ^^ ^^ '^rtri^ 5[^t^ 3[^T^ti5? •-^f^ "^^Ft^ ^t^t?f^ 9 c^^rtr^ Jf^^^ sf^^t^ ^f?r?tff^^ APPENDIX T 471 C^^rt^ ^^ ^St^'ttf JTt^ ^^"W^ ^«CCfe)>i C^Pt^ CJTt^^ *t^5 V^tf f^ ^«^ ^f^1 ^T ^t«r5 <£i^'s "5if^cs widening and varvincj of the Descriptire prnso ^ • ^ ranije and methods of prose by its application to new subject.? is a fact of great significance; 47^ BENGALI LITERATIRE and it is this application of ])rose to pnre narration, descrip- tion, or conveyance of information in a straiglitforward intcllitjible way — childish things of prose, no doubt, but its best exercising ground in infancy — that gives it an ease and fluency attained here for the first time in its history. The description, though a little monotonous, are yet not dry : but the very pictorial-poetical nature of the subject-matter often enables the writer to strike into something like style in its proper sense. Here is another passage : — ^t^^ ^^ 'i^^^i m^U^ ^t^r? ^'^~^z^ ^^x^ f ^Rg?«? 5^«i f5^ cw ^'^^ '^^'^ ^^^^ ^^s ^fki*^ ^'^- CfFI^ -Ml ^^ ^i^i{ CT f^^^ ^f%^ ^tt^^ ^^^ ^5ii^ ^^^tf^:^ (i^^'v *ri^ ^V^U »ff^^ "^i^i^ ^ ^t^t^ ^f^^ s^^j? ^t^^ 'I?:^ ^^^§ M^r^^l ^t^ c^^ittfffe^^ "«t^1^ »rfe^ 'F^t^ ^rt^ ^^5T I ''j^ 5i'i^t^ "sn:^^ si^ts'^ ^5rfif?{ ^$ W7\ n^^ ^Q^ti% 3T^^ ^srtc^ >i^m^ f^2rr's^tc^ ^51^^ ^^f% ^55^; "f^is *ffa c^t^ ^1 ^^^ ^ ^^ ^tf% s^ ^^ (ji^U "n^ c^9f *t c^rtfM9|#T c^^T^ ?f^^ *^5i fsr^ APPENDIX I 17;J ^9iT 1%»< ^itU^ ^t^fcl ^^ ^^tf^^l "Slf^ C^lt1H5 '^■\^ ^^^■\^i^ ^fi^-'H ^ifrU <\i^ fs^^^^S^^ 5^^^ y\^^ f\^^ ^t^ft^ ^^ c^^t^ f^^ ^srfr^ From the dry pseudo-metaphysical exposition of the Sahajiya works to this 18tli century descriptive prose is indeed a long step : but this extraordinary develop- ment, apparently puzzling, will be intelligible when we take into account the fact that early Bengali poetical literature by this time had attained a very high degree of relative perfection and was by this process pre])ar- ing the way for the creation of a literary language in general. The resources of the langu9.ge and its literary APPENDIX I 475 cajjacities Wfre now l)roiii;lit within easy icac-li of any „ , , , prose-writer — altlioni^li such writers Dovi'ItipiinMit (jf the litornry luiijjuage in were not |)lentiful — who would liave had chosen to utihso them. The wonderfully rapid and accomplished literary develop- ment of prose in the lUth eentury eau<^ht up, summed, and uttered in more perfect form this literary heritay;e of past asjes })ut even in a jieiiud of scanty prose- production such as the ISth century, in which vtrse-treat- ment of every subject was still predominant, we cannot mistake the inlluenct' of the enormous literary perfec- tion of the Ian;i^ua<;e in j^eneral on whatever little prose it produced. It may he necessary in this connexion to indicate the intluence of Sanscrit leainini;- on early Ben<;ali prose- writinij. It is j)retty certain that IiiHuence of Sans- ., pi prit. I he specimens or such prose as we jMjssess, whether of the metaphysical or the descriptive sort, represent periods when Sanscrit culture of some kind, was already open to and in some degree ha^l been enjoyed l)y the writers. Not only occasional Sanscrit forms and technicalities are perceived and some Sanscrit works on Law and Lop;ie were directly translated, but the t^eneral tendency, inspite of occa- sional easy note of works like liriiilrtfjaiiii-/l/rt, was towanls sanscritised, if not ornate, diction, althou*~i-})(iriclichlie(hi (^JJl ^ifilCfc^H) (Ms. datei^ ^^Ft^ I :5^i •~9«i ^^ ^Tf?J f^f^ ^^t^ ^^^ I ^-nrt^ Again ^|5[ <^^:^1 1 ^ ^^ ^t^i sTc^ ^t^<=i c^ ^^ c^ ^sr^ ^t^^R ^^Rf^^ -^ ^I'fr^ '/(ibasiliu- iatva ^ ' This passage is taken from a notice of the niannscript in question in 5i?f?i?l «t?-nf i^CiT?! w.^^ ^tUT^ 'Vol. 11, pp. 1030-37. This MS. (iHted 1158 B. S. iHaluo noticed in S. P. Patrika, 1304, p. 341, where it is called Sadhann Kntha. The text lis t^iviMi ill thoao pliicos are obviously punctuated and cor- rected iu spoiling. 480 BENGALI LITERATURE C5rs[«i^«tt<[ JTsrff^} «ra5i:s ji's'^t^j^ ^f^c^^ 1 nc^ c^t ^^t^ ^^ ^c^T f^^t^f ^f^c^ ^^^t^ c^t ^^'^TCT ^i:^^ ^f^:^ ^tsfl^ ^s^pft^l ^^w ^t^f^ ^5rf?(t^ ^1^ s?^tt?iKW^ f^ ^1 ^t^1 lf^?^ °*'^^'' to 1553}5aka.' We (piote here the fust named letter dated I 177, written by Kiija Naranara\aii to the Ahome Kin<^ Chukamfa Svar*jfadeva ^5^1 'j^ ^^st^ ^tt 'j^Hs ^^^ 5^^^ I 's(\^^\ cit ^iTsfsrs ^ff I csprr^i iit^ft^ T^ ^fvt 55 I ^ ^?T 3t^ ^fc^ S ^ JT^'t^ ^?9 5f§'^^ St^I^t^ ^5|?It^ ntTttCTff «t^?Ttil ^^ JPFSI jpitST^ ^f^^l fS^^ f^tft? fif^l I ' Report.- Ill iin C.'iii' I. lice (Cttmii Bnhga Sahityn Satntmlaua, TriCiyn Adhtbetnua, K(iryiibtbaram),p\}. 3,'i.37.jTlie8c were tirut published in iliKirMbfinfi, June 37, 1901, and AugiiBt 1, 1901. Tlic Hret of these lettcrH has becu (without any indication of it« source) reprinted in Bahf/a Sahityn Parichaya, vol. ii, p. 1672. 61 482 BENC^ALI LITERATURE Here is an extract from the second letter dat«d 1553 5aka written by the Assamese Kinj^^ to Mohammedan Faujdar Nawab Aleyar Khan of (iauliati 5Tr^ f?i^? ^^t^^ I 'Sit?:?! c£|9ri f^t^i I c^tsrr? f *f^ 't^©^ 5tf^ I ^? ^t^^^^ ^f^ I ^^ C^Kf^ ^1%^ ^^5^ "STtf^ 'srw^ '^ t^^fl^ 1 ^f5(« ■^f^iff«[?i'5^^ i8t« ^^1 1 'srr? ^ ^?:^ ^£ic^ uspii's ^t^tt (?rf5i^ I 'srsii^ "sitf^s ^^sf ^sit^rtw^t From the letter of Nandakuniar to Extract from Nauda- kumar's lettei- to his son Gurudas pubHshed in the ^"''''•^*'- Sa/uh/a Pariml PafrikU (B.S. 1310, pp. 62-65)'. C^W^ ^5?51 ?f>' short illustrative extract. It speaks of the "^^^^l doctrine. '■* c^'rn:^ %%^' "sfJi^® ntfr '^wt:^^ ■sax f\s\^\ w^ '^%^^ if 9s 9 ^-^ •s^l^'^W\^ JTHI «C^ f^5T^ ^f^^ "5?^ ^"^ T's-JT^^ ^f^^ "STttCI stfKs 'l^^'JI"» irs Ifi 5l5t^t^l I^Pl't ^1? ' Some letters of Nnndakiiiiiilr dikii-tl 1750 ui-i! piihliHliod by Hove- ridge in the Xat»»nul Mngnzine (SopteiiiluT, 1872). Tiio iettiT of which quotation is given is dated 1772. ^ In. this connectiou it is necessary to mention the documents rela- ting to the nCFairs of Lata Udayananlyan Riiy, |)ubli8iiod in the Piitrika, I'.iOH, pji. 24^)-54. Inspito <»f a slight admixture of Persian, here we have goo5rHtl^ ^St^lIW^ =^1^ "5rt^5f tf^^ rr^^ fsr^^ ?^^?rt^ ^ f^^1 ^f^z^^ ii^ii^ ^^ I These 17tli and 18th century documents and other prose pieces show that even in the hands or mouths of people, who cannot be strictly called literary, the vernacular in that sta*»e of prose-writinp^ had Summary of the quite ijot out of mere nisticitv or achipvenionts of okl Bengali prose. chudish babblement. The sta,i>'e of apprenticeship was indeed not over but it is^good straight-forward Bengali attaining sufficient APPEXl^TX I 485 rlivtliniical iiiiil \tMl)al di^nitv miuI sli()uiii<_> tin- wav tt» lietter tliin«i'^ ii" it had suited the writtTs to uiitc moie oi"i<>;iiiallv in prosi-. Treatises on law, medicine, and >iniilar documents or esoteric tlieolo«;ical writing can srldoui, in tlie very nature of the case, lay claim tu literai'x eoni- l)etency or to thf motive power of >t\ le ; hut the description of Brndaban and such other thiuiis ^ives hctter o|i|iortum- ties and, rude though the resources ol" loini and nujdel were, yet such as they were, they were used with sufHcient skill. This, though (|ualiiied, is hinh praisf indeed, l-'ull and mature prose stvle is \v\ to come ; indeed stvie in the strict and rare sense had scarcely been attained or consciously attempted. The necessary stock ol" material was yet to be accumulated, the necessary plant and method of workinij- to be slowly and |)ainfull\ elaborated. There was still clumsiness and uncouth handlin<»' inse|)arable from earliness and immaturity. These Sahaji} a and other works a*>;ain written, as they were, for an exclusive and esoteric sect and in a ditticult lany:ua»»:e were not very widely known or easily accessible to all: in fact, their u;eneral intluence was not mucii anil this may be one reason wh\ their very laudable attempt at vernacular prose-writing was not .-^o widely taken uji or readily enudated as it should have been. But the return to vernacular writiny; from Sanscrit or Persian ; the ijeneral clian<»;e of »i;round from verse to |)ro.se ; the wideninu; of subjects and methods ; the practising: of a perfectly homely and vernacular style, free from obscurity or ornate Sanscrit constructions ; and lastly the example Its formal im|H)rt. gf pj^^y p|.ij„ business-Iike narration, anco and genernl • , , • , r , ,, ninveinent towards the not aito«>:ether devoul ot character, all evuliition of an indi- i • t i i m Konons pro«e style. »•"« >"«»"* a very -reat .leal. The result achieved may not have Iwen literature in the |iro|ter sense but the small amount of 486 BENGALI LITERATURE positive achievement should not bhnd us to its ininiense formal importance or to the Tact that all this indicated a movement towards l)etter and better prose-writ in i>- and the - ment of Benuali prose met with a ^Jts^ arrested develop. ^.,.^^^ ^.j^^^j.^ ^„^| -^ ^^.^^ ,,^^ ,^^^^., nearly a century had ela])sed, with the establishment of i)eace and prosperity, business and leisure, congenial to its cultivation, that we have again the serene exercise of elaborate prose. But for this arrestetl develoj)- ment and its rebirth under entirely different conditions, Bengal ])rose would have developed along the lines indicated, entirely self-made and home-grown'. 'Since writing the above essay on Old Bengali Prose, I have seen the text of Gohik Siimhifu of Brndaban Uiis as published in the Pntrila 1309, pp. 5.5-59. Tt purports to be a brief treatise on cosmology. The MS. is undated but it has been supposed to be not older tli.an the latter part of the 18th century. The beginning is in prose while the latter part is in verse. Here is an illustrative extract: *lt^t^ "1 >ilt igntat^l I «5^ 'jf'ff^ I ^"f^ C^ft^ 19 1t^ U f^ ^ I ^1 i t^ ^ 7^1 ^ if'fjt 8 ?r«( 4 5^ * 55it^^ 1 1 i9f^^ c^%T i« APPENDIX II [ Page 109 foolnote ] TlIK HkNCAM lilMLK With i'es(>eet to tlie name k', we have the follo\viii«i; entry in Fountain's Dian on the Ith January, 1798 (quoted in ContribvCiom tominU a llinfory of Biljliral Trnmfation-s in ///^/A/, ('aleutta, 1851) :— "This morning the Pundit attended upon us. It was observed that the word Mamjalakht/an would not properly denomi- nate the wholo Bible, as it only si'jfinfied * fjood news,' a term more a|)|)licable to the Gospel. It was then proposed to call the Hible U/nirnia S/imtlni : but the Pundit said S/tiis/rn only meant that writing; whii-h contained commands or orders. We must therefore call it hlianim pnHlaka, viz., the Holy Book." On the 18th March, 1800,' the first sheet of MattJH'w was printed. On the 7th February, 1801, the Hi*st edition of the Ben<;ali Xew Testament was published. It consistetl of 2,000 copies ; the expense was k^i. In 1800, the translation of the Old Testament was liinshed. The lx)oks of the OM Testament, as printed b\ the Soram|)ore Press (1801-09) are in I volumes, vi:., (I) Pentateuch, ISOl : (2) Joshua- F>ther, ls09; (;i) J,.l,- Sonir of Solomon, 1801- ; (4) Isaiah-.Malachi, 1S()5. According; to the Seram|Mjrc Mi'/miirM, however, the dates of publication are: (1) 180! ; (2) 1809; (3) 1808 ; (1) 1807. The Mt-mnii-K, however, are not always reliable in this res|K*et. The Psalter appears to have Ix'en issuetl se|>ai-ately in J 803. ' The flntc is incorroctiv ^'wvu U8 1S<^»3 by Dinesh Ch. Sen {Hiat. of Btng. Lang, and Lit. 1911, p. 852). See Tenth Memoir. Appendix. 4-88 BENGALI LITKRATURE In 1808, the second edition of the Benijali New Testament was commenced and in ISOli, it was ready, loOO eojiies. The proof-sheets were examined by every one of the missionaries, and, in addition to this, Carey and Marshman went through it, verse by verse, one reading the Greek, the other the Bengali text. In 180!i, the Old Testament was published and in llie same year, the whole Bible ap])eai'f'(l in li\e large volumes. It was the work of Carey's own hand (manuscripts may be seen still in the jossession of the Seramjiore Baptist Missionaries) ; for, Ward, writing some years subsecjuently, mentions that Carey " wrote with his own [)L'n the whole of the five volumes." In 1809, a third eiition of the New Testa- ment went to the Press, consisting of 100 copies and came out in 18 il. It was a folio edition. The fourth edition of the New Testament was commenced in I SI 3 and published in 1817 (-"3,000 copies) [the dale is wrongly- given as 1816 in the tenth Mi'inoii-] ; the sixth edition of the New Testament and third edition of the Old in 1820; 8th edition of the whole Bible in 1832 : the text of this revised edition in double columns is divided into two part*; : — I. Genesis — Ksther, p. 201: t. Job — Malaehi and the New Testament )>p. ()23. The New Testament has a separate title-page, witli date 183-2 in Bengali, and 1833 in English figures. Other important subsequent transla- tions of the Bible are: — (1) The Old Testament translated from the original Hebrew by Dr. \V. Vates and the Calcutta Baptist Missionaries with native assistants, pp. 843, Calcutta 184-4. The New Testament translated by Dr. Yates, Calcutta 1833, and also an edition printed for the British and Foreign Bible Society in 2 vols, in Roman character, London, 183!t. The wiiole Bible translated out of the ori- gmal tongues by W. Yates and other Calcutta Baptist APPENDIX II 489 Missionarios with native assistants, jip. 1144, Calcutta 1845. (2) Tho above revised bv J. Wenujer, ]>i). Il.'i9, Cal- cutta, 1861. A reprint in smaller size appeared in 1867, editeil with slijrht allerations bv C. B. Lewis. (•i) The Holy Bible, in Benijali, with references, trans- lated by the Baptist Missionaries with Beno^ali assistants. Revised edition by G. II. Rouse, pp. 81.5, M?. Calcutta 1897. (4) The New Testament translate. The different books of the Bible j)ublished separately are not mentioned here, the earliest beiu\ ft, not f, //. For ^ a»jain he never employs v or a. His system, whatever may be its faults, has at least tin- merit of eonsistenev. APPENDIX IV {Page 237 foot note) Eauly Christian Pkriodicals (Bengali) The Samachor Uarpan and the DigdarUan were not properly speakino-, missionary papers: for reH- 18+2, hyRev. A. F. Cox. 2 vols. London. 18i2. Rarhosa-Machado. Bibliotheca Lusitana Historica Critica e Chroloijica. \'ol!<. \-\\. Lisbon. i741-.")9. Ra.«'U, RiijnfiraA all, Ban<;abl)asa C) Siihityabi ayak Baktrta. Calcutta. KkiTl O Sekal. New edition. Calcutta. 1909. Belcher, Or. .los. Life of Willam Carey. Philadelphia. I8r)('.. Beri<^al Academy of Literature, Journal of. \ ols. l-II. Ben<;al Almanac and Annual Directory, 181.'). Ben^jal Obituary, The. Calcutta. IS,")]. Renijal Pa.«t and Present (Journal of the Calcutta His- torical Society). Rensijal Selections (fiom the unpublished records of the (rovernment of Benrral). Bernier, Travels, ed. by J. Brook. 2 vols. Calcutta. 18:^0. Beverley, H. The l'\'rin<;hees of Chitt»«;on«;. (Calcutta Review.) Bharat-barsa, The. 1525 B.S. etc. Bharatl. Th.-. 1801 B.S. 490 BENGALI LITERATURE Bioo^raphical DietionaiT of Livinfj Authors, ed. by John Watkins and Frederick Shoberl. London. 1810, Blrbhnnii, The. New Series, vols, i and ii. Calcutta. 1319 and l;320 B.S. BiSvacosa. ed. by Na;nlalions. ('aloutta. ISdCi. Hastings AVarren. Menioii' Helative to the State of India. New I'M. Ijondon. 178(5. Hill, S. C Ben;ial in 17.T(i-.')7 (Indian Kcoonl series). •i vols. Ijondoii. 190'). Hol.son-Jobson or A Glossary of Anjiio-Indian \\'()rds and Phrases complied by Vide and Hnrnell. London. 1886. New Kd. by Crooke. London. llM):}. Hoby, J. Memoirs of William Yates. 1847. Hosten. The Three First Type-printcfl Hcni^'ali liooks (Hen<;al Past and Present, vol. w). On Jesuit Missions to lieniial (Jonrnal. .\sialic Soc. Ben- mil). Hoiio;h, .1. History of Christianity in India, :2 vols. London. I8;V.'. Hani^hton, (i. ('. Bengalee Selections. London. lS:2-2. Hunter, \V. Indian Empire, London. 188;J. Imperial (iazetteer. .Art. Serampore. Calcutta. 1901. .Annals of Rural Benirnl. London. I SOS. f I KHI Hen^ali Works and Pamphlets. Calcutta. 1855. A Return of Names and Writings of 515 i)ei'sons connected witli lJeni»;ali Literature. (Henj^al Govt. Records.) Calcutta. 1855. Calcutta in Olden Time (Cal. Rev. 1850 and 1860). Issued also in pamphlet. A Return relatino; to publications in HenLfaii Lany^u- ai;e witii notices of the \ ernacular Press of Ben-a Band^'opiidhySy. Vol. i. Bhabanipur (Calcutta). B. S. 1284. Premalmi. ed. Kslrodchandra Ray. A collection of love- sonj^s. Calcutta, B. S. 1293. Prltisjlti. .Vn antholo{j:y of Ben!j:ali love-.'^ongs. ed. Abina.s- chandra (Jho.s. Calcutta, B. S. 1305. Presidency Colle<2;e Library Catalogue. 1907. Primitae Orientales, containing: theses etc. by the Students of Fort William Collecje, Calcutta, 1803. 2 vols. Quarterly Review, The 1809. 64 506 BENGALI LITERATURE Quait.'rly Friend of India, The. 1815-20. Rabindi-anath Thakur. Lok-'^ahit^-a ( in Gadya-grantha- ball. vol. iii). Rainey. Historical and Topoo;raphical Sketch of Calcutta. 1876. Rankin^, Lt. Col. ("atalogue of Bookp in the Oriental Languaujes in the Library of Board of Examiners, late Fort William Colle.oc. 190.'3. Rasabhandar ed. Upendranath Mukhopadhyay, Calcutta. B. S. 1306. Ray, Nikhilnath. Edition ol Pratapaditya Chariti-a by Ramram Basu. Calcutta. B. S. 1313. Ray, Raja Ram Mohan. Works. ed. by Rajnai-ayan Basu and Anaudachandm Bedantabagis. Calcutta. Saka 1795. Ensrlish Works, ed. bv Joo^endra Ch. Ghosh. 2 vols. Calcutta. 1887. Ed. Cal. 1901. 3 vols. English and Bengali Works. (Panini Office Reprint.) 1907 and 1312 B. S. Reports. British and Foreign Bible Society. London. 1816 etc. (q.v). Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society. Serampore. Calcutta 1812-80. (q.v.). Calcutta School Book Society. 1818-1858. ( q. v.). Select Committee of the House of Commons. Rip])on, Rev. Dr. John. The Baptist Annual Register. London. 1794-1801. Robinson, F. P. The Trade of E. I. Company. Cambridge. 1912. Roebuck, Capt. Thomas. Annals of the Fort William College, from its foundation compiled from original records. Calcutta, 1819. Ross, Charles. The Cornwallis Correspondence, 3 vols. 1858. BIBLIOGRAPHY 507 Roy, A. K. A Short History of Calcutta, (included in Onsus Rejwrts, vol. viii. |>t. i. U'Ol.). Royal Asiatic Society Journals. Saihha.l Prabhakar, The. 1 :!('. !-()•> B. S. Sahitya, The. Vol. vi, Calcutta. 180-!. San»^It-sar-saihii:raha. in 8 vols. Hani::abasl Press, ed, Harimohan Mukliopiidhyay and Charuchandra Rily. Calcutta. 150r.-S. Sanyal, Riim (lopal. Reminiscences and Anecdotes. 2 pts. Calcutta. 1894-.J. Beni^al Celebrities. Vol. i. Calcutta. 1889. Sarkiir, Aksay Kumar. Prilchln Kabisaihp^raha. Vol. ii. Calcutta. B. S. l:!'.)-2. Sarkiir, Ganu;iicharaii. iiani>;abha.sa () Saiiitya. Scrafton, Luke. Observations on Mr. N'ansittart's Narra- tive. London. ( no dat€ ). Reflection on the Government of Indostan. 1770. Seid Gholam Hossein Khan, Seir Mutatjlierin. ( Cambi-ay and Co. Reprint ). 5 vols. Calcutta. Select Committee of the House of Commons, Reports. Sen, Dinesh Chandra. Bani;abhii.sa O Sahitya. ^nd Ed. Calcutta. 1901. History of Benijali Lanf^uacje & Literature. Calcutta. 1911. Baiiijasahitya Parichaya or Selections from Beuijali Literature. Z vol.-. Calcutta, 1911. Seton-Karr, W. Selections from the Calcutta Gazette. 1S64-9. 5 vols. Art. on Bencjali Literature in Cal. Revs. 1849. Cornwallis. ( Rules of India Series). Oxford. 1890. Sastrl, Harajua.sa. Verelst, Harry. View of the Rise ami Pn'sent Stat« of the Kn^lish (lovernmenl in Ht-u'^al. Ltjnilon. 1772. Ward, \\ . A Letter to Rt. Hon. .1. ('. Villiers on the. Kdueation of the Natives of hulia. London. 18~0. A View of the ILstory, Literature and Mytholoiijy of the Hindus. Serampore. 1^11. Weitbreeht, J. J. Protestant Missions in lJenL'nntes etc. durin^j his ailministi-ation in Lidiii. epended to K. Carey's Memoirs). Yates, W. Life of W. II. Pearce in I lohy's Memoirs of W. Yates. Introduction to the Rencjalee I>ani]jtiai;e. 2 vols. Calcutta, ISIO. ctl. by Wenj^er. 1817. Yule, Col. and Hurnell, A. C. See Hobson-Jobson. 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